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Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is used by many people. It can have a very
good effect on improving well-being and may be helpful in relieving some symptoms.
However, although there is some evidence from clinical studies that CAMs may work for certain
symptoms, the evidence isn't very strong and it is impossible to draw firm conclusions about the
benefits of each treatment.
You should never stop conventional treatment and replace it with CAM without first discussing
your treatment with your GP. This is to help ensure you have the best advice in order to make the
right decision about what's best for you.
it is very important to consider whether any CAM treatment may have side-effects. Again the
side-effects of some CAM treatments, particularly some herbal remedies, are not as well known
as for conventional medicines. In addition, choosing to use alternative medicine instead of
medically recommended treatments can sometimes be dangerous.

What is complementary and alternative medicine?

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is the term used for treatments that are not part
of standard (conventional) medical care:
 Complementary medicine is a treatment that is used together with conventional medicine.
 Alternative medicine is a treatment that is used instead of conventional medicine.
However, either term may apply for the same type of treatment. For example, a chiropractor may
treat back pain without any other treatment being received (alternative), or may provide the same
treatment in addition to you taking conventional medicines for pain relief, or having surgery if
needed (complementary).
Conventional (or standard) medical care is used to describe the system in which doctors and
other healthcare professionals treat symptoms and diseases using medicines, radiotherapy, or
surgery. Physiotherapy and dietetics are other examples of conventional medical care. See also
the leaflet called NHS and Other Care Options.
There a number of different complementary and alternative treatments including:
 Manipulation therapies - osteopathy and chiropractic treatment.
 Homeopathy.
 Acupuncture.
 Reflexology.
 Aromatherapy.
 Herbal remedies.
 Hypnosis.
 Macrobiotic diets.
 Faith healing.
Traditional Chinese Medicine includes forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, cupping therapy,
massage, breathing and movement exercises (qi gong), body movement exercises (t'ai chi), diet
therapy, and arranging the pieces in living spaces in order to create balance with the natural
world (feng shui).
Ayurvedic Medicine is the ancient Indian medical system. It is based on a natural and holistic
approach to physical and mental health. Ayurvedic medicine includes diet and special diets,
specific Ayurvedic medications, herbal medicine, massage, meditation, yoga, breathing and
relaxation techniques, and bowel cleansing.
A 2013 review found that about 1 in 4 people in the UK used complementary and alternative
medicine during any one year, and about 9 in every 20 of the population used CAMs at sometime
during their lifetime. Herbal medicine was the most used CAM, followed by homeopathy,
aromatherapy, massage and reflexology.
Integrative medicine is an approach to medical care that combines conventional medicine with
CAM practices that have been shown to be safe and effective. This approach attempts to address
the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of health.

Advantages of complementary and alternative medicine

Complementary and alternative medicine is used by many people, who feel it is more natural.
Some feel the holistic approach benefits them. Others find that CAM provides benefit when the
conventional medical approach has not provided enough benefit, or has caused unpleasant side-

Disadvantages of complementary and alternative medicine

It is always essential to make sure that your symptoms are not due to any serious condition that
requires further investigation and specific treatment before using any treatment (conventional or
CAMs) for your symptoms.
Treating symptoms without realising there is a serious underlying condition can delay you
receiving the best treatment to cure the condition. This in turn could make the outlook
(prognosis) much worse.
Although CAMs may seem more natural and holistic than most conventional medicine, CAMs
can also cause side-effects, are often not effective in treating symptoms, and often don't have any
effect on your underlying illness.

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