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Name: Ashokkumar S

Roll No: FX23004

Batch: PGPM FLEX 2023



Most important aspects of Starbucks transformation.

1. Embrace diversity as an essential component in the way they do business.

2. Contribute positively to their communities and their environment
3. Perfect cup of coffee – Emphasis on product quality. Their coffee, even though priced slightly
more expensive than expected, is notorious for satisfying customers with its rich, delicious taste
and aroma. The Starbucks marketing strategy has always focused on “word-of-mouth”
advertising and letting the high quality of their products and services speak for themselves.
Apply the highest standards of excellence to the purchasing, roasting and fresh delivery of their
4. Creating third place - Creating unique and relaxing “experience” and atmosphere” for people to
go between home and work has been very important for the company as they realized that this
is one of the strongest concepts attached to the company, to which customers have been
strongly attracted.
5. Creating a Starbucks community – The Starbucks marketing strategy has even expanded to
create a community around their brand. On their website, individuals are encouraged to express
their experience with Starbucks history and the company strives to “Personally” join in the
6. Smart Partnerships – Starbucks Coffee Company has been known to create strategic
partnerships that demonstrate the fact that another way to grow your business is to partner
7. Being Customer Centric – Starbuck is one of the first to offer internet capability in their stores.

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