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Experience Reflection

Inez Hohn

Looking back on all the experiences I’ve gained from the Early Childhood Education

program at South Dakota State University, there is much to reflect on. I am currently a PS1 and

completing my preschool student teaching at the Fishback Learning Center. I work in the four-

and five-year-old classroom along with three other student teachers. We focus on a Regio Emilio

style of learning, which has been new for me. I enjoy the way that connections are encouraged in

the Fishback Center and how the student teachers are offered guidance throughout this period of

learning. We oversee the lesson planning, classroom setup, and parent communication. All these

outside steps we are learning about have been very challenging, but the guidance provided by our

mentor teachers has made the experience eye opening and extremely beneficial.

Most importantly, I have seen my confidence grow through this experience. This

newfound confidence has come with watching our mentor teacher first model interactions with

both parents and students. We now oversee those areas of our classroom, and she is always

around to help when needed. My group of four children that I lead from our small group all have

vastly different personalities. This has given me the chance to focus on growing my experiences

that I will be able to reflect on during my professional career in teaching. I have found my

listening side as well as my vocal side in terms of communication with children and that offers

the confidence that I was so desperate to find.

Another aspect of my professional path that I am happy to have gained experience in is

planning engaging activities for my students. I believe that finding ways to implement all

learning processes is very important. Personalized learning by understand each students’ needs is

a huge part of my teaching philosophy. I have a passion for working with children who have
special needs. One of my students in my small group at the Fishback center is on the Autism

spectrum and I have learned so many things through working with him. I have gained not only

experiences but also guidance from my mentor teacher which has been very encouraging. I have

learned about parent contact when discussing the implementation of specialized learning plans

like IEP’s. I have also practiced many strategies that work for a wide range of behaviors and

going through the trial process of discovering what works and what doesn’t for each student has

made me realize just how unique each student and situation is.

One other area of my experience that I will take into my future classrooms is the ability

to modify my plans and lessons day by day, as well as in the moment. I now know, through the

guidance of my mentor teacher, that plans aren’t always going to work and that’s okay. What

matters is always having a backup plan and knowing when a lesson needs to be adapted.

Listening to the students and observing their interactions with the materials can show when there

is a change that needs to be made. I have changed so many lessons based on the reaction of my

students to things we have done that is similar. I also have adjusted on the go which is something

I am very proud to have in my teaching toolbox.

This experience has been fast moving and the amount of on the go learning is more than I

expected. Despite the challenges, the amount of valuable professional and learner-based lessons

that I have learned is so exciting. I know that no matter how challenging a day may seem as a

teacher, it will always be okay because children’s days are fasted paced and life must goes on.

This big lesson that my mentor teacher instilled in me has made the difficult days not so bad.

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