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g @ i Catatan UKMPPD Batch Mei 2021 bp peli Plow Scanned with CamScanner Bilateral i 4 se att Relat MaKan Tension Type Headache Migraine Sensitisasi mi jishihind ae Pies Miofacial /KOntraKs — yasoKontriKg "sranial /$pasme -muskutor em. darah RetiKronio} Gani ats Pulscsi, nyeri smal, * Rosa Stperti di ikat /di- 7 texan muntah, Fotofobio unilateral Custer Tr rigerrinal Sensitisasi Sarag Hleuerhgio, Cronom /non spe- tic douleureux Sigik med. Kimia ada Kompresi di n. trigeminal (1) 93olu di orbita, > nyeri menusUK SPF sompe Y-#230M Supra orbita, tem- terengat Soot Kegi- , Ta. abortig = fae Potul /Kombinasi un normot a gn, . i (ex.sikot gigi, Sen~ B NSAI Jacriman i sii $2 es ee Bx YOO MS) F Oey 1" srinorhea whan, aledinia) 38. 5 tg. \ + Kongesti nasal 38 . Ae ‘tak ado mas % 30m, Tatu Laksana oo mg Gahoya,bin- ENE Tos ungeyp ton Pine 1-2 hd ‘ ik hitom, ga- ety 12 Lpm (Goorkig) 200 m4, Osirinust TH whe ns hitam Hi a.sumatripton —sehari OFrequent (ni 16x 7 bulan “eFlkOsi pengobotan Konsisien pd Max 2x/thn >2x/ thn mu > 3 bin 2-3 sali Serangan 3araK antar ‘Jorox antar edumagiti 4 Coens (a . tdi ado Seangon rekuren dim 24, Srangan )3 ferungan <3 res 2am selelah pengobatan ber- — bulan butan / 1 sho hasit onset Komplixasi: St. migronosus, persisten aura, migrain ingark Scanned with CamScanner (SISTEM SARAF MOTORIK i CERRY © persorafan perifer + ditawa o/ #. piramidalis (utks geruxon Keser) ® a mails : Gangxat Kani N. ulnaris ‘angxat tangon Kelainan ; temah, parolisis, Flaccid * SOTO extcupiramidalis R.fisiologis ¥, &- fatorogis O UK Perholus geraxan atrori ® elainon : tegong, Kory , hipereplex 8. Fisiotogis 4, R Patotogis ® Pusat 8. Fisiologis Klonus ® R. biceps RAriceps R. patella &. achilles memicu demyeli . . a a aN) Pato mimiKe oi i hi Guiwoin-Bare MORKUEL Miyastienia —antiboat res. eesaregens Syasterne autoimun, mseHN Gmvig 7 Acth ‘+ eluinan comu anterior ogling SOMOF HPI 5 cn + gang. neuromugor junt- imedula spinatis €. virus X lipopotisaxarida *sieecioc, #88 + hancurkan reseptor pollo —* viremia 1-2 mg, Ctio : virus / bakteré ‘eth di post sinaps Sth Gefala sal. cern SPA» fersering sutcimom-shgerieni- Tanda | Campylobacter jejuni vitos tipe i eon ~lumpub unilateral (Flaccid) + Ascending, purolysis Etiologi + thymoma = tive. batuk, pilex , diore sy KHAS | 7 = atroFi (iumpuh) Shari - 3 mgg timbul, 1. Kelemahon berpluxtuasi = imunisadi © 9ejala : pd ott rangua f Sack : 2 . ‘i a ut ‘pal « descending paralysis |. Paralysis progeesig Caicenden) ——-aktivitas seco sore Truett Peele i 2.Keluhon memberat sore 5 Re 2. TeFleKs #endon hitang, aaah (DipeRa, @)- simtomevin 3. Parese oropuring x epi ese SFO red 0 Fepet nen #00 3. dtstendion, parol ippaee) ~VaKSiN pPotio bulan Ke 0, aBortri® —a,3,y (4 kali) Tensiton - elektromictograsi Perbaikon pd mata stih pemb. TEBAPGISE 4 goldstandot —endrophomum Atth- Inhibitor Gy men by gold eh : 7 a Sfoalbumin, ——a.wwastenberg, . Tata Laksana Mb Protein GF leukosis, memandany Objek diantara 9 Venn @ Formal Aobjex r40detix-@bio |) # fiedashigmaine #406 > St line Ptosis —* di purmesmas a Preanisen ‘ 7 g/kg WIG max Ymg /kyBB/ GT 2nd 3+ Prostigmin 88 /hari he nt Kasih Prostigmin 15-1 mgt Me, (oo my) » plogma exchange, ©.1 mg sn @ bila Sejalo hilam 3, Plasmapharesis dan * Suporte: —* Perauotun inten 4. ¢t-scan Me Sif bite dda disautonomia, & f {esi hipodens multiple bik bulat trtger napus , ‘ce Facked sey bonae lemon otot 1 gapema minum cbat -» mysterio wrsis ~ Ach b Kebonyaken minum obat—» Kolinergix Krifis + Ach PLosis —» normot (paKe es) _ Scanned with CamScanner STATUS EPILEPTIKUS ~ naan NaE Kezung, > 30 menit Kejang > 2x dun 4dK . , Sodor diantara Pasien, Kejang (AGC amankan) Rejang, Lad udah, twine wine 4 Fenitoin 20-30 ding Tei MYyr¥a, (60mg /min) = Nerve conduction * Kompresi (WEibialis Postetior| yang timbul di area veloting, Maleotus medial ? dilapisi Lig. Flexor retinaculum Eejata Ktinis 1, nyert soot eversi Tata taxsane. A. Kesemutan saut bergolan 4. R-1-C-€ donopiesi= 3. Parestesio 2, Steroid ingexsi intralesi eversiGr® — y. anne test @ di mateotus 3. brace ante, ‘medial tu. pembedahan (retinuklektomt) 5. NSAID Tanda : TETANUS } Ciolog : ostridium +eHani Cast arom @ obl- = trismmus Y9 mengetuorkan NeUFOtOKSIN/ —Sanerob) = opistotonus Jetanosposmin aa ~ KeFang, ep tes Spotula basta Ore = Phi ' masukkon spatula 2s Thisus sardonixus kalau mee a |1@) 30-40x/m (xe3ang rangsong) Or my. yo X/m Tata LaKsana Fi Tot SF TOS aR YO x/m rc i duwa Benin Au Kotor ————— vaxsinO/ voxsin®/, vaxsin®) 2 eae ) Bdosis tp Codosis W3dosis + . 7 a ee > tahun TOITORP srobia VOETOA TO/TDAP TIE boottes To/ TDAP + €10 bin: gausoh Manayemen, Wuka ~ GG luka + debridement ~ HOUR paxu + cud + debridement + Cross insisional © Aman kon Age. Katou napas bermasatah -» mtubasi @ Vejang, : diadeenmn 0.5.9 /xy / Kali Oumpictin \9r/ 6 3am, @ATS 60.000 1u iM dan 0.000 1U W (lamba) -» onser 24 Jam © Penicittin proxein 1.23¢ 1 1m /G3am (iobr) © Mevorianoie 15 mg/Kg /3om loading, tie + 1.5 m9 1497 6 3am ® #16 500- 3000 1 ® devridemen -» penanctnun WR, Scanned with CamScanner Giasg “Scale {Giaiyo. Coma Scale} bases Verbal i baik 4 Melek spontan 5 orientasi bai i 4 Agelontur kata, Saeed 3 tangsong ayer et - 2 Fangsang nyeri 3 mengerang, fait 1 td ade reipon Tnterpretosi cedera Kepata. 13 5 —* Cederu Kepata Tingon D1 cedera Kepala sedong o-8 Gdera Kepula beray ' tak ade. tespon, Ut line = 08. valprout and line © carbomarep _EPLLEDS|, Slang tanpa provoKasi SM intervar > 24 5am, Tonix- Absans Mioklonix sak sbsons, ! mak, tena - epitepsi hentakon?% invo- kelogotan Crelebinan in- unter movement Sturn fubuh ce MIE pertmay \ Cee ‘sgn tote tm $ tata liat t desna Ur Keluar bengong Garey Srandmal biel tbtb lemoh Celunn, ‘typical atypical badan, Jotun, tdkoda = pd nuk Pd dewase Relmeuro 4 (15-30) (730 actin) ere stth $ejong, HPF db sering ada L Leno-petitmay Kel-anotomi-neury *epang paruksismo) ber - “Motori, © bebas bergerax 5 Agelawon tangan pemeriin, 4 tongan geser2x 3 devorsinasi (rexsi) 2 deserebrosi cexstensi) 1 gooda respon NOTE: KQlO Pasien fake ventitotor, Hitel verbatnya *Kalo Pasien stroke hemiplegia, Aital motoriknya guuh gerakin mata 1st line + carbamarep and line + as. valproat hy S09 ofa Komplex Simmpiex ada gang. Kesa- daran baik Sbim / S@sudah Kejang ‘td oda L Keto~ doran serelah KeFong, (roxal), Parsial 34 unum Kejung. umum se Kunder . GPP Epitepsi FE vada spikes waves Prinsip tata Loxsona 1.4 exsitast glutamat antagonist / % exsitasi natrium channel bloKer 2. t imhibisi —» GABA agonist ~ Keual tata laxsang Absang STOP OAE gia ; ‘. 2 thn bebas Keung, tee nomal 2. tappering ofe dim 3-6 bulon, 3. Kalo >4 ony Stop Sotu per satu. ee & meng, Wt op 3. fenitoin u STA a. AS. varproak 15 ++ Ethosuxsimid aso- oo my (ES. SLE Ganax 2. Dewasa + AS. valprout 15 m9/KG, %, Tota laksona |. Carbamazepine 200 mg. leukopenia, agranulositosis , $33 ™9/k9.58 » hepatotonsixz, teratogenix . S-t mgikgee (a dosis/hr) hipertoori gingiva , anemia megaloblastix Tatu Laxsana Apsans _ z switch Aerapi Scanned with CamScanner SPACE Occuprine tessiow Masa yg T vol. OtoK eae Classe sign f {RM kronix progres danda texal Membun payi tori |. Leip “Member don mover Pandan vagy 398 mal ‘} 2. L Frontat: anaimia , gang, Perionol, hemiparesis ital: 94g. topang, Gold Stundord Ly mat dengan Kontras @ deromenusone w dosis ©1012 mg 7Kg / 63am, Tepat : surgical resection 3, L. parietal : astereognotis apraxia, 4. Pituitary + hemianopsia bitemposat ® * Cervicat -* Sting di Ce C8 ‘Thermitte Sign’: 4exon Kepala Ke aroh Punggung, + Ayer mengalor ‘Spurting sigh, + guier Kepola Ke Patologi: Kompresi redutasints “AFR UeL cus PuUPesus * bisa di Sebabkan oleh trauma Perzalunan + 1. deyenerasi discus 2. protaps, 3. Extrusi (xhos | nyeri mengalor {. Sequestrusi sane Ktas | Ayeri unitaterat > Semaxin bungxuk makin Ayeri OD -* Canal Stenosis + bilateral, Kalo bungkuk bina hilongin nyeri Ateol —» Foro Rolas tumbal, bedai dgn 00 + -sponditosis (deyeneratip) Ly ada osteogit + Spondilotisis -» Fraxtur di tulong vertebra, - SPonditolisthesis —» pergese- fan 0s. vertebra Ke anterior] Gold standard : mal } Tata laxsana Lndixosi 1 MISAID. Pet, muscle cetoxant operati - Fisioteropi a 3. Olahraga ringan berenang, sppeda statis 4. Korset tumtat 5 + hindari anggay bebsn Salah tatu sisi + non nyeri Ke bohu Napsiger sigh + denon veno Su- Sulor Lumbat Ly -L; Straight Ley Raige, (SLR) = Lasegue test Gexstensi voxi 20° nyeri disebeloh Bayard test — dostopleKti Pedis ‘Siuard tet + Flexi ipu Jari ~ Gila wrenurunKon . poteta (L2) don R. achites (13 - 1) ~ > KOO Konservatip gak mempan = defisit neurdogis progresi¢ Scanned with CamScanner (Cont Tanne ignaroe Bl iceetra le al J ee ty " cricx tert @ di Kibos Cede sara .medianus (6-1) @:- ~ Phaten test @ i trun + dari ori 1 Ya jor 4 ~ benedict shape + Ainel At @ divetur “hand Imemburux talam ~e berisiko glexti _ ~ durwhan Fest @ a texan hg, Cobang nervus terepit > Membaix pita di KibosKon . Newe conduction Velodty (wev) Motorix a ee gby FIeXt = fp (ambahan) atro Fi, ener banedien ond shore &) Konservatig = = bichai (wfist spin) Tndixasi operas: ar \y tk Kembalixan Ke 1,93 bulan Konservatir gox, Noin night ipint Asses anustesi (bisa ™mempan Panjang hari /moalam aja 2. atroFi ofr thenat o a steevid + vik BG 3. gang, Sentorix becot | Guyon Tunnet Syndrome ) vs (Ht Cubital Tunnel Synarome ) + Kompreti W. ulnaris mewewori ° * Komprest Y9 Melewati cubital Quyon tunnes dlaw- tunnel. FR. bertumpu pd tiku hond + sering, ai sertal otot fengan bawong, Froxtur epicondiytus Tanda dan gejula + > Ayeri / parse Yor 4-5 ‘ = dtrogi hipotenae + obvoFi. pov ofrori. mn oars Eins ‘in = AIDA. mW THOSS foment Sign® = Claw hand SX So pe Palsy, . Sumpre Palsy. Cedera bag. ates center n *Mengenai tenyon atas a + mengenai tengan towah Gi C5 -cy Caereoiay AAT» axine 3-7, Gort tanga) FR. -cederu Jalan lohir (distosia) FR. foriKan tangan saut ~ Jotun Kena leher x bah lahir Gejata ‘atuh & bertumpu pd solv > Vengan ates endororasi eae ~ Hengan addueis siku 7% exsienst promos - wees team Or. ~R.viepS R- senggyim @ KHAS | wolter's Hp hand ~ faungan dowoglensi / claw hand > lengan abdursy Scanned with CamScanner (olen Nervus Radiatis + Cedtry Ww. radials. C¢g-11) + Gy. Sensorix di seluruh sisi dower Perjatanan Sistem Sarag Exsteemitas ‘. Terminal plexus brochialis =? (anyon + 5-1) any. selumh exstentor tengan ator dan bowah (dorsoriexsi) KHALL drop -hand/ wrist - dp - arte axiltoris. (deltoid) + C5 Ce) N. mutculocutaneus (C5 -Cr) Nemedianus CC - TH) N. uinoris (C8 -T.) + No tadiolis (ts - T.) 2. Terminal plexus lumbosacral . pexiensi tutus + exstensi hip . otot ease > N-remoralis (La-by) + Feext extensi ~ la -Su dorsoftexi +N. peroneus (bay.depun) 4 - 52 x ever! Hbialis posterior (bag. bikg) LH- $3 _ el ginan eens eeprom NS cinon ‘ eae adds Finversi sabiso xe . 4 aw Neurotogi Dermatom ¥. pldagat — Senyorix perineum J Kavixula aw fre spel teus ate fer ibu Sari % umbilicus To a Sart 4enyoh Komi medial Ly -Us Kelingying, & Koni tater bg St Perintum Say Puting Payudara TH Simgisis Tha Pernorasan Ciebs Seltoid Cangxat tangan) cg Nucteus st. craniatis Seer + Keluor di pons + weluor di mesensephaton + Keluar dt medula Cbtongata Scanned with CamScanner GANGGUAN FUNGI LuHuR a a3 OF NN » fev Aprosio Aarti. . 1 ‘ : : in xi Agnosio, bo , i.e: Song. KomuniKUsi + gang .axtivito Rea Yanggvan \* ra dane mem ee! sAngguan dim yg berurvtan \ memabam IC Wernicxtt: o Me * 2 L OATRICK | snbis0N90- ——_gapisa Ngo Feperisi x mony. ga nyi- mony tp cham — Kompreh eniiF ‘ Motorite Sensorit mong Sabin bis ngling, bunk eae: wemnike rmaco) {abs bicara obs (os ngerti obs : Ulangi Kata) ulangi Kure) JENIS AFASIA di Frontotis af temporal ae Ig bicara, Pemahamin | Repetisi Toasvortixat nomic. - ‘isa Ulang Kate ae Saag transtortital sen - otorik. aa at + gabise, bisa eons - bicora temahani transcortical Mo- eat + roca : lobus Frontul Cbroadman orga broca a 44 don 45) transcortical mix: + Werikce. : lobus tempor! (broadman area a global ey Glovol : Frontoparietotemp oral 7 aNi5. calbe Fost SOE) ~ posDE GLESLTRAKTUS PYRAMIDALIS —~ teorr Geror Plegi = porulisis +» Kekuotan O ae arent } spin oralomi| aa forese = kekuutan oto 4-4 scveyen ral laacne fingan (motorik) Trauma Medulu Spinalis KiasiFiKasi ASIA (42-jam- thari) PETERIOR CORD |Kehilongan FuNgsi sengorix ae SrNDROME | POPrioseptig ‘A motorik ©, sensorix teryanggu ( KOUIFiKa ventriKel > Korid- Fetini His ~ Dewasa = pasien iw. Hiv + CT-Scan + ring enhance. ment lesion muttipte di ganglia basal . Pirimetomin loading 200 mg, langut (BB <0 Ko, 2325 my, BB>S0 ¥g 3x35 mg po) Mindamisin 4% Go ma, (gaminyo sulfadiazin) (Abses Serebri > Bh ee FR. OMSK. Sinusitis Kronis , endoxorditis , selutiti $ CT -smun Etios baxteri gram 2 Post Herpetin Neuraigio ‘Pasta ingersi herpes zoHer yg tidak Aittot J Pengobatan 4dK odekuat Tond : “NYC SpE derhusu di area dermatom Ya sbimaya ada cw. vesixel ber @ Sefatosposin gen i WV = Ceptrioxon 2 or / 1a Jam w / cefotorim a gry $ Jom wv - Single ting enhuntement Komponen anaerob aiuntara grey 2 white moter Ls mehoridatole soo mg. /3 jam.v @ atodinin @) pregabalin 150- bo my, Sabopentin 100-300 mq, amitriptitin as - 100 mg. NOTE: Wav menctap ai ganglio dona) Setombor tmedutta Spinalts POLA PERNAFASAN ; ; apne. Chaya stones iperventitost apntustix vauter sic ik toripney -apneu- UAC SENN pcpicasigoong- an “neguler ¥83 dg sm sex taxipneu. RR PYOx /menit zane taspee apne berhenti — ey ag =a (aibwh medu- Kdienserats ’ tq oblongata) en (pons bag. atas) (ons) (ined. (nea. , mestnctpalon ‘ein point Oblongatu) obiongan, Pupil Keay mid brain ‘pupit Peaxtif Puptl Ani soKor Scanned with CamScanner tesean : _-PERDARAHAN CEREBROVASKULAR cr.scan hipodens hiperdens Katou stroke: A, ‘Hero! *K Iswemix patotogis @ kalou Casdorhn ‘comme Vernth anggota gerax FR. emboti -+ sumbaton dr tempat tain 4g nyang kur i Ota Canliogonin + ada gang. alr. FibrNOH : KEN Stagnansi alive daruh TembokK ~» Sumbatan \g1q diotax — T+ -- iota RIND \ | Protonged 14 1 RIND Cook Ket. C243qm jam - 3, 3 L ‘ fenbah Sem hast sem 2v%em- ahr ween | Purna uh Sempuma S2MBUA LEM yunpa Perba- Txankiplatelet *spitin ae eee ciopidogtel Dipiridamo. TIA R. patotogi © \ETIOLOGI STROKE ae ecahnyo ape rah FR Then eG San i 4 meny. her- wen Peco Nios otax nyo berry - = bist, Sampe into. aneuritma ventriwulor sirwutuy winiss Tanda = aKut —» severe headache = tp t Soot dig Ke RS + | kesadaran + oda # TIK Yg Cepat = Fangang, meningen @/c = thunder Clap headache Trombosis _Emboli ice 7 FR sia tua, om, Riv. Ket-Jontung, hipertensi oneurisma , AVM HT, (KOK, athe - AE, iM, CHE, Kel ‘maligna, & gng. Koaguiasi Tosnlerosis, det ‘Katup i . di dohului axtv. muncut KerKO KuAS Himbul pas bo- ada Ket. EKG X Aygun tidur/'9 Mua dot sign | Hist platron x ada pemiies - Wiranut. deF- Sylia Fissure Sign emasi yd baat Aangsang meringeal @ euro worsening, ‘Nyert Kepala hebat sampe mun toh LES) VASKULAR Yoonderclap headache | fo. cerebri anterior : bemt es buh Sit. Korotis PasHenor = eKS atw Sig. Vertebrobasiler aaag wit media : penglinotan, eo ST ‘+ Motorix :hemiparese alter - Gq, motorix Gy Sensorix. Go.visuol ae eae : oe « hemiparese sKontralaterot —remianop-— WNUE Paani Kontrptaterat Ohipestesi exs- sio Kontra- -apasio « lndantis narsxpanseat > Dparese exstremi- —Fremitoy »N. —lokerot = agnosia, aman fos 5 n-ani,. ania, - amour + Gung, vigual : hemianoplio ipsitaterat ‘ttral Fugox . . ) i ' homonim (uni! bilateral: © dicastin @ paresuia. Ee p deginitip + teang. Yestimbangan = vertigo, gang. Roordinali QB) Cr scan, tanga Komiras | - pemurjong, awn Speigik 7 Mel -Dw Scanned with CamScanner Kang Kemi: Risa © RePa fo Fuse axur (< 330m) W + dim bo menit O41 MH /ey (dott) [alieplase] ® Antixoagutan Guntuk embori © pastixan udah di cr san, ~ Heporin 7 LMWH > Worpuria sip mg fhe -2 2-4 bulon © Antiptoteter vaiau >6 jam 4 untx trombotix + OSPirin (yo-325 my /hr (nombat agregusi 4i ox) + Clopidogrel +5 me (nombat stabitigesi trombut) @ Tee. daroh **UrUNKON Kolo > 220/120 mmHg, gn MAP 15 7 au Som pertumo. © Perri, + Geiwoin 24 x 250 m9 Whe Aarut prot 2x S00 mq, Firacetom 1a gr v/20 menit Nongut oral 2-4 x tao0 mg Manitol fdema OtaK \ Stevia vaxoggnix + Pé pasien tumor -+ iMiplomati —» vasodilator oe Fegung —» BBB Kendur —> Cairun intraUasKuIGe —» inkershH ul | ringer tk © Projection P* Aeeinitig < Craniovomy, axsang Hemoragix Taty dargang, Hemorag Osuna to Bie sittot y 200 mg / MAP 2150 my Sivtol > 180 mmity x THK, Sittol > Vio mmvig, /MAP 7130 mmHg target 160190 menwiy, Mat turunkin 25 +7. MAP @ Weuroprovextor, ® “Ceyan dexvbitus Nicardifine mg/h Ww di fitrasi 3.45 mg/h Nimodipine ux Po (Cegah - @ U TiK' (t venous return) vasospus- -elevasi 50° me) + hiperventitasi ringan —- ns ye ‘Osmorernpi'; -« SPT Tyo esis 01 touting, dose 4 gram / XG88 —» Lanjut 0.25 - 0,5 9° / KaBB Selama > 2p menit (ulung/ 4-— Jam) + Furosemide 1 mg/kgBB W Sfrotoxsik : Kemotion sel orax ~» cairo Ke introsel —» interstihal si + Pemb. Aaron OtOK TRIAS CusHING i anda ik yy tax Kompensasi HT, Grodikordi, Brodipneu ———— SS “BELL'S PALSY. *eluinan Win periger Stes esi Central Gres di Selunih wdjoh rane She OT wertin chi + Sifot : axut wnitoreray J-wéjah ment Ke aru dan tutup mare FR. dur paxe kipos semoloman ‘99 Sehat , onset < ys Jom. ca ateen eee ai Ket. mata longut : Patogi : iskemio sembut sarap Ken ingexst Tanda . Mulyt meot / porese B-VI) * Gabiso tutup mata ~ Ayer tam ai ttlinyer * matrid ~ Riper akusis + gang. pengecapan ~ 90ng. lakrimasi 5. Lagophtalmus * Bogorad’s syndrome © &- Seid + 4 inplamasi Ls prednison 4 mg./7%9.88 [omg /hari) G-+ ban —v 4appering oFF 2, Auytlovir qoom, po 5x sehari 3, Lubrikos main ~» arfigitiol wots / edurasi FARE KOO mata , 4. Fisioterapi Scanned with CamScanner vs Autonomic one “er 4 ‘Menyerang sor ofonom Seniorix lebih hitong, di Git: - Motori: ¥ Kandung, Kamin ineurogen Stouring, gloves” 2. disfungii erensi oe? = Sentony tott 3, Konsripasi /diart Tx: gubupentin: 4. aispagio 5 HR @pat irregular HOlOgi = Lysavitus Tanda, iN Keletowar, Ku- ——~ Hipersoliva ~ Kel. mato. Mononevro - pati Asimeteis 4 + Periger be crs + Foot drop Cranial tyme. sorag ot, iow = dlpiopio. | Ingexsinga, mesimbulkan Sata lebih porah Kalo tubch. Ging , Kera, raKun, sigung, a : = ke \ end - virus ditularkon mel. ait tiv ne Se KE OE —» retmgrode mel JOO + Inxubasi 2 mg- 2. fohun sens eH Ke gang. radix dorsolis ~» otox Tote Laxsana : © Gari hewan yg gigit Soar ae) Wino ingot Matis 90 Ketemu 74 tas babu) © cuci air sooun 5-10 menit Se olelay @ Gi cir becih : a ae le ee = atom ® Eealuai NIKO Fingg . = Veisixo rendah 14@brdemen aut Gigitan Anging, Risixo tendah = suKo obras = gu SGmpe Cot 9Fg+. 4S Ae tats wetangxep 2 Me Cisotasi 10-14 hart) | ‘ kato . ‘una risixo rend ; Dosis + si fisino na ro renteh, ania, KO 5 mati | SAR Yow /Ky IM ogy rendah luna risonn — observasi | VAR 0.5 ml rm \ y Hngoi : 5 . \ gausoh VAR» kasth VAR. ‘VAR SAR. WAR 3 dois o _ kalo sehat) Sampe dosis Hen ogi a . any AR VAR 5 mt tm (deltoid) “HOKE ee eae coma 4x (hori 02x, hori 4, hori 21) a axhir “SAR 20 Ww /¥g, Sepa 1M neg Ceparuh infiltraKsi ke WUKo KS coe Nidup ~? St0R VAR Scanned with CamScanner Casda fquing Conus Medutlacis Syndrome wee te ai La sacrum | 7 dita ba = cqderd Iumbo -sberal ~eederai $1 $5 mengenai radix di > Kelalnun simetris don, Sourul & umbal ‘pe umn af ee ~ anon HEATER 0 wm = FeFLEKS ‘perianal, ee o + tegtexs lumbal saddle), ~ FRELEKS achittes Nanostesis, + SeFIN9 43d gang. otonom = repteks achites 4 dan dan muncut ebin pot Terleks patella t *2arGNg meny. gang. ot0- fom x lebih lambat Farkinion Diseace (Boy? le degenerasi ® Porwiosonism < xumputan —_~ °0¢ Miptokix tiger ile gMade tempers 98010 + Tremor ~ Obat_metoctorpramide Cantioxsidan, on ogonis) ote 7 Mw Hore 2. Ada gang . gungsional Avinesta Patotogi Porturat imtolunce Farinson disease : gegata trap — MenY. glutamat don = $60 + DA agonis Kador'doperiin | ¥9 = 760 : Levodoper % vo mg sari Sadi buxtixan dgn degenerosi ACTH ® RY Levodopa ‘anglia busol dan hasil Pa LetaK Kelainan: substansia nigra Benseruzid lewy bodies . (maeheptalon) Pramipexot Chorea. Sontismus Abnetosis ~ lest striotum “lest nucleus subthola- = Vest putamen eraxon menori oe + Strasan abnormal ‘nari = Geroxon violent Flinging, daris Jan, Scanned with CamScanner Hipoxyc Enchepatopathy va fanaa. : > Koma ae Cedua otax axut kr Kehilangon + Kegang, K Supio} ‘uploi doh x 02 + myoctonus FR. cardiog arrest dgn ROS > dispungsi kognitig epreti orot Petnopasan, Kehitongon durch, troumo., Syox, Peny. dantung ~» any { aritmia ventrixel Horner Syndrome (@)- suportie isebab\on ong. sAraF timpatis—+ Tatas | ~ fembedchan bia it . uti “bisa Kongenitaly —'. Miosis ae hereditts (auto- a. Prosis Somat dominan) 3 Anhidrosis SYoK SARAF a ma) Neurogenix. Spinal TOL. nodi a TY, nodid tidax ado kelum - ode Met - Puhan Placeid han lace Tx: rewusitasi cairun Tk: resiBitusi coiran . Nor epinegrin injensi Aorepinegein ingjexsi Mefiipredni so1ory POST HERPETIN NEURALGIA * Myer post ingexsi herpes aster ‘Drasi\—» vesixel beryerombol di desmatom ® pagal “eGo my lesi herpes, GABapentin 100 - 390 mg, i Nitti ptili . WolnH\—+ VaV Yo menetop di gangio dont — HAIN 5 ~ 409 mg, Medula spinattis TRAmatiot 50 - top mg, fondu + alodinia) hiperolgesio 4 nyeri menetap tonpa éi- sentun Scanned with CamScanner FRAKTUR BASIS CRANIL | i stetio | Anterior Medio Posterior = roxcon eyes ® oHorhea @ ‘ ee = thinorea . Fetroguri LUG a rtsS—seC i‘ ( WOCCSCsesSS Penungang. + Memastixan baomya CSF 4 Hato sign / double ny, PoKe Kain) Kertus] tissue PuHh diombil Ke calcun yg Keluar Romtyent —» sup. mento verrex doroh oF 26 + MU (mild cognitive impairment) ‘young. memo Zangua pender al-26 + demensiv tingan 15-20: demensia sedang to- ay + demensia sedung - berat 410 + dementia berar isin Potologi : lest substonsia olbg + demyetini sas + DeMe! al stigedensrost + ajay itong Alzheimer Pick Naswutor Lewy Body Sempormporittal -_‘Frontotemporol demmydiinisusi Subostancia nigra n ado sKulor dementia + * Kel.memori Kog- «kel. periloKU gang. va! garxinson Aisi fGwalnyo) ——_(awwalnyo) (stroKe, WT, are + Kel. peritoku » Ket. temori / roswterosts) Tk. Levodopa &% 4oo- Kognitig 800 ma, ® memantin ves @ rvastignin 2« dontzepil 1x6 -10m9, 165 mg, 7 tivastiomin 4,6 mg, Qalantamin 2x4 my Scanned with CamScanner NYERI PADA VERTEBRA ——— Sponditosis —__sponaitotisis Sponditolisens eo 5 4 *fraxtur pd proc. (Te SPonditoarihrosis/ —- Fraxtur pa ee spinosus /interar- Goibbus + OA vertebra Spinosus / inte toslaris abses vertebra, *Qdo oftearit di anticuluris » Gda pergeseran S01 penyempiton, -'tdK ada pergesern = Btanjabiog ; celoh Sendi fo: Scaty dog tambo spine + Paling sering di - ‘uml RADICULOPAT! Lumbat Cervical = HNP ~ nyeri leher /bahu yg men- 4 aac falar xe tengan Wichiolgia «ayer punggung, {5 penjotaran, bahu Mengulor Ke bawah, < ® - aseyue ® Ce Fenjotoron digiti 1 + Baltic ~ contra puttin + Cr, Pengotaron digits i - in + Braygard sicard ® Co Femolran digits Wey © 904 stondor : mig) 4 Uhermitte/ spurting 9 9) 901d stondar : mar 1 @® smo, Fisioterupi ESI NERVUS vy It ——_, Feiger Senirat Hid + bells palsy. etd + SMOKE + doi don mutut 90bise Kont rons + dohi bisa Kontruxsi Moulut gobisa yontroxsi To RR [ow <0 7 1 wu oo >yo W Unstable otonom —» #erlalu * atau . dertatu & Scanned with CamScanner PERDARAHAN OTAK Get aele eee 2 oe EDH sow CT Stan: biKonvers — CTscan : bixonkaF (cembung ) ~ Pecohnya Onterime. sabit + semilunar Tingea media = Ptcahnye bridging, ~ Wad ime ® vein See Indixasi_Evaxuasi A midline thip 3s 2. FeboL > Lem ™ + ¥ GCS 2 poin observ Peroneal nerve palsy AMatast” pupit ICH (sean: perdo- (coxung) Spt bulan, Tahan capsula in- ~Ptcohnya arieri serebsi SAK Cscan - grettata sign ( pedaruhan mengisi 4yrus) ~petahnya AVM Coeny aneuritma) ~\eii hiperdens di sig- Atma besalis —» binte ® erorg: cating ent vasKular Plantar Fascitis oMedixa an Senior & moa Zo G Celera RKO plantar! |. y 79 tt. bawat (dominan dorsal Nyt tumit spt AerbaKay icordif ook) Karena regangon yg berlebih di (Nicoraip) area tumit - . -Cegah va- FR. penggunoon high-heels Sospasme (wimodigia) KERUSAKAN N. perisen DR MA cuL Drophond Medianus Apes Clow Ulnar onerudilis ont-medioaus -uinarts 4d bisa dono 4dK bisa KontraKit +d bisa KOnteak- FRexi NEURAL TUBE DEFECT fama lain: spina bifida algiti Li, iy Ce. deg. vit 89 Si digits Wg Mesingocele « $ serobut samp. (anak axti¢) Mesingomyeiowre + ade serabut sarug (nox 4 axtiF) Tidox teriutup Soado Kel- Neuro _ fttaput Myetoschists S0cutta Merino _btesing: ae re > deren HdOK ter- dereK vert. ¥ a . tutup £ ada gang | 4erturup derek vert. ana eees <) — motorik, der- neurotogi Kuliy _flisertai penon- 49n Penonjo- Solan meringen {en meningen abu Wan pd sgmbut “TSroang. motorix x dee Neuro Scanned with CamScanner Digtuse axo nal Injury, Putusnys oxon pd white matter anda 5 Langsung deep com a. ~® Petenie di Korsens Strebri Motion Sicxners —» hidrops endotimge, \Cedera Mectutio Spinalit p= = , : Conteal Cord MteTIOT Cord Posterior Cord Brown Sequant A cee Syndcom syndrom Syndeom ean = poresis tion patesis xs ches : i : * POresis UMN (dibioh a \ebih berat depa \esiy , gong nyeri x suhu eo ie . — Lm Getinggi dispungsi sringler = gong. nyert don suhy ~ Sting Sensor’ K di a ‘pi. $4°™inan motorix) ‘ \eher Fegan : ee — ae ~ disosioyi senuibititas * Yong, ayeri x suhu kon- (Conne Stnyorix) > 4isFungsi mixsl, Ara loteray Ae FoR , Sexual + Complete Spinal Teansection KLASIEIKas| ASIA Paratisis fdurubnya & oft it 40m ado FO) senyust 1K $eg Cy =65 8 & pesmragi ® romptit - tan, OF) Sensvrix / motorix seg 4 9909. Sensortk Kulit at biol kulit © lovomptit suo sensorix boiK, motorik dergonggu: di Med. SPinaiis 99 cedera, e SEMIONK “Doh lev. cedera sampe cy -t5 \nkomplit. Fo sensor k buik , motorik <3. » Transverse Cor4 Syndrome, motor. : Motoris & sonsorix 4 bob ler © ivomplit . #60 senorix DOIK, Kexuaten motorix 23 i Motonik fitang 7 Heryangyy parsios © Nomar + Fey sensorix don motarie normal Scanned with CamScanner Sindtom Hor net 4 deteK sory simpotis Saritrosis don Pupil Moss Thyiiowe ~ €) s tumor epitel thymus S rs drome Good Syndrome : : a om: Sindroma. ‘Sieti Stox dan nyeri dodo. te ene Cave su- Ly imuncdegisiens ‘epitel Membesur—» ¥ Cave ant. dan taix perior —» edema eee Stirahat Weojoh x ex. atay — LSPA bern, Loxasi > mediottinum anterior . Pemberton sign , Jb bengxar gax & Kr Aisunh Rujur —+ Kemoteopi ald limpedema AA9Kad tangan Skunder Fersumbat -» 9g tirmulor ® oe Eud Medianus Drop- hand Claw hand. Radiats Apes hand ( Benedict) Ulna Ase Serebri + masyy hipodens 49n penyengoton 4 Gincin ai tepi 1: Metronidarote 6-3 minggu / Souci kutur OP + Kolay Koniervos) F Gagal *al0v abtes so, oi scm, Scanned with CamScanner PROLAKTINOMA annonce trios : nyeri Kepato., diplopio. hemignopria bitemporol, + Keluar AS abnormal Mur Minto ). gang. lebih bert di Oks .okas Pea CANE Cereb Posterior) : gemg. lebih Ke Pengtinaran AV® CArteri Vertebry Basitter) + gang. Keseimbangan Scanned with CamScanner Syringomayptio Pemb. Kista isi air di med. seinatis yee bohy & her ~ Felemahan anggota yeruk towah + SKotiosis > 4 sensorit oto} MAI] penemuan sypinx di med.sfinal L cavitos berbentux donm KELAINAN Lint a GET Amyotsogic Loxral Sclerosis Duschene Muscutor Bexer Mousalax Dysteogy Dystropi a TUsiKO gagal Nopas X- linwed resesig pa 9A donast - remoja Sulit bicora & Menetoh, ane, 3-8 tahun Gover signd (Gegate ovat) Gower sigh © hans me- Yarung meng. RM + paula tua >50 th hy i: i Sr toy mou ve distrorin ® = ducending poralyss disttopin & ? Bropst + degenerusi muscvtor Y9.Ai gant oteh Jor , Adipose PP ~» Kreatinin Ringe f Myatthenia Crisis —o intuboi 4 ventilator + plasmapharesis + Nig gogal nopos “Roeder Syndiome : gol di paratrigeminal (woqah nyeri unilateral + 4tias homer) + Puncoust syndrome + 4umor apex foru + seiong, Saroy Sitmpatis * Aroold chat salgormicion - Nemias FonGl otek > gong. menelan, Hdur, NysOgMY Nemah exstre , FP: CT -Sean Stroke di pica —» gang. sensviik Wojuh x gong. ekitre . Menbuy syndrome Scanned with CamScanner ToL HAL Neutogenix rors 1’ wy wad HR ied ada Ke tum pubon ‘idan ada Kelumpuhun Stamos, Sevag - Gajah Mada ~~ eed Kesadoron = M0, somnoten: 4, Koma: & {+ penurunan Kesadaran ‘Muntoh Yort, tak o 2» fyeri kepala Aye kepala = yas 1, td O 3> certeKs bobinsKi Qteromao yori, tdeo a 1-83 @ cont, angina, gang. pemb.darah) 12g |pentae = 20 1-24-30 Shor >). pedaranan 12 rahan 9 £0: ingore ad infor “SPONDYUTIS TR Rama lain = Ports disease Tanda : 1 ssp di med. spinallis # *RiWTBY/ getola Tp Grachnoiditis , vaskutivis 1 moss "ada gang. futang betakang ‘introparenkim . PFs Kiposis clumsiness walking, mb Seg. anterior vertebra —» destrunih SPontaneus muscle Asitehing, halung —s KOtaps + gibys—e Kiposis raplegiq spastix () - oat ete! - dexamethasone Ww, langut PO Pung lumbot. - diet tkTp Scanned with CamScanner 5 LOKAS! GANGGUAN BELLS PALS «Seg. foramen | = PATAlis woZan, = td bisa tutup mata + kak iSO KerUtHAN dahi = PUsalisis M. buccinator * Canalis ¢ + = gang. 2/3 anterior lidah ipsilateral + Ripersalivasi ‘ipilateral = Wiperakusis YN Genenicutatum + + gang laxrimasi = Gong nyeri telinga. + Meatus Qcutticus Internus ~ $9q, Pendengoran + Pons $09. 9etoK bola mate ipsilateral Raralisis: motorix Kontrataterat MAT! BATANG OTAK NN > 48K ode geraxar i OtoE Spontan KetiKa muscie Felaxant di lepas ~ tds ada respon Sora tsraniatis + Tes apnoe + hiperdusigenasi + Coa * Kepas venti —» ganda g¢rax AAPAS 3 menit - EEG isoetentix . + Tesatropin -» tak ada THR Scanned with CamScanner ong. At OPMKOSFINGT CEREBRAL Patsy Tw. ingexsi intrauluine Hemiplegia Diptegia Quadriptegia. Diskinetix temab 1 sisi tubuy Honus tot fanggul gang. menetan Peele Hon Ya Bing (Seistor ait ~Commondo crus) beritixo 105 lunteer, motorix hotus, Sulit bicara, x mention STAHAPAN TIDUR, Non- Rem REM co. Tahap 5 tonus hitong Tahap1 Tohopa Tohap 3, Tahop 4 Jumpuh, Fase tidue Mutoi tidus = Aur dotom tonusotot mime away wat medial bitang (lumpuh) rapid eye movement ————— $e teta 9et detta Kelainon -» Somnabulisme “SINDROM SARAF AK. underlying, Pancoust causes Homer - — comme FR.tumor pant degex Sarag simpatis ~ defen ygi mengena’ plexus Prosis brochiatis + w.simpotis Wiperemis Grvical Anhidrosis waiosis ~ funda -> masatan di N- prachialis — drop hand Ket. ventriculo Cerebri —» arnold ch Kel. artes Cerebral potteion > sind wattenbery, = merup. penyarit cronom Scanned with CamScanner Indra Penyecap < * " cFadalis + 2/3 anterlor _, HW. i PeKa thd rasa munis & asin ‘la postestor —y N. YR (osam & pohit) \ stostogaring, * Spigiotis ~ Forng > N. x (vagus) fangtang haus * S Hipoglosins Scanned with CamScanner nb PEMERIKSAAN NERVUS CRANIALIS an en oo. = A sus nein Informed. Consent ° |. Ny NJ} Colgantorius) Hay 4 Ni + berikon 2ot pentiuman non : N.Y (trigeminus) “650.027 > Kiposmia / anosmia 7 1. Perikso tonus, besor x Kontur pada No Coptixus ) M. Masseter x m. temporalis - tS Visus . 2. sumuh fasien gertaxkan gigi ~ 48S KONFrONtosi bi omen 2 3. Perlksa KeKUdtan rahang bawah N. tN, Vi Conuto, troe, aba ) 4. periksa keKUatan gigitan ‘tongue 1. Uno ada ptosis /tidOK 7 N-ii) — Spatel —» Keb Yoton gigi lama 2. Unat poss mata 5. ReFleks komea > exsoFtalmus Le pakai Kapas (Kalau kediP +) + endopraimus Nevin (factalis) 1. Wojah simetris / tak 2. Pasien angKat alis x keruthan 3.\inat pupil (pokot sender) dani (simetris 74k) -Uinat pupil (pakai sen 3. pey lowan on jam Kon oe kKuat “bentux (bylat / tonyong) merece | - umuran (3-5) 4. senyum , Teun bibir/ bersiul, dan = WoKor / anisoKor Kembungkan pipi > Strabismus ~ SKEW deviation (4 mata Ke atas { mata ke bawah ) Same Kini /Komea -Mendatar 4. Rerleks cahayo. . + sudutrendah | tumpuh - Langsung ~ dK ngembung + tidaK langsung 5. lei UMN Kalau hanya Wajoh bowoh 5. Geruk bola mata i N-ViN (vesttputocochtearis? tor} = tes weber = tey finne G. Diplopin 5 ch Scanned with CamScanner Hak, & Colosogaring. vagus ) 4, buka Mulut lebor hingga ter- Nhot dinding posterlor faring — re; 2. Menyentuh dinding posterior OU (MN. vagus) 3. bilung "oh" - devias uvula Ho: Uvula terangKat lurus univateral . deviasi Ke sist seas biateray : Aisfagi x Tegurgi- AUSL N. XL (axsesorius ) 4. PeTIKSO Sternoclel domastoideus Kanan dun Kiri © taperivs . sMenolelKan pasien Ke KANAN ‘ / dan Kiri NL > bau 8. 0 Chipogiosus ) 4. buka mulut, perhatikon lida > FAsiKulosi + trol —» Liv v o - doviasi 2. Suruh posien Sentul lidch @ pipi, teKON utkK TOSOKON 42h. Lida . Le deviasi Kanon : porese W. Xl Kanan 3. Logoteon hue & (war metingxar di ctos pager) + disartria . Scanned with CamScanner

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