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‫مبادئ علم التجويد‬

The principles of the science of Tajweed

‫مبادئ علم التجويد‬
‫اعلم ان علم التجوید من أشرف العلوم علی االطالق و أفضلھاو أن‬
‫له – کغیرہ من الفنون – مبادئ عشرة ‪:‬‬
‫قال الشىیخ الصبان ‪:‬‬
‫الحد و المو ضوع ث َّ‬
‫م الثمرة‬ ‫مبادئ ُكل فن عشرة‬
‫ُ‬ ‫َّ‬
‫الشارع‬ ‫واالسم االستمدا ُد ُ‬
‫حکم‬ ‫و فضلہ و نسبہ والواضع‬
‫ع حا َز الشرفا‬ ‫و من َد َری الجمی َ‬ ‫بالبعض اکتفی‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ُ‬
‫البعض‬ ‫مسائلہ و‬

‫®‪Reeyul Quloob‬‬


‫الحد‬ ‫الموضوع‬ ‫الثمرة‬ ‫فضله‬



‫نسبه‬ ‫الواضع‬ ‫االسم‬ ‫اإلستمداد‬


‫حكم الشارع‬ ‫مسائله‬


‫حده و تعريفه‬
Linguistic definition: Technical definition:

tajweed is the noun from Pronouncing every letter (of the

the verb (Jawwada) which Qur’an) from its proper Arabic
makhraj, while giving its rights
means to make better.
and the characteristics it
Tajweed= making better deserves.
‫ التحسين‬:‫لغة‬ ‫من صفة لها و‬...‫(وهو أيضا حلية التالوة‬

Rights of the letters: are the characteristics they

have ALL THE TIME. (Arabic: haq ‫)حق‬
‫صفته الذاتية التي ال تقوم ذات الحرف بدونها‬
WHAT THEY DESERVE (dues) is characteristics that
may or may not be all the time, and it is a RESULT of
the rights. (Arabic: mustahaq ‫)مستحق‬
‫ما ينشأ عن تلك الصفات الذاتية‬

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❖Tajweed of the Holy Qur'an is the knowledge and

application of the rules of recitation, so the reading of the

Qur'an is as the Prophet Mohammed (SAW) recited it.

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The Qur’anic words. This is what tajweed is
concerned with.
Pronouncing the Qur’anic words properly through
pronouncing every letter from its makhraj and
giving it its haq and mustahaq
Avoid exaggeration and over reacting.

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1. Protecting our tongues from making mistakes while
reciting the Qur’an.
2. It is called (lahn) which literally means to bend away
from the right path
3. Our ultimate goal from avoiding mistakes is gaining
the pleasure of Allah swt and succeeding in this life
and the after life
4. To ponder upon its verses
1. Knowing the Makharij of the Arabic letters
2. Knowing the consequent characteristics that
result from pronouncing a letter from a
certain makhraj
3. Knowing the rules that occur when these
letters meet (in a word for example)
4. Practice and repetition.
Example.. Pronouncing the word (‫ )جآء‬properly

You need to:

1. Know the makhraj of the jeem, alif and hamza
2. Know the characters of each
3. Know that a maad occurs when the alif comes
before a hamza
4. Practice and repeat till you pronounce it with the
proper length and sound.

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❖Comprehensive knowledge of tajweed preserves the tongue

from mistakes in pronunciation of the Glorious Qur‟an

during reading and thus it preserves it from distortion.

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• The virtue of something comes from what it is related
to. The virtue of Medicine comes from its relation to
human lives.
• Tajweed is related to the words of Allah the Creator of
the Heaven and the Earth. It is one of the most noble
Sciences that ever existed..!
• It is one of the Islamic sciences that are related to the
• Allah swt is the one who put down its rules, so it is of
Divine source.
Reeyul Quloob®
‫ قال رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه‬:‫وعن أبي موسى األشعري رضي هللا عنه‬
‫ وطعمها‬،‫ ريحها طيب‬:‫ "مثل المؤمن الذي يقرأ القرآن مثل األترجة‬: ‫وسلم‬
،‫ ال ريح لها وطعمها حلو‬:‫ ومثل المؤمن الذي ال يقرأ القرآن كمثل التمرة‬،‫طيب‬
‫ ومثل‬،‫ ريحها طيب وطعمها مر‬:‫ومثل المنافق الذي يقرأ القرآن كمثل الريحانة‬
"‫ ليس له ريح وطعمها مر‬:‫(متفق المنافق الذي اليقرأ القرآن كمثل الحنظلة‬
Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Messenger of Allah ( )‫ﷺ‬said, "The believer who recites the Qur'an is like a citron
whose fragrance is sweet and whose taste is delicious. A believer who does not recite
the Qur'an is like a date-fruit which has no fragrance but has a sweet taste. The
hypocrite who recites the Qur'an is like basil whose fragrance is so sweet, but its taste
is bitter. The hypocrite who does not recite the Qur'an is like a colocynth which has no
fragrance and its taste is bitter."

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

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The disbeliever is not mentioned in this
hadith because they don’t read the Qur’an.

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History of tajweed

In the first hundred years after the Prophet, Islamic knowledge spread very
rapidly through the region and was taken up by many non-Arab speakers.

Those groups of scholars who had been taught the correct pronunciation going
back to the companions (of the prophet) realised that if they did not do something
then the people would lose the knowledge of how the letters or alphabets
of the Quran should be pronounced.

It then became mandatory for rules to be put down that would preserve the
recitation of the Qur'an from mistakes and guarantee the reader of the
Qur'an integrity of pronunciation.
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The Concept of Tawatur

Companion 1 Companion 2

Student 1 Student 3

Student 2 Student 4
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Definition of Tawaatur
Tawaatur is the agreement of a group of people on a matter in such a
way that it is impossible for them to all have agreed upon a lie.
A Mutawaatir report is that which has been transmitted from a group
for whom it is impossible to gather upon a lie, or to report a lie even
by coincidence, to another group with the same conditions, and this
continues to the end of the chain. Any knowledge passed down must
be based on the senses. These conditions must be present from the
beginning of the chain till the end. If at any point any of the conditions
are lost, the chain will no longer be considered Mutawaatir.

Reeyul Quloob®
‫هللا عز وجل‬
‫جبريل عليه السالم‬
‫النبي صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬
‫عبد هللا بن مسعود‬ ‫علي بن ابي طالب‬

‫زر بن حبيش االسدي‬ ‫أبو عبد الرحمن السلمي‬

‫عاصم بن أبي نجود الكوفى‬

‫الراوى‬ ‫الراوى‬
‫”شعبة“‬ ‫”حفص“‬ ‫®‪Reeyul Quloob‬‬
From the academic and the theoretical point of view,
there is a difference of opinion on which scholar
actually started formulating rules (or ahkam) from the
recitation transferred through tawatur.
From practical point of view In terms of science and theory

‫عن رب العزة عز وجل‬ ‫الخليل ابن أحمد الفرا هيدي‬

‫عن جبريل عليه السالم‬ ‫أبو األسود الدؤلي‬

‫سيدنا محمد صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬ ‫أبو عبيد القاسم بن سالم‬

Reeyul Quloob®
• First Tajweed explanation was written by ‫أبو عبيد‬
‫ القاسم السالم‬A.H 224
• First Tajweed poem was written by ‫أبي مزاحم‬
‫الخاقاني‬A.H 325 . Its said it’s the oldest poem
written on Rulings of Tajweed
• Second book written on tajweed was by Imam
‫ مكى بن طالب القياسي‬A.H 437
• One of the easiest poem in this science
Muqaddimatul Jazariyya written by ‫محمد بن‬
‫ الجزري‬A.H 833
Reeyul Quloob®

The Science of Tajweed

Q: what does this name mean ?

Q: how should the meaning of the
name of this science affect us?

Reeyul Quloob®

From the recitation of Prophet Muhammad
pbuh, which has reached us through the
amazing process of tawatur.
This is one of the tools Allah used to
preserve His Final Message to the world.
What is a SANAD?

Reeyul Quloob®
“Ijazah,” (Arabic: ‫اإلجازَ ة‬,
ِ literally “permission” or
“authorization”), is a certification and license
authorizing its holder to transmit a certain text or
subject of knowledge, issued by a higher religious
authority (usually an indirect student of the Prophet
Muhammad or a famous Muslim scholar). It is
particularly associated with the transmission of Islamic
religious knowledge (aside from scientific or secular
knowledge), and the license usually implies that the
student has acquired this knowledge from the issuer of
the Ijazah through first-hand oral and face-to-face
Reeyul Quloob®
“Verily, the Ijazah is a testimony from the
Mujeez (the one who has the Ijazah,
teacher of Qur’an) to the Mujaaz (the one
being given the Ijazah, or reciter). And this
testimony is a recommendation or
certification ) ‫ )تزكية‬for the student for
the proper application (of the rules) and
perfection of his recitation.
Reeyul Quloob®
Prophet ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬had given Ijaazah verbally to some
of his companions when He (saw) said about Ubayy bin
Ka’b ‘ ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬The most learned of you in recitation is
Ubayy,’ as well as when he listened to the recitation of
‘Abdullah bin Qays Abu Musa al-Ash’ari and praised him for
it. This is a verbal Ijazah.
And likewise was the case for ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ood and
other companions besides these who became famous for
their recitation at that time.”

Reeyul Quloob®

There are 2 aspects of tajweed as we learned from how it
was founded:
1. Practical aspect
▪ The practical aspect means the way a Muslim recites
the Qur’an.
2. Theoretical aspect
▪ The theoretical aspect means studying the rulings
and understanding the details.

Reeyul Quloob®
Fulfilling the practical aspect of tajweed is –of no doubt- an
obligation upon every Muslim reciting the Qur’an.
This means every single Muslim MUST learn how to recite it
properly. Without necessarily knowing any Ahkam.
This is how it was sent down, this is how it should be read.

‫من لم يجود القرءان آثم‬ ‫وألخذ بالتجويد حتم الزم‬

‫وهكذا منه إلينا وصال‬ ‫ألنه به اإلله أنزال‬

Reeyul Quloob®
Hence, applying the rules of Tajweed is an obligation to keep
away from the major mistakes in reciting the Quran.

In other words, when the angel Jibreel (Gabriel) recited

the words of Allah to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
he recited them in a certain way, and he showed the Prophet
the ways in which it was permissible to recite the Quran.
So, it is obligatory upon us to observe those rules so that
we recite it in the way it was revealed.

Reeyul Quloob®
‫قسم التجوید بتقسم قسمین‬
There are two types of tajweed

) ‫ قسم التجويد العلمی (النظری‬:۲ )‫ قسم التجويد العملی (التطبيقی‬-۱

Practical implementation of the rules of tajweed
Knowledge of tajweed It is to recite the Quran in the proper as it was revealed upon prophet
Refers to the scientific knowledge of tajweed Mohammed‫ ﷺ‬Allah‫ ﷻ‬.
with the rules and regulations. :‫و ھو فرض عين‬
‫و ھو فرض کفايہ‬ Its obligatory to all Muslim and who would not would be sinful.
That is if one group of Muslims within an are ‫الدليل من القرآن‬
The evidence from Quran
teaching and learning then it is sufficient ) 4:‫َو َرتِّ ِّل ۡٱلقُ ۡر َءانَ ت َ ۡرتِّيالا (المزمل‬
from all . However if no one is involved in the And recite the Qur'ân in a slow, (pleasant tone and) style
practice then the sin would fall on all. ‫الدليل من السنہ‬
Evidence from hadith
َ ‫صالَتِّ ِّه قَالَتْ َما لَ ُك ْم َو‬
‫صالَتَهُ ث ُ َّم‬ َ ‫َّللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم َو‬ ِّ َّ ‫سو ِّل‬ ُ ‫ َر‬،‫سلَ َمةَ ع َْن قِّ َرا َء ِّة‬
َ ‫سأ َ َل أ ُ َّم‬
‫س َرةا ح َْرفاا ح َْرفاا‬ َ ْ
َّ ‫ي تَنعَتُ قِّ َرا َءتَهُ ُمف‬ َ َ َ
َ ‫نعَت َتْ ف ِّإذا ِّھ‬
He asked Umm Salamah about the recitation and prayer of the
Messenger of Allah ( )‫ﷺ‬and she said: "Why do you want to know
about his prayer?" Then she described his recitation and as being so
measured and clear that each letter could be distinguished.
Sunan an-Nasa'i 1022
Reeyul Quloob®
How do we know
(3 resources)
1. Qur’an: a direct order from Allah: (..and recite the Qur'an
with measured recitation) [surah Almuzzamil: 4]
2. Sunnah: his recitation and as being so measured and clear
that each letter could be distinguished.
3. The agreed upon principle between scholars: No
companion, or follower of a companion, or a late scholar
ever read without tajweed, or permitted it.

Reeyul Quloob®
But what if I can’t..??
As long as you learn, you are getting DOUBLE
the reward

Reeyul Quloob®


We mean by issues, the main topics that lead
us to the details of tajweed. For example,
one of its issues is (the rules of nun sakinah
and tanween). This consequently leads us to
a number of detailed ahkam (ithhar,…etc)

Reeyul Quloob®
‫ارکان القراءة الصحيحة‬
Any recital which has these three conditions present in it –

1 ‫موافقة القراءة لوجه من وجوه اللغة العربية‬

Agreement with the original Arabic Language

2 ‫موافقة القراءة لرسم المصحف العثماني‬

Agreement with any of the Uthmanic scripts and

3 ‫صحة سندھا عن الرسول عليه الصالة والسالم‬

Establishment via Tawaatur
‫قوائد القراءة الصحيحة‬
The Rules for Reciting Correctly
The one who wants to recite the Quran with the correct recitation ,
he has to go through the following 4 steps

‫معرفعۃ مخارج الحروف‬ 01 02 ‫معرفعۃ صفات الحروف‬

Identification of the articulation Identifying the characteristics or
points of every letter. qualities of the letters.

‫معرفعۃ ما يتجدد من أحکام عند‬

‫ترتيب الحروف‬
03 ‫رياضہ اللسان و التکرار‬
Identifying the rules of tajweed which The practice of tongue and repetition
will applied at every single letter. of reading.
‫مراتب القراءة‬
Style of Recitation

‫الحدر‬ ‫التدوير‬ ‫التحقيق‬

It is reading at a Reading the
Reading in a
Qur’an slowly and
quick mode level between
giving each letter
with the the Al Tahqeeq its rights and dues
observation of and Al Hedr and
the tajweed understanding
rules meanings
The Noble Quran is the literal words of Allah that He revealed as an infallible
source of legislation for mankind to live an organized life by. It contains
regulations and recommendations about all aspects of life and references to the
Hereafter. Being so important, the Quran must be read, written, and recited
correctly and clearly, so as not to create any sort of ambiguity or
misunderstanding whatsoever.
Allaah Almighty addressed His Messenger Muhammad (SAW)

َ ‫علَ ْي ِه َو َر ِت ِل ْالقُ ْر‬

ً ‫آن ت َ ْر ِت‬
- ‫يال‬ َ ‫أ َ ْو ِز ْد‬ 73:4
Reeyul Quloob®
▪ ….” It has been reported that ‘Ali, may Allah be pleased
with him, when asked about Allah’s statement,
▪ 73:4 - ‫يال‬ً ِ‫علَ ْي ِه َو َرتِ ِل ْالقُ ْرآنَ تَ ْرت‬
َ ‫أ َ ْو ِز ْد‬
- said, “Tarteel means tajweed of the letters, and knowledge
of stops.” Imam Al-Jazaree's book: An-Nashr 1:209.
[Note: This statement of Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, is not traceable by a chain that
we can find. ]

Reeyul Quloob®
Every Muslim has to recite Quran in prayers, but
many of us do not realise that reciting the Quran
correctly while observing the rules of recitation is not
an advanced science for expert reciters alone, rather it is
an obligation upon each and every one of us whenever
we recite the Quran.

Reeyul Quloob®

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