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<The Fake Utopia>



(curtains down)
(stairs with three steps; the highest one stands Mrs. Taylor; the second one stands five girls
from the Fertility Department; the lowest one stands five respondents, Ethel is one of them)
(Music accompaniment: 〈Young and Beautiful〉)
(starts singing)
Mrs. Taylor:
I’ve seen the world, holding reigns and liberty
Step into the region of almighty
With all beliefs, set it free,
For better tomorrow I can see
I’m wondering if I succeed
In resisting the ancien regime
One of the five women from the Fertility Department:
Someone has told me I should give in to fate or destiny
Someone has told me life is no more than my fake comedy
Only my dream, only my dream, only in my dream
Someone has told me women are never doomed to breed
Dear Lord, tell me you love me still
No one cares how I feel
May I know, why my name is etched in hell
Or why, no man is mortal
All that show, all that trial,
all that bane prisons my faded soul
Woe is me! Be defined as a nobody
(sing together)
Could you please tell me why the roses in dust failed to blossom
Could you please tell me why guttering stars can’t be embosomed
Not much I dream, not much I dream, not much I will dream
Could you please tell me the world is not a tragedy
Could you please tell me the world will be a symphony
Could you please tell me the world will be a symphony
(lights off)

Scene 1

(On the corridor in front of the room 3, The First Sector of The National Clinical Trial
(Oswald with only voice, Sophronia and other 4 respondents)
(The phone rings)
Sophronia: Hello sir, this is Mrs. Taylor’s assistant. Could you possibly do a favor for us?
Oswald: (flattered) Hello…? You are the former director of Biotechnology Research Center? Is there
anything I can help you?
Sophronia: Yes, one of the apparatuses is out of order, but our repairmen are detached to the other
department, so we hope that you’re able to help us with the reparation. We know that you’re professional
in this scope, and it will be our pleasure to have you here.
Oswald: Of course yes, so…when should I arrive there?
Sophronia: Are you available at tomorrow 3 p.m.?
Oswald: Sure.
Sophronia: Thanks, hope to see you at the first sector of the Clinical Trial Department.
(Tomorrow 3 p.m.)
(Oswald walks into the lab)
Sophronia: Hi Oswald, it’s been a while!
Oswald: (surprised) Sophronia! It’s you!
Sophronia: Yeah, it’s been ten years since we graduated…I knew that you’re as successful as I thought.
No wonder you become a top-class engineer! (Gets down to business) Oh, the operating chair! If we
don’t repair it as soon as possible, we won’t be able to submit the agent adaptability to the superior as
scheduled. Thank you for the trouble.
Oswald: Not a big deal. Just leave it to me. And please lead the way.
(Both of them turn around, open the middle door, a girl(Raphael’s sister, Ethel)weakly lying on the
seat with aching groan. Each sickbed are also lay by respondents)
Oswald:(astonished) Why is there a girl on the chair?
Sophronia: The mixture of the chemical agents was injected to the halfway. If she directly leaves the seat,
not only the data would be goes out of alignment, but she’d also precipitate herself into hazards. Don’t
care much about her, just make do it.
Oswald: Okay.
(Oswald starts to fix the chair. The respondents awake, regularly get up and leave the stage.
Oswald open-mouthed watches the girls)
Oswald: Why are they all girls? Shouldn’t the girls stay in the Fertility Department to breed. Otherwise,
girls as good as you perform their own functions in every government department.
Sophronia: (freezes for a while, stunned) Don’t you know Female Hierarchy?
Oswald: I know. Just like what I said, all the girls attend the Comprehensive Test before graduation.
People whose grades are higher than 200 can stay at the government, and others are therefore arranged to
Fertility Department to solve the problem of the decreasing birth rate. Though it is compulsive, the
welfare there are so nice that no one would refuse to go.
Sophronia: (sneering in disbelief) This is how the government promotes Fertility Department? (Looks at
Oswald, start complaining) I must tell you, all the respondents here suffer agony for all day long! They
are all sterile females! The purpose of taking the test is because the government would like to graduate
the women into three grades. Only getting Grade A is allowed to do what they like! Others are then
distributed into fertility and sterility. The former ones are forced to breed without taking a rest; the latter
are thrown here, the place much inhumane than the hell!
Oswald: (unbelievable) How...how could it be…?
Sophronia: (sneers again) Otherwise how to explain that all the respondents are female? Or why you
have only seen few women after you were 16?
Oswald: (keeps silent for 3 seconds, with a grave complexion) Haven’t anyone stopped them from doing
this? It…it’s utterly preposterous!
Sophronia: (sits down in a sickbed) This is the real reason I called you here, and that’s why I also send
away all the high-level technicians. I’m sorry that I haven’t told you in advance, but I am actually hoping
to fulfill my plan through your help. It’s pretty risky. You should think twice before you make your
Oswald: What are you going to do?
Sophronia: I hope that you can help me to hack all the data about the reagents, I’m going to threaten the
top management of the Fertility and Clinical Trial Department. All you have to do is to hack into the data
base, and the rest you can count on me.
Oswald: Okay, but I should help you. I can’t just leave you at risk and not do anything. (walks to the
panel and starts to code)
Sophronia: All right, but don’t act rashly before I give instructions. You send a meeting code to them
after you finish hacking. I must negotiate with them.
Oswald: Okay, I promise. (Presses the “enter” button, removes the USB) It’s done! Take it!
Sophronia: Thanks for your help, my friend!
(Both of them smile into each other’s eyes)

Scene 2

(Inside the hotel meeting room)

(A commissioner with only voice, Phyllis, Raphael and a guardian)
Phyllis: (turns on the computer, furious) How come someone hack into our system! Damn it! All the data
are stolen away!
Guardian: The monitor system broke down out of the blue in recent days…We have already notified the
headquarters to fix it, but no one came to reparation…
Phyllis: Is that your excuse!? Do you still remember your duty? How dare you go wrong with the system!
Commissioner: Minister, we’ll do our best to investigate. This is Raphael, he has the ability to crack the
case soon.
Raphael: (gives Phyllis a meaningful look) Hello Minister, from now on, It’s me who’ll take charge of
the whole case. Please believe in our police profession.
Phyllis: (slightly grins) Yes, if it’s you, then there’s no much I should concern.
Commissioner: Excuse me, I still have another case to deal with, so I should leave now. If you have any
problems, just call me at any time.
(Commissioner leaves the stage)
Phyllis: Please find me the all the monitor visions from 2 to 6 p.m. yesterday around the first sector.
Raphael: (types a series of words) No results. The visions must be deleted.
Phyllis: (suddenly finds an email) I just got a new mail! It seems that it was sent by the hacker. It says…
stop the inhumane experiments and the non-stopping breeding operation…What!? Why do this guy know
our Female Hierarchy?
(Phyllis becomes flustered and exasperated, just when she wants to close the laptop, Raphael stops her)
Raphael: Wait a second! There’re still some words below! They look like…a meeting code?
Phyllis: Insert it. I am curious to know what the guy is going to do to us.
(Waiting for the meeting permission)
Oswald: (no appearance, with his sound distortion) Good afternoon, Sir and Minister. I’ve waiting for
you for a long time.
Phyllis: (vigilant) What do you want?
Oswald: Madam Minister, you just asked what I would like to ask the government. Deluding the populace
and maltreat the women with infernal approaches. What do you want?
Phyllis: The malfunction people also have the human rights? Huh, stop kidding! Devoting themselves to
the human’s future is their last function, and we are giving them the opportunities to dedicate to the
society! Most of the work they do can be done by robots, and women who are competent to their forte
also have their duties! So what are they still dissatisfied with?
(Phyllis grows out of control)
Raphael: Minister, please calm down first. Please let me ask him some questions. (turns to the
computer) Sir, I hope that you can return the data. It’s not only for the government, but also for yourself.
Thieving the state secrets is a felony. If you don’t want to be sentenced to capital punishment, then I
genuinely hope you could render the data.
Oswald: I’ve already offered my conditions. The data is not destroyed yet, if the government doesn’t
agree with my requirements, then I think I have only one way to go. After all, you can’t keep on the
experiments without the data, can you?
Raphael: All right. So, if we give consent and find the alternative, you’ll return the data, right?
Oswald: Yes, I will. I hope you could keep your promise.
Raphael: Sure. Then please arrive at Gaia Hotel at tonight 6 o’clock. That’s when we’ll sign the
Oswald: No problem. Hope to see you then.
(The meeting is over)
Phyllis: Are you sure to sign the agreement? And…to meet here?
Raphael: I have to let him guard down. When he comes, we can arrest him and ask him to give out the
Phyllis: Ask? Hahahaha, you’re utilizing his slim belief in the government and the police?
Raphael: State secrets, we, the police, should try our best to protect them.
(Phyllis laughs again)
(Lights off, 6 o’clock)
(Oswald, Raphael, Phyllis, Sophronia, other police officers)
(Oswald knocks the conference room’s door)
Raphael: Here he comes!
(Oswald walks into the room, police officers dive for him)
Phyllis: (smiles askew) We’re sorry, but considering the human’s foreground and the government’s
policy, we have no options but to betray your trust.
Oswald: What…? You deluded people…in the name of the government?
Raphael: (interrupts Oswald) Oswald, we’re sorry. But what you hacked are the upper state secrets. We
have to arrest you according to the “Offenses Against the Computer Security”, “Offenses Against
Privacy”, “Offenses Against the Internal Security of the State”, and “Offenses of threaten”. Noah, search
out all his communication equipment, handcuff him and then take to the detention cell.
Noah: Yes, sir!
(Noah hands the phone to Raphael, escorts Oswald and goes to backstage)
(Sophronia calls Oswald, Raphael answers the phone)
Sophronia: Hey! Let me tell you a new discovery!
Raphael: Oh? What discovery?
Sophronia: Who are you? Why are you using Oswald’s phone?
Raphael: I’m a policeman. The phone owner is associated with one of our cases, who is listed as a prime
suspect, so he is having interrogation now.
Sophronia: (understand, starts to act) Oh? Sorry for disturbing you. But I believe that my friend isn’t that
wicked. I hope you can bring fair back to him.
Raphael: Absolutely we will. (hangs up the phone)
Sophronia: Ah…just as I have thought of before…In view of our relationship and his ability, he shouldn’t
be deserted now.
(Sophronia rushes to the backstage)

Scene 3

(Oswald and Sophronia runs out breathlessly from the backstage, Sophronia is draped with a police
Oswald: You have the nerve, Sophronia! How if you’re caught?
Sophronia: I had to risk my life ‘cause you’re my only chance.
Oswald: (unbelievable) Why are you so obstinate?
Sophronia: (silent) Actually…I’m not a high-class female.
Oswald: What? Then…why could you stay here?
Sophronia: Mrs. Taylor had kept wishing the government to implement women’s equality, so she saved
my life and made me become her secret assistant. I got just two points lower than the passing grade in the
Comprehensive Test. Eight years ago, the respondents provoked a riot which ended her life. Since then, I
have kept her unfulfilled wish in my mind, helping her study out the technique to breed without matrices.
And hope that one day in the future, everyone no longer needs to suffer pain and agony.
Oswald: So, this is the main reason you ask me to hack the data?
Sophronia: Yes.
Oswald: So once your experiment results are revealed to the public, the government has no more excuses
to keep on their hierarchy?
Sophronia: I don’t know because Minister…she is too radical…After all, she kept thinking about Mrs.
Taylor’s death, bearing great malice toward to respondents. In addition, the lab is quite cryptic, those
experiments done by the government are indeed not known to the public. So even if we let out the data,
the effect probably will not be as good as we expect, and we even may put ourselves into danger.
Oswald: Or we go tell the Minister what her mom had done, tell her that her mother’s death should be
blame on the government’s policies. Maybe she will then change her mind?
Sophronia: I don’t think so. She is such a cranky person; how come she easily turns her tough stance.
Oswald: But we can’t just let her cling to her opinions! I can comprehend her anger, but her acts are
totally against Mrs. Taylor’s faith!
Sophronia: Then how much certainty you hold to persuade her to stop the experiment?
Oswald: I’m not sure, but I bet I’ll try my best.
Sophronia: Fine. Contact her and make an appointment.
(Oswald goes to backstage)
Sophronia: (murmurs) My report also comes to the end…just nest the data into it…
(Inserts the USB, opens the data file)
(Slides down, suddenly finds a photo of Raphael, burst out a yell)
Sophronia: (astonished) Wait…wait a second…the person in charge of the Clinical Trial Department
seems so familiar…is he really that policeman?
(Sophronia has a positive answer in mind)
Sophronia: (types on the keyboard) It’s him…so he is just pretending to be upright before…? No, he
must bewares of something…maybe he is going to catch me! No, no…Sophronia, calm down. Everything
will be alright…the report is almost finished…Yes, it’s done!
(Sophronia sends the report to Oswald, when she is about to turn off the website, Raphael appears behind
her back)
Raphael: (wickedly grinned) Ms. Sophronia, haven’t seen you for a long time.
Sophronia: (frozen, and smiles immediately) I should have thought of you earlier. Minister didn’t evade
anything and said out all the policies in front of you during the meeting that day, but I didn’t notice it at
all. Indeed, impatience leads to ignorance.
Raphael: (shrugs) So please cooperate with me, smart girl.
(Raphael ties Sophronia to the operating chair)
Oswald: By the way, what are you going to do with the data? Tattle it to the public and let us be scolded?
Or you attempt to be the heroine to save those women who don’t deserves human rights?
Sophronia: The data is in my hand. It’s none of your business.
Raphael: You had better seriously consider. Once you reveal our secrets to the public, the respondents
you most care about will immediately be injected the virulence, causing them to death in no time.
Sophronia: Death? You’ve already deprived their rights as a human, so what’s the different between
living and dying? Hah, that’s so ridiculous. You’re menacing me with the lives you despise the most.
Raphael: Hahahaha, but that’s useful, right?
(Sophronia is about to talk, Oswald and Phyllis rush to the scene)
Raphael: Minister! See who I…(turns around and sees Oswald) caught…?
Phyllis: (silent) Raphael, cut it out.
Raphael: (freezes) …What?
Phyllis: We shouldn’t keep on doing. Stop all the experiments.
Raphael: (unbelievable) Are you kidding me? That’s not how our lab always work?
Phyllis: (on the verge of collapsing) Enough…it’s all enough! I worked that hard to come to the Clinical
Trial Department, and even persuaded the Premier to make me the only female official after my mother…
but I end up destroying her efforts with my own hands?
(Oswald quietly unties Sophronia, Sophronia sneaks to backstage)
Raphael: Isn’t Mrs. Taylor the former director of Biotechnology Research Center? What’s the connection
between the lab and her?
Phyllis: The founder of this lab…is actually my mom!
Raphael: Impossible! Isn’t it a government-run organization?
Phyllis: Yes! They took over my mother’s power and transferred her to Biotechnology Research Center.
My mom still secretly did experiments ‘cause her greatest wish was to fulfill women’s equality! I first
destroyed her laboratory, then destroyed all her efforts…What the hell have I done!
Raphael: Women’s equality? What can we get even if it’s equal? And who cares about their lives?
(4 respondents appear with Sophronia)
Sophronia: I care! I have witnessed how damn poor lives they had! On what basis can you be at ease, and
we deserved to be tools!
Oswald: I care, too! I’m not more dignified than anyone else, and I won’t pass the Comprehensive Test
because there’s also some subject I’m not adept in them. But I still hacked the data and found out the real
founder of the lab! Why do you have to graduate women through tests? They are human, not prisoners!
4 respondents: Born as a human, I’m not guilty!
Phyllis: Stop it. What is it for you to continue?
Raphael: (sneers) I’d rather make my experiments a magnific ending than let my efforts turn out to be in
vain! (presses a button on the machine) The women you kept saying you want to protect will be injected
all the chemical agents in one minute. They’ll sure to die, and my experiments will come to a perfect end.
Let’s see if you want to get out of my sight from now on, and don’t any tricks behind my back, or,
continue to forcibly stop the experiments and let them perish? (Takes out a timer from the pocket, counts
down one minute)
Sophronia: (gasps) Raphael! You’re murdering them!
(Ethel screams loudly)
Raphael: What’s going on? Who’s screaming? (Walks next to the chair, finds that the girl is his sister,
extremely shocked) Sister…is it you?
Ethel: (weak) Brother…
Raphael: Aren’t you in the Fertility Department? Why…why are you here? No, you…
(Other people come)
Ethel: Brother…I’m so hurt…Aren’t the cop I admire the most? Why these things…get involved with
Raphael: (with tears in his eyes) I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…
Sophronia: She is your sister? If you want to save her, please stop the experiments…I think…my mom
would also hope so…
Raphael: Sister…no, but it’s impossible…our devotions and efforts…the efforts for years! How can I
give up them all! (looks at Ethel aching expression, turns away with pain in mind)
Oswald: Are you insane! The one sitting on the chair is your sister! Even if you work for the government
and the lab wholeheartedly, how can you just leave your sister to death! Surely you won’t be given a slash
of conscience?
(Ethel moans)
Ethel: Raphael…save me…please…
Sophronia: Ten seconds left. You’d better think that the government you protect, is really good for the
populace, or is making the world full of discrimination, making the world lose cohesion?
(Raphael seems unaffected, but is moved in his mind)
(Raphael stops the timer at the last second, everyone remains silent)
Raphael: (deeply breathes in) You go. (starts the timer again, but this time is an explosive countdown)
Ethel: (yells out) Raphael!!!!!
Raphael: I can’t leave them alone! Leave now!
(Everyone takes the respondents to backstage, Ethel shrieks)
(The alarm goes off, the explosions roar)
(lights off)
Scene 4

(outside the office of the Premier)

(stairs with only two steps)
(Oswald, Sophronia, and Phyllis stand in front of the stairs)
Sophronia: (shouts out loudly) Mr. Premier! We need you to give us an explanation! Why did you treat
women like this! Why did I send you the report, but you haven’t responded to it?
(the Premier slowly steps out from backstage)
Premier: Madam, I can understand your indignation, but the decreasing of the birth rate is a significant
problem we should solve. Moreover, the reagent is another essential program to fight for the diseases.
Those women are all helping the society to become a better place, so, is there anything wrong?
Phyllis: With all due respect, not to mention the lie between you and my mom, I beg you recall that three
years ago, while my mom was still the top management of the lab, what you have pledged her!
(Phyllis takes out a recorder, plays the record)
(the record is about the Premier promising that he’ll stop the experiments if Mrs. Taylor’s
experiment succeeds)
(the record ends, Phyllis takes out Sophronia’s report)
Premier: (livid complexion) So? How about the reagent?
Sophronia: (sneers) Mrs. Taylor had already addressed the solution when she was still alive. I don’t know
your memory is fading so seriously, whether you’re qualified to keep this position!
Premier: You!
Oswald: (steps forward to protect two girls) Please keep your promise! Otherwise, I’ll reveal all the
delusion the government have done to the public! Don’t forget all the data and reports are in my hands!
Premier: (pasty-faced, keeps silent for a while) Let my secretary come over…I have no choice
(Sophronia and Phyllis smile at each other)
(spotlight to the stage)
(all the girls walk downstairs with hand in hand)
Sophronia & Phyllis: The world belongs to an equal society!
(music on)
(lights off)
(curtains down)

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