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Executive summary.....................................................................................................................................2
1.1: Business objective............................................................................................................................2
1.2: Mission statement:...........................................................................................................................2
Company summary......................................................................................................................................2
2.1: Business summary............................................................................................................................2
2.2: Facilities and location:......................................................................................................................2
2.3 Ownership and management............................................................................................................3
Market and industry analysis summary.......................................................................................................3
3.1 Marketing analysis summary.............................................................................................................3
3.2 Business competitors.........................................................................................................................3
3.3: Marketing and PROMOTION:............................................................................................................3
3.4: Profitability.......................................................................................................................................4
Swot analysis...............................................................................................................................................4
4.1: Strength............................................................................................................................................4
4.2: WEAKNESS:......................................................................................................................................4
4.3: OPPORTUNITIES:...............................................................................................................................4
4.4: THREAT:............................................................................................................................................4
Financial plan...............................................................................................................................................5
5.1: Start up cost.....................................................................................................................................5
5.2: Breakeven analysis...........................................................................................................................5
5.3: Profit and loss statement..................................................................................................................5
Executive summary
Street animals and their welfare lies at the core of our work. We help rescue, treat and
rehabilitate the most injured, sick or abused in our society by providing them with necessary
care in order to alleviate their pain and suffering.

We raise much needed awareness and education amongst the general public to help
eliminate animal abuse and animal cruelty from Pakistan. Our aim is to not only reduce the
stray population humanely but to also end the never ending cycle of pain and suffering
endured by these street animals.

1.1: Business objective

Our objective is provide care to the street animals and we rescue, treat , rehabilitate the the most
injured, sick or abused animals. Our vision is for all animals to live a life free of cruelty and

1.2: Mission statement:

The rescue of lost and abandoned animals in our community. Providing food, shelter to those in
need. Promoting spay and neutering to end the suffering of overpopulation and unwanted
animals. Adoption of healthy animals back into loving homes.
Animal rescue is a much-needed social service that helps protect animals from dangerous
situations that often involve cruelty and abuse.

Company summary
2.1: Business summary
We help rescue, treat and rehabilitate the most injured, sick or abused in our society by
providing them with necessary care in order to alleviate their pain and suffering.

2.2: Facilities and location:

We provide the shelter to the injured animals, handling medicinal issues and providing them a
food. People can bring their pets for the treatment and then the animals returned to their owners.
Our organization is located at the main Shahre Faisal road.
2.3 Ownership and management
There will be two owners. The business is based on partnership. I and my friend will run this




Market and industry analysis summary

3.1 Marketing analysis summary

Target market: we are targeting the street animals and abused animals
Competitors: competitors are ACF( animal rescue) and KAWS ( Karachi animal welfare society)

3.2 Business competitors

our competitors are present Karachi. They are ACF( animal rescue) and KAWS ( Karachi
animal welfare society).

3.3: Marketing and PROMOTION:

Marketing will be done by the social media platforms and by distributing pamphlets. On these
we provides the details regarding our organization and the services that we provide for them.
Also for more promotion we visit different places where we gave awareness regarding the street
injured animals and the abusive act that these innocent lives face in their life.

3.4: Profitability
The consultants need to be highly qualified as a lot depends on them regarding the health, so we
have highly qualified consultants and facilitates them by providing proper treatment, medicines
and care. This is the way of earning for our organization. Also we gave the animals for the
adoption. In adoption process, Adoption fees help cover the medical care of the animal as well as
food and transportation costs.

Swot analysis

4.1: Strength
the organization is dependent on the continuous support of the investors. While this fact is one of
the organization’s strengths, it is also a weakness


the organization is dependent on the continuous support of the investors. While this fact is one of
the organization’s strengths, it is also a weakness. Hearth for Paws will struggle to maintain
operations if some of its investors suddenly stop contributing.

The popularity of social media use has provided businesses with a cheap but effective marketing
medium. Social media pages like Facebook and Instagram allow companies to create pages for
commercial use.

4.4: THREAT:
Organization has a limited number of kennels and cages for rescued animals.
If the volume of rescued animals is greatly higher than the adoption rate, the facilities
can become overpopulated. Overpopulation is a serious threat since it is a common
issue in animal shelters and rescue centers

Financial plan
5.1: Start up cost
Start up costs Cost (Rupees)
Cages 50,000
Doctors 100,000
Marketing 40,000
Accounts 35,000
Land 200,000
Total startup 425,000

5.3: Profit and loss statement:

Our company gained the profit through doctors income and by giving for the adoption. When the people
don’t come to the organization for their animals treatment and care, this can cause the loss for the
company. But these circumstances are rarely happened, the people love their animals and they bring
them for the treatment.

The rescue of lost and abandoned animals in our community. Providing food, shelter to those in
need. Promoting spay and neutering to end the suffering of overpopulation and unwanted
animals. Adoption of healthy animals back into loving homes. We provide the shelter to the
injured animals, handling medicinal issues and providing them a food. People can bring their
pets for the treatment and then the animals returned to their owners.

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