Assignment On Fibers and Artificial Sweeteners

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Assignment on fibers and artificial sweeteners

1. Research on the 7 different types of fibers and differentiate each one of them. Tabulate its health
benefits and the foods where you can find them.

Type of Fiber Basic Description Where it can be found Health Benefits

Cellulose Insoluble Abundant in vegetables It helps in the

such as broccoli, movement of particles
cabbage, kale, and in the digestion system
cauliflower. Legumes, and also aids in the
nuts, and bran also growth of beneficial gut
contains cellulose. It is bacteria.
also the primary
content of a plant cell

Inulin Soluble Chicory root and also Helps make you feel full
found in fruits and for longer periods of
veggies such as time by slowing down
bananas, garlic, onions, digestion and also in
asparagus, and in preventing blood sugar
wheat. spikes. Improves
gastrointestinal and
general health.

Pectins Soluble They can be found in Like inulin, it helps in

generous amounts in stalling glucose
apples, strawberries, absorption which
citrus fruits, carrots, prevents blood sugar
potatoes, and in small spikes. Helps lower
amounts in nuts and down cholesterol by
legumes. flushing the fatty acids
out of the body.

Beta Glucans Gel-forming type of Found in oats, barley, Helps in increasing

soluble fiber that is and in shiitake and satiety and in managing
fermented by our gut reishi mushrooms. blood sugar levels.
bacteria. PA prebiotic
that provides food for
the beneficial bacteria.

Psyllium Soluble fiber. Usually added as an Helps relive

ingredient to high-fiber constipation by
foods such as cereals softening feces. Binds
and are also found in to sugars and help
supplements. prevent cholesterol

Lignin Insoluble Found in whole grain Somewhat solidifies

foods (wheat), legumes, feces (might help those
vegetables (green affected with loose
beans, cauliflower, bowel movement
zucchini), fruits symptoms). Reduces
(avocados) and nuts. It risk of developing colon
is also a minority in the cancer.
cell wall.

Resistant Starch F=Functions similarly Found in legumes, Guards against

to soluble, fermentable beans, oatmeal, and pathogens that
fiber, helping feed the unripe bananas. attempts to harm the
friendly bacteria in the
gastrointestinal system,
helps in weight loss by
taming appetite and
blood sugar spikes,
lowers cholesterol, and
keeps things normal in
the digestive system.

2. What are the different types of artificial sweeteners and differentiate each one of them? Discuss
the advantages and disadvantages of these artificial sweeteners.
Artificial sweetener Description Advantages Disadvantages

Aspartame is an artificial non- At right amounts, it Having phenylketonuria

saccharide sweetener reduces calorie intake (a rare inherited
200 times sweeter than and body weight disease) (PKU) prevents
sucrose, and is change compared as to Phenylanine from being
commonly used as a when we use sugar. processed which makes
sugar substitute in aspartame that is
foods and beverages. abundant with it,
harmful to the body. It
is also one of the
dietary triggers for

Sucralose is an artificial sweetener Since it is significantly When heated too

and sugar substitute. sweeter than most highly, it dechlorinates
The majority of other sweeteners, it is and decomposes into
ingested sucralose is usually used in cooking. compounds that could
not broken down by the be harmful to the
body, so it is noncaloric. human body.

Neotame It has no notable off- High-potency Quite acidic when

flavors when compared sweetener. Only a small compared to most
to sucrose. It can be mass is needed to types of artificial
used alone, but is often enhance flavor. sweeteners.
mixed with other
sweeteners to increase
their sweetness.

Acesulfame Potassium Is a synthetic calorie- Acesulfame potassium According to

free sugar substitute provides a sweet taste Professionals, it has not
and was discovered with no caloric value. been studied
through an accident. There is no high-quality adequately enough.
evidence that using
acesulfame potassium
as a sweetener affects
body weight.

Saccharin Saccharin (or Saccharin has no food People with

saccharine) is an energy and no sulfonamide allergies
artificial sweetener with nutritional value. It is can experience allergic
effectively no safe to consume for reactions to saccharin,
nutritional value. individuals with as it is a sulfonamide
diabetes. derivative and can

Advantame is a non-caloric artificial Ingested advantame Must consume within

sweetener and has no can form phenylalanine, acceptable levels or it
notable off-flavors but normal use of may become harmful to
when compared to advantame is not the body.
sucrose and tastes significant to those with
sweet a bit longer than phenylketonuria. It also
aspartame and is has no adverse effects
chemically more stable. in type 2 diabetics. It is
not considered to be
carcinogenic or

Cyclamates is an artificial It is less expensive than Banned in some major

sweetener. It is 30–50 most sweeteners, countries like the
times sweeter than including sucralose, and United States and South
sucrose (table sugar), is stable under heating. Korea.
making it the least
potent of the
commercially used
artificial sweeteners.

Sugar Alcohols are organic compounds, Sugar alcohols do not The unabsorbed sugar
typically derived from contribute to tooth alcohols may cause
sugars, containing one decay; on the contrary, bloating and diarrhea
hydroxyl group (–OH) xylitol is a deterrent to due to their osmotic
attached to each carbon tooth decay. Sugar effect, if consumed in
atom. alcohols are absorbed sufficient amounts.
at 50% of the rate of
sugars, resulting in less
of an effect on blood
sugar levels as
measured by comparing
their effect to sucrose
using the glycemic

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