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DISTRESS TOLERANCE HANDOUT 4 * (Disvess Tolerance Worksheets 2, 22) STOP Skill ., Do not just react. Stop! Freeze! Do not move a ‘muscle! Your emotions may ry to make you act without thinking. Stay in cont 0..... "Notice what is going on inside and outside you. What Is the situation? What are your thoughts and feelings? What are aters saying or ding? as Nt pe psd ny anne Feria aa San eho. an person ‘Sts aap ott nn pasts CHT SA ty Hants Woon Sn Pao ‘ng Sct an pasa ae naan seed Sobor as eae DISTRESS TOLERANCE HANDOUT 11 Crisis Survival Skills: TIPP Skills for Managing Extreme Emotions ‘When emotional arousal is very HIGH!!! * You are completely caught in Emotion Mind, * Your brain is nat processing information, + You are emotionally overwhelmed, “TIP” your body chemistry to reduce extreme Emotion Mind quickly with Temperature Tip the temperature of your face with cold water to calm down fast. Holding your breath, put your face in a bow of cold water; keep water ‘above 50° F Or, hold a cold pack or ziplock ‘bag with ice water on your eyes and cheeks, (or splash cold water on your face. Hald for 30 seconds. Caution: ice water decreases your heart rate ropidly. Intense exercise will increase heart rate, Ifyou have a heart or medical condition, lowered base heart rate due to medications, take o beta blocker, or have an eating disorder, consult your health care provider before using these skils. ‘Avoid ice water if allergic to the cold Intense Exercise + To calm down your body when itis rewed up by emotion. Engage in intense 4. Balance Sloop, E serene ‘farsa Sran eo ona ae sda ect oy epg Take care of your body, See a actor when necessary. Take prescribed medication. Don't eat t00 much or toa litle, Eat regularly ‘and mindfuly throughout the day. Stay ‘away from foods that make you Teel ovecy ‘emotional Stay off ict drugs, and use alcohol in moderation ai “Try to got 7-9 hours of sleep a night or at least the amount of sieop that helps you fee! (good. Keep to a consistent sleep schedule, especialy you are having aficlty sleeping Do some sort of exercise every day. Ty to build up to 20 minutes of dally exercise. ns panes stn Fund EMOTION REGULATION OPTIONAL HANDOUT 162 FOOD and Your MOOD Step 1: Observe how certain foods affect your mood (both negatively and positively). ‘Negative examples: * Soda ond sugary snacks might make you feel tired and irritable * Heavy, fatty foods (eg. french fies, potato chips, fried chicken, greasy foods) ‘might make you feel sluggish, * Caffeine might make you fee! tery and more anxious and interfere with your sleep Positive examples: + Complex carbohydrates and fiber (eg, sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta, Coated), whole-grain cereals, solads) give you slow and steady energy + Proteins (eg. lean meats and poultry, beans, nuts fish, eggs) also provide your body with steady energy that helps you stay active and strong both physically ‘and mentally. + Dairy foods (e.g, low-fat milks, cheeses, yogurts} have protein and calcium, which help with energy and bone strength. ‘ Fruits and vegetables provide you energy, boost your health, and give you a ‘sweet or crunchy treat without zapping your energy or making you feel gui ‘+ Once you know what foods make up a balanced diet, you can determine what changes might be needed Step 2: Notice whether you are eating too much or too litle. Step 3: Start thinking about changes. How can you begin to increase the omount of healthy foods ycu eat? Keep track of your food choices in a food diary every day so you see your progress! ntact ‘ros DBT St Mens for Alerts yl W Raa Al Lille: Capreight 05 ly The Cad Psa ecmsn ophrcpy ths hand rated purr of bck pre an al Gs apy er FOOD and Your MOOD (page 2 of 2) Step 4: Start small, Dont iy to make dramatic changes to your det all at once. You may feel ‘overwivelmed, which might set Yourself up to fl, start slowly and gradvaly to change your habits For example: + Cut down on processed foads and add more fresh foods. ‘+ Add more fruits and vegetables to meals and have them for snacks. ‘© Add lettuce, tomato, cucumber, and onion to sandwiches, ‘Add fruit to cereal Step 5: Notice the effects of eating well on your mood. EMOTION REGULATION OPTIONAL HANDOUT 16 BEST Ways to Get REST: 12 Tips for Better Sleep ‘Maintaining o balanced sleep pattern will decrease your emotional vuinerabilty 1. Stick to a schedule ond dont sleep late on weekerds. Ifyou sleep late on Saturday and Sunday morning, you wil disrupt your sleep pattern. Instead, go to bed and get up at about the same time every dey. 2, Establish a bedtime routine. This might include shutting of screens (IV, ‘computer, cel phonel, changing into comfy Pls, sipping herbal tea, lowering bright lights and reducing noise, and reading 3, Don't eat or drink a lot before bed. Eat alight diner at least 2 hours before sleeping. Ifyou drink too many liquids before bed, you'll wake up repeatedly {or trips to the bathroom. Watch out for spicy feads, which may cause heartburn and interfere with sleep. 4. Avoid caffeine and nicotine. Both are stimulants end can keep you awake. Caffeine should be avoided for 8 hours before your desired bedtime. 5. Exercise. If you're trying to sleep better, the best time to exercises in the ‘morning or aftemoon. A program of regular physical activity enhances the {quality of your sleep, 6, Keep your room cool. Turn the temperature in theroom down, as this ‘mimics the natural drop in your body's temperature during sleep. Use an air Conditioner or a fan to keep the room cool f you get cold, add more layers. f you are het, remove some layers, 7, Sleep primarily at night. Daytime naps steal hours from your nightiime sleep. Umit daytime sleep to less than 1 hour, no later than 3:00 Pm, 8. Keep it dark, quiet, and NO SCREENS. Use shodes, binds, ond tur off lights. Silence helps you sleep better. Turn off the radio and TV. Use earplugs. Use a fan, a white noise machine, or some other source of constant, soothing, background noise to mask sounds you car't contra. No laptops, iPads, phones, or screens for atleast Tour before bedtime, ‘Fess DBT Sir Wan fr Adlets by H.R ad AL Mier, Copyri 25 The alin Pe ermsinphorcpy hshand radar oo ard a he BEST Woys to Get REST: 12 Tips for Better Sleep (page 2 of 2) 9. Use your bed only for sleep. Make your bed comfortable and appealing. Use ‘only for sleep—not for studring or watching TV. Go to bed when you feel red ‘ond turn out the lights. f you don fall osleep in 30 minutes, get up and do ‘something else relaxing lke reading books or magazines—NO SCREENS! Go ‘back to bed when you are fred. Dont stress out! This will make it harder to fall sleep, 10. Soak and sack out. Toking a hot shower or bath before bed helps relax tense muscles, 1, Don't rely on sleeping pills. f they are prescribed to you, use them only under doctor's close supervision Make sure the pills wart interact with other medications! 12, Don't eatastrophize Tell yourself I's OK; Il fall asleep eventually” EMOTION REGULATION HANDOUT 16 0.103) * ‘imation Renulaton Worksheets 8 10, 13) Pleasant Events List 1. Working on my cat 2.2 Planning a career 3.0 Getting out of (paying down) debt 4.2 Collecting things (baseball cards, coins, stamps, rocks, shells, ete) 5.0 Going on vacation 6.0 Thinking how it wll be when 1 frish school 7.0 Recycling od ites 8.0 Going on a dato 8.0 Relaxing 10. Q Going to or watching a movie 11. Jogging, waking 72.0 Thinking, "Ihave done a fll day's work” 73. Listening to music 14, Q Thinking about past parties 18. Buying household gadgets 16.0 Lying inthe sun 17. Planning a career change 18.0 Laughing 18, Thinking about past tips 20.0 Listening to ether people 21.0 Reading magazines or newspapers 22. Engaging in hobbies (stamp ecllectng, ‘model building. ete) 23. Spending an evening with good friends 24.0 Planning a day's activities 25, Meeting new people 26.0 Remembering beautiful scenery 27. Saving money 28. Going home rom work 28.0 Eating 30.01 Practicing karate, judo, yoga 31. Thinking about reirement 32.0 Repairing things around the house 33. Working on machinery (cars, boats, ec) 34.01 Remembering the words and deeds of loving people 35.2 Wearing shocking clothes, 36.1 Having quiet evenings 37. Q Taking care of my plants 38.0 Buying, seting stock 39.0 Going swimming 40.0 Doodling 41.0 Exercising 42.1 Collecting od things 43.0 Going toa pary 44.1 Thinking about buying things 45.0 Playing got 46. Playing saccer 47. O Flying kites 48.0 Having ciscussions with friends 49. Having family get-togethers 50. O Riding a bike or motorbike 51. Q Running ack 52. Going camping 53.0 Singing around the house 54.0 Arranging flowers 55. Q Practicing religion (going to church ‘group praying, etc) 56. Organizing tools 57. Q Going tothe beach 58. Thinking, "Tm an OK person* 59.0) Having a day with nothing to do {60.0 Going to cas reunions 161. Going skating, skateboarding, rollerblading 662. Going saling or moterboating {63.0 Traveling or going on vacations 64.0 Painting 65.12 Doing something spontaneously 165.2 Doing needlepoint. crewel, etc, 67.0 Sleeping 68.0 Driving 69. Entertaining, giving parties 70.1 Going to cubs (garden clubs, Parents without Partners, ete) 71. Q Thinking about geting marries 72.0 Going hunting (continued on next page) om Frais acest, Ap Lun Shr E eal 85 gb. At ea Ean Se. {Ne Paper parted ate anny oe sscan bs heat an ina ee Rare ene Sega sa aay et eens, Sen rte en etn sor nosh ntl Shan oye sel Pech sae Tantg hla EMOTION REGULATION HANDOUT 16 (9.203) 73.Q Singing with groups 74.0 Firing 75.0 Playing musical instruments 76.0 Doing arts and crafts 77.0 Naking agit for someone 78.0 Buying/downloading music 79.Q Watching boxing, wresting 80.0 Planning parties 81.0 Cooking 82.0 Going hiking 83.0 Wirting (books, poems, etcles) 84.0 Sewing 85.01 Buying clothes 86.0 Going outto dinner 87. Q Working 88.0 Discussing books: going to @ book club 89.01 Sightseeing 90.01 Geting a manicure/pedicure or facial 81.Q Going to the beauty partor 92.0 Early moming coffee and newspaper 93.0 Paying tennis, 94.0 Kissing 95.2 Watching my chicren (ply) 96.02 Thinking, "have alot more going for ‘me than most people" 81. Q Going to plays and concerts 98.0 Dayereaming {99.02 Planning to go (back) to school 100: Thinking about sex 101. O Going for a drive 102.0 Refinishing furniture 103. Watering TV 104.0 Making fists of tasks 105. Waking in the woods (or atthe vwaterront) 108.0 Buying gits 107. © Completing a task 108, © Going to a spectator sport (auto racing, horse racing) 109.2 Teaching M10. © Photography TH. D Going ishing 112. O Thinking about pleasant events 113. D Staying ona diet 114. O Playing with animals 115. O Flying a plane ‘16. G Reading fiction 17. D Aeting 718, O Being alone 119, O Writing cary enti or letters 1120.0 Cleaning 121. D Reading nonfiction 1122. Taking chileren places 123.9 Dancing 124, Q Weighting 125. 0 Going on a picnic 126. 0 Thinking, "aid that pretty wel” ater Going something 127. O Mediating, yoga 128. Having lunch witha friend 128. 0 Going tothe mountains 130. Praying hockey 131, O Working with lay or pottery 132, Q Glass Blowing 133.0 Going sking 134.0 Dressing up 135. Reflecting on how Ive improved 1136. Buying small things for myself (perfume, golf balls, etc) 137. Talking onthe phone 138. Going to museums 188. D Thinking religious thoughts 140. © Lighting candies 141. O White-watercanoeinglating 142. Going bowing 1143. Doing woodworking 1144. Fantasizing about he fture 145. 0 Taking ballettap-dancing classes 148, Debating 147. D Siting in a sidewalk cafe 148.1 Having an aquarium 149. 2 Paricipating in “ving history" events 150.0 Kpiting 151. Q Doing crossword puzzles 152. Shooting pac 153. Cl Getting a massage 154. Saying, "ove your 155. G Praying catch, taking batting practice 186. 1 Shooting baskets 187. O Seeing andlor showing photos 188. Thinking about my good qualies 158. Solving riddles mentally 160.01 Having a political eiscussion 161. D Buying books {continued on nextpage) EMOTION REGULATION HANDOUT 16 30:2) —SELHONREGULATION HANDOUT 16 gscy 162. Q Taking a sauna or a steam bath 163: Checking out garage sales 184. Thinking about having a fanny 165. Thinking about happy moments in my childhood 166.0 Spluraing 167. O Going horseback riding 168. 0 Doing something new 169. Q Working on jgsaw puzzles 170. Playing cards {T1. Q Thinking, "Tm a person who can cope" 172.0 Taking ana 173.0 Figuring out my favorte scent 174. Q Making a card and giving tto someone I eare about Instent-messagingitexting someone Playing a board game (e.g, Monopoly, Life, Chie, Sory) Putting on my favorite piece of eothing i Making a smoothie and drinking it slowly 179, Q Putting on makeup 180.0 Thinking about a friend's good qualities 181. O Completing something | feel great about 182. Surprising someone with a favor 183. O Surfing the Internet 184. © Playing video games 185.0 E-maling friends 186. Going waking oF sledding in a snowfall 187. O Getting a haircut 188. O Instaling new software 189. Buying a CD or music on Tunes 180. Watching sports on TV 191. Q Taking care of my pets 192.0 Doing volunteer service 4183. Watching stand-up comedy on YouTube 184. Working n my garden 185. Q Participating ina public performance (eg, aflash mab) 196. Blogging 187. O Fighting for a cause 198. Cl Conducting experiments 5, 176, 7, 178, 199. © Expressing my love to someone 200.9 Going on fetta, nature wks, ‘exploring (hiking anay rom known routes. spelunking) 201. © Gathering natural objects (wild foods or fru, eritwood). 202.0 Going downtown orto @ shopping mall 203.0 Going ta fai, carnival circus, 200, ot ‘amusement park 204.0 Going tthe library 208. Joining or forming @ band 2208.) Leeming todo sernething new 207. O Listening tothe sounds of nature 208.0 Looking at the moan of stars 209.0 Ouréoor work (cutng or chopping ‘wood, frm work) 210. G Playing orgarized sports (vasebell, softal footbal, Frisbee, handball, Padclebal, squash, soccer, tennis, volleybal, etc) 211. O Playing nthe Sand, a stream, the (grass; kicking eaves, pebbles, etc 212. Protestrg socal, poltical, or evironmental conditions. 213. Reading cartoons or comics 214, G Reading sacred works 218. Rearranging or redecorating my room cor the neuse 216. Seling o trading something 217. O Snowmabiing o° riding 8 dune buggy! av 218.0 Social networking 219. Q Soaking in the bathtub 220.2 Learning or speaking a foreign language 221. Talking en the phone 222.01 Composing or arranging songs or music 223.0 Tht sor shopping 224.0 Using computers 228.0 Visiting people who are sick, shutin, or in wouble DISTRESS TOLERANCE ManDOUT 13 Create Your Crisis Survival Kit for Home, School, or Work Ust below 10 tools" that go ino your home crisis survival. Choose fram your Distro with ‘Wise Mind ACCEPTS ski, your Slf-Soothe skis, your INPROVE sks, and Your TOP ski, ‘Takeo shoebox, sturdy bag. or basket ond place the relevant items Inside; for example, your iPod, srass bal your favorite ecantad lation or aftershave, picture of your fevore vacation Spo! © favorite magazine, « crossword book, herbal teabags, a favorite pee of candy, @ reloxation CD or DvD. Create a smal version of your kt for schoo! or work that fs in a pan case or lunchbox. Consider tems that canbe used at your desk: fr exomple, multicolored rubber bands to stretch: paper and pens for doodling; « mini-pack of playdough; 0 squeeze bal; ily puty: ‘list of visual simul in your class or office that can distract or soothe you; snacks osell- soothe; alist of friends, teachers, counselors or colleagues you can approach when yOu have obreak. ‘ram DET SEDs fr arn by J. a Fermin oe ena eat. el Ale Lie Capra 25 by The Gai Pro. sparc hs kr ral neo be omy

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