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Aerodynamics – Structural System – Height Vs Footprint –
Wind Load Issues – Seismic Issues – Materials - Foundation
Height vs Footprint
As the most widely used synthetic material, concrete has remained largely unchanged for
centuries. While its durability makes it a popular building material, the production of cement
is a major source of greenhouse gas today. It is estimated that every kilogram of cement
produced releases around the same amount of CO2 into the atmosphere. It’s no surprise
then that there has been a flurry of research activities to make concrete greener.
One of the most innovative ideas was developed by Hendrik Jonkers, a microbiologist at
Delft University. The Dutch researcher created a bio-concrete that can heal cracks on its own
by adding limestone bacteria to the material. The bacteria can survive in concrete for up to
two centuries. They are activated whenever cracks appear, prolonging the lifespan of
buildings and infrastructures.
Scientists are also exploring ways to develop smart concrete that can provide real-time
updates on its conditions. By embedding sensors in the material, engineers can identify
potential cracks before they appear, improving the efficiency of building management.
At first glance, wood seems to be an unlikely candidate for cutting-edge construction
material. After all, it can be found in many historical buildings across cultures. But
technological development in timber has got architects of skyscrapers looking at this
humble material under a new lens.
Compared to concrete and steel, wood is a renewable resource and requires less fossil fuel
to transport. Researchers estimate that the construction industry can reduce emissions by
up to 31% if wood becomes the primary building material for our cities.
The development of cross-laminated timber has opened the possibility of making wooden
skyscrapers a reality. Produced by gluing and compressing many sheets of wood together,
the strength and robustness of CLT is comparable to steel.
Earlier this year, Japanese firm Sumitomo Forestry revealed plans to build a 350-meter
skyscraper in Tokyo. It may not belong before the term “concrete jungle” loses its
Energy generating glass skyscrapers may sound like the stuff of science fiction but a recent
invention by researchers at Exeter University in England has made this a distinct possibility in
the near future.
Dubbed Solar Squared, the researchers embedded solar cells in glass bricks that are
engineered to achieve maximum solar absorption. Not only do they require less surface area
than traditional solar panels to function, the glass blocks also hold up aesthetically, potentially
making them an attractive material for skyscrapers’ facades.
The large amount of natural light let into the interior is undoubtedly one of the appeals of
glass skyscrapers. But this feature also leads to problems of regulating internal temperature,
especially during the hotter months when too much sunlight could lead to overheating.

The emergence of smart windows has the potential to vastly improve the energy efficiency of
high-rises with glass facades. And perovskites, a mineral consisting largely of calcium titanate,
is the material that makes this potential game-changing innovation possible. By changing the
elemental components of perovskites, researchers have developed windows that
automatically turn opaque when temperature hits 60oC, allowing the interior to cool down.
Improving air quality is one of the major challenges facing cities around the world today.
Architects and engineers have begun applying their expertise to solve the problem with some
innovative results.
Hospital Manuel Gea Conzalez in Mexico City, for example, features a titanium dioxide-coated
façade that soaks up pollutants in the air. Last year, materials science company Arconic also
revealed renderings of a 3D printed skyscraper that purifies surrounding air with a special
coating called Eco Clean.

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