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QUESTION 2 14-20
QUESTION 3 21-25
QUESTION 4 26-33


Critically discuss the Importance of a recruitment process in an organisation

and the need for it at Venus Style.

Recruiting is the positive process of identifying, interviewing and hiring employees for
jobs. When more people apply for a position, there will be more opportunities to hire
the right candidate. This is also why diversity is important in the recruitment process.
On the other hand, job seekers are seeking organisations that might employ them.
Recruitment is a linking activity that connects people who are employed and those
who are looking for a job. In simple terms, recruiting is the process of identifying
sources from which potential workers may be chosen. Higher productivity, better
pay, good morale, lower labour turnover, and a better reputation are all benefits of a
scientific recruitment process. It encourages people to apply for employment, which
is a positive process.

A successful recruitment process is one that is cost-efficient and reduces the time of
hiring qualified employees. Recruitment process is the one that enable organization
in determining its current and future needs of workforce. It performs a systematic
analysis of business activities that helps in detecting a right number of required
personnel. The process of recruitment ensures continuity of business operations
without any interruptions. It supplies all needed human resource to business on a
regular basis for various job positions. Recruitment process hires individual from
distinct sources to fulfil the requirements of organization. Recruitment aims at
creating a large pool of competent personnel to select the most appropriate one/s.
The importance of a recruitment process in an organisation are:-

Determines the Present & Future Requirements

The recruitment process assists a company in evaluating its present and future
staffing requirements. It conducts a methodical examination of company operations
to determine the right number of recruits necessary.

Prevents Disruption of Business Activities

The process of recruitment ensures that the daily activities of your organisation are
carried out seamlessly. It provides businesses with all necessary human resources
regularly for various job positions. The recruitment process selects individuals from a
variety of backgrounds to meet the organisation’s needs.

Increases Success Rate of Hiring

This approach is effective in stimulating the success percentage of the company’s

selecting process. It analyses all the job applications to minimise the frequency of
unqualified and exaggerating candidates. Only qualified employee’s applications are
advanced to the next stage of the recruitment process.

Expands Talent Pool

The goal of recruitment is to create a wide pool of qualified candidates from which
one has to choose the most qualified individual for the job. This approach draws big
groups of individuals and encourages them to apply for open opportunities in a


It focuses on minimizing total costs and time spent on finding suitable employees.
Recruitment is a well-organised and methodical approach in which a large number of
people are given a detailed description of a job opening. A good job description
attracts a large number of people at a lower cost. Giving an appropriate job
description attracts large group of candidates at lower cost.

Improves the Credibility of the Organisation

A business organisation’s reputation is bolstered by a strong recruitment process. It

assesses the validity of job openings and reflects the professionalism and
authenticity of the company. The adoption of a good application method by a
company organisation will aid in increasing the trust of job applicants. This, in turn,
attracts the attention of highly qualified applicants for your company.

Provide Credibility to An Organization

Strong recruitment process provides credibility to a business organization. It

determines the reliability of job vacancies and gives reflection of business
professionalism and legitimacy. Adoption of proper application procedure by
business organization will help in boosting the confidence of candidates applying for
job positions.

Attracts More And More Candidates

Process of recruitment attracts more and more candidates for applying to job
vacancies in a company. It gives clear description of job positions available to
candidates and induce them to apply for the vacancies in organization.

Fil Up the Position with Right Candidates

This process serves as an important source for getting talented and skilled
workforce. Companies get access to a large pool of candidates from which they can
easily choose the most suitable candidates possessing the key skills required for
distinct job positions. This way they are able to place right person at right place
which leads to enhance their overall performance. 

Link Employer with Employee

It serves as a medium for linking employer with employees by bringing a large

number of candidates within the organization. Recruitment process is responsible for
advertising about company’s job vacancies. It informs peoples about hiring process
and this way employer come in contact with large number of employees for choosing
the most appropriate one.

Provide A Backup

Providing a backup of human resource to organization is another important

advantage of recruitment process. Every organization has a fear of its workforce
leaving their job positions in middle of project that may bring heavy losses.

Recruitment process solve this issue easily by keeping a backup of well candidates
and prepares them to begin performing right away in the organization.

Plays A Role in Organizational Growth

Recruitment process have a pivotal role in enhancing the overall organization

growth. It ensures continuity to business operations by supplying right candidates at
right time on a regular basis. Organizations get best-suited candidates for job
positions which deliver their roles in efficient way thereby leads to promote
organizational growth.

Gain Skilled Employees

Throughout recruitment, HR managers can effectively ensure that they are able to
gain skilled employees. This means that businesses will acquire employees
whose skills are a perfect match for the organisation’s current needs. Further,
through recruitment, organisations gain the ability to acquire new skills that
prospective employees have that currently does not exist within the organisation.
This is extremely critical as through recruitment human resource management can
thrive as they are able to lead the organisation in finding talent that will be extremely
beneficial to the entire organisation. Furthermore, skills that needed to be acquired to
help fill roles in teams to ensure that a team aims for high productivity levels to meet
desired outcomes and work effectively towards goals can be easily achieved through
a HR department undertaking recruitment processes.

Assures Cultural Fit

HR managers are effectively able to ensure throughout the recruitment process that
the employees who join the organisation are the right cultural fit for the business.
Specifically, this means that throughout the recruitment and selection process HR
professionals can assure and test to see if employees will effectively join
the culture that exists within the organisation. For example, an employee could be
used to a culture built around reliance upon oneself, to which if HR deems
necessary, they may not hire this employee if the organisational culture is built on
employees relying on each other through teamwork. Correspondingly, HR managers

need know the objective of recruitment and continually ensure that they work
towards hiring employees who will effectively be a cultural fit.

Likewise, many HR professionals have considered describing the organisations’

culture within the job description, this allows for prospective employees to decide
whether or not to apply to the organisation if they fit the culture or not.

Saves Time and Money

Through the recruitment process, HR Managers are able to effectively ensure that
they can save time and money for the organisation. This is seen whereby HR
managers will ensure throughout the hiring process that they will effectively hire the
right employee fit to meet organisational objectives effectively to avoid wasting both
time and money on looking for another employee if the hired employee does not
meet expectations. HR managers will do this through carefully selecting an
employee who has if not all, most of the skills that are expected for the job they are
recruiting for. Moreover, by doing so HR managers can reduce the cost of training
employees, this is seen whereby employees who have certain needed skills already
developed do not need extensive paid training. Furthermore, HR managers will avoid
the cost and time of training employees repeatedly if one employee is not fit for the

Improves Employee Satisfaction

The importance of recruitment process can effectively improve employee satisfaction

levels. Specifically, when HR managers ensure that the entire recruitment process is
extremely easy and interesting for the prospective employee, future onboarding
employees will be extremely satisfied with the organisation. This is largely due to HR
managers understanding that they are able to fully meet the employee value
proposition (EVP) by offering an outstanding recruitment process. Moreover, when
highly skilled employees join an organisation and are extremely helpful to teams and
other individuals working throughout the business, they are able to correspondingly
increase the satisfaction level of other employees in the business. Furthermore,
when employees undergo an extremely unique recruitment process, that assures to
motivate employees when they enter within the organisation due to meeting potential

development opportunities, when employees receive what they expected a major
increase to the satisfaction level of the employee can be seen.

Ensures Positive Brand Image

A final critical reason that recruitment is important in HR management is that HR

managers are able to acquire the benefit of ensuring a positive brand image is
maintained and further created. Specifically, throughout the recruitment process
employees who are learning about an organisation and effectively have a positive
perception of the business are influenced through the meetings they have in
interviews on their perceptions of the business. Likewise, HR managers who ensure
that they conduct a positive interview will not negatively impact the brand image of
the business. Furthermore, HR managers can create and enhance an organisational
brand image as having a positive recruitment process which entices people to
believe that the organisation is extremely great to work for. HR professionals need to
pay attention for the importance of recruitment o ensure that they effectively keep a
positive recruitment process in place to create associated positive brand

Recruiting is a basic idea at its core: it entails discovering applicants and hiring them
to fill available positions. Effective recruiting, on the other hand, is a mix of art and
science. On one hand, it necessitates the implementation of repeatable procedures
that produce consistent outcomes. On the other hand, thinking outside the box to
locate your perfect individual benefits your organisation in the long run because it
makes sure that the onboarding process is seamless.

Notwithstanding recruitment being an extremely important and formal process, it is

imperative that we recognise the importance of personal skills in recruitment. As a
business owner, you want a team that you can count on to get the job done while
you focus on other things. Management of any large corporation will tell you that
finding good, loyal talent is hard. Take the time to develop a recruiting process that is
constantly looking for people with the skills you need and the motivation to work for

you. A good process not only finds great employees but saves you time and money
on replacing and training new people.

Finding Quality Candidates

Having good quality employees is the number one goal for any employer.
Establishing a job description and advertising in places where you know you will be
able to attract people with the right set of skills is the first step. It's important to
identify which tasks you need the recruit to complete and whether or not you are
capable of training them. For example, a plumber hiring a bookkeeper isn't going to
want to train a bookkeeper on how to do the job.

Research how competitors pay for the same job and the types of benefits that they
offer. Many good employees will actually choose to work for an employer paying a
little less if there are benefits such as health or retirement plans. Get a feel for the
market, establish a budget and seek a candidate that meets the skill requirements
for the job and pay them accordingly.

Save Training Time and Money with Proper Selection

Go through a systematic set of questions and even skills tests to determine if

candidates are able to fulfil the job needs. This helps establish confidence in
knowing that you have logically gone through a recruiting process and choose
people based on defined metrics rather than gut feelings. When you do this, you
increase your chances of having someone succeed in the job. If you don't need to
constantly replace people, you will save time and money on the recruiting and
training of new candidates. Understand that downtime could negatively affect your
business revenues if you become short-staffed; keeping turnover low is important.
There are costs and time spent putting out job ads, interviews and training new
people. Taking the time to choose properly the first time helps mitigate this.

Reduce Potential Legal Ramifications

When you have a systematic process in place that you follow for every candidate,
you reduce the chances of finding yourself in employment-related legal issues.
Employers can get sued for bias if a candidate feels there was some level of

discrimination that resulted in not getting the job. Keeping interview questions
professional and not asking personal questions is important to prevent any
misconceptions. Giving the same skills tests to all candidates means that no one
was given preferential treatment. Employers are not allowed to discriminate based
on age, gender, religion or disabilities.

Save time on training

The right type of hiring and selection process also helps the company save time on
training. By hiring the right worker with the right skills, the company won’t lose time
on training. The right person, with the right skills, will be ready to start working,
requiring only minimal training.

Helps companies hire talented individuals

The recruitment process requires HR professionals to seek out candidates with the
right education, skills and professional experiences for a job opening. They do this
by using applicant tracking software (ATS), conducting technical interviews and other
evaluation tactics.

Allows companies to hire individuals who value the same principles

When companies have a strong recruitment process, it helps HR professionals

determine whether candidates value the same principles and workplace culture that
the company provides. For example, by look for and engaging with candidates who
value a competitive atmosphere, HR professionals can hire and onboard
professionals who thrive in their workplace. This also helps positively impact
employee retention and job satisfaction. Connects companies with professionals for
future job openings: Even if a company selects a different candidate, the HR team
can stay connected to other qualified candidates who didn't receive positions. This
includes keeping candidate files and performing outreach activities to previous

Ensures that companies hire individuals who can help grow their business

When recruiters search for candidates, they use recruitment resources to connect
with candidates who hold the skills and qualities that could contribute to new
business initiatives or goals. For example, recruiters assemble a pool of candidates
for an IT branch within the company.

Filling up the position with the right candidate

When you are going for recruitment, it is important that you include the skills that are
required for the job position and also add the list of skills that will better the chances
of the candidates. There are some skills which are necessary to accomplish the job
and there are some skills which are not linked to job directly, but if you possess
some of these skills, then it will surely help you in accomplishing other jobs as well. It
will also enhance your resume as well. But, in case you are not able to put up the
right kind of advertisement, then it might happen that you get very few deserving
applicants and have to settle for candidates who are not that good at all.

Pivotal role in the growth of the organization

Recruitment is an integral part of the growth of the company. When recruitment

takes place, the organization gets access to a pool of talent under one roof.
Innumerous candidates apply for the position depending on the skill sets that is
etched by the organization. Therefore, out of these huge numbers of candidates the
organization selects the best-suited candidate for the job. In fact, through
recruitment, the organization can rope in the candidates who will be best suited for
the upcoming projects avoiding the last-minute rush.

Creating balance

If the right kind of candidate is not selected through recruitment, then it would end up

in the creation of chaos and imbalance in the organization. Therefore, it is important
that through recruitment the right kind of candidate is selected who will bring in
harmony and balance in the organization.

Enhanced value creation

The right kind of recruitment will increase productivity by a huge margin because a
skilled professional is set to produce more than the unskilled employee. Moreover, if
you go by the margin, then you will see that productive employees are producing
more than the average in any given condition. So, you see, recruitment is very

A background check of the candidates

It is important that you verify whether the candidates that you have selected for doing
your job don’t have any past criminal records or bad records against their name. The
recruitment process involves the security check and background check to ensure
that the documents provided by the candidates are true and he or she is clear of any
charges which might possess a big risk for the organization.

Showcasing the company’s professionalism

The way recruitment is held displays the professionalism of the company and it also
shows you how the company treats the employees. Recruitment will also showcase
whether the company has respect for individuals or not at the time where competition
is rife. It will also determine how the company is perceived overall in the employment
market. The way recruitment is held displays the professionalism of the company
and it also shows you how the company treats the employees. Recruitment will also
showcase whether the company has respect for individuals or not at the time where
competition is rife. It will also determine how the company is perceived overall in the
employment market.

Recruiting using new technology

The use of modern technology in the recruitment process reduces the time involved
in the process and also saves the administration cost of the organization. Huge
financial benefits can be attained through faster administration. Technology is
developed to help the individual and when every other department is seeking its
assistance, then why not the recruitment as well.

Simplifying the job

Recruitment is not that simple task, but if you can do it well, then it will be a great
help for the organizations. If the recruitment becomes rewarding instead of annoying,
then it will help the organization reach far by reducing the training cost and error
margin. Job satisfaction will increase and the stress level will decrease due to the
professional handling of recruitment.

A critical function in the business

If the company is operating within the knowledge economy, then continuous

improvement will be achieved for the brightest minds. Recruitments are a critical
function of the business and it is as important as any other function of the business.

It is part of continuous improvement and it undoubtedly delivers documentable

results. If the company is operating within the knowledge economy, then continuous
improvement will be achieved for the brightest minds. Recruitments are a critical
function of the business and it is as important as any other function of the business.
It is part of continuous improvement and it undoubtedly delivers documentable

Getting loyal candidates on board

Through recruitment, an organization will be able to hire not only good candidates
but will also hire people who will stay loyal to the organization. They will be highly
productive and will turn out to be a good investment after all.

Technical competence and candidate’s goodwill

Recruitment is the process through which the organization hires someone with
excellent technical competence, appropriate experience as well as has his own
goodwill as well. The market is highly competitive and if your organization doesn’t
come up with the right mix of a candidate, then you will lose out on the competition,
therefore, recruitment is of utmost importance in any organization whether it is a
small or big concern.

Selecting candidates endorsing the core value of the company

It is not only important that you select the right candidate, but it is also important that
you select the candidate who endorses the core value of the company as well. They
will be the perfect choice for the job and they will stay in longer as well because it will
not be a problem for the candidate to fit into the environment of the organization.

The need for a recruitment process at Venus style is to ensure that daily activities of
the organisation are carried out seamlessly. The process will provide Venus Style
with all the necessary human resources regularly for various job positions. The
recruitment process will select individuals from a variety of backgrounds to meet the
organisation's needs and reduce turnover and ensure staff satisfaction.


Critically discuss the importance of the selection process by suggesting a

process and its necessity at Venus Style.

Employee selection in human resource management is critical to a company's

success. The process in which from a large group of applicants some of them are
differentiated for the purpose of hiring and mainly those who have greater chance to
get success in the job, is known as selection. It is mainly a decision-making process
in which the managers decide which applicant to hire for getting success in the job.
In this process the candidates are divided into two groups, one of those who have
chances to get the job and other group consists of applicants who would not be
offered the job.    

Importance of Selection

Selection is an important aspect for the organization due to the following reasons:-

 It helps in identifying the right candidates for a company;

 It analyses the performance of work in each candidate;
 It helps in avoiding false negatives and false positives of the candidates.

Selection is an important process because hiring good resources can help increase
the overall performance of the organization. In contrast, if there is bad hire with a bad
selection process, then the work will be affected and the cost incurred for replacing
that bad resource will be high.

The purpose of selection is to choose the most suitable candidate, who can meet the
requirements of the jobs in an organization, who will be a successful applicant. For
meeting the goals of the organization, it is important to evaluate various attributes of
each candidate such as their qualifications, skills, experiences, overall attitude, etc.
In this process, the most suitable candidate is picked after the elimination of the
candidates, who are not suitable for the vacant job.

The organization has to follow a proper selection process or procedure, as a huge

amount of money is spent for hiring a right candidate for a position. If a selection is

wrong, then the cost incurred in induction and training the wrong candidate will be a
huge loss to the employer in terms of money, effort, and also time. Hence, selection
is very important and the process should be perfect for the betterment of the

The below are several more reasons why the selection process is imperative in any

 Good Talent - Proper selection process enables the organization to appoint

talented persons for various activities and thereby leading to improved
productivity and profitability of the organisation.
 Better Efficiency - Selection of right person to the right job is sure to produce
better quality of work and may facilitate faster achievement of objectives. This
will help in greater measure to tone up the overall efficiency of organisation.
 Reduced Cost of Training and Development - Better selection of
candidates definitely reduces the cost of training because qualified personnel
have better grasping power. If they select suitable candidates for suitable job,
they can easily understand the techniques of the work better in quick time.
Besides, the organization can develop different training programmes for
different persons on the basis of their individual differences, thus reducing the
time and cost of training considerably.
 Reduced Turnover - Proper selection of candidates contributes to low labour
turnover. This will in turn help the organisation to minimize recruitment cost.
 Job Motivation - If the right person is selected for the right job, it tends to
motivate the person to work more effectively and efficiently. They feel that
their skills are properly used and they tend to contribute more attention to the

 Proper selection of candidates reduces absenteeism - They would pay
better attention to their jobs and take safety precautions on their own accord
would minimize the occurrence of work place accidents.
 Good Hires Are Good Business - In small businesses with few employees,
everybody's contributions are critical. When an employee performs poorly,
either due to a poor work ethic or skills mismatch, the entire company suffers.
All businesses need to establish human resources policies and procedures
that ensure that the right person is selected for each job within the company.
These processes should be created and reviewed against current best
practice standards within the human resource management community.
 Improved Employee Morale - When hiring a new employee, it's important to
consider the impact of that hire on the rest of your staff. An employee with
poor work habits or who is incompetent will slow down productivity and
creates more work for the rest of your employees.

It's important to note, however, that even a highly skilled and competent worker may
not fit in with the rest of your staff. Consider your office culture and the personalities
of your best employees. When talking to applicants, consider whether they will be
able to adapt to your way of doing business. Personality conflicts can transform a
productive workplace into a toxic environment that negatively affects your business.

A good selection process offers the following advantages:-

 It is cost-effective and reduces a lot of time and effort;

 It helps avoid any biasing while recruiting the right candidate;
 It helps eliminate the candidates who are lacking in knowledge, ability, and
 It provides a guideline to evaluate the candidates further through strict
verification and reference-checking;
 It helps in comparing the different candidates in terms of their capabilities,
knowledge, skills, experience, work attitude, etc.
 A good selection process helps in selecting the best candidate for the
requirement of a vacant position in an organization.

The selection process I will suggest for Venus Style is one that will involve the
following steps:-

 Applications
 Shortlisting
 Interviews
 Psychometric testing
 Assessment centres
 Using references
 Decision
 Job Offer and Contract


After the job opening has been announced, the candidates apply for the respective
jobs which suit them.


The goal of this second phase is to reduce the number of candidates from a large
group to a manageable group of between 3-10 people that can be interviewed in


A business will often invite a number of applicants for an interview. This is usually a
face-to-face meeting during which the business will ask a series of questions and
observe how the candidate answers them. The performance of each candidate can
be compared. For Venus Style, the interview is will be an opportunity to:-

 Gauge candidates’ experience and ability to perform in the role.

 Explain the employee value proposition, including learning opportunities and
employee benefits.
 Give the candidate a positive impression of the organisation as a good

For the candidate, the interview will provide an opportunity to:-

 Understand the job and its responsibilities in more detail.
 Ask questions about the organisation and the employee value proposition.
 Decide whether they would like to take the job if offered it.

I would suggest that for Venus Style interviewers to avoid instinctive or hasty
judgements interviewers should pre-commit to a set of interview questions that are
directly related to performance on the job. Structuring the interview can help improve
its ability to predict performance in the job. A structured interview will mean that:-

 Questions are planned carefully before the interview.

 All candidates are asked the same questions.
 Answers are scored using a rating system.
 Questions focus on the attributes and behaviours needed in the job only.

To ensure fair and successful selection, I recommend Venus Style to use the other
methods suggested during the decision-making process. Insights from the interview
should be supported by other data where possible, for example the suggested
psychometric tests or task simulation activities, which could be conducted at
interview stage or with technology beforehand. It’s important that selection interviews
are conducted professionally. Everyone involved in assessing candidates should
have the necessary skills (for example in interviewing and testing) and have been
adequately briefed about the job in question and its requirements.

A poor interview experience can undermine an Venus Style’s brand as an

employer as candidates might share their unfavourable impression of the
organisation with other potential applicants and customers. Following up with
candidates in a timely manner, and giving feedback following an interview
demonstrates appreciation of their time and enhances the candidate experience.

Psychometric testing

Psychometric testing

I suggest these tests as they have become an important part of the selection process
and can benefit the overall talent management process. Evidence suggests that
standardised tests or tests of cognitive ability can be good predictors of job

performance, especially for occupations that require complex thinking. If Venus Style
uses these tests correctly, these tests will allow them to systematically assess
individual differences (for example in ability, aptitude or personality). These tests will
be administered online, particularly when assessing high volumes of applicants.
Administering tests and analysing the results is a skilled task and requires training
and certification.

Before using a test, recruiters should:-

 Ensure that those involved in administering tests have had appropriate

training to do so.
 Consider whether it is appropriate to use a test at all (will it provide additional
relevant information, and is it relevant to the job/person specification.
 Identify who will choose, recommend and assess the value of tests.
 Check the copyright of tests and conditions of use.
 Decide how the results will be used.
 Identify potential equal opportunities issues (that is, whether the tests will
disadvantage certain groups, or might need to be adapted).
 Establish a process for giving feedback.
 Decide how test results will be stored and who will have access to them.

Job applicants should:-

 Be given advance notice to make any practical arrangements to enable them

to take the tests.
 Be told about test requirements and duration of tests beforehand and have
the opportunity to raise queries or request adjustments.
 Have access to an appropriate environment in which to take the tests.
 Be made aware of feedback arrangements.

Assessment centres

Assessment centres are used for selection as well as promotion and professional
development purposes. They will require candidates to complete several different
tasks and often combine behavioural ratings, cognitive and personality assessments

obtained from multiple sources. I recommend these because of the customer
focused environment that Venus Style presents.

The tasks set should clearly relate to the person specification and reflect the reality
of the job. They must be administered in a systematic way, with candidates being
given the same types and numbers of tasks to complete in the same time, so that
they have equal opportunity to demonstrate their abilities. Depending on the nature
of the job, tasks might include individual or group work, written and/or oral input, and
tasks prepared in advance as well as those performed solely on the day.

This could involve delivering a report or presentation, time management or task

prioritisation exercises, individual problem solving, group discussions, simulations of
business activities, or functional role-play.

Assessment centres should be overseen by experienced selectors to ensure

objectivity and consistency. Selectors must be trained to observe, actively listen,
record, classify and rate behaviour, and seek evidence accurately and objectively
against the job description and person specification. They will preferably have had
training in interview skills and diversity.

Using references

Any offer of employment should be conditional on satisfactory clearance of pre-

employment checks such as references from the candidate’s previous employer(s).
References should contain factual information such as length of past employment,
job title, brief details of responsibilities, overall performance, time-keeping and
reason for leaving.


The next step is to decide to choose the correct candidate who promises the
greatest future potentiality for the organization. 

Job Offer and Contract

After the decision-making process, the candidate needs to accept the offer which is
known as the contract.


Venus style has approached you as an HR advisor concerning an Induction

process. Create an induction plan for the company.

Induction Plan
<Insert Employee Name>

This template can be used to develop an outline of the initial schedule of learning
activities that each new staff member of Venus Style will undertake in their first few
weeks/months of employment. This plan should be reviewed regularly with the staff
member and additional activities added, particularly following the probation objective
setting discussion.

Activity Contact, Resources, Details When Completed

Workplace Welcome and Introduction to Colleagues Day 1 <date

welcome Tour of building complete>
Go through Induction plan
Workstation Supervisor/Colleague to show how to use: Day 1
 Log in
 Phone
 Outlook
 Calendar sharing
 Software: <list>
New The following documents have been returned: Week 1
Employee  Acceptance of Offer
 New Employee Information form
 Banking Details
 Tax File Number Declaration
 Superannuation Form
 Equal Opportunity Data Collection
 Original Birth Certificate or Passport
 Original Identity Document
 Original Visa (if applicable)
 Original evidence of change of name (if
 Original qualifications
Required documents are listed on your offer letter
Staff card Attend Student Central Day 1/2
Complete Venus Card Staff Application Form available Only between 4
at & 5pm

Orientation Complete orientation and induction at Week 1
and, including the
induction required WHS and EO modules

Induction Plan
<Insert Employee Name>

Activity Contact, Resources, Details When Completed

Web Kiosk Access Web Kiosk - self serve HR portal Online Week 1
Policies Review relevant policies including: <insert>
<insert policies>
Processes Familiarise yourself with processes including: <insert>
<insert processes>
One on ones Discuss roles and responsibilities Weekly
with team <insert specific team members to meet with and
members schedule meetings>
Team Attend Weekly/
meetings Fortnightly
One on ones Regular discussion with Manager Weekly/
with Review induction plan Monthly
Client Take steps to become familiar with client groups
groups Visit < insert school/faculty/division or centre> website
Probation 6-week objective setting meeting to be scheduled with Week 6
objectives supervisor
What’s New Review daily to learn about activity within CSU Daily

Meet with <insert details> <insert>

HR Connect with relevant HR contact (for <insert>
Sessional <insert>
staff guide guide/induction-presentation (for Sessional staff only)

Pre-Start Day

Send your new joiner useful information (such as e-newsletters, corporate videos, or
a welcome pack), so that they can familiarize themselves with the company at

Ask him/her to complete a Training Needs Analysis  document. This will highlight
any skills gaps, so that you can incorporate appropriate training into his/her
schedule. You'll get him/her working more productively by planning this now.

Consider inviting them to meet the team informally, such as at a social event.

Prepare their workstation, so that they have the equipment they need.

Tell co-workers the start date, and encourage them to say "hello" on the first day.

Schedule their one-on-ones with key team members.

Assign them a mentor or "buddy" to show them around, make introductions, and help
with any day-to-day questions.

Check that they're ready to start by sending a friendly email just before they're first

Day One

Send a company-wide "welcome" email, copying in your new recruit.

Do a "walk-around" the office, and introduce them to key team members. Limit
numbers, if you think it might become overwhelming.

Print off a seating plan, site map and organization chart, so that they can see
important information at a glance.

Cover essential admin, such as forms, computer access, email signature templates,
ID cards, health and safety information, parking, security passes, and office supplies.
Don't do it all at once, though. Intersperse housekeeping activities with other parts of
the induction.

Give them an overview of the company (including mission, vision, values, and
corporate culture), the department and the team. Explain how their role fits in.

Run through their job description and person specification, so that they understand
their tasks and responsibilities.

Discuss the skills gaps identified by the Training Needs Analysis, and the available
learning and development options.

It is important to note at this point that we should start the induction with the basics
but not cram everything into a one-hour session. People become productive sooner
if they understand the fundamentals of their jobs first. Focus on the why, when,
where, and how of the position before you hand over any assignments or projects.

Provide details (phone numbers, email and Skype addresses) of all of their key
contacts, including the number of the IT helpdesk!

Direct them to view online staff bios, so that they can familiarize themselves with the
wider team.

Give them a copy of your induction checklist. This will help to reduce their anxiety
about any "unknown unknowns."

As an important side note, try to incorporate an ice breaker exercise into the start of
your new recruit’s first team meeting, to ease them into the team.

End of Week One

Continue filling in the gaps. Introduce your new starter to anyone who wasn't
available during their first few days.

Discuss their role in more detail and start them off on some tasks. This will help them
to put what they've learned into practice.

Agree objectives and timescales for them to work toward during their probation
period, and explain how performance will be assessed.

Make sure that they fully understand work practices, policies and appropriate

Be available (either in person or over the phone) to answer any questions that they

During the First Month

Meet regularly to check that your new team member is settling in and has everything
they need.

By now, you'll know whether they require any further on-the-job  or formal training ,

or could benefit from some coaching . Make sure that you organize this quickly, so
that they're able to contribute fully as soon as possible.

Give them regular, ongoing feedback  on how they are performing. Provide practical

advice and arrange job shadowing or mentoring , if appropriate.

Take the opportunity to listen actively  to any thoughts they have about you, the
induction program, and the company in general. You can use this to improve the
process next time around.

Beyond the First Month

The induction process doesn't simply end after the new starter's first day, week or
even month. It's your responsibility as a manager to engage new recruits , make sure
they grow into their roles, and, ultimately, pass their probationary period. Successful
employee induction is an ongoing process! A successful induction is inspiring,
organized and fit for purpose. You can tell how effective it is by how well a person
adjusts and acclimates to the company.

Get your new starter quickly up to speed by creating an induction checklist. Divide
tasks into what to do pre-start date, then on the first day, week and month – and
beyond. Treat the program as ongoing, and review it regularly by gathering people's


Provide a detailed report to Venus styles on the importance and benefits of

induction to the organisational environment.


A study by Brandon Hall Group suggests that organisations with strong onboarding

processes improve their new hire retention rate by 82% and their employee
productivity by over 70%. The importance of employee induction can’t be overstated.
Induction is one of the most important stages in the recruitment process. Yet, many
businesses overlook the value of a carefully planned and organised induction
procedure. Induction, in fact, helps the company and its inductees start off on the
right foot and reduce the time that new hires need to settle into their new roles. Most
of all, it reduces the possibility of losing a new hire within the first few days
of their employment.  Induction gives the new team member confidence in the
business practices. It is normal for a new employee to feel insecure or anxious about
the new role and how they fit in your organisation’s culture and business practices.
The on-boarding process is an opportunity for the business to make a good first


Induction helps new employees have a clear understanding of how the organisation
works, where it is now, where it envisions itself to be in the future, and how they, as
new recruits can contribute to making that vision a reality. Inductees will have an
insight into the company’s background, culture and values, policies, benefits,
learning and development, and health and safety policies, among others.  New
recruits need to understand the organisation, the culture, the people, and what’s
expected of them in their role, so an effective programme will contain multiple,
integrated elements. These elements include health and safety information required
by law and practical information on the working environment and facilities. The
programme should also familiarise the new employee with the company's working
arrangements relating to time, location and patterns of flexible working, if any as well
as its culture and values. It should also provide information specific to their role.

Ultimately, the induction process is an opportunity to make the new employees feel
proud of their new company. Inductees will have a sense of inclusion because they
will know that they and their contributions to the company will be valued.  Another
objective of the induction process is to introduce the new employee to the
organisational setup and their primary duties and responsibilities. At the end of the
induction process, the new employees should have a clear understanding of their
role in the company and have all the information they need to prepare themselves for
their new role. 

As mentioned, induction is an opportunity for the company to create a good

impression. The induction process requires careful planning and is a formalised way
of welcoming new hires into the company. This reflects on the company’s
commitment to adhere to professional standards as far as conducting its business
and managing its existing employees and new hires. 

Inducting new employees provides a way for the organisation to present a structure
to help them settle in their new role and make the integration process seamless.
Usually, it will include a road map of their journey as new hires including relevant
training and their short-term and long-term goals. 

Induction allows the new employees to meet and get introduced to the rest of the
staff and the management team and to socialise and start building relationships.
Also, induction ensures that inductees are clear as to the rules and regulations,
employee expectations, and code of conduct. A well-organised orientation process is
a testament to the company’s commitment to make its employees feel valued.
Induction helps new hires feel welcome and remove their anxieties and confusion. In
the end, the company benefits from a well-thought-out induction process: enhanced
job satisfaction, improved performance, and increased employee retention. 

Like all organisational challenges, for employee induction to be successful, a solid

plan needs to be in place and consistently executed against. With that in mind, let’s
shift our thinking and look at the benefits organisations reap when they commit to a
consistent, structured employee induction program.

Save money and time

A scalable, repeatable onboarding process can be rolled out each time a new starter
joins, no need to re-invent the wheel. By moving the more tactical elements of the
onboarding experience online, organisations can free up the time of experienced
staff by reducing the amount of face-to-face training required. The evidence is clear
that a structured, repeatable induction process drastically improves the way an
organisation operates. If you want to be an employer of choice for great talent and
want to ensure your talent is engaged as working effectively in as little time as
possible, a formal, technology-supported approach to induction is a must.

The induction process is all about making sure that new employees are equipped
with all of the resources and knowledge they need to succeed in their roles. If a new
employee has all of the information and training they need, then they will be able to
perform better. And make fewer mistakes and complete tasks on time. This improves
the productivity of new employees and saves their managers time and effort working
on their tasks. And boosts the overall performance of the employee. This improved
quality of work can save a business significant time and money.

Introduces the Company Culture

An important part of any induction process is introducing new employees to the

company’s history. And the corporate culture, and philosophies. This part of the
induction process is not only aimed toward job training. Instead, it’s about preparing
new employees for the values and organizational structure of the company.
Introducing this culture to new employees early on helps them to understand,
embrace, and take part in this company culture. This creates a more uniform
organizational structure. And it can help to boost employee morale, teamwork, and

Reduces employee turnover

People join a company with a lot of expectations, and at the same time, they have lot
of questions about the organization. All these queries must be answered in the
induction training. Ineffective induction training leaves new employee confused about
the job. Employees may feel frustrated and helpless, if they are not trained properly.
On the other hand, effective induction training goes a long way in increasing staff
retention rate and reducing employee turnover in a big way.

Ensures operational efficiency

A good induction training program covers all aspects of the company thoroughly. It
helps new employees become familiar with the organization’s work culture, vision,
mission, and goals. At the same time, new employees understand their own role in
achieving the goals of the company. This will help enhance the efficiency of
employees quickly, as they adjust to the work culture of the organization and get
involved in their job. Overall, it greatly helps increase the operational efficiency of the

Ensures Consistency for All New Employees

Introducing a successful induction program for every new team member allows each
new person to start their job with the same knowledge, systems, and information as
everyone else. A new employee induction program should ensure that all new team
members be issued with an employee handbook.

This can help to create a more consistent work environment. It will help new
employees to work more efficiently with each other, and it can enhance the
productivity of team members.

Improves Employee Performance

An employee induction program is not only for the well-being of the new hires.
Employee induction processes also provide all of the essential training and
information that employees need to boost their performance. An employee induction
plan reduces the need for further training after the first few weeks. Employees will
have a deep understanding of the policies and procedures of the organization. They
will know how the rest of their team works, and they won’t be held down by an
information overload.

Properly trained employees are better prepared to hit the ground running with
minimal supervision. They're less likely to waste company resources, such as using
the wrong size box for shipping, if they know how to do the job correctly. They
perform at higher levels with greater efficiency and make fewer mistakes, which
boosts the company's bottom line and reputation with customers. Safety is also
enhanced when employees understand safety protocols and know how to properly
use tools and equipment for maximum results.

Make the new employee feel respected 

Induction is the first of a myriad of interactions between the new employee and the
organisation. Taking the time and effort to engage the new employee in the business
operations, it’s people and its operations will show that you as an employer are
committed to the relationship and its success.

Optimise orientation tasks

How does the copier work? How do I log into our payroll system? It’s boring, but
administrative induction has to take place for employees to get up speed as quickly
as possible.

Improves employee retention

An effective induction program will help new employees to fit into their new
surroundings. And be well-acquainted with the policies and procedures of the
company. This will help them to feel supported and enjoy a smooth transition into
their new role. This can significantly increase productivity, it makes staff members
feel more comfortable, and it improves first impressions of the company. This all
adds to a more fulfilling job experience, which will help to reduce staff turnover and
increase employee retention.

Makes New Hires Feel More Comfortable

An employee induction program helps new employees learn faster, and gives them
more confidence. It also provides a better understanding of all the company
processes, and it makes the whole process of adjusting to a new role a lot easier.
Instead of just hitting the ground running, an induction plan provides the kind of
guided tour of a company that new employees need. It’s a slower, more comfortable
way to introduce new employees into an organization. This will make new team
members feel more comfortable, confident, and satisfied from their start date.

Organizational Culture Development

The induction or orientation component of a program is distinct from actual job

training. Two benefits of induction offer: opportunity for the new hire to ask
questions, and pre-employment paperwork can be completed quickly. In induction,
employees learn the philosophies, values and culture of the organization. A primary
benefit to your business with a comprehensive induction program is that you can
build and maintain a solid organizational culture. A strong, positive culture can
increase employee morale and teamwork, which is clearly among the advantages.

Well-Equipped Employees

The training portion of a program involves direct, job-specific training. During this
phase, the employee learns how to optimally carry out job duties. In a retail service

job, for instance, the employee learns the various facets of greeting and helping
customers, and resolving conflicts.

Well-trained employees tend to feel more confident in performing their duties, which
ultimately benefits your customers. Additionally, well-trained employees can help you
bring future new hires up to speed more quickly.

Positive Morale and Tenure

While it is tempting to rush employees through induction and training to get them on
the job, it is important to invest the time and effort necessary to orient them to the
company and the job. Doing so can have strong effects on the employee's morale
and tenure with your business, reports the Society for Human Resource
Management (SHRM). A common reason employees leave jobs is because they feel
dissatisfied. This dissatisfaction often results from a lack of comfort in the
environment or inability to effectively perform job tasks.

Win the talent battle

The way an organisation treats (and inducts) its employees has a direct impact on
the market’s opinion of that brand.

Open communication lines

A well-structured induction process should encourage and nurture conversations and

relationships across the organisation. The new starters should be integrating with the
people they work directly with as well as those in other functions. Open and fluid
communications during the induction process will give the new staff an
understanding of what other employees do and how they work together to succeed.

Results in a smooth transition

With the right induction, you can be clear about your corporate expectations and
ensure that the new hire doesn’t pick up a second-hand distorted view. A good
induction program doesn’t have to be huge or extensive, but it should be structured –
and therefore easily rolled out to each new employee. Induction adds to the

employee’s initial experience with the business – it demonstrates that they are
supported, cared for and that you are committed to their success.

From a practical perspective, it ensures that the transition into the business is
smooth, measured and relaxed. 


Companies that don’t put in place some form of induction training often risk
employees feeling like they are drowning. They might also feel as if they are wasting
time trying to find out about the processes, systems and protocols that everyone else
seems to know about, and are afraid to ask others (everyone seems so busy, which
leaves them feeling incompetent and overwhelmed). New employees should instead
be focused on tasks with a stronger commercial outcome.

A solid induction program is one of the best ways to provide a great professional
impression for any new employee. These programs help to introduce new hires to
the rest of the team and make them feel more comfortable with their new company
and role. This helps human resources build up a workforce of happier, more
confident employees. It also helps the organization achieve greater levels of
operational efficiency and productivity. Adding a formalized induction program to
the hiring and onboarding process is a best practice. This can help any organization
achieve better results with each new employee. A good induction training program
facilitates seamless integration of the new recruit, enabling him to contribute to the
organization effectively. Thus, it benefits the company as well as the new hire.


Meyer, M. et. al. (2012). Managing Human Resource Development. Lexis Nexis

Noe, R.A. et al. (2016). Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive

Advantage. 10th edition. McGraw Hill.


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