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Asking a co-worker about her current work:
A: Hi Phuong! How ‘s your work lately?
B: Well. I am very busy with my job. Are you ok today?
A: I am good. What project are you working on right now?
B: Harrington Harbor project.
A: How is it going?
B: It has been going smoothly so far, I have completed 50% of the work. How about your work?
A: Great. I have signed a $500.000 contract of American customer.
B: Congratulation on your promotion.
A: It’s nice talking to you but I should get back to work now. Good bye.
B: Ok. Me too. Bye.

Talking to someone who’s just got back from a business trip:
B: Hello Phuong! How your work lately?
A: Hi. My work is very good. How about your work?
B: Well. How’s your trip to New York ?
A: Yes. I’ve had a great trip
B: Well, How’s everything in the NY branch?
A: Great. The building is morden and spacious. The staff are friendly and helpful.
B: What is your work in New York?
A: I had productive meeting with the branch manager and I visited the factory and meet some key clients.
So what is the situation at the headquarters?
B: Everything is going well. I like your new shirt by the way. Where did you buy the shirt?
A: Thank you. I got it from store in New York.
B: I should get back to work now. Good bye.
A: Me too. Bye.

A: Good morning. How can I help you?
B: Good morning A. I am Phuong. Can I speak to the secretary?
A: Could you tell me more details?
B: Could you send me the 2018 sales report at Venice branch, for Athena customer, please?
A: I am Sorry. Can you repeat that?
B: The 2018 sales report at Venice branch, for Athena customer
A: Ok. I will send it to by email immediately.
B That is good.
A: Is there anything else? I can do for you?
B: Yes. Please remember to prepare for the at 9 a.m video conference
A: I have finished the preparation
B: Thank you so much.
A: I should get back to work now. Good bye.
B: Me too. Bye bye.
There are some etiquette of first day at work that you need know to have a good impression on
everyone in the company. The first, you should arrive on time or even a few minutes early. The second, you
ought to wear uniform when you come to the company everyday. If you don’t wear uniform, you will go
back to home. The third, you had better avoid gossiping eavesdropping or calling sick to late. Especially
you shouldn’t discuss personal matter with other people. Besides you can gossip with co-workers at tea
breaks in the afternoon. Finally, you can bring your food to the office but you have to clean up after
yourself and don’t bring smell food.


(1) Letter:
A: Who do you write letters to ?
B: I always write letter to my friends, my family.
A: How much time do you spend reading and writing letters?
B: About 30 minutes per day.
A: What do you often write about?
B: I often write about my family, my studying and my love life.
A: When was the last time you felt happy or excited about something you read in a letter?
B: The last time, I fell happy about the story of my family when I read a letter, which my mother send me
on last Sunday.
A: Have you ever sent a letter and then wished you hadn’t?
B: No, I usually send exactly email.
(2) Email:
A: How many different email account do you have/ need?
B: I have 3 account email.
A: Do you think email can be dangerous?
B: No. I don’t think it. Because it is very safe.
A: Do you prefer sending email via your mobile phone or your computer?
B: I like sending email via your mobile phone because I want to check email every where.
A: What can happen if someone steals your email password?
B: I will lost email account and I can not send information by this email to everyone.
A: If you could secretly have access to someone else’s email account, whose would it be and why?
B: I can secretly have access into my mother’s account. Because I created account email for my mother.
Nowadays, email becomes more and more popular and essential for everyone. Email is an important
method of communication. I also have an email account. I often use it about 30 minutes everyday. It is for
sending and receiving the document from friends and teachers. Using email to bring many benefit. Firstly, it
doesn’t take much time to write letter. Secondly, it can transmit all kind of electronic data. Thirdly, it is free
I only need an email account and internet connection. Finally, I can send the same message to a large
number of people and attach files or image easily. I think that using email is more convenience than the
letter. It’s very safe. I prefer email via mobile because it’s very convenience. That all.
A: Good morning. Can we discuss about the meeting agenda for the next business meeting. Could you tell
me some information?
B: Yes. Of course.
A: Where is going to location of meeting?
B: The location of meeting is Room 2.
A: Ok. Who is going to write the minutes?
B: June Park is going to write the minute
A: What time is Sally Brown going to present?
B: It will start at 9.30 a.m and finish at 10 a.m
A: That is great. What item is Marty Taylor going to talk about?
B: Marty Taylor is going to talk about Goals for new strategy.
A: Sure. Who is going to present “Projects to begin ”
B: Jane Dinette is going to present Projects to begin
A: Thank you. Do you have any questions for me?
B: Yes. when is the meeting going to take place?
A: The meeting is going to be organized on Thursday 15th, 2017.
B: Who is going to chair the meeting?
A: Sally Brown is going to chairperson.
B: Well. What is the second objective of the meeting?
A: The second objective of the meeting is developing the marketing project for next year.
B: Who is going to tlak about Focus Groups?
A: Rita Palmer is going to talk about Focus Groups
B: Ok. what is Ben Nguyen going to present?
A: Ben Nguyen is going to present Plan for the year
B: Great. Thank you for your answer. Good bye.
A: Bye.
(1) Meeting etiquette:
There are Do’s and Don’t in the meeting that you need know in during the business meeting. The first,
you have to send your apologizes if you can not attend and you should arrive on time or even a few minutes
early. Because it shows your respect to everyone. After that you should check your cell phone and make
sure it is on silent or turned off. During the meeting, you ought to wait until the other person finishes
speaking and then state your objection. There are the basic things you should do. The second, you shouldn’t
talk over other people when you want to have an idea, chat and exchange notes with other attendees. And
then you don’t use technical jargon when starting your ideas to make your speech more professional.
Finally, you can not sleep or bicker over during the meeting.
(2) Tips for presentation:
There are some tips for presentation that you need know when you prepare for your presentation. The
first, you prepare handout, slides which support your presentation and you must check equipment used for
your presentation. Secondly, you have to smile plus make eye contact with the audiences. And then you can
use usual images, sign posts such as first, second, … because it make the presentation content clear and
easy to understand for the audiences easy to follow your talk. The third, you can not use too much jargon or
speak too fast, slowly. Because it is difficult for the audiences to understanding. Finally, you will use
figures, charts, visual images,… which make your presentation is eye-catching. That is all basic tips for

Types of advertising for the product:

Student A Student B
Good morning B Morning B. We are going to discuss
advertising plan for a new product line
for men.
Ok. I think we should use newspaper I don’t think so. Because it does not
ads. Because it is the cheapest type of attract wide range of customers.
What about lifestyle magazine? I don’t agree with you. Because the
reader of Lifestyle magazine are mostly
women. They are not our target
So, what is your opinion? I think we should use TV commercial.
It is more eye-catching than other types
No. I don’t think. It is too expensive. What about pop-ups via Internet?
That’s good idea. It is cheaper and can That right.
also reach more people than TV
Thank you. Bye Bye.

Choosing an appropriate strategy:

Student A Student B
Gm B. I think we should spend some Morning A. Ok we should that now.
time discussing the suitable strategy for
Dell cpn.
What is your opinion on S1? I think S1 is not good. Low price is our
strength. We should take advantage of
the price
I agree with you. Internet has great It is a good choice. Customers know
potential. Dell company should use it what they want. Dell cpn sell
to advertise the products. customized computers is a smart idea
How about S2? to attract them.
That right. S2 takes advantage of What do you think about S3?
internet to advertise the products.
It is a poor choice. Because it destroys I agree. Creating new relationships
Dell’s strength and causes higher price with retailers is costly and may not be
Yeah, so we agree to choose S2 right? Yes, definitely.

We have many types of advertisement suitable for the product such as slogan, poster, TV commercial,
leaflet, pop-up, billboard… But my favorite advert is pop-up via Internet. Because today, everyone knows
how to use the internet, so it would be best suited for advertising products. Besides it is attached on
newspaper pages, movie pages, game pages so it is accessible to all ages. So our product can reach a wide
range of customer. And then it has eye-catching images, we can easily see and highly attractive. TV
commercial is the most effective the types of advertisement, however it is too expensive. Currently, few
people use newspaper although its price is very cheap. Moreover, pop-up has a lot more information than
poster, billboard, leaflet, … All products are use pop-up via Internet to advertisement such as food, office
equipment, transport, .m… or shipping services, travel services….
(1) A good customer care office:
A (A customer care officer): Good morning. How can I help you?
B (A purchasing officer): Yes. I want to buy electric fans for my office.
A: What is the model number of this product?
B: It is F460CQ.
A: Well, it’s over there. How many electric fans do you want to purchase?
B: I need 50.
A: Yes, we have enough electric fans for you in the warehouse.
B: So can I ask you some questions about this product?
A: Sure. Go ahead.
B: Could you tell me what it is made of?
A: It is made of metal.
B: Yes, I see. Do you know how many colors it comes out?
A: It’s available in 2 colors: blue and gold.
B: Would you mid telling me what its special features are?
A: Yes, of course. The first, this product has 5 speeds and 360 oscillation. The second, it is very convenient
because you can hook up a USB cable to this electric fans and change it from computer.
B: Wow! That’s great for an electric fan. I would like to know about the price.
A: The price is very reasonable. It costs $70.
B: Do you have any idea what its after-sales service is?
A: Sure. If you this item at our store, you will get 2 years guarantee for each product and 10% discount for
the next purchase.
B: Ok. That sounds amazing. So I will buy 50 electric fans with model number F460CQ.
A: Yes. I will take note that. Where can I deliver these items for you?
B: You can send them at the office in Hanoi please.
A: When can you receive your order?
B: On Sunday afternoon, October 1st, 2019 please.
A: Ok. Thank you so much for your order. Good bye.
B: Bye

Customer service:
A (Customer service officer): Good morning. My speaking. How can I help you?
B (Customer): Hello My. I have a complaint to make. I feel very disappointed with your service.
A: Let me apologize for your inconvenience. Can you tell me exactly what happened?
B: Well. I sent my mother 2 Dior perfume bottles on Mother’s day. However, my mother received the
package with 2 broken perfume bottles.
A: Oh! I’m so sorry. I hope you still keep the original receipt and signed agreement with our company.
Please bring these documents along to our place.
B: Ok. I will bring them to your company tomorrow.
A: We will compensate 2 perfume bottles after receiving the document. If this solution doesn’t meet your
needs, we will give you a replacement as a alternative
B: Thank you. I agree with the former solution. There is a problem wih your email. My mother sent a lot of
complaint email, but she didn’t get any replies.
A: I am sorry for this inconvenience. I will check invoice again. Would that be acceptable?
B: Ok. That sounds good.
A: Is there anything I can do for you?
B: That’s enough for today. Thank you. Bye.
Last month, I bought shoes through the email order because they had very fast delivery. But when it
arrived, it was broken. It had been crushed by something quite heavy in the box. I returned the invoice that
was the box and the broken pieces. I wanted receive a replacement. Straight away, they sent me an
apologize letter, then I received new shoes and they will offer a 10% discount next purchase for me. I’m
very satisfied with handles of the store. I’m going to continue to support it. I recommend you use that
company’s service.

(1) Making preparation before a negotiation:
A (CEO): Good morning. Have do you prepare the information about Jackson’s background?
B (Secretary): Good morning. I found some information about Jackson’s background. It specialize in
electronic products and it needs new supplier.
A: Our objective is do get become Jackson’s supplier. Because Jackson company is currently market leader
in Taiwan. What do you think about it?
B: We will offer 5% discount for Jackson and we usually provide 3% discount for new customers.
A: I don’t think it. We will not have profit with 5% discount. However we can offer 4% discount.
B: Well. How do you think about payment term?
A: I think we should ask for 15 day payment term, so we can have cash to pay for supplier earlier.
B: No. Jackson may not accept. Do you think about we will provide free delivery to customer’s warehouse?
A: That is great. Can you prepare agenda and arrange a meeting with Jackson?
B: Ok. I will do it immediately. Do you need anything else?
A: No. Thank you for your idea. Good bye
B: No problem. Bye.
(2) Closing a deal:
A: Good morning. My name is My - Nacatomi’s sales representative. To day, we are going to discuss our
order with your company.
B: Hello. I am Phuong – Jackson’s sales representative. I hope we will be able to reach a deal today.
A: Sure, first as for the price. How do you feel about $32 per unit?
B: I’m afraid we couldn’t agree to that. I think the price is too high so I want to the price is the most
cheapest. Would you consider $25?
A: Would it possible for you to accept $30jj per unit?
B: Ok. I am willing to work with that price.
A: Now, about discount policy. We usually offer 3% for order of 5.000 to 10.000 units.
B: We would like a higher discount. Another supplier is already offering us 5%.
A: If you order 15.000 units, we will give you a higher discount of 5%.
B: Yes. It is suitable for us.
A: Next, I would like to suggest a 4-month delivery term.
B: I disagree. How about 2 months?
A: I’m sorry, we don’t have enough production time with that term. How do you feel about 3 months?
B: Yes. It is not bad idea.
A: Ok, so far we have agreed in price, discount and delivery term. This is certainly a step toward reaching
an agreement.
B: Thank you very much for an effective meeting. Good bye.
A: Bye.
A (Human Resources Manager): Good morning. My name is My. I am a Human Resources Manager at
AMB Company.
B (Sales representative): Hello. I am Phuong – a sales representative at AMB company.
A: You look unhappy. What’s wrong with you?
B: Yes. I feel quite dissatisfied.
A: Could you tell me why you are dissatisfied?
B: I have exceeded the sales target by 150%. According to the company policy, I can get a bonus of $2,000.
However, I haven’t received it.
A: I am sorry about that. Do you know our company is investing most of the budget in its new business
B: Really? I haven’t heard about it before.
A: Let me apologize for inconvenience. Can we pay 50% bonus first and other 50% to be paid later for
B: Well! So when will I receive the money?
A: You will receive the money at the end of next month.
B: Great. I agree with solution. Thank you so much.
A: No problem. Good bye.
B: Bye.
The interview is a meeting between you and the interviewer. Therefor you need to know tips to having
a good impression. Firstly, you should prepare something for a job interview such as: dress appropriately,
communication skill and anticipating question. You need to research the company’s profile. Beside, you
should learn your interviewer’s name and job position before going to the interview. Secondly, you should
think of question to ask your interview. Thirdly, you can arrive 15 or 20 minutes before the schedule
interview time. Besides, you should speak honest and show courtesy. Finally, you have to keep calm and
confident during the interview. If you know those things, you will have a successful interview. That all.


A: Hello. Today, I think we should spend some time discussing plans for setting up a new business. We can
open a shop.
B: Sure. What is the shop going to offer?
A: Our shop is going to sell fashion such as: shirt, shoes, glasses, trousers, clothes.
B: Well. Who is going to be the target customer?
A: They will be mostly students and young people.
B: I don’t think that. Because there are many fashion shops that provide clothes for students and young
people. We can offer clothes for children.
A: Great. How do you think our slogan is “Fashion for everyone”.
B: That is good idea. What is your opinion on means of advertising?
A: I think we should use newspaper to advert.
B: No. It is not suitable for our products. Because few people read newspaper although its price is very
cheap. Pop-up via Internet is types of advertising for our products.
A: Ok. The meeting end here. Good bye. Thank you for your opinion.
B: No problem. Bye.
In the future, after leaving school, I and my friends will open a company. The name of our company
will be “Sugar”. Its head office will be in Hanoi. Besides, we will have some branches in Hai Duong, Hai
Phong, … We will specialize in fashion such as: clothes, shoes, hand bag, … We are going to hire about
3.000 employees working in 3 branches. We will open this company because of many reasons. Firstly,
fashion is our hoppy and it is essential and necessary. Secondly, we are studying accountant so we think we
can open our own company. Moreover, we have marketing skill so we can advertise our brand on different
form such as: TV commercial, pop-up, slogan, … The target customer is all people but the mean age is
from 15 to 30. However, our company meet any difficulties because the competitor is GC, Channel, … But
we would like to get a high revenue every year. That all about my business plan.

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