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Assignment # 02

Submitted to: Dr. Iftikhar Yasin

Submitted by: M. Bilal Makhdoom
Reg no: 70080899
Program: BS (Economics)
Semester: VII
Subject: Public Sector Economics
Date: 10/October/2022
Department: Economics
University of Lahore
Time Country Name GDP (constant 2015 US$) GDP (current US$) GDP (current LCU) GDP (constant LCU) Expense (% of GDP) Expense (current LCU) GDP per capita (constant 2015 US$) GDP growth (annual %) GDP per capita (current LCU) GDP per capita (current US$) GDP per capita growth (annual %)
1990 Pakistan 99535004955 40010423970 8.55943E+11 1.14087E+13 .. .. 924.6347426 4.458586815 7951.319597 371.6785676 1.416426113
2000 Pakistan 1.46488E+11 82017743416 4.24339E+12 1.67904E+13 15.49698555 6.57598E+11 1029.112585 4.260088011 29810.91884 576.1955804 1.53612336
2010 Pakistan 2.22284E+11 1.77166E+11 1.4867E+13 2.54782E+13 .. .. 1238.873484 1.606688629 82859.27591 987.409712 -0.601301452
2020 Pakistan 3.20099E+11 3.00306E+11 4.75215E+13 3.66897E+13 .. .. 1449.11718 -1.329519732 215134.3362 1359.514522 -3.26235528

1990 United States 9.81105E+12 5.96314E+12 5.96314E+12 9.81105E+12 21.55892932 1.28559E+12 39303.48901 1.885964957 23888.60001 23888.60001 0.7414861
2000 United States 1.37543E+13 1.02509E+13 1.02509E+13 1.37543E+13 17.92653714 1.83764E+12 48746.04096 4.077159479 36329.95607 36329.95607 2.925440983
2010 United States 1.6383E+13 1.5049E+13 1.5049E+13 1.6383E+13 26.05460538 3.92095E+12 52963.46417 2.708856694 48650.64313 48650.64313 1.860291678
2020 United States 1.92471E+13 2.08937E+13 2.08937E+13 1.92471E+13 32.93572734 6.88151E+12 58060.31395 -3.404589652 63027.67953 63027.67953 -4.328617754
Data of Pakistan and USA
Their Annual Growth and size of the Government.
As you can see that the size of the Government increases from decade to decades.
Data is taken by WDI.

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