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Image Analysis Essay 1

Image Analysis Essay

Montana M. Graham

Ottawa University

Visual Communication

Professor Webb

September 11, 2022

Image Analysis Essay 2


Without knowing, we analyze things every moment of every day in our minds. Whether it be the

people we talk to, the outdoors, animals, or artwork. We are always analyzing what things look

like and how they make us feel.

Image Analysis Essay 3

Image Analysis Essay

Have you ever looked at a photo and thought, “Wow, this looks amazing” or, “Wow, this

makes me feel uneasy”? Photographs can make people feel different emotions once they have

analyzed every aspect. I will be analyzing a photo I took of a sunflower in my garden.

Identifying Elements

I believe that the first step to analyzing an image is to identify every element. In the

image I chose, I identified the following: The image has one main focal point. It is a part of

nature, and there are green, blue, yellow, and brown colors. The form is a circular shape but there

are also lines. The main focal point is large compared to the object sitting on it and it is a 3D

object. There are aspects of the image that are blurry and the main focal point which is the

sunflower is in focus. There is a yellow and black bumble bee sitting on the lower right side of

the middle of the sunflower. There is a green flower looking object under the sunflower on the

right side as well, I believe it is a sunflower that has not bloomed yet. There are green leaves in

each corner that go halfway up the image. The petals of the sunflower are a beautiful bright

yellow color, and the dark brown center really makes it stand out.


In each image, there are connections between the elements that lead to possible

meanings. Sunflowers symbolize unwavering faith and unconditional love. Sunflowers are also

considered a happy flower because they grow in the summertime and face towards the sun. The

sun plays a big role in the way the flower can grow. Now looking at the bumblebee sitting on the

flower, I believe that this is important because without bees pollinating, the sunflower would
Image Analysis Essay 4

struggle to grow. I think there is a connection between the color of the sunflower and the

bumblebee, as they are both yellow.


After analyzing the image, I shared my analysis with my classmates on blackboard. I made my

analysis easy to understand, but also tried not to give away the answer. A few of my classmates

had accurate guesses. Melissa Rowe said “Montana- Good job this week. Instantly my mind

went to a bumble bee on a flower. Am I close?”. Kennedy Williams answered “Hi

Montana, your description was very vivid and from what you described; I am visualizing a

picture of the sun? Either rising or setting, and the sky and trees are included in the photo to

contribute to some of the other colors you listed. Just a guess!”. Eslam Yaghub said ” Hi

Montana, that was a good explanation of the objects in your image. I would've guessed it was a

flower of some sort too. Great job.” I think that they all were able to picture it in their head the

way I was hoping they would. Melissa was the only one who got it spot on. Although each of

their guesses were along the same lines, I was happy with the result.


In conclusion, the image I chose was analyzed clearly and accurately. The elements

described were based off what I saw in the image and what others were able to see as well. I

connected the elements of the image to different aspects such as the sun, the colors, and the

environment it is in. Lastly, I talked about my classmate’s feedback and how they were able to

guess what my image was easily without me giving too much information.
Image Analysis Essay 5


Yaghub, E. Discussion Reply. (September 9, 2022)

Williams, K. Discussion Reply. (September 9, 2022)

Rowe, M. Discussion Reply. (September 9, 2022)

History and Meaning of Sunflowers. ProFlowers Blog. (2021, August 3). Retrieved September

10, 2022, from

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