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Національний університет «Одеська політехніка»

Перший (бакалаврський) рівень вищої освіти
Спеціальність – 035 Філологія
Освітня програма  – Германські мови та літератури (переклад включно), перша –
Навчальна дисципліна – Практика перекладу технічних текстів (перша мова)
Семестр 3
Зразок модульної роботи
Модульна контрольна робота № 2 (20 балів)
Прізвище, ім’я здобувача Татринцева Вікторія
Дата написання 11.10.22
Курс, група 2 курс,НФ-211
Варіант №1
I. Теоретична частина (10 балів, кожна вірна відповідь 5 б.)
1. Надайте загальну характеристику германських мов. (Germanic languages: general
features.) (5 балів).
The Germanic group of languages has its own individual characteristics. They are:
• the development of a weak verb conjugation along with the strong conjugation;
• the twofold declension of the adjective (as strong and weak);
• a fixed stress accent;   and
• a regular shifting of consonants.

2. Доведіть \ розкрийте важливість англійської мови. (The importance of English.)

English is one of the world’s most important language. At the beginning of the 19th
century, English was the native speech of 15 million people.There are 2 billion
speakers worldwide, English is the largest language by the number of speakers. It
is also the third largest language by the number of native speakers. 
It is the native or official language of one fifth of the earth’s land surface.Of
the languages of colonization, it has been the most important in Africa, Asia, and
the islands of the central and southern Pacific. As the most common language,
English has the power of connecting people from many different cultures, building
relationships and understanding. So English is of great importance for any educated
English is widely used as an international language of communication.Also it is the
main language of technology,science, commerce, politics and culture (especially
literature). By learning English you can create a bright future where you can earn
and work almost anywhere in the world.Entertainment is also one of the easiest and
most fun ways to learn English.You’ll be able to watch movies without pesky
subtitles with weird and not original translation.As i did before,but now i’m
enjoying my time.English can help you open new opportunities and possibilities all
through the power of the internet. Best of all, there are endless ways to expose
yourself to English — more than any other language.Whether it’s through TV, books,
the internet, or 1-on-1 conversation.At one time, conversations and messages with
native speakers helped me a lot in language development and the development of
The importance of English is based on such objective criteria as:
• The number of speakers;
• The geographic distribution;
• The extent of its function load (i.e. the range of purposes for which the given
language is used);
• The economic and/or political influence of the native speakers of the language.

II. Практична частина (10 балів, кожна вірна відповідь 1 б.)
Оберіть правильну відповідь (A, B, C):
Choose the correct answer
1. Modern English is:A)
a) an analytic language;
b) a synthetic language;
c) a syntactic language
2. OE was:B)
a) an analytic language;
b) a synthetic language;
c) a syntactic language
3. State the group of Germanic languages to which English belongs:C)
a) East Germanic;
b) North Germanic;
c) West Germanic.
4. The OE period began with ...A)
a) Anglo-Saxon invasion;
b) Scandinavian invasion;
c) Roman invasion

5. The MidE period began with ...B)

a) Scandinavian invasion;  
b) Norman conquest;
c) Anglo-Saxon invasion
6. The New English period began with ...B)
a) Shakespeare's birth;
b) introduction of printing;
c) Christianization of Britain
7. The name England originated from the language of:B)
a) the Celts;
b) the Anglo-Saxons;
c) the Romans
8. The name Britain originated from:A)
a) Celtic;
b) Germanic;
c) Latin
9. The poetic name of Britain – Albion – comes from:C)
a) Celtic;
b) Germanic;
c) Latin
10. The names of London and The Thames were taken from:C)
a) Germanic;
b) Latin
c) Celtic
Затверджено на засіданні кафедри АФП
Протокол № 1 від 31.08. 2022 р.
Зав.кафедри____________О.М.. Мітіна
Екзаменатор __________ Н.І. Чепелюк

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