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Name: Saketh

University:Woxsen university

The security systems are keep on changing day by day.Coming to
the word security management,what does this actually mean? It is a application of
technology to protect the systems,devices,networks,programmes from the cyber
attacks.This is becoming stronger and stronger rapidly every day.

The cyber attacks are increased nearly 50%

in the last one year.This shows the current situation of the
world from the hands of the hackers.

A very interesting thing about the

passwords,we set for a mail account or Instagram account or
Facebook etc etc is that the do not save in the actual form in
the data base,every company has its own hashing algorithm which
converts the normal password into a hashed these
passwords are actually saved in a”HASH FORM”.there are many
methods to convert the normal password into a hash form like
each company has its own hash form which keeps it very private
for the outside world.many companies use the salt
just add some letters,alphabets,punctuation marks symbols
between the alphabets of the actual password.
For example if the password is abcd@123 it makes the password
something like avbgxdygchgydjsd@12hgjy3. This is done because
even in the case of data breach or the data is leaked,the
hacker can get our details but he cannot enter our account
because he is having the hash we all know data of
companies like apple dominos Uber have lost their data.

Even though the company having these many

tricks to confuse the hackers,how is he hacking the devices?
even hackers are very intelligent to decode this hash forms.As
if now we know 3 methods of hacking a password
1st he applies the rainbow tables method in which a table
exists with most commonly used passwords with their hash the hacker matches the password with the hash form
and whenever the match comes the account is hacked.
2nd dictionary method
3rd brute force attack in this the hacker tries the every
combination of passwords which may take years also.

1.making and educating people to put a strong password for
their accounts
2.using the latest technologies of security updates by IOT

Examples: a days IOT has come into the cyber security to make the
data more protective from the introducing
fingerprint sensors Face ID body detection eye scanner all
these feature made the things pretty easier and more protective
2.this IOT not only protects the system but also have an
ability to control the devices.for example if the person going
out for a work and he forgot to lock his doors in that case IOT
can be used.As the sensors are attached to the house it detects
that no one is at the home ad it automatically locks the door
and sends an message to the mobile that the house is locked
whenever he comes the doors will get opened.

In such ways IOT can be used in the security management not

only in the security purpose they have a wide range of uses
like if the cars engine gets heated at the maximum level it
simply sends a message to the phone that the engine is heating
and what’s the cure.basically IOT is nothing but the devices
communicate with each other and can do a lot of things that are

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