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HOME Approval Hierarchy

Sr no. Topic
1 Position Hierarchy
2 Employee Hierarchy
3 Documet Types
4 Vacation Rule
5 Solution Test case -2

All sheet is with Hyperlink (click on any topic name then directly open this sheet ,and
on evere sheet then click on that then again back to home Sheet )
irectly open this sheet ,and also home button is available
e Sheet )
Position Hierarchy
There are two types of Hierarchy
1 Employee -Supervisor Hierarchy
2 Position Hierarchy

Approval Hierarchy Sr No. Set Up

1 Create the JOB
2 Create the Position
3 Possition Hierarchy
4 Define Employee
5 Assign Job & Position to the Employee
6 Define Approval Group
7 Check On Financial Option
8 Assigment of Approval Group (define Limit also )
9 Define Buyer
10 Define User
11 Run Concurrent Request ''Fill Employee Hierarchy''

User Name User ID Password

Cheatan DAS (2569) DAS1234 9595808070
RAM Soni (2570) RSONI234 9595808070

Karan Jain (2573) JAIN123 9595808070

Agrawal Sonu(2576) Sonu1234 9595808070

SR No. User Create The PO

1 Ram Soni Done

2 Ram Soni Done

3 RAM Soni Done

4 Ram Soni Done

5 Ram Soni Done

CASE 2:-When two Employee for Same Postion with Same Approver Limits?
Name Position Limit
PALEKAR AKSHAY ASP001.Purchase Dir 100000
JAIN KARAN ASP001.Purchase Dir 100000

SR No. User Create The PO

1 Ram Soni Done

CASE 3 :-When Three Employee for Same Postion with Same Approver Limits?
Name Position Limit
PALEKAR AKSHAY ASP001.Purchase Dir 100000
JAIN KARAN ASP001.Purchase Dir 100000
Agrawal Sonu ASP001.Purchase Dir 100000

SR No. User Create The PO

1 Ram Soni Done

If you are using position approval hierarchies and there is more than one employee associated wit
Concusion :- employee in the Approvals window based on alphabetic order.

Activity Navigation
Pur Res>Setup>Personnel>Job
Pur Res>Setup>Personnel>Position
Pur Res>Setup>Personnel>Position Hierarchy
Hrms Res>Enter & Maintain>
Assign Job & Position to the EmployeHrms Res>Enter & Maintain>Assigment
Pur Res>Setup>Approvals>Approval Group
✘ Use Approval Hierarchy Pur Res>Setup>Oraganization>Financial Option >Human Resource
Pur Res>Setup>Approvals>Approvals Assigments
Pur Res>Setup>Personnel>Buyer
When u define a user then Per must bSystem Admin Res > Security>User>Define
Pur Res>View>Submit new>Fill Employee Hierarchy>OK

Approval Hierarchy JOB

Manager ASP001 _Purchasings
Purchase Officer

Director ASP001 _Purchasings

Director ASP001 _Purchasings

Document Type (Forward

Value of PO
Methode/Default Herarichy)
20000 Direct/Blank

20000 Direct/Blank
40000 Direct/Blank

40000 Direct/Hierarchy

60000 Direct/Hierarchy

Value of PO Submit for Approval

✘ (Tick)

Value of PO Submit for Approval

✘ (Tick)

n one employee associated with Same or particular position with same Approval Limits , Purchasing defaults a Forward-To
osition Hierarchy

pproval Group
n>Financial Option >Human Resource
pprovals Assigments
ill Employee Hierarchy>OK

Position Possition Hierarchy Approval Group

ASP001.Purchase Director ASP001_PUR
ASP002.Purchase Manager ASP001_Org_Hierarchy DAS001_PUR
ASP003.Purchase Officer RAM001_PUR
ASP001.Purchase Director
ASP002.Purchase Manager
ASP003.Purchase Officer

ASP001.Purchase Director ASP001_PUR

ASP001.Purchase Director ASP001_PUR

Submit for Approval Forward Approval Path

✘ (Tick) (Untick) NA

✘ (Tick) ✘ (Tick) ASP001_Org_Hierarchy

✘ (Tick) ✘ (Tick)

✘ (Tick) NA

✘ (Tick) ✘ (Tick) ASP001_Org_Hierarchy

✘ (Tick) ✘ (Tick) ASP001_Org_Hierarchy

Forward Approval Path Forward To

✘ (Tick)
ASP001_Org_Hierarchy JAIN KARAN

Forward Approval Path Forward To

✘ (Tick)
ASP001_Org_Hierarchy Agrawal Sonu

Limits , Purchasing defaults a Forward-To




Forward To PO Header Status After Approval Done

NA Approved NA


NA Incomplete

Cheatan DAS In-process Cheatan DAS (Approved )

Cheatan DAS In-process Cheatan DAS (Approved )

PO Header Status After Approval Done PO Header Status

In-process JAIN KARAN(Approved ) Approved

PO Header Status After Approval Done PO Header Status

In-process Agrawal Sonu(Approved) Approved
PO Header Status





If we set the two Employee for Same Position then System goes for Approver with
Alphabatical Order

If we set the 3 Employee for Same Position then System goes for Approver with
Alphabatical Order

Po is within the Limit of User (Buyer )

When Akshay Palekar Approved the PO then The Po Status is Approved

PO goes to for Approval Ram Soni because we are not use forward option and Po Status is
Incomplete (But Notification is show at a RAM Soni Worklist ,No approver was found for Standard
Purchase Order XXXX)

If we Forward this with Proper Approver then the Po is Approved

1)Cheatan Das Allowed to Approved the PO but Status is Not Approved It is In process And Po
Automatically forward to its Porper Approval (Akshay Palekar )Once the Akshay Approved the Po
then Status is Approved


Forward this Po for Proper Approval (Query Po
No.>click on Approve>Tick on Forward>Check
Approval path>Select Forward to>Ok)
Employee/Supervisor Hierarchy
Approval Hierarchy Sr No. Set Up
1 UnCheck On Financial Option
2 Create the JOB
3 Define Employee
4 Assign Job to the Employee
5 Define Approval Group
6 Assigment of Approval Group (define Limit also )
7 Define Buyer
8 Define User
9 Run Concurrent Request ''Fill Employee Hierarchy''

User Name User ID Password

Ganesh DAS(2580) Ganesh123 9595808070
RAM Kumar (2581) RAM22 9595808070

SR No. User Create The PO

1 RAM Kumar Done

2 Done
RAM Kumar

4 Done
RAM Kumar

5 Done
RAM Kumar

Activity Navigation
Use Approval Hierarchy Pur Res>Setup>Oraganization>Financial Option >Human Resource
Pur Res>Setup>Personnel>Job
Hrms Res>Enter & Maintain>
Assign Job to the Employee Hrms Res>Enter & Maintain>Assigment
Pur Res>Setup>Approvals>Approval Group
Pur Res>Setup>Approvals>Approvals Assigments
Pur Res>Setup>Personnel>Buyer
System Admin Res > Security>User>Define
Pur Res>View>Submit new>Fill Employee Hierarchy>OK

Approval Hierarchy JOB

Director ASP001 _Purchasings
Manager ASP002.Purchasing
Purchase Officer ASP003 _Purchasing

Value of PO Submit for Approval

20000 ✘ (Check)

20000 ✘ (Check)

✘ (Check)

✘ (Check)
zation>Financial Option >Human Resource
als>Approval Group
als>Approvals Assigments
ew>Fill Employee Hierarchy>OK

Approval Group Limit Approval Group

ASP001_PUR 100000 ASP001_PUR
DAS001_PUR 50000 DAS001_PUR
RAM001_PUR 20000 RAM001_PUR

Forward Approval Path Forward To

(UnCheck) Grey Out Grey Out

✘ (Check) Grey Out Palekar Akshay

✘ (Check)
Grey Out Palekar Akshay

✘ (Check)
Grey Out
Ganesh DAS

PO Header Status Document Type (Direct Po Route

/Heirarchy )
Approved Direct

Pr-Approved Hierarchy RAM to Akshay

In-process Direct RAM to Akshay

In-process Hierarchy RAMto Ganesh to Akshay

After Approval Done PO Header Status

NA Approved

AKSHAY PALEKAR(Approved ) Approved

AKSHAY PALEKAR(Approved ) Approved

AKSHAY PALEKAR(Approved ) Approved


Po is within the Limit of User (Buyer )

When Approver Approved the PO then The Po Status is Approved

If we check Forward then Next Approver is automatically Populated

this Approver then the Po is Approved

Document type Select the Hierarchy then Po Approve as per the

Define Hierarchy
Document Types

Sr No. Document Type Defaulting

### 1 ✘ (Check) Owner Can Approve
### 2 ✘ (Check) Approval Can Modify
3 ✘ (Check) Can Change Forward-to
4 ✘ (Check) Can Change Approval Hierarchy
5 Approval Workflow
6 WorkFlow Start Process
7 Approval Transaction Type
8 ✘ (Check) Forward Method
9 ✘ (Check) Default Hierarchy

TSET CASE 1:- How Owner Can Approve Its Works ?

### 1 ✘ (Uncheck /Check) Owner Can Approve
SR No. User Create The PO Value of PO

1 Ram Soni DONE 20000

2 Ram Soni DONE 20000

3 Ram Soni DONE 20000

TEST Case 2:- How Approver Can Modify Works ?

### 2 ✘ (Uncheck /Check) Approval Can Modify
Approver Can
1 ✘
Modify Once the Ram Soni Create the PO with 20000 and Forward to Cheatan DAS (As per Above ) the

Navigation For Login with Approval >Go to the Approval Worlist>Check Notification >Click on That>Open Web
Modify Header,Line,Schedule,>DO the Modification any >

2 Once the Ram Soni Create the PO with 20000 and Forward to Cheatan DAS (As per Above ) the
Can Modify

NOTE 1)When Go with above Navigation and Try to Modify but In Related Application Edit Docume
2)Check Approver Can Modify to indicate that document approvers can modify documents. This fie
TEST Case 3:- Can Change Forward-to, How it's Works ?
### (Uncheck) Can Change Forward-to

### Forward

### ✘ Check Can Change Forward-to

### Forward

NOTE:- If Check Can change Forward to then its Editable

If UnCheck Can change Forward to then Unable to Edit
SOP :-Only Check on Forward Check box ,be attention not check on Can Change on Forward-to
TEST Case 3:- Can Change Approval Hierarchy ,HOW It's Works ?
### Uncheck Can Change Approval Hierarchy

### ✘ Forward

Note :- If UnCheck Can change Approval Hierarchy then Unable to Edit

### ✘ Check Can Change Approval Hierarchy

### ✘ Forward

Note :- If Check Can change Approval Hierarchy then Editable

SOP :-Only Check on Forward Check box ,be attention not check on Can Change on Forward-to & Can Chan
TEST Case 3:-Combinly Works ?
### ✘ Check Can Change Forward-to

### ✘ Check Can Change Approval Hierarchy

### Forward

Note :- Both are Editable ,But First u you to enter the value in Approval Path (Value means Give 1st App
TEST Case 4:-Combinly Works ?

### Uncheck Can Change Forward-to

### ✘ Check Can Change Approval Hierarchy

### Forward

Note :- In This Case only Approval path is Editable ,Forward path cant be edit it can be select as per the

TEST Case 4:- How Forward Method & Default Hierarchy Works ?
Forward Method Direct
Default Hierarchy Position Hierarchy name

SR no. Forward Method Default Hierarchy Forward Form

1 Direct BLANK PO Creater NAME

2 Direct Position Hierarchy name PO Creater NAME

3 Hierarchy BLANK PO Creater NAME

4 Hierarchy Position Hierarchy name PO Creater NAME

NOTES :- The Default Hierarchy field is not applicable when the Document Type is Quotation or RFQ. Otherwise, when Use Approv
from the Position Hierarchy window. This hierarchy then becomes the default in the Approve Documents window.
SR No. Name Position Limit
1 JAIN KARAN Purchase Director 100000
Agrawal Sonu
2 Cheatan DAS Purchase Manager 50000
3 RAM Soni Purchase Officer 20000

SR No. User Create The PO Value of PO

1 RAM Soni Done 50000

2 RAM Soni Done 100000

3 RAM Soni Done 70000


4 RAM Soni Done 60000

Approval authority is determined by the approval rules you define in the Define Approval Groups and Assign Approval Groups win
and one with a 20,000 approval limit. In a Direct forward method, a document totalling 60,000is routed directly to the approver with
Approval Hierarchy NAME Limit
Karan Jain 100000
Agrawal Sonu
Cheatan DAS 50000

RAM Soni 20000

Submit for Approval Forward Approval Path

✘ Check (Uncheck) NA

✘ Check ✘ Check

✘ Check (Uncheck) NA

ard to Cheatan DAS (As per Above ) then Cheatan DAS Allowed to Modification in a PO as per his requirement

k Notification >Click on That>Open Web Page>Scroll and Down > In Related Application >Click Edit Document >Then See the Option

ard to Cheatan DAS (As per Above ) then Cheatan DAS NOT Allowed to Modification in a PO as per his requirement

but In Related Application Edit Document Option is Not available due to the Approver can Modify is UnTick
approvers can modify documents. This field is not applicable when the Document Type is Quotation or RFQ.
Forward From Soni, Mr RAM
Approval Path
Forwar to

Forward From Soni, Mr RAM

Approval Path
Forwar to

Can Change on Forward-to

Forward From Soni, Mr RAM

Approval Path
Forwar to

Forward From Soni, Mr RAM

Approval Path
Forwar to

Can Change on Forward-to & Can Change Approval Hierarchy

Forward From Soni, Mr RAM

Approval Path Put value = TRUE
Forwar to

Approval Path (Value means Give 1st Approval Path ) then its allow to select and edit the Forward to
Forward From Soni, Mr RAM
Approval Path Put Value= TRUE

th cant be edit it can be select as per the Hierarchy and Direct Forward Method

Approval Path Forward To Approval Path

Select Manual(Position
Not Default Not Default
Hierarchy Name )

Hierarchy name default from PO Directly to forward for Default

Default Hierarchy Approver with its limit for

Select Manual(Position
Not Default Not Default
Hierarchy Name )

Po not Directly to forward for

Hierarchy name default from Approver with its limit or
Default Hierarchy without limit its follow the

tion or RFQ. Otherwise, when Use Approval Hierarchies is enabled in the Financial Options window, you can enter a position hierarchy
n the Approve Documents window.

Possition Hierarchy


Submit for Approval Forward Approval Path

✘ Check ✘ Check Select Manual

✘ Check ✘ Check ASP001_Org_Hierarchy

✘ Check ✘ Check

Select Manual

✘ Check ✘ Check


val Groups and Assign Approval Groups windows. For example, a hierarchy of three approvers consists of one with a 1,00000 approval limit, one with a 50
g 60,000is routed directly to the approver with the 1,00000 approval limit. In a Hierarchy forward method, the document routes to all three approvers, stoppi

Forward To PO Header Status After Approval Done PO Header Status

NA Incomplete Incomplete

Cheatan DAS In-Process After Cheatan Approved Approved

NA Approved Approved

per his requirement

ick Edit Document >Then See the Option

PO as per his requirement

n Modify is UnTick
ation or RFQ.
Forward To

Its Comes with Alphabetically

from Position as per its Limit


Its Comes with as per the

Position Hierarchy withou
consider the Limit


ndow, you can enter a position hierarchy

Forward To PO Header Status After Approval Done PO Header Status

Cheatan DAS In-Process Cheatan DAS (Approve) Approved
(Atomatically Comes )

Agrawal Sonu
Agrawal Sonu In-Process Approved

Cheatan DAS
Cheatan DAS In-Process Approved

Cheatan DAS
Cheatan DAS In-Process Approved

sts of one with a 1,00000 approval limit, one with a 50,000 approval limit,
od, the document routes to all three approvers, stopping at the 1,00000

When at Document Level Untick Owner Can Approve then PO Owner is

Not allowed to Approve the PO

When at Document Level Untick Owner Can Approve then PO Owner is

Not allowed to Approve the PO , But allowed to Forward for Next
Approver Once Approver is Approve then PO Status is Approved (AS per
the Solution Second in Column )

When at Document Level Owner Can Approve Tick then PO Owner is

allowed to Approve the PO (As per Solution 1st in Column 'N'
If RAM Soni create the Po & Approve Click on forward Approval Path is not
comes Automatically will be enter Manual and then the Forward to its
comes Automatically as per the limit ,once the Approver Approve the PO
then status is Approve

If RAM Soni create the Po & Approve Click on forward Approval Path &
Forward to is comes Automatically as per the limit ,once the Approver
Approve the PO then status is Approve

If RAM Soni create the Po & Approve Click on forward Approval Path is not
comes Automatically will be enter Manual and then the Forward to its
comes Automatically as per the Hierarchy &limit (in this case Cheatan
DAS),once the Approver(Cheatan Das) Approve the PO then status is
Inprocess because we are using Hierachy then again go to the Next
Approver (As per the Alphabatical Order ,In this case next Approver is
Agrawal Sonu ) Once Final Approver is Approved Then status is Approved

If RAM Soni create the Po & Approve Click on forward Approval Path &
Forward to comes Automatically as per the Hierarchy &limit (in this case
Cheatan DAS),once the Approver(Cheatan Das) Approve the PO then
status is Inprocess because we are using Hierachy then again go to the
Next Approver (As per the Alphabatical Order ,In this case next Approver is
Agrawal Sonu ) Once Final Approver is Approved Then status is Approved
How to Approve that PO ?
1)If Tick on Owner Can Approver .
2)Forward that PO to The next Approver

How to Approve that PO ?

2)Forward that PO to The next

How to Approve that PO ?

1)If Tick on Owner Can Approver .
Direct - The default approver is the first person in the
preparer's approval path that has sufficient approval authority

Hierarchy - The default approver is the next person in the

preparer's approval path regardless of whether they have
approval authority. (Each person in the approval path must
take approval action until the person with sufficient approval
authority is reached.)
Vacation Rule
Sr no. Leave Types Options Available in EBS R12 Nav
1 Planned Leave (Vacation Rule ) 1)Create Vacation Rule User Home Page> Worklist >Scroll down >
2)Forward the Document Purchasing Responsibility >Management >
2 Unexpected Leave Workflow Administrater web Application
3)Change Workflow

CASE 1 :- When the Employee take the Planned Leave (Vaction Rule )

SR No. User Create The PO Value of PO

1 Soni ,Mr. RAM Done 100000

CASE 2 :- When the Employee take the Un-Planned Leave

SR No. User Create The PO Value of PO

1 Soni ,Mr. RAM Done 100000

Next :- In details See the Solution Case study -2 in Next Sheet

me Page> Worklist >Scroll down >Vacation Rule
ng Responsibility >Management >Forward Document
w Administrater web Application Responsibility > Administraror

Submit for Approval Forward Approval Path Forward To

✘ Check ✘ Check ASP001_Org_Hierarchy Agrawal Sonu

Submit for Approval Forward Approval Path Forward To

✘ Check ✘ Check
ASP001_Org_Hierarchy Agrawal Sonu
Approval Hierarchy NAME Limit
Karan Jain 100000
Agrawal Sonu
Cheatan DAS 50000

RAM Soni 20000

PO Header Status After Approval Done Po Route

In process Cheatan DAS (Approved Agrawal to Cheatan DAS

PO Header Status After Approval Done Po Route

In process Cheatan DAS (Approved Agrawal to Cheatan DAS

PO Header Status


PO Header Status

If Ram Soni create the PO with Top hierarchy limit (100000) and Forward it,But Due
some Reason the Top hierachy Holder is on leave then he is already assigned his role
to his Down line then the PO goes with Manager for Approval once the Manager
Approve the po then the status is Approved

If Ram Soni create the PO with Top hierarchy limit (100000) and Forward it,But Due
some Reason the Top hierachy Holder is take un planned leave then he is not
assigned his role to his Down line then the PO pending for Approval for then Ram
contac with system admin and Access for Forward Document and forward the
Document to Cheatan Das ,once Cheatan Das Approved the PO then Status is
CASE 2 :- When the Employee take the Un-Planned Leave HOME
Case 1: - When Employee take the Unplanned leave.
Approval Hierarchy NAME Limit
Director Jain Mr. Karan 100000
Manager DAS Mr . Cheatan 50000
Purchase Officer Soni Mr . RAM 20000
Approval Hierarchy Structure:-

As per the above Structure Soni Mr Ram create Po with 100000, and forward for approval, but uncertainly Jain Mr K
Solution: -
Step:-1) Soni ram Create PO and Forward to the Jain Karan for Approval .
2) Forward the PO Document to the down line (Das Cheatan) of Jain Karan.
3)Das Cheatan Approved the PO .

1)      Create Po & Forward for Approval

Once its Approve then Check the Status the PO Status is In-completed

2)Forward Document Approver to New Approver:-

Enter the Approver name ,OU , and Document No.

Click on OK
Enter the New Approver name
Click on Check BOX and Save
Check the Status

Check the Document for JAIN Karan ID

Getting a Notification

No Approval Tab is Here and Document Forward to DAS Cheatan

Go for the DAS Cheatan ID and Check its Worlist Notification

Check the Notification
Click on Approved
And Login with Ram Soni to Check the PO Status

Check the PO Status then PO is Approved


oval, but uncertainly Jain Mr Karan is on leave without inform then how to approve the PO?

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