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Question 1

 Prototyping is an attractive idea for which type of systems to build?

Correct answer: Complicated and and large systems

Question 2
 Which of the following best represents the Agile approach to planning?
Correct answer: Planning is an iterative job and involves the whole team

Question 3
 What is the importance of requirements analysis and modeling?
Correct answer: This process allows you to better understand the needs of your clients

Question 4
 What is the major drawback of the Spiral Model?
Correct answer: Doesn't work well for smaller projects

Question 5
 Which of the following are advantage of the agile model?
Correct answer: Flexibility and Adaptivity

Question 6
 Collection of programs that are designed, to meet specific customer needs, refers to which
type of software?
Correct answer: Customized software

Question 7
 Software engineering activities are a part of software development processes in that context,
what is Software Engineering?
Correct answer: Application of engineering principles to the design a software

Question 8
 The software which is developed and sold in the market to any customer who can buy them
refers to:
Correct answer: Generic products

Question 9
 When they use the same workforce, same methods, same tools even though rapidly
increasing in software demand, the complexity of software and software challenges, then
which of the following situation arise?
Correct answer: Software crisis

Question 10
 Which one of the following statements is correct regarding the quality of deliverables from
an Agile Project?
Correct answer: The products will be of appropriate quality, as guided by the customer
representative involved throughout the development process

Question 11
 Software's are of different kinds and serve various different purposes, which types of
software do compiler, linkers, and loaders fall in?
Correct answer: System Software

Question 12
 Which of the following is a characteristic of an Agile leader?
Correct answer: Supportive

Question 13
 Agile software development is based on which of the following?
Correct answer: Iterative Development

Question 14
 Which of the following is not a principle of a manifesto for agile software development?
Correct answer: Commitment to the plan despite changing circumstances

Question 15
 Who proposed Spiral Model?
Correct answer: Barry Boehm

Question 16
 Which of the following is not a phase in the waterfall model?
Correct answer: Building prototype

Question 17
 When the user participation isn't involved, which of the following models will not result in
the desired output?
Correct answer: Prototyping & RAD

Question 18
 What is the main aim of Software Engineering?
Correct answer: Reliable software and cost effective software

Question 19
 Which of the following is not a software characteristic?
Correct answer: Software has physical properties rather than logical

Question 20
 According to agile manifesto which of the following is true?
Correct answer: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Question 21
 Software Quality facilitates the measurement of the performance of a software product, in
that context which of the following is not an attribute of a good software?
Correct answer: Unreliability

Question 22
 Which of the following is a descriptive and diagrammatic representation of the software life
Correct answer: Software development life cycle

Question 23
 Which of the following software component has step-by-step instructions compiled by an
organization to help workers carry out complex routine operations?
Correct answer: Operating Procedures

Question 24
 What is the unit of measurement that is used to measure the size of a user story for an Agile
Correct answer: Story points

Question 25
 What are two agile project management methods?
Correct answer: Scrum and Lean

Question 26
 Which of the following is an example of application software?
Correct answer: CAD/CAM system

Question 27
 Which of the following models doesn't necessitate defining requirements at the earliest in the
life cycle?
Correct answer: Spiral & Prototyping

Question 28
 In the development of software there is more than one step, What is the first step in the
software development lifecycle?
Correct answer: Preliminary Investigation and Analysis

Question 29
 Which of the given options best defines the term software?
Correct answer: Set of programs, documentation & configuration of data

Question 30
 Which Agile project management methodology is most used?
Correct answer: Scrum


Question 1
 In non-functional requirement which of the following specifies the delivered product must
behave in a particular way?
Correct answer: Product requirements

Question 2
 Identify the type of coupling that a module can directly access, modify or refer to the content
of another module.
Correct answer: Content level coupling

Question 3
 Which among the following is a set of instructions, procedures or programs meant for
operating a computer system and executing specific tasks?
Correct answer: Software

Question 4
 Which testing is performed with Planning and Documentation?
Correct answer: End-to-End testing

Question 5
 Which model shows the flow of object interaction?
Correct answer: Sequence model

Question 6
 Which of the following is an advantage of agile method?
Correct answer: Efficient design and fulfils the business requirement.

Question 7
 Which among the following model provides a framework for designing the software
production process, guided by the risk levels in the project at hand?
Correct answer: Spiral model

Question 8
 Which of the following is not a type of cohesion?
Correct answer: Non-functional cohesion

Question 9
 Which of the following defines the data structures, algorithms, interface characteristics, and
communication mechanisms allocated to each component for the system development?
Correct answer: Component-level design

Question 10
 Object interfaces have to be specified so that the objects and other components can be
designed in which order?
Correct answer: Parallel

Question 11
 Which of the following shows how individual objects change their state in response to
Correct answer: State machine model

Question 12
 Which of the following characteristics of software refers to how easy it is for the user to
utilise it?
Correct answer: Accessibility

Question 13
 The incremental model and the successive versions model are both terms used to describe
which of the following given model?
Correct answer: Evolutionary model

Question 14
 Which of the following is not needed to develop a system design from concept to detailed
object-oriented design?
Correct answer: Developing a debugging system

Question 15
 Which of the following graphical tool will help to describe the flow of data through a system
and the functions performed by the system?
Correct answer: Data flow diagram

Question 16
 Which of the following testing is also known as white-box testing?
Correct answer: Structural testing

Question 17
 Identify the facilitator who arranges daily meetings and track the backlog of work to be
Correct answer: Scrum master

Question 18
 Which of the following statement is relevant in terms of cohesion as a qualitative indication
of the degree of a module?
Correct answer: Focus on just one thing
Question 19
 Which among the following represents, all the methods required to make a software product
transit through its life cycle stages?
Correct answer: SDLC

Question 20
 Who consider diagrams as a type of Class diagram, component diagram, object diagram, and
deployment diagram?
Correct answer: Structural UML diagrams

Question 21
 The software is developed in increments with the customer specifying the requirements to be
included, and on which basic principle of agile Software Development is based?
Correct answer: Both Incremental and Iterative Development

Question 22
 Which model describes the static structure of the system using object classes and their
Correct answer: Structural model

Question 23
 Which of the following is a dynamic model that shows how the system interacts with the
environment when it is used?
Correct answer: Sequence models

Question 24
 Which of the following metric is used to specify the property of the non-functional software
Correct answer: Speed

Question 25
 Which type of cohesion suits best when logically categorized elements are put together into a
Correct answer: Logical cohesion

Question 26
 Which of the following model provides detail about the software data structures,
architecture, interfaces, and components?
Correct answer: Design model

Question 27
 Which among the following software is responsible for controlling the internal functioning
of a computer system mainly with the help of an operating system?
Correct answer: System software
Question 28
 Identify what suits best for Fact-finding techniques are used to discover the information
about system development?
Correct answer: Requirements elicitation techniques

Question 29
 When can customer says that the quality of the product is too good?
Correct answer: Software fulfills expectations of customer

Question 30
 In which of the following objective software should not make inefficient use of system
resources such as memory and processor?
Correct answer: Efficiency

Question 31
 Which of the following is not a software quality attribute?
Correct answer: Inefficiency

Question 32
 Identify the architectural styles that are used to describe a system.
Correct answer: Components, connectors and semantic constraints

Question 33
 Which of the following symbol is used to represent the process in the data flow diagram?
Correct answer: Circle

Question 34
 When the user participation isn't involved, which of the following models will not result in
the desired output?
Correct answer: Prototyping & RAD

Question 35
 After the product deployment which of the following phases in iterative enhancement model
is carried out to test the behavior and validity of the evolved product?
Correct answer: Review

Question 36
 Identify the most popular requirements elicitation techniques for software development?
Correct answer: Interviewing

Question 37
 Which of these are the good characteristics of a design?
Correct answer: A design should exhibit an architecture that is created using recognizable
architectural styles or patterns
Question 38
 Which one of the following is not a step of requirement engineering?
Correct answer: Design

Question 39
 The requirements elicitation and analysis process will always start with which step?
Correct answer: Requirement discovery

Question 40
 Which of the following is a structural model that demonstrates the other system in the
environment of the system being developed?
Correct answer: System context model

Question 41
 Which of the following SDCL model is more flexible and extremely adaptive so that any
changes are acceptable?
Correct answer: Agile

Question 42
 Identify a type of software testing where individual units or components of a software are
Correct answer: Unit testing

Question 43
 Which of the following is used as a graphical tool that represents the system behavior?
Correct answer: Structural analysis

Question 44
 Before handing over the software to the client, which testing is to be done in-house?
Correct answer: Alpha Testing

Question 45
 Which of the following is not a scrum benefit?
Correct answer: Stable requirements do not hold up progress


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