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Allies of World War I

The Allies of World War I or Entente Powers were a coalit ion of count ries led by France, t he
Unit ed Kingdom, Russia, It aly, Japan, and t he Unit ed St at es against t he Cent ral Powers of Germany,
Aust ria-Hungary, t he Ot t oman Empire, Bulgaria, and t heir colonies during t he First World War (1914–
Allies/Ent ent e Powers

Allies in Green; Central Powers in Orange

Principal Allied Powers:
 Italy[a ]
 United Kingdom
 United States [c]

Associated Allies and co-belligerents:

 New Zealand
Nejd and Hasa

Status Military alliance

Historical era World War I

• Established 1914
• Disestablished 1918

Preceded by Succeeded by
Anglo-Portuguese Alliance Anglo-Portuguese Alliance
Treaty of London (1915) Anglo-Japanese Alliance
Franco-Russian Alliance Entente Cordiale
Anglo-Japanese Alliance Franco-Polish alliance (1921)
Entente Cordiale Little Entente
Anglo-Russian entente of 1907
Franco-Japanese Treaty of 1907

Major European diplomatic alignments shortly before the war

By t he end of t he first decade of t he 20t h cent ury, t he major European powers were divided
bet ween t he Triple Ent ent e and t he Triple Alliance. The Triple Ent ent e was made up of France,
Brit ain, and Russia. The Triple Alliance was originally composed of Germany, Aust ria–Hungary, and
It aly, but It aly remained neut ral in 1914. As t he war progressed, each coalit ion added new members.
Japan joined t he Ent ent e in 1914 and aft er proclaiming it s neut ralit y at t he beginning of t he war,
It aly also joined t he Ent ent e in 1915. The t erm "Allies" became more widely used t han "Ent ent e",
alt hough t he Principal Allies of France, Brit ain, Russia, It aly, and Japan were somet imes known also
as Quintuple Entente.[1] The colonies administ ered by t he count ries t hat fought for t he allies were
also part of t he Ent ent e Powers such as Brit ish India, French Indochina, and Japanese Korea.

The Unit ed St at es joined near t he end of t he war in 1917 (t he same year in which Russia wit hdrew
from t he conflict ) as an "associat ed power" rat her t han an official ally. Ot her "associat ed members"
included Serbia, Belgium, Mont enegro, Asir, Nejd and Hasa, Port ugal, Romania, Hejaz, Panama, Cuba,
Greece, China, Siam (now Thailand), Brazil, Armenia, Luxembourg, Guat emala, Nicaragua, Cost a Rica,
Hait i, Liberia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Uruguay and Honduras.[2] The t reat ies signed at t he Paris Peace
Conference recognised Great Brit ain, France, It aly, Japan and t he Unit ed St at es as 't he Principal
Allied and Associat ed Powers'.[3]



Principal powers

Affiliated state combatants

Co-belligerents: the United States

Non-state combatants


Personnel and casualties

See also




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