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One Feeling Away

It’s the first day of school again in Chicago and I’m super excited for the new
school year. School has always been fun for me; I’d like to sum it up to me being an
extrovert but I think it's just my personality. As I got out of the car to step foot on school
grounds, I took a moment to look at the huge campus and all the students that were
attending school. I don't know why I always look at students, maybe I'm trying to find
someone interesting. As I walked through the door that leads inside the school, I took a
quick second to study the halls. Then suddenly, someone bumped my shoulder causing
me to drop my Venti Triple Shot Vanilla Latte on the ground.
He looked back at me.
“ I’m really sorry, do you need help cleaning up?” he said with a worried look.
“ Thank you but it's alright.” I said “ I can clean up by myself, just be careful next time”
“ yep, I will ”
Just as he was about to run off to class I stopped him.
“ Wait, actually can you get some paper towels please.”
“ sure no problem”
He came back with paper towels and even though I said I could clean up by
myself, he cleaned with me. After we were done he quickly headed to class.
When I finished washing my hands in the restroom I headed to my class as well
only to find the guy who bumped me was there too.
“ Are you in this class?” I asked.
“ Indeed I am. “ he answered.
“ Are you sure?”
“ Yes.”
“ Can I see your schedule to make sure; You seem new.”
He gave me his schedule so I could look it over; I figured out his name was
Dante Quintana. As I looked at his schedule more I got the sense that it looked familiar;
I got out my schedule and realized we had the exact same schedule. I looked at him in
shock, but he just smiled.
“ Well, it looks like I have a friend in every class now,” he said smiling.
“ Yeah I guess you do”
We both smiled at each other.
Soon after we became really good friends and knew almost anything about each other. I
even told him that im gay, and that I’ve also never been a relationship. He told me that
he's from Texas and that he was only staying for the school year. That made me sad but
it also made me want to cherish the memories we make more.
A couple months passed and the end of quarter one was about to end.
“ Are you excited we get a week off of school” he asked
“ No, not really. I enjoy school.” I replied.
He had a look on his face that screamed “ I knew you were going to say that.”
Later after class was over he suggested that on the last day of the quarter we invite
some of our classmates to go to a nightclub. I agreed with him on that idea mostly
because my parents don't care if I just stay out late I just have to let them know.
The last day of the quarter most of our classmates said they'd be going to the
nightclub. Me and Dante were both thrilled because we weren't sure if anyone would
actually go considering they barely know us; I guess everyone saw it as a fun way to
connect and have fun.
That night at the nightclub everyone was having drinks including me and Dante.
After a few more shots we went to sit down to take a break from everyone, though the
club was still really loud. When we sat down we complemented each other's outfits. I
was wearing a white tank top and jeans held up by a belt. He was wearing a black
T-Shirt with jeans. We were almost matching. He looked really handsome in his outfit
even though it was just casual wear. My eyes stared looking at his face without my
consent. He had a defined jawline and eyes that showed his feelings. As I started
staring more he began to notice.
“ Do I have something on my face?” he asked.
“ No, I just realized how handsome you are.”
“ Thanks, I didn't realize I was.”
I felt myself drawing closer to his face. He looked confused, but he also looked
like he knew what I was doing. Though I myself didn't even know what I was doing. My
face was close to his and I looked him in the eye with lust all over my face. My heart
took over my thoughts and without thinking I kissed him. I kissed him, I kissed my best
friend. It must be the alcohol I thought but then another thought crossed my mind.
Perhaps I had always liked him and I was keeping my feelings to myself, the alcohol just
made my heart show. To my surprise he kissed back a little as it was natural for him,
but after five seconds he pulled away.
“I'm sorry,” he said. “ but I think I already have someone in my heart”
“ You think?” I said trying to be calm and not let my emotions overtake me.
“ I-I just cant think right now”
Then he ran out and I tried to chase him but he was out of my sight. An hour
later I called his parents to make sure he was safe. Thankfully he was and I could go
home to sleep without worrying if something happened to him. Even though I went
home to sleep, I couldn't stop thinking about how I kissed him and he pulled away.
The next day at school was awkward between us and he kept avoiding me, but
I eventually found a time to talk to him alone.
“Are you straight?” I asked bluntly.
“I'm not so sure,” he replied in a soft voice.
“ Do you like girls”
“Not as Much”
“ So you like Guys?”
“ I'm not sure.”
I could tell this was a very awkward situation for him so I stopped asking questions. I
could tell he was just figuring out his identity.
“ If you're figuring things out I get it, so I’ll be there to help you through it if you need.”
“ I think that would be very nice, Thank you.”
We both smiled at each other, as we knew the awkwardness was over and we went
back to being friends. Time passed and we went to more parties. He kissed both girls
and guys but he eventually decided he was gay. As always I supported him through it as
I said I would and I learned what it means to be an ally.
Soon the time came where he had to go back to texas for the summer. I was sad
but I didn't dread on it too much because we made lots of great memories together. As I
watched his plane leave I thought to myself: What if I had said I loved you or even
showed it a little more would we still just be friends or would we be something more. I
was only a feeling away.


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