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The Ivy Sports Symposium is an annual student-run conference that is considered one of the global sports industrys premier events. The Symposium enables the industrys leaders and most successful executives to share invaluable knowledge with their peers and potential successors. The event rotates being held among Ivy League institutions. In its rst year of rotating among Ivy League institutions, the 2011 Symposium was held at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. The 7th annual Ivy Sports Symposium will be held at Columbia University in New York, NY on Friday, November 16, 2012. Established in 2006 by Chris Chaney at Princeton University, the Ivy Sports Symposium is a non-prot organization that sets the standard for college-based sports business conferences. The intimate setting combined with engaging content and dynamic speakers make it a must attend event every year. In 2011, the Symposium established two initiatives furthering its commitment to the development and promotion of young leaders in the industry. The Ivy Sports Symposium Fellowship Program provides motivated college students with the unique opportunity to actively contribute to the continued success of the Symposium organization. Fellows work directly with the Executive Director to dene, articulate and execute strategies aimed at achieving the organizations vision. In addition, the Symposium has partnered with SportsPro to launch the 10 NEXT, an annual award honoring the future generation of sports industry leaders from around the world who will shape the business in the coming decades. Each year, the 10 NEXT winners are recognized at the Symposium.

Th e Iv y S p o rts Sym p o s i u m en a bl ed m e to co n n ect w i t h o l d f rie n ds a n d me e t s o m e i n t er est i n g p eo p l e w h o s e wo r k I h a d a d mire d f ro m a fa r . H av i n g sta n di n g ro o m o n ly c row ds , activ e ly mo d e r at ed pa n el s , a n d a n o u tsta n di n g g ro u p o f f e l low s p e a k e r s m a de i t a fa n ta st i c day o n a l l f ro n ts .
M i c h a e l Le vin e (Cor n ell 93 ), Co-Head, CAA Sp orts

Alexander Rosen (Harvard JD 14) Executive Director

Alexander Rosen

Chris Chaney (Princeton 07) Founder

Chris Chaney

Th e I v y Spo rts Symposium is a t e rrific e v e n t to k e e p me a br e a st of to days challe nges and opportun ities in th e wo r l d o f s port.
Harv ey S chil l er, Cha irma n & Ch i e f E x ecu t i v e O f f i ce r , G lob a l Op tion s Grou p

250+ unique speakers since 2006, including 64 Ivy League alumni 1,650 attendees since 2006, including students from 50+ colleges and universities
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011


2006: Chris Chaney (Princeton 07) 2007: Christina Bortz (Princeton 10), Arjun Reddy (Princeton 08) 2008: Jonathan Lea (Princeton 09), Vikram Rao (Princeton 11), Anthony Soroka (Princeton 11) 2009: Richard Zhang (Princeton 10), Miheer Mhatre (Princeton 11) 2010: Miheer Mhatre (Princeton 11) 2011: Royce Cohen (Penn 12) 2012: Robert Dearborn (Penn 14), Justin Finn (Columbia MS 13)

Th e Iv y S p o rts Sym p o s i u m i s a m u st- at t en d ev en t fo r a n yo n e in th e s p o rts i n du st ry. A l l- sta r s p ea ker s co m bi n ed w i t h a c a p tiv e aud ie n c e m a ke t h i s a f i r st- c l a s s ev en t. Th i s i s o n e date I always h av e o n my c a l en da r a n d I lo o k fo rwa r d to atte n d in g e v e ry y ea r .
B e n S tu r n e r , Fou n der & Chi ef E xec uti v e O f f i c e r, Le v e rage Agen c y

Joe Becher Consultant, International Sports Practice, Odgers Berndtson

Randy Bernard Chief Executive Ofcer, IndyCar

Lucien Boyer President & Chief Executive Ofcer, Havas Sports & Entertainment

Ken Brenner (Princeton 89) Managing Partner, Human Equity

Ryan Donovan (Dartmouth 96) Vice President, Marketing and Operations, NBC Sports and NBC Sports Network

Joe Favorito Strategic Communications, Marketing & Branding Consultant

Steve Hellmuth (Princeton 75) Executive Vice President, Operations and Technology, NBA Entertainment

Christopher Lencheski President, Front Row Marketing Services

Dan Mannix President & Chief Executive Ofcer, LeadDog Marketing Group

Patrick McGee President, ProVentures

Ben Sturner Steve Tseng Founder & Chief Executive Ofcer, Senior Vice President, Leverage Agency Business Development for Western Region, IMG Worldwide

Frank Vuono (Princeton 78) Co-Founder & Partner, 16W Marketing

Jamie Zaninovich Commissioner, West Coast Conference

Chris Chaney (Princeton 07) President & Chief Executive Ofcer, Chaney Sportainment Group Founder Ivy Sports Symposium

I had an excellent time. And, congratulations on a fantastic conference. I was quite impressed.
Ji mmy Lynn , J Lyn n Asso ci at es

I th o uro ugh ly en joy ed pa rt i c i pat i n g i n t h e I v y Sp o rts Symp o s ium. I l e a r n ed a g r eat dea l f ro m bot h t h e br i g h t atte n d e es a s wel l a s my f el low s p ea ker s .
M a r k S h a p i ro, C l e velan d In di an s

I am still on a h igh from a wonderful event on Friday in Philadelphia. The topics and guests were very informative, and I salute you and your team for putting on a world-class event.
Jared Mel zer, Fa rmer s I ns u r a nce

Class act all the way! Your Ivy Sports Symposium was a hit. I had a great time.
R a n dy B e r n ste in , P r e mi e r Partn e rshi p s

I wanted to congratulate you on a first-cl ass, fantastic event. The Ivy Sports Symp osium continues to thrive.
Ryan Donovan , N BC Spo rts N e t wo r k

Congratulations to you and your team on a job well done at last weeks Ivy Sports Symposium. The entire day was well run and very educational, and I found the time spent there to be very worthwhile.
Don a l Wa l s h , U SA S e v e n s

Great event! Keep up the great work.

Lee Stacey, Gen eral Sp o rts a nd E nt e rta i nm e nt

I had a terrific time and made lots of great connections.

De r e k Eil e r , Fe r m ata Pa rtn e rs

That was terrific great diversity of panelists and attendees and I hope the attendees felt like they got a lot out of it.
A nn Rodriguez, Un der Ar m o u r

That was an impressive event and I was very happy to be involved.

S h aw n Hu n te r , C l u b Dep orti vo Chi vas U SA (form erly )

I was very impressed by the event that you and your team pulled together. Great speakers and great participants well done.
C h ris Fl a n n ery, Legends 10

The quality of the speakers, the campus setting and the great support from you and your event team was terrific.
J i m B row n , F I FA

I t wa s an i ncr ed i b le ex pe rie nce to be involv e d in th e p l an n in g a n d ex ec u ti o n o f o ne of t he indust ry s best e v e n ts . Th e Iv y S po rts Sym pos i u m i s an e ducat ional powe rh o us e a n d I a m exc it e d ab o u t stayi ng involve d in t he fut ure .
B r a ndon Bagl ey (Pen n 11), Co - Fo u nd e r & E x ecu t i v e D i r ector , I vy S p orts Col l a b or ative

Ann Rodriguez (Princeton 99), Director of Development, Earthquakes Soccer Bill Duffy, President & Chief Executive Ofcer, BDA Sports Management Brandon Williams, Director of Player Programs, National Basketball Association Carl Bassewitz, President, The Bassewitz Group Claude Johnson, Founder & President, Black Fives David Gross, Commissioner, Major League Lacrosse Dennis Robinson (Harvard MBA 90), Senior Vice President, Business and League Operations, National Basketball Association Dick Kazmaier (Princeton 52), President, Kazmaier Associates Eric Kutner (Princeton 95), Business Development Consultant Eric Bechtel, Founder & Managing Director, Rule 1.02 Marketing Frank Vuono (Princeton 78), Partner, 16W Marketing Glenn Toby, Founder & Chief Executive Ofcer, Glenn Toby Enterprises Jed Berger, Executive Publisher, Dime Magazine John Mack (Princeton 00), Associate Director of Athletics, Northwestern University Jamie Zaninovich, Senior Associate Director, Athletic Relations and Marketing, Princeton University Marc Fleisher, President, Entersport Management Michael Huyghue (Cornell 83), President & Chief Executive Ofcer, Axcess Sports & Entertainment Mikal Duilio, Founder & Commissioner, International Basketball League Paul Harris (Princeton 54), Member, Board of Directors, Princeton Varsity Club Richard Giles (Princeton 83), President, Gazelle Group Rick Horrow (Harvard JD 79), Chief Executive Ofcer, Horrow Sports Ventures Ronald Mitchell (Harvard 92, Harvard MBA 97), Co-Founder & President, CareerCore, and Chief Executive Ofcer, AlumniAthlete Network Steve Hellmuth (Princeton 75), Senior Vice President, Operations and Technology, NBA Entertainment Todd Lincoln, Vice President, Business Development, The Glenmede Trust Company Wyc Grousbeck (Princeton 83), Managing Partner & Governor, Boston Celtics

Sports Brands in the Global Marketplace College Atheltics - What They Did After They Graduated Competitive Advantage off the Field Sports Business Change in the 21st Century

Anthony Caruso, Chair, Sports and Entertainment Department, Archer & Greiner Anthony Simpson, Principal, Sports Practice, Odgers Ray & Berndtson Bill Sanders, Vice President of Marketing, BDA Sports Management Bob Reif (Princeton 89), President, Audible Brett Yormark, President & Chief Executive Ofcer, Nets Sports & Entertainment Carolyn Schlie Femovich, Executive Director, Patriot League Claude Johnson, Founder & President, Black Fives Dan Mannix, President & Chief Executive Ofcer, LeadDog Marketing Group Fred Hargadon, Former Dean of Admission, Princeton University Gary Walters (Princeton 67), Director of Athletics, Princeton University George Pyne (Brown 89), President, IMG Sports and Entertainment, IMG Worldwide Joe Favorito, Senior Vice President, Communications, International Fight League Kevin McNulty, Chief Marketing Ofcer, Momentum Worldwide Leon Rose, Head, Basketball Division, CAA Sports Michael Principe, Chief Operating Ofcer & Managing Director of Sports Division, Blue Equity Mike Reisman, Principal, Velocity Sports & Entertainment Mike Slive (Dartmouth 62), Commissioner, Southeastern Conference Peter Roby (Dartmouth 79), Athletic Director, Northeastern University Peter Stern, President, STRATEGIC Phil de Picciotto (Penn JD 81), President, Athletes and Personalities, Octagon Randy Bernard, Chief Executive Ofcer, Professional Bull Riders Rick Harmon, Chairman, Chief Executive Ofcer & President, TicketRESERVE Sandy Barbour, Director of Athletics, University of California-Berkeley Scott Novak, Senior Vice President, Dan Klores Communications Sean Gregory (Princeton 98), Staff Writer, Time Magazine Terry Lefton, Editor-at-Large, SportsBusiness Daily and SportsBusiness Journal

Th e Iv y S p o rts Sym p o s i u m h a s esta bl i s h ed i ts el f a s a n exc itin g me e ting p l ac e fo r t h e s p o rts i n du st ry. Th e a n n ua l rotat i o n o f t h e Sym p o s i u m a m o n g I v y L eag u e s c h o o l s w il l tr u ly m a ke i t u n i q u e.
P h il d e P icc i otto ( P en n JD 81 ), Presi de n t, Athle tes an d Person ali ti es, O ctagon

The Business of College Sports Maximizing the Value of Todays Athlete Sports in the Global Marketplace Connecting with Fans on Multiple Screens Engaging Consumers to Grow Your Brand

Barry Hyde, Chief Marketing Ofcer, United States Golf Association Barry Janoff, Executive Editor, NYSportsJournalism Ben Sturner, Founder & Chief Executive Ofcer, Leverage Agency Bill Rasmussen, Founder, ESPN, and Founding Partner, College Fanz Sports Network Bill Susetka, Chief Marketing Ofcer, Ladies Professional Golf Association Bob Basche, Chairman, Millsport Burke Magnus, Senior Vice President, College Sports Programming, ESPN Caroline Lind (Princeton 06), U.S. Rower and Olympic Gold Medalist Christian Busch, Vice President, Marketing, TAKKLE Christopher Heck, Senior Vice President, Team Business Operations, National Basketball Association Christopher Russo (Harvard MBA 90), Chairman & Chief Executive Ofcer, Fantasy Sports Ventures Dan Mannix, President & Chief Executive Ofcer, LeadDog Marketing Group Darren Rovell, Sports Business Reporter, CNBC David Dunn, Chief Executive Ofcer, Athletes First Donald Dell (Yale 60), Group President, Television, Tennis and Events, Blue Entertainment Sports Television Doug Perlman, President, Accrue SEV Advisors, Accrue Sports and Entertainment Ventures Frank Vuono (Princeton 78), Co-Founder & Partner, 16W Marketing Gary Jacobus (Dartmouth MBA 90), Managing Director, Corporate Partnerships, United States Tennis Association Hagos Mehreteab (Princeton 99), President & Co-Founder, yoonew Ian Leopold, President & Chief Executive Ofcer, American Collegiate Intramural Sports Jim Millman, Chief Executive Ofcer, USA Boxing Joey Cheek (Princeton 11), Humanitarian & Olympic Gold Medalist Jon Litner (Yale 85), President, Comcast Sports Group Jordan Bazant, Founder & Principal, The Agency Sports Management Kathryn Carter, Executive Vice President, Soccer United Marketing Ken Brenner (Princeton 89), Founder & Chief Executive Ofcer, Legacy Direct Kenneth Shropshire (Columbia JD 80), David W. Hauck Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Mark Shapiro (Princeton 89), Executive Vice President & General Manager, Cleveland Indians Melanie Dyer, Manager, National Media, KFC, Yum! Brands Patrick McGee, President, ProVentures Paul Harris (Princeton 54), Member, Board of Directors, Princeton Varsity Club Peter Land, Chief Marketing Ofcer, Breeders Cup Priscilla Ho, Founder & Managing Director, Prescient Group Richard Bernstein, Disability Rights Advocate & Ironman Athlete Ronald Shapiro (Harvard JD 67), Co-Founder & Chairman, Shapiro Negotiations Institute Ronald Mitchell (Harvard 92, Harvard MBA 97), Chief Executive Ofcer & Co-Founder, Gotta Mentor Steve Hellmuth (Princeton 75), Executive Vice President, Operations and Technology, NBA Entertainment Steve Tseng, Senior Vice President, IMG Consulting, IMG Worldwide Susan Briglia, Vice President, Branded Content, Collegiate Images Terry Lefton, Editor-at-Large, SportsBusiness Journal and SportsBusiness Daily Tom Verducci, Senior Writer, Sports Illustrated

Athlete Marketing & Representation Professional and Amateur Sports Properties Sports Business 2.0 Sports Marketing & Sponsorships Sports Media & Technology The Olympic Games

Alexander Brown, President & Chief Executive Ofcer, Petry Media Holding Amy Martin, Principal, Digital Royalty Andrew Craig, President, The Craig Company Anthony Caponiti, Partner, Activ8Social Barry Frank (Harvard MBA 57), Executive Vice President, Sports Programming, IMG Media, IMG Worldwide Ben Sturner, President & Chief Executive Ofcer, Leverage Agency Bill Potts, Vice President, Marketing and Business Development, Ironman Bob Basche, Chairman, Millsport Bret Werner, Managing Partner, Catalyst Brian Gainor, Founder, Partnership Activation Carter Westfall (Princeton 96), Managing Director, United Kingdom, Helios Partners Christopher Russo (Harvard MBA 90), Chairman & Chief Executive Ofcer, Fantasy Sports Ventures Christopher Lencheski, Managing Member & Team Owner, Quad City Mallards Cliff Kaplan, President, Van Wagner Sports Group Dan Shanoff (Harvard MBA 02), Sports Media Consultant, Darren Heitner, Chief Executive Ofcer, Dynasty Athlete Representation David Birnbaum (Columbia 97, Penn MBA 05), Senior Advisor, Strategy and Acquisitions, Alloy Media + Marketing David Oestreicher, Director, Business Development, American Collegiate Intramural Sports David Preschlack, Executive Vice President, Afliate Sales and Marketing, Disney and ESPN Media Networks Group Derrick Heggans, Principal, HACE Sports Media Consulting Frank Vuono (Princeton 78), Chief Operating Ofcer, United Football League, and Co-Founder & Partner, 16W Marketing Gary Pluchino, Senior Vice President, IMG Worldwide George Daniel, Commissioner, National Lacrosse League Greg Shaheen, Senior Vice President, Basketball and Business Strategies, NCAA Harrie Bakst, President & Founder, Carnegie Sports & Entertainment Jason Belzer, President, Global Athlete Management Enterprises Jason McIntyre, Editor, The Big Lead Jeff Gewirtz, Senior Vice President & General Counsel, Nets Basketball and Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment Jeffrey Pollack (Harvard MBA 08), Former President & Commissioner, World Series of Poker Jerry Sawyer, President, Hanzo Joe Favorito, Instructor, Author & Strategic Communications Consultant Keith Ritter, Owner & President, Keith Ritter Media Ken Brenner (Princeton 89), Founder, Legacy Direct Lewis Howes, Founder, Lindsay Kagawa, Director, Womens Sports, Wasserman Media Group Marc Fein, Executive Vice President, Programming, Production and Business Operations, VERSUS Mark Wilf (Princeton 84), Owner & President, Minnesota Vikings Matthew Pace, Counsel, Herrick, Feinstein Michael Rowe, President & Chief Executive Ofcer, Positive Impact Management Group Michael Spirito, Vice President, Business Development and Digital Media, YES Network Michelle Wilson (Penn 87, Harvard MBA 92), Executive Vice President, Marketing, World Wrestling Entertainment Patrick McGee, President, ProVentures Peter Hurley, President & Founder, Synergy Events Peter Robert Casey, Sports Blogger, The Hufngton Post Rachel Mech, Co-Founder, ProVentures Randy Bernard, Chief Executive Ofcer, Professional Bull Riders Ray Katz (Penn 82, Penn MBA 85), President, Sports Properties and Media, Leverage Agency Robert Freeman (Princeton 90), Partner, Proskauer Rose Roland Hemond, Special Assistant to the President & Chief Executive Ofcer, Arizona Diamondbacks Scott Philp, Chief Marketing Ofcer, Quick Hit Shripal Shah, Vice President, E-Commerce and Web Strategy, Washington Redskins Tejpaul Bhatia (Columbia 00), Chief Executive Ofcer, MediaMerx Terry Lefton, Editor-at-Large, SportsBusiness Journal and SportsBusiness Daily Todd duBoef, President, Top Rank Tom Glick (Cornell 90), President & Chief Executive Ofcer, Derby County Football Club Tom Van Riper, Staff Writer, Forbes Tom Verducci, Senior Writer, Sports Illustrated Tony Ponturo, President & Chief Executive Ofcer, Ponturo Management Group Troy Ewanchyna (Princeton 94), Senior Director, Digital Media, Comcast SportsNet

Agencies Athlete Marketing & Representation Building Your Brand with Social Media Digital Media & Technology Emerging Properties Olympic Games & International Sports Properties Teams Television & Programming


Joseph Mattioli III, President Emeritus, Pocono Raceway Kristin Bernert, Former President, Los Angeles Sparks Kurt Schneider (Dartmouth 87), Chief Executive Ofcer, Harlem Globetrotters Larry Grimes, President, The Sports Advisory Group Lee Stacey, Former Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Devils Arena Entertainment Lisa Baird, Chief Marketing Ofcer, United States Olympic Committee Marc Ganis, President, SportsCorp Mark Mastalir, Chief Executive Ofcer, OptionIt Mark Noonan, President, Americas, Repucom International Mark Pannes, Director, Global Sports Group, HSBC Private Bank Mary Harvey, Former Chief Operating Ofcer, Womens Professional Soccer, and Former Director of Development, FIFA Michael Levine (Cornell 93), Co-Head, CAA Sports Michael Robichaud, Vice President, Global Sponsorships, MasterCard Worldwide Michael Sheehey, Senior Vice President, Sports Content, Comcast Sports Group Michael Spirito, Vice President, Business Development and Digital Media, YES Network Pat Cavanaugh, Founder & Chief Executive Ofcer, The Crons Brand Peter Moore, President, EA SPORTS Peter White, Partner, DLA Piper Phil de Picciotto (Penn JD 81), President, Athletes and Personalities, Octagon Randy Bernard, Chief Executive Ofcer, Indy Racing League Randy Bernstein, President & Chief Executive Ofcer, Premier Partnerships Rick Boyages, Associate Commissioner, Mens Basketball, Big Ten Conference Robert Tilliss, Chief Executive Ofcer, Inner Circle Sports Rod Campbell, Founder, Former Chairman & Chief Executive Ofcer, Campbell & Company Russell Wolff (Dartmouth 89, Dartmouth MBA 94), Executive Vice President & Managing Director, ESPN International Ryan Donovan (Dartmouth 96), Vice President, Marketing, Versus Sandy Montag, Senior Corporate Vice President & Managing Director of Clients, IMG Sports & Entertainment, IMG Worldwide Shawn Hunter, Former President & Chief Executive Ofcer, Club Deportivo Chivas USA Simon Cummins, Managing Partner, International Sports Practice, Odgers Berndtson Terry Lefton, Editor-at-Large, SportsBusiness Journal and SportsBusiness Daily Tom Van Riper, Staff Writer, Forbes Wyc Grousbeck (Princeton 83), Managing Partner & Governor, Boston Celtics

Andrew Craig, President, The Craig Company Ann Rodriguez (Princeton 99), Director, Business Development, Under Armour Arn Tellem, Principal, Management, Wasserman Media Group Begoa Sanz, Deputy Sales & Marketing Managing Director, Real Madrid Club de Ftbol Ben Sturner, Founder & Chief Executive Ofcer, Leverage Agency Bill Daly (Dartmouth 86), Deputy Commissioner & Chief Legal Ofcer, National Hockey League Bob Bowman (Harvard 77, Penn MBA 79), President & Chief Executive Ofcer, Major League Baseball Advanced Media Brett Goodman (Princeton 90, Columbia JD 95), Senior Vice President, Strategic Partnerships and Business Affairs, NBC Universal Sports & Olympics Brian Corcoran, President, Shamrock Sports Group Brian Lisles, Executive Vice President, Newman/Haas Racing Buffy Filippell, President, TeamWork Online and TeamWork Consulting Candice Wiggins, WNBA Player, Minnesota Lynx Chris Flannery, President, Ripken Baseball Group Christopher Lencheski, Chief Executive Ofcer, Phoenicia Sport & Entertainment Dan Cherry III (Penn 00), Chief Marketing Ofcer, New York Cosmos Danny Marshall, President, Synergy Racing, and Member, Virginia House of Delegates David Abrutyn, Managing Director, Senior Vice President & Head of IMG Global Consulting, IMG Worldwide David Dunn, Chairman & Chief Executive Ofcer, Athletes First David Falk, Founder & Chief Executive Ofcer, Falk Associates Management Enterprises David Mingey, Partner, GlideSlope Derek Eiler, Senior Vice President & Managing Director, The Collegiate Licensing Company Donald Dell (Yale 60), Group President, Television, Tennis and Events, Lagardre Unlimited Doug Perlman, Founder & Chief Executive Ofcer, Sports Media Advisors Eric Shaffer, Chief Executive Ofcer, Novus Applications Gary Bettman (Cornell 74), Commissioner, National Hockey League Gary Hopkins, President & Chief Executive Ofcer, G7 Sports Greg Via, Director, Global Sports Marketing, Gillette Harvey Schiller, Vice Chairman & President, Sports, Media and Entertainment Practice, Diversied Search Odgers Berndtson Hugh Durham, Former Mens Basketball Head Coach, Florida State University and University of Georgia Jason Belzer, President, Global Athlete Management Enterprises Jason McIntyre, Editor, The Big Lead Jim Brown, Principal, JBC International, and Advisor, 2014 FIFA World Cup Jimmy Lynn, Managing Partner, JLynn Associates Joel Litvin (Penn 81), President, League Operations, National Basketball Association

Athlete Marketing & Representation, Brands, College Athletics Global Soccer, Leagues, Marketing Agencies Media & Technology, Ownership & Finance, Properties


Greg Shaheen, Interim Executive Vice President, Championships and Alliances, NCAA Gregg Clifton (Harvard 82), Partner, Jackson Lewis Hal Biagas, Executive Vice President, Management, Wasserman Media Group Jack Brewer, Founder & Executive Director, The Jack Brewer Foundation Jennifer Storms, Senior Vice President, Global Sports Marketing, PepsiCo Jerry Anderson, Senior Principal, Populous Jim Fiore, Director of Athletics, Stony Brook University Jim Scherr, Chief Executive Ofcer, 776 Original Marketing, and Former Chief Executive Ofcer, United States Olympic Committee Joe Favorito, Strategic Communications, Marketing & Branding Consultant John Brody, Principal, Partnership and Business Development, Wasserman Media Group John Genzale (Columbia MS 75), Owner, Milano United, and Founding Editor, SportsBusiness Journal, Street & Smiths Sports Group Joseph Ravitch (Yale JD 88), Partner, The Raine Group Kathleen Behrens, Executive Vice President, Social Responsibility and Player Programs, National Basketball Association Kenneth Shropshire (Columbia JD 80), David W. Hauck Professor, Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics, and Faculty Director, Wharton Sports Business Initiative, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Kevin McNulty, Chief Marketing Ofcer, Momentum Worldwide, and Co-Chairman, Momentum Sports Len Perna, Founder, President & Chief Executive Ofcer, Turnkey Sports & Entertainment Leon Rose, Head, Basketball, CAA Sports Lon Rosen, Executive Vice President, Magic Johnson Enterprises Lucien Boyer, President & Chief Executive Ofcer, Havas Sports & Entertainment Mark Dyer, Senior Vice President & Chief Innovation Ofcer, IMG College, IMG Worldwide Mark Lamping, President & Chief Executive Ofcer, MetLife Stadium Mark Pannes, Co-Managing Director & Principal, RaptorAccelerator Mark Rothenberg, Senior Vice President, Havas Sports & Entertainment, US Mark Waller, Chief Marketing Ofcer, National Football League Mary OConnor, Vice President, Olympic Marketing & Global Platforms, The Marketing Arm Michael Brown, Vice President, Director of Global Business Development, IMG Consulting, IMG Worldwide Michael Copeland, Chief Operating Ofcer, Canadian Football League Michael Neuman, Managing Partner, Scout Sports and Entertainment Mori Taheripour (Columbia 92, Penn MBA 03), Senior Advisor, Sport for Development, USAID Pat McQuaid, President, Union Cycliste Internationale Paul Barber, Chief Executive Ofcer, Vancouver Whitecaps FC Paul Kelly, Executive Director, College Hockey Peter Carlisle, Managing Director, Olympics and Action Sports, Octagon Peter Englehart (Harvard MBA 88), President & Chief Executive Ofcer, Competitor Group

Alexander Brown, President, Sports, Univision Communications Alexander Mogilyansky, International Grandmaster, International Draughts, and Spokesperson, International Mind Sports Association Andrew Brandt, NFL Business Analyst, ESPN, and Lecturer, Legal Studies and Business Ethics, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Angelo Scialfa III, President, Fox Run Group Anthony Caponiti, Partner, Activ8Social Barry Frank (Harvard MBA 57), Executive Vice President, IMG Media, IMG Worldwide Barry Kahn (Cornell 03), Founder & Chief Executive Ofcer, Qcue Ben Sturner, Founder & Chief Executive Ofcer, Leverage Agency Bernie Mullin, Chairman & Chief Executive Ofcer, The Aspire Group Bill Schlough (Penn MBA 98), Senior Vice President & Chief Information Ofcer, San Francisco Giants, and Interim President, San Jose Giants Brendan Tuohey, Co-Founder & Executive Director, PeacePlayers International Carolyn Schlie Femovich, Executive Director, Patriot League Charles Baker (Cornell JD 85), Partner, DLA Piper Chris Flannery, President, Sports, Entertainment & Lifestyle Advisory Chris Overholt, Chief Executive Ofcer & Secretary General, Canadian Olympic Committee Christopher Cabott, Sports Attorney, Professor & Agent Christopher Lencheski, President, Front Row Marketing Services Christopher Russo (Harvard MBA 90), Founder & Chief Executive Ofcer, Big Lead Sports Darryl Seibel, Director of Communications, British Olympic Association David Feher, Partner, Dewey & LeBoeuf David Gross, Commissioner, Major League Lacrosse David Katz (Penn 94), Founder & Chief Executive Ofcer, Sports Media Ventures David Sternberg (Princeton 90), Chief Executive Ofcer, Universal Sports Dennis Robinson (Harvard MBA 90), President & Chief Executive Ofcer, New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority Derek Eiler, Senior Vice President, IMG College, IMG Worldwide Derrick Hall, President & Chief Executive Ofcer, Arizona Diamondbacks (honorary) Derrick Heggans, Managing Director, Wharton Sports Business Initiative, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Des Hague, President & Chief Executive Ofcer, Centerplate Donald Lockerbie, Managing Director & Chief Executive Ofcer, Olympvs International Doug Perlman, Founder & Chief Executive Ofcer, Sports Media Advisors Eric Dienes, Liaison Ofcer, Ofce on Sport for Development and Peace, United Nations Eugene Parker, Founder & Partner, Maximum Sports Management George Atallah, Assistant Executive Director, External Affairs, National Football League Players Association




Peter Stern, Founder & President, STRATEGIC Raymond Bednar (Harvard MBA 91), President, Hyperion Marketing Returns Rockefeller Consulting Raymond Peterson, President, American Rugby Management Group Rick Burton, David B. Falk Professor of Sport Management, Syracuse University, and Former Commissioner, National Basketball League (Australasia) Robin Harris, Executive Director, The Ivy League Ryan Donovan (Dartmouth 96), Vice President, Marketing, NBC Sports Group Ryan Steelberg, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Ofcer, Brand Afnity Technologies Scott ONeil (Harvard MBA 98), President, MSG Sports, The Madison Square Garden Company Scott Rosner (Penn JD 97), Practice Assistant Professor, Legal Studies and Business Ethics, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Sean Barror, Co-Managing Director, RaptorAccelerator Steve Hellmuth (Princeton 75), Executive Vice President, Operations and Technology, NBA Entertainment Terry Lefton, Editor-at-Large, SportsBusiness Daily, and Reporter, SportsBusiness Journal, Street & Smiths Sports Group Tim McDermott (Cornell 95, Harvard MBA 01), Chief Marketing Ofcer, Philadelphia Eagles Todd Goldstein, President, AEG Global Partnerships, AEG Tom Crawford, Chief Executive Ofcer, USA Ultimate

Th e Iv y S p o rts Sym p o s i u m i s a n o u sta n di n g a n d i m p r es s i v e e v e n t w ith gre at s p ea ker s a n d g r eat pa rt i c i pa n ts t h at co n tin ues to grow a n d f lo u r i s h .
C h r is Fl a n n e ry, Co- Foun der & Partn er, Lege n ds 1 0

Athlete Marketing & Representation The Olympic Games College Athletics Emerging Sports Entrepreneurship & Innovation Labor Relations Marketing & Media Marketing & Sponsorships Media & Technology The Global Debate Public Relations & Communications Sports & Social Impact Venues & Stadiums


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Ivy Sports Symposium, 2012. All Rights Reserved. The Ivy Sports Symposium is a part of the Ivy Sports Business Network. The Symposium is not affiliated with The Ivy League or the Council of Ivy Group Presidents.

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