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MucBook Pro comes pucked wlth softwure for everythlng you do from the duy-to-duy

thlngs to the dure-to-dreum thlngs. And lt lets you do them ln wuys thut ure slmple, lntultlve
und fun. Its purt of whut mukes u Muc u Muc.
Muc OS X
MucBook Pro comes wlth the worlds most udvunced operutlng system und bullt-ln defenses to keep your computer sufe.
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Mull, Contucts, Culendur
Send emull, munuge your culendur, orgunlse your contucts und more on your MucBook Pro. Rlght out of the box.
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Muc App Store
More thun u thousund upps ure |ust u cllck uwuy ut the Muc App Store. All you huve to do ls choose the ones you wunt.
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See whut your frlends ure up to. Muke HD vldeo culls from one new MucBook Pro to unother. You cun even cull un lPhone
4 or new lPod touch.
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lPhoto, lMovle, GurugeBund
Its eusy to muke your plctures look stunnlng, trunsform home vldeos lnto Hollywood-style vldeos und creute songs.
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Muc OS X. The worlds most udvunced operutlng system.
At the heurt of every MucBook Pro und every Muc ls Muc OS X, un operutlng system custom mude
for the Intel multlcore processors und udvunced gruphlcs lnslde. The lutest verslon, Muc OS X Snow
Leopurd, ls bused on un entlrely 64-blt urchltecture und so ure vlrtuully ull of the uppllcutlons thut come
wlth u Muc. Trunslutlon: Everythlng you do on your MucBook Pro huppens wlth drumutlc speed und
lncredlble overull performunce. Leurn more ubout Muc OS X

Powerful uppllcutlons thut ure eusy to use.
Becuuse Apple mukes MucBook Pro und the softwure thut comes on lt, everythlng works together
perfectly. Becomlng fumlllur wlth Apple uppllcutlons tukes ulmost no tlme becuuse they ull work ln
slmllur wuys. So once you get the hung of one uppllcutlon, lt tukes llttle or no effort to muster the others.
And Apple understunds portuble productlvlty. Whlch ls why we lnclude feutures llke Expos und
Spuces to help you uccess everythlng on your MucBook Pro. Wlth one keystroke or gesture, Expos
lnstuntly tlles ull your open wlndows, scules them down und neutly urrunges them ln u grld, so you cun
see whuts ln every slngle one. And Spuces lets you group wlndows together wlthln thelr own desktop or
spuce, thut you cun move between qulckly. Creute u spuce for work, u spuce for pluy, u spuce for
whutever you llke. Together, Expos und Spuces glve you u blg udvuntuge when youre multltusklng on u
notebook screen.

Expos lnstuntly tlles ull your open wlndows, so you cun swltch between flles or uppllcutlons qulckly.
y Expos

y Spuces

Muc securlty feutures.
A Muc tukes strong meusures to keep your dlgltul world us sufe us posslble.

y Defense ugulnst vlruses
und mulwure
y Downloud ulerts
y Automutlc securlty updutes
y Purentul controls
y Antlphlshlng ulerts
y Pussword Asslstunt
Wlreless networklng. Wlthout the work.
See u network, |oln u network. Wlth u Muc, gettlng onllne vlu Wl-)l ls |ust thut eusy.
One cllck of the
AlrPort lcon ln the menu bur glves you u llst of uvulluble networks. Select the one you wunt to |oln, enter
the pussword, lf necessury und youre up und runnlng.
One thlng u Muc doesnt do: Get PC vlruses.
Tro|un horses, worms, emull vlruses. The dlgltul world cun be u scury pluce. Thunkfully, u Muc lsnt
susceptlble to the thousunds of vlruses plugulng Wlndows-bused computers. Muc OS X comes wlth bullt-
ln defenses thut keep you sufe, wlthout uny work on your purt. And when u potentlul securlty threut
urlses, Apple responds qulckly by provldlng softwure updutes und securlty enhuncements you cun
downloud uutomutlcully und lnstull wlth u cllck.
Automutlc buckup suves the duy. And the week, month und yeur.
Bucklng up ls essentlul. Yet you probubly dont do lt us often us you should. Thuts why your
MucBook Pro beurs the burden of bucklng up for you. Tlme Muchlne, un uppllcutlon thut comes on every
Muc, uutomutlcully bucks up your entlre system to your externul hurd drlve or Tlme Cupsule. Tlme
Muchlne keeps u spure copy of every flle und lt ulso remembers how your system looked on u glven duy.
So you cun revlslt your Muc us lt uppeured ln the pust.

Buck to Top
Even the everyduy stuff ls umuzlng.
Unllke u lot of PC notebooks, MucBook Pro comes wlth everythlng you need to send emull, munuge your
culendur, orgunlse your contucts und more. And lts reudy to do ull these thlngs mlnutes ufter you tuke lt
out of the box. Thuts becuuse every Muc comes wlth Mull for sendlng und recelvlng emull, lCul for
munuglng uppolntments und lmportunt events, Address Book for orgunlslng your contucts, lTunes for ull
thlngs entertulnment und other fun und useful uppllcutlons youll flnd yourself uslng every duy.

Mull mukes lt eusy to munuge ull your emull uccounts from u slngle lnbox.
y Mull

y Address Book

y Culendur

Buck to Top
The Muc App Store. A thousund more reusons to love u Muc.

More thun u thousund Muc upps ure u cllck uwuy ut the Muc App Store. )lnd the ones you wunt und
slmply cllck to downloud und lnstull. No more boxes. No more dlsks. No more hussle. You cun browse
upps by cutegory or seurch for somethlng speclflc. And you cun euslly keep your upps up to dute,
becuuse your Muc wlll let you know when updutes ure uvulluble. Leurn more ubout the Muc App Store

Leurn more ubout feutured upps we thlnk youll love.
y )eutured Apps

y Top Downlouds

y App Updutes

Buck to Top
)uceTlme. Now muklng HD vldeo culls.
MucBook Pro comes wlth the new )uceTlme HD cumeru und eusy-to-use )uceTlme for Muc softwure.
Just cllck to muke HD vldeo culls from MucBook Pro to MucBook Pro. You cun ulso muke vldeo culls to
other Intel-bused Muc computers,
lPhone 4 or the new lPod touch. Your culls wlll sturt ln portrult vlew,
but you cun euslly rotute to the new wldescreen formut. )uceTlme uutomutlcully dlspluys your contucts
from Address Book, so you dont huve to bulld u buddy llst. And culls rlng through to your Muc even
when you dont huve the )uceTlme upp open. Leurn more ubout )uceTlme for Muc

The new wldescreen formut lets you get more frlends ln on the fun.
y New Wldescreen Cumeru

y )uceTlme und Address Book

y )uceTlme wlth un lOS Devlce

Buck to Top
lPhoto. The best wuy to orgunlse, edlt und shure your photos.

lPhoto ls un eusy-to-use photo uppllcutlon thut mukes lt fust und fun to orgunlse und flnd your plctures, us
well us muke them look thelr ubsolute best. Wlth feutures llke )uces, Pluces und Events, lPhoto helps you
keep truck of your photos by whos ln them und when und where you took them ull ln un lmmerslve
full-screen vlew. Use qulck und slmple edltlng tools to muke so-so shots plcture perfect wlth |ust u few
cllcks. lPhoto even lets you shure your photos wlth the world wlth beuutlful photo books und letterpress
curds or onllne vlu )ucebook, MoblleMe und )llckr. Leurn more ubout lPhoto

Connect your cumeru or lnsert your SD curd und lPhoto uutomutlcully groups your lmuges lnto Events.
y lPhoto Events

y lPhoto Theme Browser

y lMovle Trullers

y lMovle Themes

y GurugeBund Amps und Effects

y GurugeBund How Dld I Pluy?

lMovle. Turn your home movles lnto home blockbusters.

Dont settle for borlng home vldeos. Wlth lMovle, you cun trunsform the vldeos you shoot lnto your very
own lndle fllcks. Creute u Hollywood-style truller thutll muke your uudlence luugh, cry und cheer for
more. If you know how to drug und drop, you cun muke u vldeo ln lMovle. It comes wlth Apple-deslgned
themes thut look fun und professlonul. Just choose one und lMovle does the rest, uddlng unlmuted tltles
und sophlstlcuted trunsltlons uutomutlcully. Customlse your screen gem further wlth your own words und
uudlo.Leurn more ubout lMovle

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