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Book review

“The fault in our stars”: an amazing book

Do you know that John Green has become famous after writing “Paper Towns”?
My favourite John Green book is “The fault in our stars” he has published it after
winning a literary prize.

The book was set in Chicago and it was about a girl who suffered from cancer.
She met a boy called Augustus Waters who is a cancer survivor too. They were
joined by their passion for reading books. The two of them deal with this illness
and love.

The main characters are brilliantly played by the writer, who gives an
excepcional plot to the book. Moreover, not only you can feel their pain but also
their happiness and love. If I were you, I would prepare some tissues to dry your

As regarding the plot, it is a real nail-biter book as you never know what is going
to happen with the characters. In fact you will never be able to predict the

If you are a fan of realistic fiction novels, I totally recommend that you read this
one. I am sure you will feel a mixture of emotions and it will be an unforgettable
book that makes you realise that cancer not just touches victims but it also
touches all those who you love.

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