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Constitutional Law 1- Dean Hilario Morales

Amendment – adding, reducing or deleting a law

without altering the basic principle involved
Good Afternoon Sir and classmates, I’m Gleo Matthew
Galera, a working student and currently working as a Revision – A revamp or rewriting the whole
Respiratory Therapist in Lucena City. instrument altering the entirety of the constitution
and altering the principle involved

Amendment of Constitution
Midterm Grade – Class Standing and Midterm
Examination = 60%/40% Proposal –

Final Grade – Class Standing and Midterm Entity who can propose, Congress or constitutional
Examination = 60%/40% convention, ratification by the people by a plebiscite,

Nature of Quizzes, MCQ Examination Multiple Choice Constitution is a direct enactment by the people.
Question, Enumeration and Essay
Who may propose amendments or revisions?
Essay ang Major/Periodical Examinations
1. Congress -
Technique/ Preventive: 2. Constitutional Convention –
3. People’s Initiative –
 Responsive answer,
 Read the Question twice, the last sentence
usually contain the question.
 Read the question first before the facts, and
find the facts that fit the question September 8,2022
 The follow up question do not yield the same
Constitution is a law, fundamental law, highest law
answer usually in the exam of Dean Morales
1987 Constitution -written, enacted and rigid
Nature and Concept – The written instrument
enacted by direct action of the people by which the Doctrine of Constitutional supremacy –
fundamental powers of the government are
established,limited and defined by which those power Doctrine of Hierarchy of Laws Incase of conflict of
are distributed to the different department for the statutes and ordinance
benefit of the political body A written constitution has 3 parts
1987 Constitution -written, enacted and rigid 1. Constitution of Government (Art. 6, 7, 8,9,10,
The constitution is difficult to amend 11)
2. Constitutiocn of Liberty- civil and political
Doctrine of Constitutional Supremacy. Next are the right citizen and the relationship of the state
statutes by the congress. to the private citizen
3. Constitution of Sovereignty – pointing out the
Doctrine of Hierarchy of Laws – Statute and
provision and how it can be drafted, enacted.
Ordinance, the law enacted by the congress will
Amended and revised
prevail over the local law.
Parts of Constitution:
Amendment -isolated or piecemeal change
1. Constitution of Government – provides for the
structure and system of government Revision – a revamp or rewriting
2. Constitution of Liberty – Bill of rights, series of
prescriptions Qualitative change
3. Constitution of Sovereignty – formal changes Shift from bicameral to unicameral then it is a
How a constitution can be amended or revised: When it is change on the rules then it is an
Constitutional Law 1- Dean Hilario Morales
2 steps in the amendatory process Out constitution is Reactionary Constitution
against the government Marcos
1. Proposal – congress, constitutional
convention thru a law, by people’s initiave. 3. In case of doubt –
2. Ratification – by a plebescite
History of the times and the condition
Plebiscite – voting and circumstances under which the
constitution was framed
Who may propose amendments or revision?
Provision should be considered self-executing;
1. Congress – by vote ¾ of all its member. ¾ in
the senate ¾ of House of Representative.
They can meet jointy or separately.
2. Constitutional Convention – 2/3 vote of all
members of congress. If vote is not obtained
by a majority then it will be decided by the
people throught Plebiscite REPUBLICAN DEMOCRACY – one where shall
3. People’s Initiative – atleast 12% of the government authority emanates from the
number of registered voters of that every people and it is exercised by representatives chosen
legislative distrtrict atleast 3% by the people.
- A people’s initiative can only make
amendment and not revisions. It cannot Manifestations:
revise the constitution but amend it only. 1. Governent of Laws not Men
2. Regularity of Elections
3. Separation of Powers and checks and
Lambino V. Comelec. balances
4. Non-delagation of powers
The draft of the proposed amend must be
5. People empowerment thru bill of rights.
embodied in petition.
Incorporation Clause – the doctrine of incorporation
Peoples initiative has no enabling law, it is not
states Generally accepted principles of international
yet self executory.
law on the land. Hence, no legislative action required
RA6735 covers only initiative and statutes, do to make them applicable to the country
not offer on how it can amend the
Civilian Supremacy:
1. Art.2 Sec.
Doctrine of Proper Submission- A plebescite
may be held on same day as a regular Inviolability of the Church and State
election. The entire proposal must be
submitted in one plebecite only. No piece- 1. Non-establishment Clause Art. 3 Sec.5
meal submission. 2. Various sector may be represented in HoR
except religious sector
Judicial Review – Amendments can only be 3. Prohibition against the use of public funds for
questioned benefit of any religion Par. 2, Sec. 29, Art. 6
4. Religious groups shall not be registered as
political parties.
Revision are for Congress and constituent
Wilsonian Doctrine
assembly only. Amendment
-seperation of church and state, protection of church
Interpretation of Constitution:
in the interference of the state. It is what we use in
1 Verba Legis – given their ordinary meaning Philippines.

2 Ratio Legis – where there is ambiguity, Philippines Jurisprudence leans towards the Theory of
should be interpreted to give effect to the Benevolent Neutrality. Under this theory, the wall of
intention of the framers.
Constitutional Law 1- Dean Hilario Morales
separation is meant to protect the church from the be an affirmative act from the state such as
State. appropriation of the needed amount to satisfy
With respect to governmental actions,
accommodation of religion may be allowed, not Suit against Government Agencies.
promote governments favored religion but to allow
If Incorporated, see charter if it can be sued
individuals and group to exercise their religion
without hindrance. If Unincorporated, see the principal function
Courts should not touch doctrinal and diciplinary If governmental, no suit without consent
matters. Taruc v. Cruz
If proprietary, suit will lie.
Sec. 5,11,12, 13 and 17 of Article 2, deals with general
welfare, are not self-executing provisions and SEPARATION OF POWERS
disregard of which cannot give rise a cause of action in Doctrine of Separation of Powers:
the courts. They do not embody judicially
enforceable rights but guidelines for legislation. 1. Governmental powers are allocated and
(Kilosbayan Inc. v Morato) They are mere statements shared by the 3 branches of the government,
of policies which are not self-executing. A law has to Executive (implementation of laws),
be passed in order to implement them. Legislative (making of laws) and Judiciary
(Interpretation of laws) Tripartite System and
Sovereignty 2. No encroachment on field allocated to other
It is the supreme and uncontrollable power inherent branches.
in a state by which that state is governed. EXCEPTIONS:
It may be legal or political; Internal or External 1. Checks and Balances
Dominium – refers to capacity to own, acquire 2. Blending of Powers
property, Checks and Balances – any excessive of the power
Imperium (INDEPENDENCE) – the authority the given to a branch may checked by the other in
possessed by the state embraced in the concept of accordance with the mode prescribed by the
sovereignty constitution. Example : veto, overrding veto,
declaration of unconstitutionality of an act ot law

1. Territorial
2. Personal – power of the state over its No Delegation of Powers Doctrine
nationals even outside of its territory (Status Applies to all branches of the government but with
of a person, Taxation) moderation to the executive
3. Extraterritorial – power exercised by the state
beyond its territory Doctrine of Qualified Political Agency

Acts of the member of the cabinet are considered acts

State Immunity of the president.

There can be no legal right against the authority which Applicable to 3 branches of the government
makes the law on which the right depends Hence, the EXCEPTIONS: Permissible delegation of legislative
state cannot be sued without its consent powers
Consent can be implied or expressed 1. Emergency power to president, tariff power,
Civil law 2189 – state can be suid express 2. Delegation of local government (RA7160)
3. Delagation of administrative bodies (EO292)
4. Delagation to the people at large (RA6735)
Test if suit is against the state – if the decision is
against a public officer or agency impleded there must Tests of valid delegation:
Constitutional Law 1- Dean Hilario Morales
1. Completeness Test – when the statute leaves Civilian Supremacy at all times.
the legislative mill complete in all its terms
Doctrine of Benevolent Neutrality
and provisions so that nothing is left to the
judgement of the delegate Constitutional Amendment – Plebescite
2. Sufficient standard test- justice and equity,
public interest, Laws th

NATIONAL TERRITORY There are 4 elements in Political Law, in International

Law it is 6
Archipelagic Doctrine – it applies to a state that
consists of many island (Archipelagic Territory) People – citizens Article IV of the constitution

- When a state has so many island, it must Citizens and Aliens-

be treated as a single unit Territory
Archipelagic Doctrine – body of water studded with
Regime of Islands Doctrine islands and enclosed using a baseline straightline
Regime of Islands Doctrine as embi method is treated as a whole.

Regime of Island Doctrine –

Internal Waters – water around between and Island is a body of land capable of sustaining life
connecting the island of the archipelago, regardless of
their breadth and dimensions.
Who are the Citizen of Philippines?
Archipelagic Waters – International Term for internal
waters. If this was used in constitution, we cannot  Those who are at the time of the adoption of
prevent innocent passage. To prevent foreign passage this Constitution
of foreign vessels  Whose fathers or mothers are citizens of
Archipelagic water – the can navigate  Those who are born before January 17.1973,
Internal water – the cannot navigate of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippines
citizenship upon reaching the age of majority
 Those who are naturalized in accordance with
Territorial sea from the the baseline is 12 nautical law
miles Derivative Naturalization – Sec. 15 of CA 437 –
12 nauticlal miles from the Territorial Sea is the extends the grant of Philippine citizenship to the
contiguous zone minor children of the one naturalized thereunder

200 nautical miles the baseline is the exclusive Requisite

economic zone Legally Married
Exclusive economic zone – 200 nautical miles Born in the Philippines

Still minor when petitioner was naturalized

Doctrine of subordination citizens

LAWS THAT ARE IIREPEALABLE ARE NOT ALLOWED to Marriage is not a mode of acquiring Filipino
be Passed by the Congress. Citizenship

Laws are supposed to be dynamic

Declaration of State Principles and Policies Administrative Naturalization

GAPOIL General accepted principle of International  Aliens born in the Philippines

Laws  Residing therein since birth
Constitutional Law 1- Dean Hilario Morales
 Natural born Filipinos who lost and reacquired
Filipino Citizenship shall be considered natural
Read: Republic v Sagun:
Filipino born Citzen
Mere registration of a voter does not confer upon  Those who reacquire lost Filipino Citizenship
him the right to vote. It is condition precedent to under this law will lost their previously
exercise of the right to vote. It is a form of acquired foreign citizenship , hence, not a
regulation, not a qualification. Likewise, the mere dual citizen
exercise of suffrage continuous and uninterrupted
In RA 9225 you will become a citizen, In
Modes of Losing and Reaquiring Citizenship
8171 you will revoke your American
LOSING citizenship

 By substitution Reacquisition under the two laws is accomplished

 By express renunciation of citizenship simply by:
made known distinctly and explicitly and  Taking an oath of allegiance to the Republic of
not mere interference the Philippines
 But obtention of a Portuguese passport  Registering said oath in the Local Civil
and signing a commercial document as Registry of the Place where the person
Portuges were construed as renunciation concerned resides or last resided
of Philippine Citizenship
 Registration of the Certifacate of Repatriation
 And the continued use of foreign in the Bureau of Immigration
passport renounces natural-born
Philippine citizenship reaquiired RA9225
(Dual Citizenship Act)
NO judicial proceding require in RA 9225 and RA
 Marriage to a foreigner is not a mode of
losing citizenship
 Subscribing to an oath of allegiance to
support the constitution
THE relationship of the Senate and the house of
 By rendering service to armed forces of a
representative is equal
foreign country

ACQUIRING Structure of Government – Unitary

 RA 8171 – Method – Presidential

o Filipino women who is lost their
Tripatriate System
Philippine citizenship by marriage to
aliens Other commission independent from the 3.
o Natural born Filipinos who have lost
their Philippine Citizenship on account
of political or economic necessity,
including minor children

Minors who lost their Filipino citizenship by

derivative naturalization are not eligible for
repatriation under this law

Natural-born Filipinos who lost and

reacquired such lost Filipino Citizenship
Constitutional Law 1- Dean Hilario Morales
NCRAE requirement

LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT Party list and district has a same term

Principle of Co-Equality of the 2 Houses, Senate and Bicameral,

cogress is Equal. No such thing as upper house or Senate is a continuing body.
lower house.
Yes, why? Iseserve niya hannggang next
Legislative Power – plenary power, to propose enact, congress. Conitnuing body.
amend or repeal law is vested in congress.
When is senate considered not a conituning
No ex post facto laws In the conduct of its day to day business
Irrepealable laws If the bill in the senate didn’t pass in the 19th
congress and only reached 2nd reading, is itio
Bill of the attainder possible to continue on the 20th senate?N
The power to enact laws, is not exclusive to congress
it has exception
No, the senator have to file again the bill. Ths
SECTION 1. The legislative power shall be vested senate is not a continuing body, it concducts its
in the Congress of the Philippines which shall business day to day.
consist of a Senate and a House of
Representatives, except to the extent reserved to Party list
the people by the provision on initiative and Elected at large, political party with their
referendum. represenetative.
Initiative- people initiative In partylist, certificate of intent to participat no t
Referendum – laws will be made by congress but certificate of candidacy
have to approved by the people
Form of government – President Reapportionment Power- power of the congress
Limitation on the power of Cogress to create new districts

Substantive – limitation on the content of law 80% 20%

Expost fact, bill of attainder, irrepealable RULE: Increase in districts also increase in
Procedural Requirement – limitation on the
manner of passing , one title one subject, three
separate readings. 2% votes quaifuing votes, entitled to seat. First
Doctrine of Non- Delegation – The doctrine round
cannot delegate its powers 2nd round according to rank,
Administrative Body -promulgate rule and 3 seat limit maximum
Proportional Represenation
Ordinance power – power granted to local to
enact laws Congressman can invoke their immunity from suit
when congress is in section. Is congress is in
2 years immediately preceding the day election, it session ? then yes, immunity is valid
starts on the day of election
Start: Day of election
End: babalik sa previous years. 2 years back
Constitutional Law 1- Dean Hilario Morales

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