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Have/get something done

‘have + object + past participle’ or ‘get + object + past participle’

→ We use have something done when somebody does something for us (something we
want or ask them to do)
Gerald has all his suits made for him. (His tailor makes them.)
We’re going to have our kitchen painted. (Decorators are going to do it.)

→ We can use this pattern with all tenses of have and make questions and negatives.
Will they have their house painted next year? We haven’t had our car repaired yet.
What has she had done in the garden? We didn’t have our house painted last year.
Have you had your hair cut?

→ In formal English we can use get something done with the same meaning:
Your hair’s lovely. Where do you get it cut?
Can I get my car washed here?

→ We also use have/get something done when somebody does something to us that we
didn’t want or ask for, often something bad.
Sam got his passport stolen yesterday. (= A thief stole it)

→ We always use have (not get) something done in the present perfect tense:
We’ve had our water supply disconnected. (= The water company did it.)
NOT! We’ve got our water supply disconnected.

We will redecorate our flat next year. (we will do it ourselves)
We will have our flat redecorated next year. (by specialists)

1. Change these examples into the structure 'have + object + past participle' or 'get +
object + past participle'.
For example: I cleaned my kitchen (have) → I had my kitchen cleaned.
1. I washed my car. (have)

2. I cut my hair. (get)
3. I typed the documents. (have)
4. I fixed my washing machine. (get)
5. I cut my grass. (have)
6. I painted my bedroom. (get)
7. I repaired my fridge. (have)
8. I tidied my garden. (get)
9. I edited the article. (have)
10. I cleaned the carpets. (get)
11. I printed the photo. (have)
12. I checked my teeth. (get)
13. I cleaned the windows. (have)
14. I made the necklace. (get)
15. I delivered the furniture. (have)
16. I repaired the roof. (get)
17. I wrote the report. (have)
18. I dyed my hair. (get)
19. I sent the money. (have)
20. I built the shed. (get)

2. Rewrite these sentences using ‘have something done’.

1. They serviced Ken’s car yesterday. – Ken ………
2. They’re repairing our roof at the moment. – We ………
3. They’re going to fit a stereo in my car. – I ………
4. Someone cleans Sue’s flat once a week. – Sue ………
5. Has anyone tested your eyes recently? – Have you ………
6. Someone stole John’s briefcase last week. – John ………
7. Someone cleans her house. – She …….
8. Someone cooks her meals. – She ………
9. Someone washes her clothes. –She .……
10. Somebody cleans her windows. – She ……
11. Somebody serviced her car. – She ……
12. Somebody does her shopping. – She …..
13. Somebody looks after her garden. – She …..
14. Somebody posts her letters . – She ……..
15. Their windows need to be cleaned. –They need ………
16. The hairdresser was styling Mrs Brown’s hair. – Mrs Brown ………
17. She told her son to carry the shopping to the house. – She ………
18. Dad is going to arrange for someone to cut the grass . – Dad is going ………
19. They used to employ a cleaner who cleaned the house. – They used to ………
20. Did the mechanic repair Paul’s motorbike? – Did Paul ………

3. Rewrite the sentences using ‘have something done’.

1. His teeth are checked twice a year.
2. Her skirt is being cleaned at the moment.
3. My hair is trimmed once a month.

4. Central heating is going to be installed in our house next month.
5. Sam’s burglar alarm was fitted last week.
6. My car is being repaired at the moment.
7. The band’s new single has just been recorded.
8. Our new furniture is going to be delivered tomorrow.
9. Their new house is being decorated at the moment.
10. The windows will be cleaned.

4. Rewrite the sentences using ‘have something done’.

1) A new jumper has been knitted for me.
2) The lock has to be fixed.
3) A new pair of glasses is going to be made for him.
4) Their windows need to be cleaned.
5) The hairdresser was styling Mrs Brown’s hair.
6) She told her son to carry the shopping to the house.
7) Dad is going to arrange for someone to cut the grass.
8) They used to employ a cleaner who cleaned the house.
9) Did the mechanic repair Paul’s motorbike?
10) The boss asked his assistant to type the letter.

5. Rewrite the sentences using ‘have something done’.

1. A plumber fixed the dripping tap for Joe.
2. Have you told the secretary to make some photocopies?
3. The chef was cooking Tom’s lunch.
4. Did you tell the shop to deliver the sofa to you?
5. My purse was stolen last Friday.
6. Did you employ a painter to decorate your house?
7. The builders are putting a new roof on Adam’s house at the moment.
8. She asked the maid to polish the silver.
9. The man had asked the porter to take his luggage to his room.
10. Did you ask Jenny to arrange the flowers for you?

6. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Сем, тобі потрібно підстригти волосся.
2. Мою машину миють кожен місяць.
3. Чи будуть їй фарбувати стіни наступного тижня?
4. Твій басейн зараз чистять?
5. Мені полагодили годинник.
6. Мої сусіди відремонтували дах минулого року.
7. Мені відремонтували годинник.
8. Моллі збирається прикрасити кімнату наступного місяця.
9. Вам слід регулярно перевіряти зір.
10. Як часто ви миєте вікна?
11. У нас прибирають офіс кожний вечір.
12. У наших сусідів зараз будують новий гараж.
13. Вчора вона пофарбувала волосся в білий колір.

14. Замість того, щоб купувати нову машину, чому б вам не полагодити стару?
15. У них ще не полагодили телевізор.
16. Мені зроблять ще один ключ завтра.
17. Коли мені зроблять ще один ключ?
18. Мені вигулюють собаку двічі в день.
19. Містер Грем збирається полагодити свою машину.
20. Де ти відремонтував годинник?
21. Вона полагодила вікно після грози.
22. Її магазин обікрали минулого вечора.
23. Кімнату Френка прибирають двічі на тиждень?
24. У натовпі у нього вкрали гаманець.
25. Гаррі зламали ніс під час бійки.
26. Їм принесли обід. They had some dinner brought.

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