Digital Transformation of HR

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Transformation to digital HR

The world of work began to evolve before the global pandemic, accelerated in the pace of
change by necessity during the pandemic, and will continue to evolve as the way we work
and the places we work further expand.

The most recent Ladders Quarterly Remote Work Report reveals that “over 20 million
professional jobs will not be going back to the office after COVID.” And while some
companies with large real estate investments predict a return to the office, the vast majority
of workers report a desire for remote or hybrid work options.

The “great resignation,” including an all-time monthly high of 4.5 million workers quitting
their jobs in November 2021 alone is the result of a reassessment of personal and
professional priorities. Companies working hard to digitally transform HR are the ones who
will benefit from this remarkable shift in talent.

Workers have refined their priorities, they have options, and they’re not afraid to exercise

This article will discuss what HR digital transformation looks like in practice, why
organizations need to embrace this change, and we’ll provide examples of how companies
are conducting this change successfully.

Keywords: HR , human resources, Industry 4.0, industrial revolution, Digitalization, digital

transformation, skill management.

2.What is HR Digital Transformation?

Traditional HR processes rely on face-to-face communications, filing cabinets, and
paperwork. Lots of paperwork – for everything from payroll, attendance systems, and
performance management to candidate management and on boarding. HR digital
transformation includes moving those processes to technology-based systems. But
technology isn’t the be-all and end-all of the transformation. Nor is it the place to start.

Companies successfully undergoing an HR digital transformation start with leadership,

culture, and the way their people work. The technology and improved process efficiencies
merely support this overall workplace revolution.

For example, your meeting-scheduling app may allow you to plan a meeting at 8:30AM, but
what if that’s right in the middle of a school run for some of the invitees? Learning and
caring about what your employees need and what is important to your company culture
comes before any implementation of HR digital transformation.

It’s also important to remember that a company is never fully “digitally transformed.” This is
a process that will evolve to support the way people live and work tomorrow, next year, and
decades from now. The goal should be to support your people where they want to be, how
they want to be hired, and how they want to work today.

3.The Importance of HR Transformation

The benefits of digital transformation in HR include improved employee experience,

simplified business processes, better data-driven decision-making, and so much more.

Digital tools help companies save time and money while improving communication, driving
productivity, recruiting top talent, giving employees the ability to work from anywhere,
providing information that can influence business decisions, and more.

When HR leads the digital transformation movement, involving leadership and engaging
every employee along the way, they can ensure that the chosen technologies and processes
put people and culture first and that changes are welcomed by all.

Examples of Digital Transformation in HR

What does HR digital transformation look like in practice? Here are seven powerful
possibilities for your organization.

1. Digital On boarding
Many thousands of workers have never set foot in company offices, having been hired after
the start of the pandemic. And the increasing prevalence of hybrid and remote work will
make this an ongoing challenge.

What used to involve a couple of anxious days as new hires get to know the people and the
culture at their new job has, in some places, been replaced by an ongoing feeling of
disconnect from the company and culture of their employer.

According to the HR platform Glass door, while great onboarding can improve new hire
retention by 82% and increase productivity by 70%, a mere 12% of employees report a great
onboarding experience with their new employer.

A strategic HR digital transformation will lead you to platforms that are built specifically for
employee onboarding. There you can create personalized and engaging (even fun)
employee onboarding programs at scale.

4.Digital Adoption Platforms

Adopting new software can feel to employees like yet another hurdle to getting work done,
but much of that hesitancy (and even an inclination to cling to old solutions) can be
overcome when employees know they won’t have to figure it out on their own or face a
long learning curve. Digital adoption platforms provide an interactive way to learn on the
job with step-by-step walkthroughs for the features your employees use the most.
They provide a way to analyze usage, automate processes, and improve user experience.
Spot a workflow that typically leads to drop-off? Create a new tooltip or video to help
employees get unstuck.

Add a new feature? Need to explain a new process? No need to send a memo – put it right
inside the software exactly where it’s needed.

Sentry Insurance used Google meets to save over 950K on training and content creation for
their 2,000 employees. They created user-specific content so that each employee is shown
the walk-throughs, pop-ups, or self-help materials that are specific to their role and where
they are in the application.

5.Virtual trainings

New-hire training is important for both companies and their new employees, yet over a
third have subpar employee-onboarding experiences. Most companies mistakenly cast
onboarding aside and let their new hires jump headfirst into their tasks. But handing over
the reins on day one is confusing for the employee and sets them up for failure.

6.Best Practices for Effective Remote Employee Training

Now that we’ve established the importance of training your new team members, we need
to know how to get it right. Here are some things you need to keep in mind while designing
your new-hire training program:

1. Start Before Day One

Before your new hire officially starts their first day at your company, they should already
feel welcome and have an idea of what they should expect.And since remote work
communication usually happens asynchronously, it is entirely possible that your new
employee will be online before anyone else is. Having an asynchronous learning system,
with videos and walk-throughs, will give them something to do and something to look
forward to, even before they start.

2. Be Organized

If you can’t clearly tell your new employee what they need to do and know, they’re not
going to know how they fit into your company. You can’t just give your new hire a list of
values and five different tools and expect them to understand what’s going on and what is
expected of them.

3. Make Them Feel Welcome

In a remote environment especially, human interaction is one of the most important things
to make a new hire feel welcome. According to 72% of employees, one of the most
important parts of the onboarding process was the one-on-one check-ins with their
managers.Apart from video chats, sending a company-wide welcome message and having
channels where new hires can interact with their new colleagues encourages that feeling of

4. Standardize the Training Process

Standardize the onboarding process by role through task lists, courses, and a learning
management system (LMS). Having a standard training process, with engaging, interactive
material, will save you time and help your employees. Having a step-by-step guide will help
new employees know exactly what they need to learn and do during their first few weeks.


objective of the paper was to determine how to meet the requirements of the HR system
transformation, especially in the field of employee development in the context of the fourth
industrial revolution and coming digital transformation. Working on the front lines of
innovation where today’s paradigms are undergoing radical changes forces each employee
to grapple with complex issues that cannot be handled by a single business division or the
skills of one individual

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