Weekly Assessment On P.E. 8

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Weekly Assessment on P.E.

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read and answer each statement/question carefully. Shade the letter of your answer on the

1. Which of the following components promote total health and prevent the beginning of diseases and problems
associated with physical activities?
A. body composition B. health-related components
C. physical fitness components D. skill-related components

2. Which of the following refers to the ability of the heart (cardio), and circulatory system (vascular) to supply oxygen to
muscles for an extended period of time?
A. cardio-vascular endurance B. muscular endurance C. muscular strength D. physical fitness

3. What is referred to as the ability of your body systems to work together efficiently, to be healthy and to perform
activities of daily living?
A. cardio-vascular endurance B. muscular endurance C. muscular strength D. physical fitness

4. What is referred to as the ability to become and stay physically healthy?

A. Physical Fitness B. Health-related Fitness C. Skill-related Fitness D. Fitness

5. Which of the following refers to the maximum amount of force a muscle can exert against opposing force?
A. cardio-vascular endurance B. muscular endurance C. muscular strength D. physical fitness

6. What is the ability to move a body part through a full range of motion at a joint?
A. Flexibility B. Power C. Coordination D. Speed

7. What is used to describe the percentage of fat, bone, water and muscle in human bodies?
A. Body Composition B. Muscular Strength C. Muscular Endurance D. Flexibility

8. What test measures strength/stability of the core muscles?

A. Curl-ups B. Sit and Reach C. Basic Plank D. 3-minute step test

9. What test measures your cardiovascular endurance?

A. Curl-ups B. Sit and Reach C. Basic Plank D. 3-minute step test

10. What test is used to measure strength of the abdominal muscles?

A. Curl-ups B. Sit and Reach C. Basic Plank D. 3-minute step test

11. What test measures the flexibility of the lower extremities?

A. Curl-ups B. Sit and Reach C. Basic Plank D. 3-minute step test

12. How do you score sit and reach?

A. record the time in the nearest seconds/minute B. record the farthest distance between the three trials
C. record the number made D. record the 60-sec heart rate before and after activity

13. How do you score basic plank?

A. record the time in the nearest seconds/minute B. record the farthest distance between the three trials
C. record the number made D. record the 60-sec heart rate before and after activity

14. How do you record the 3-minute step test?

A. record the time in the nearest seconds/minute B. record the farthest distance between the three trials
C. record the number made D. record the 60-sec heart rate before and after activity

15. How do you record curl-ups?

A. record the time in the nearest seconds/minute B. record the farthest distance between the three trials
C. record the number made D. record the 60-sec heart rate before and after activity

16. Which refers to the ability to maintain stability while stationary or moving?
A. Balance B. reaction time C. BMI D. speed
17. Which refers to the ability to quickly respond to stimulus?
A. fitness B. reaction time C. flexibility D. speed

18. Which is the ability to rapidly and accurately change direction of the whole body in space?
A. agility B. coordination C. balance D. speed

19. What refers to the ability of your body systems to work together efficiently, to allow you to be healthy and perform
activities of daily living?
A. cardio-vascular endurance B. muscular strength C. muscular endurance D. physical fitness

20. What refers to the ability of the muscle to transfer energy and release maximum force at a fast rate?
A. coordination B. speed C. power D. reaction time

21. Which refers to a physical fitness activity that will measure your speed?
A. juggling B. stork balance stand test C. stick- drop test D. 40-meter sprint

22. Which is NOT a physical fitness activity for skill-related fitness components?
A. hexagon agility test B. stork balance stand test C. stick-drop test D. Zipper Test

23. Which is NOT an equipment/ material used to measure your score in hexagon agility test?
A. chalk B. stopwatch C. paper D. tape measure

24. Which refers to the skill-related component that relates to one’s ability to use the senses all at a time?
A. agility B. coordination C. balance D. Power

25. Which refers to an equipment in 40-meter sprint that can also be used to other skillrelated components activities? A.
chalk B. ruler C. masking tape D. stopwatch

26.What physical activity requires the person to stand on one leg for as long as possible to assess whole body balance
A. juggling B. stork balance stand test C. standing long jump D. 40-meter sprint

27. What physical activity uses the known properties of gravity to determine how long it takes a person to respond to
the dropping of an object by measuring how far the object can falls before being caught?
A. stork balance stand test B. standing long jump C. stick-drop test D. juggling

28.What skill-related physical fitness test is used to measure the explosive strength and power of the leg muscles?
A. juggling B. stick drop test C. standing long jump D. 40-meter sprint

29.What activity involves running a single maximum sprint over a set distance, with time recorded?
A. juggling B. stork balance stand test C. standing long jump D. 40-meter sprint

30. Which refers to a physical skill involving the manipulation of objects for recreation, entertainment, art or sport?
A. juggling B. stork balance stand test C. standing long jump D. 40-meter sprint

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