Written Assignment Unit One

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University of the People

Master of Business Administration

Bus 5112
Written Assignment Unit 1
Marketing Management

Asli Cazorla Milla


Tourism is the act and process of spending time away from home in pursuit of recreation,

relaxation, and pleasure, while making use of the commercial provision of services. As such,

tourism is a product of modern social arrangements, beginning in Western Europe in the 17th

century, although it has antecedents in Classical antiquity.

The manual method of booking for hotel rooms in Nigeria is characterized with numerous

problems. Some of these are :customers having little or no information about the hotels within

their vicinity; A guest checking into a hotel room that is either too expensive or too unbefitting

for his/her personality, Prolonged delay by the receptionist in retrieving certain information

about any particular guest that checked into the hotel whenever such information being

demanded by the manager; The foul play that sometimes occurs when information about the

guest that checked into a hotel are not officially documented by the receptionist etc. All these

problems and more would definitely make a hotel experience a down turn in businessItura.ng is

an hotel booking, properties and reservation company located in Jalingo Taraba State, the

company specializes in booking of hotels and reservations.

The company is a subsidiary of Sir Kelv Folorunsho Global Enterprise with the cooperate

commission registration number BN 2951215 the company markets Hotels and reservations in

the North East Nigeria to the people willing to visit the region for tourism, official and other

functions in the North East, But especially Taraba State, which is richly blessed with Beauty of

nature in Nigeria. The company has about six permanent staff and some other temporary
workers. The Managing Director of the company Mr. Dayo has goals and targeted expansion of

its network in every other parts of Nigeria and Africa as a whole.

The 4P’s of marketing has been a great theory that has help the company to set up its goals, they


a. Product: We offer bookings services to those that are willing to travel to North

Eastern part of Nigeria with moderate and affordable rat for everyone.

b. Price: We make sure our booking service price is moderate and affordable to all the

customer in the lower, middle and higher class, no matter the amount the customer is

willing to pay to get an hotel accommodation we provide them with such services.

c. Place: The Company is located in the state capital of Taraba, we operate online and

also in our office located in Jaingo.

d. Promotion: The means we use to promote our services are as follows, the online

website, posters, Radio Jingles and public advertisement in places around the North

Eastern part of Nigeria.

The company has been operating tis way in the last five years , delivering a world class series to

tourist and other official people that which to visit the zone.

Their main core values are reality, accountability, Affordability and security and world class

services to our customers with and outside the Region.

Accountability is when an individual or department experiences consequences for their performance or

actions. Itura.ng takes responsible for any failed or substandard services offered to their customers after

bookings and reservation in the region.

Affordability: The company has price list of booking of hotel that can be affordable by the

customers, this help to improve accessibility of hotel in the region , and also give create

employment opportunities for those that are coming into the sector.

Security: The Company partner with security agencies in the region to know what the security

situation before booking an hotel for the customer in the region and also make sure the partners

provide the necessary amenities to the clients.

Digital Promotion: The Digital promotion has been the main mean of advertisement for the

company; this has created a lot traffic which people all round the can access with ease.

Transportation and Logistics Services: The Company provide vehicles for transporting the

customers to their various hotel booked destinations, some customers usually prefer our services

to continue after their check-in.

The company goal is to be one of the best online Hotel Bookings and reservations services in the

next five years expanding it’s network to other part of Africa Countries, Europe, America and

Asia. They tend to have about fifty workers in the next two years , creating job opportunities to

meet up with globa demand , win several international award and grants for expansion of their

services all-round the globe.


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