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Caselet 1

Ans 1:
The Leadership team needs to ask the Mangers to revisit their proposal. They have clearly
selected roles that have been assigned based on the bias that they hold, that persons with
disabilities would not be able to do certain kinds of tasks
The employees with disability should be given a fair chance to get a role of their choice
provided it is possible to do by them.
For example: persons with down syndrome can be give workshops to increase their stamina
and then assign them a task of appropriate ability
Hence, the managers need to understand what competitor companies are doing in this aspect
and how are they helping the employees to work in the best possible way. The provision of
infrastructure needs to be given. These people should feel included within the organization
and treated as any other employee.
In order to do this, inclusive policies, processes need to be in place and a plan to train the
employees in ways best for them. After this a new list of job roles can be created by the
It is necessary that these things are in place because otherwise it would only make the
employees feel left out. The entire cause and intention of doing this would be lost.

Ans 2:
In order to make people participative in this initiative, it is necessary that they understand
how to approach and handle this diverse group. Hence, it is necessary that all employees
should get trained on this aspect. People are not volunteering because they are unaware of
how to handle and interact with differently abled people.
The training should be focused on explaining how keeping biases with respect to disabilities
comes in the way of the decision and also the business impact of appointing these employees
should be highlighted. It would not just add to the diversity of the organization but would
also help in getting new talent and people who are capable but left behind because of biases
set in the minds of employers.
It should be explained that the more diverse people you interact with, the more open minded
and inclusive one becomes which makes them suitable for roles in different places and
increases talent mobility.
By being involved in the initiative, they would be the first ones to bring the company to new
heights and they would have played an instrumental role in the long term success as well.
Hence by highlighting the career enhancing factors and indicating how crucial this step is for
the organization, would motivate employees to come forward and apply.

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