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Questions to discuss

water, lemon juice, vinegar, and apple juice.

• Tell me what you noticed happening in this experiment?

Apples tend to get a brown color when cut open and exposed to oxygen.
But with the first sample which is the addition of lemon juice to the flesh of the
apple, it worked very well without the apple losing its natural color. While for the
sample with white vinegar on it, it didn’t keep the apple from turning brown,
wherein fact it just accelerates the browning of the apple. And lastly with the
addition of fruit fresh, it has already been expected for it to keep the apple from

• Why do you think this happened?

The enzyme of the apple which is called polyphenol oxidase reacts with
the oxygen in the air, as a result it creates a chemical reaction that is responsible
for giving the apple’s flesh the brown color. Ascorbic acid which could be found
on lemon juice and fruit fresh, will react with the oxygen before the oxygen reacts
with the enzyme in the apple, therefore, prevents the apple from browning. But
for the sample with vinegar on it, it shows that something more than acidity
affected the browning.

• How did the apple slices change in their appearance?

The first sample with the lemon juice incorporated on it, it keeps the
natural color of the apple. While the sample with vinegar on it, it just accelerates
the browning of the apple when compared to the controlled one. But for the
sample with fruit fresh incorporated into it, it shows almost the same effects when
compared to the sample with lemon juice incorporated on it.

• Which group had the least amount of browning?

The one with the least amount of browning has to be the one with the
lemon juice. It makes me think that the more ascorbic acid is on the solution the
more effective it could be when it comes to preventing the apple from browning.

• Which had the most?

It is clear that the sample with the most browning on it will be the vinegar one.

• Which ingredient prevents the apples from turning brown the

The most efficient solution is the lemon juice.
• Why do they think that ingredient worked the best?
It has the presence of ascorbic acid, wherein it has been studied and has
been showed to be effective when it comes in preventing not just for apples but
for the different kinds of fruits from browning.

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