Examen SPTFOrd

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Sistemas de producción y tecnologías de fabricación

3º Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías Industriales

Escuela Politécnica Superior. Campus de Leganés

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Reservados todos los derechos.

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Production Systems and Manufacturing Technologies
Department of Mechanical Engineering

EXAM January 29, 2021

Last name and name: Group:
Problem 1: (5,5 pts.)
A company that manufactures cylindrical metal containers by drawing has suffered an outbreak of COVID-19
at its facilities, making it impossible to meet the demand of its main customer. This man, desperate, has
found our small workshop with some available presses and decides to order a batch of 10,000 of these pieces.
This work package is very important for our workshop because it can involve a volume of work that
guarantees our economic viability during the crisis, but it is important to deliver the order on time. In
addition, the client asks us not to skimp on resources to deliver on time, so the cost will not be a problem
and will pay for a value that is far higher than our manufacturing costs.
Characteristics of the parts to be manufactured:
- Material: Normally deep drawn sheet steel, 3mm thick; Tensile strength: 56 Kg / mm2
- Dimensions of the piece: Diameter: 85 mm; Height: 75 mm.
Also due to the COVID-19 crisis, our supplier of raw material has suffered a stock-out and only has three strip
measurements of the material we need, one 180 mm, another 190 mm and the other 200 mm wide.
There are two types of presses available in the workshop, with the following characteristics:
Type 1 Press - Punching Phase:
- 100% dedication of an operator;
- Press type: Mechanical; Fmáx: 50 Tons;
- Cadence: 45 strokes / minute; Descent: 50 mm;
Press type 2 - Drawing Phase: :
- Dedication 50% of one operator per press;
- Press type: Hydraulics; Fmáx: 50 Tons;
- Maximum speed: 600 mm/min; Working speed: 70 mm/min;
- Descent: 200 mm
Date of need: 2 months from the award of the contract. Consider the following data:
- Our workshop works a single shift of 6.5 hours of effective work (discounting inefficiencies and rest
time of operators), for 20 days a month.
- The workshop has the necessary simple punching and drawing tools (no time is wasted in tool design
/ manufacture).
- Several hydraulic presses of the same type are available so that, in case of having to carry out the
drawing in several stretches, no time is wasted in tool changes. However, only one operator per shift
with knowledge is available to carry out this operation, so in the case of several stretches, these
cannot be done in parallel, but the times of each of them must be added in series.
It is asked:
1- Using the hypothesis of maximum material utilization, which of the available strips should we request
from the material supplier? (0,5 pnts)
2- Calculate if the press dedicated to punching has enought maximum force to undertake the process. (0,5
3- Calculate the number of draws required in the drawing, the drawing height in each drawing, as well as
the minimum descent of the press in each drawing (Note: indicate the theoretical minimum descent
corresponding to the drawing height without considering additional clearances). In case of having to do

Problem Time 1: 55 minutes. INDIVIDUAL realization ONLY WITH THEORETICAL MATERIAL (without problems)
Score for this exercise: 5,5 over 10 1

Reservados todos los derechos. No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Production Systems and Manufacturing Technologies
Department of Mechanical Engineering

several stretches, consider β1 = 1.65 in the first and βi = 1.33 in the successive ones as drawing ratios.
(1,5 pnts)
To reduce process times and given that the client asks us not to skimp on resources, we hire an additional
operator who is exclusively in charge of the punching phase, and thus have both phases working in parallel:
4- Calculate whether a single work shift in the drawing press would be enough to deliver the order on time
or we would need to hire a second shift to double the daily production. How many working days could
we advance the delivery with respect to the period of 2 months? (1,5 pnts)
For the resolution of this section consider:
- Time to set up the tools in the presses: 1 day of production (6.5 hours · nº Of shifts).
- Do not consider the time necessary to carry out the punching because it is much faster and could be
carried out simultaneously with the subsequent drawings (that is, the bottleneck of the process is
the drawing phase, so the punching does not affect the manufacturing time).
- The total descent of the drawing press is configured for each drawing in such a way that it is the
minimum possible considering the corresponding drawing height (do not consider the additional
distances that should be included as clearances for these descents).
- The movements on the descent until contact with the piece and raising in its entirety are made at
maximum speed. The press only moves at working speed during drawing.
- Assume non-productive times in addition to the times corresponding to the cadences of the presses
used in the drawing of 0.5 minutes per piece.
Once we have the contract awarded, we must guarantee the quality of the parts delivered with a robust
measurement system. The main quantity to control is the internal diameter, with acceptable magnitude of
85 ,, mm.
During the set-up, a series of measurements of 5 pieces is carried out to guarantee the process and avoid
problems during manufacturing, obtaining the following values:
85,093 / 85,009 / 85,058 / 84,997 / 84,950.
The measuring instrument has a combined standard uncertainty (u) of 5 microns. Given the importance of
the process, it is decided to establish k = 3 as the coverage factor to have greater confidence.
5- Indicate justifying your answer which of these measurements would result in acceptable parts, which
would be rejected for being doubtful and which would be rejected for having guarantees of being
defective. (1,5 pnts)

1- Calcular el diámetro del disco del corte a medida:

𝐷= 𝑑 + 4𝑑ℎ = 85 + 4 · 85 · 75 = 180,90 𝑚𝑚

Esto descarta el fleje más estrecho. Para ver cuál de los otros dos flejes usar, hay que tener en
cuenta la distancia de seguridad de dos veces el espesor por cada lado:

Ancho fleje = D+2·2e = 180,90+12 = 192,90 mm lo cual únicamente nos deja el fleje más ancho de
los disponibles.

2- Aplicación directa de la fórmula de los apuntes:

Fmax = Rd·p·e=28·pi·180,90·3=47738 kg. La prensa cumple.

Problem Time 1: 55 minutes. INDIVIDUAL realization ONLY WITH THEORETICAL MATERIAL (without problems)
Score for this exercise: 5,5 over 10 2

Reservados todos los derechos. No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Production Systems and Manufacturing Technologies
Department of Mechanical Engineering

3- En primer lugar, vamos a calcular β0máx y β para nuestro proceso:

Material normalmente embutible: β0máx = 2 - 0,0011*(d/e) = 1,97 (con d=85 y e=3)

β = D/d = 180,90/85 = 2,13, por lo tanto, es necesario hacer varias embuticiones.

Primera embutición:
β1 = 1,65 (dato enunciado)
d1 = D/ β0 = 180,90/1,65 = 109,64 mm.
h1 = (D^2 – d1^2)/4·d1 = 47,21 mm.
Carrera necesaria (corresp. al 1º estirado) = 2·h1 = 94,42mm (no se incluye holgura);

Segunda embutición:
β2 = 1,33 (dato enunciado)
d2 = d1 / β2 = 109,64/1,33 = 82,43 mm.  suficiente para lograr diámetro solicitado en dos
estirados  d2 = 85mm; h2 = 75mm; β2 = d1/d2 = 109,64/85 = 1,29;
Carrera necesaria (corresp. al 2º estirado) = 2·h2 = 150mm (no se incluye holgura);

4- El enunciado indica que únicamente deben considerarse los tiempos correspondientes a los 2 estirados
de la embutición más 0,5 minutos adicionales de tiempos no productivos:

t (fab) = t (emb 1) + t (emb 2) + 0,5 (minutos/pieza);

Primera embutición:
Desplazamiento a Vmáx (bajada hasta contacto con la pieza + subida) = 3·h1 = 3·47,21 = 141,63mm;
Desplazamiento a velocidad de trabajo = h1 = 47,21;
Tiempo corresp. a la cadencia de la prensa = t (emb. 1) = 141,63/600 + 47,21/70 = 0,91min/pieza;

Segunda embutición:
Desplazamiento a Vmáx (bajada hasta contacto con la pieza + subida) = 3·h2 = 3·75 = 225mm;
Desplazamiento a velocidad de trabajo = h1 = 75;
Tiempo corresp. a la cadencia de la prensa = t (emb. 2) = 225/600 + 75/70 = 1,45min/pieza;
Tiempo de fabricación unitario = 0,91 + 1,45 + 0,5 = 2,86 minutos por pieza;

Para saber si podremos satisfacer la demanda del cliente, debemos calcular cuántas piezas se hacen por
hora, al día y al mes a un único turno (tener en cuenta que hay que restar un turno de producción de 6,5
horas debido a la puesta a punto indicada en el enunciado):
Piezas por hora = 60 / 2,86 = 20,98;
Piezas por turno = 20,98 * 6,5 = 136,37  136 piezas por turno.
Piezas por mes (con 1 turno de trabajo) = 136 * 20 = 2720 piezas/mes
Piezas en 2 meses (con 1 turno de trabajo) = 5440 – 136 = 5304;
Con lo cual no sería suficiente. Viendo las cifras, está claro que si se mete un segundo turno se doblaría la
cantidad con lo que podríamos hacer 10608 piezas. Número de días que podría adelantarse la entrega:

Días teóricos de adelanto de la entrega = 608 / (136·2) = 2,24  2 días;


Problem Time 1: 55 minutes. INDIVIDUAL realization ONLY WITH THEORETICAL MATERIAL (without problems)
Score for this exercise: 5,5 over 10 3

Reservados todos los derechos. No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Production Systems and Manufacturing Technologies
Department of Mechanical Engineering

u = 5 micras; k = 3  U = 0,015mm
Diámetro nominal = 85 mm
Diámetros límites (tolerancias de diseño): [84,95 ; 85,1]
Medidas obtenidas: 85,093 / 85,009 / 85,058 / 84,997 / 84,950

Con las fórmulas salen los siguientes intervalos de aceptación, duda o rechazo de la medida:
(-∞ ; 84,935) / (84,935 ; 84,965) / (84,965 ; 85,085) / (85,085 ; 85,115) / (85,115 ; ∞)
Medidas de piezas aceptadas: 85,009; 85,058; 84,997;

Medidas de piezas rechazadas por ser dudosas: 85,093; 84,950;

Medidas de piezas rechazadas no dudosas: NINGUNA;

Problem Time 1: 55 minutes. INDIVIDUAL realization ONLY WITH THEORETICAL MATERIAL (without problems)
Score for this exercise: 5,5 over 10 4

Reservados todos los derechos. No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.

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