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YEAR : 2022-23 EVENT: Pune City Zonal Sports Committee –

Inter Collegiate Event – FOOTBALL [Men]

Name of the Institution with full

1 address and phone No.
Name of the Participant
2 (In Block letters)
3 Name of the Father/Guardian
Date of Birth 1) in Fig
4 2) in words

Age in completed years as on 31st

5 December
Year Month Days
Permanent Address
(In Black Letters)
Parents Mobile No.

7 Admission No. & Year

8 Date of Joining the School
9 Standard & Section Studying this year
10 Standard studied last year (ii) in words
11 Personal identification Marks
Height Weight Chest Track Suit Size Shoe Size
12 Student Track Suit & Shoe Size

13 Signature of the Participant

1. Certified that the above participant is a confide student of this institution for this academic year.
2. Certified that I have personally verified the admission records maintained in the school and found correct.

Principal/Head Master

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