Math1 Reviewer

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Patterns are regular, repeated, or recurring forms or design such as the layout of floor tiles, designs of skyscrapers, to

the way we tie our shoelaces.

Sequence is an ordered list of numbers, called terms, that may have repeated values.

The Fibonacci Sequence is an array of numbers that given two terms, the next term is determined by adding the given

Golden Ratio is a special number that approximately equals 1.618. The ratio itself comes from the Fibonacci
sequence, a naturally occurring sequence of numbers that can be found everywhere, from the number of leaves
on a tree to the shape of a seashell.

Language is a systematic way of communication with other people, use of sounds or conventions symbols.

Importance of Language
1. Language was invented to communicate ideas to others.
2. The language of Mathematics was designed:
• Numbers
• Sets
• Functions
• Perform Operations

Symbols Commonly Used in Mathematics

1. The ten digits; 0, 1, 2, ..., 9

2. Operations: +, −, ×, and ÷
3. Sets: ∩, ∪, ⊂, ⊃
4. Variables: a, b, c, x and y
5. Special Symbols: =, <, >, ≤, ≥, π
6. Logic Symbols: ¬, ∧, ∨, →, ↔, ⨁
7. Set Notations: N, W, Z, Q, R, C

In Mathematics...

•The mathematical analogue of a ‘noun’ will be called an expression. Thus, an expression is a name given to a
mathematical object of interest.
•The mathematical analogue of a ‘sentence’ will also be called a sentence. A mathematical sentence, just as an English
sentence, must state a complete thought.

Equals, is equal to (most common mistake, “is equals to”, represents, is

the same as, is, are and the conjugations of the verb “to be”, is similar to,
is equivalent to, exactly, results in.

Plus, sum, total, added to, added with, added by, augmented, raised,
more, more than, and, increased, put together

Minus, difference, subtracted from, subtracted by, diminish, less, less
than, decreased, separated.

× or ( ) Times, product, multiplied by, multiplied with, multiplied to, doubled, tripled, twice, thrice.

÷ or / Divided by, quotient, per, ratio, halved, over, overall.

•In mathematics, reasoning is the ability to draw logical conclusions based on evidences or stated assumptions.
•Reasoning will be helpful in evaluating situations, selecting problem-solving strategies, drawing logical
conclusions, developing and describing and applying
the solutions.

1. Inductive Reasoning
• According to, Inductive Reasoning is the logical process in which multiple premises, all believe to be
true or found true most of the times are combined to obtain a specific conclusion.
•Inductive reasoning takes specific examples to make a general rule.
• The conclusion formed by using inductive reasoning is a
conjecture, since it may or may not valid.

Inductive Reasoning
•Inductive Reasoning takes specific examples to make a
general rule.
• Uses patterns, sequences and order.
• Uses example to make a general statement.
• Uses experiences to make an assumptions.

2. Deductive Reasoning
•Inductive reasoning typically leads to Deductive Reasoning, the process of reaching conclusions based on
previously known facts.
• Deductive Reasoning takes general rule and uses it to make a more specific examples.
• The conclusions reached by this type of reasoning are valid
and can be relied on.

Deductive Reasoning
• Deductive Reasoning it to make a more specific example.
• Uses general information as basis for conclusion.
•Is judging by logical progression.

Polya’s Four-Step Approach To Problem Solving

1. Preparation: Understand the problem
2. Thinking Time: Devise a plan.
3. Insight: Carry out the plan
4. Verification: Look back

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