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Radiotherapy and Oncology 89 (2008) 156–163


Cervix cancer branchytherapy

Consequences of random and systematic reconstruction

uncertainties in 3D image based brachytherapy in cervical cancer
Kari Tanderupa, Taran Paulsen Hellebustb, Stefan Langc, Jørgen Granfeldtd,
Richard Pötterc, Jacob Christian Lindegaarda, Christian Kirisitsc,*
Department of Oncology, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark, bDepartment of Medical Physics, Rikshospital-Radiumhopital
Health Trust, Oslo, Norway, cDepartment of Radiotherapy, Medical University of Vienna, Austria, dDepartment of Mathematical Sciences,
Aarhus University, Denmark

Background and purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of random and systematic applicator
reconstruction uncertainties on DVH parameters in brachytherapy for cervical cancer.
Material and methods: Dose plans were analysed for 20 cervical cancer patients with MRI based brachytherapy.
Uncertainty of applicator reconstruction was modelled by translating and rotating the applicator. Changes in DVH
parameters per mm of applicator displacement were evaluated for GTV, CTV, bladder, rectum, and sigmoid. These data
were used to derive patient population based estimates of delivered dose relative to expected dose.
Results: Deviations of DVH parameters depend on direction of reconstruction uncertainty. The most sensitive organs
are rectum and bladder where mean DVH parameter shifts are 5–6% per mm applicator displacement in ant–post
direction. For other directions and other DVH parameters, mean shifts are below 4% per mm. By avoiding systematic
reconstruction errors, uncertainties on DVH parameters can be kept below 10% in 90% of a patient population.
Systematic errors of a few millimetres can lead to significant deviations.
Conclusion: Comprehensive quality control of afterloader, applicators and imaging procedures should be applied to
prevent systematic errors in applicator reconstruction. Random errors should be minimised by using small slice
thickness. With careful reconstruction procedures, reliable DVH parameters for target and OAR’s can be obtained.
c 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. Radiotherapy and Oncology 89 (2008) 156–163.

Keywords: Brachytherapy; 3D image guidance; Applicator reconstruction; DVH; Uncertainties

In recent years brachytherapy for locally advanced cervi- However, with MR images the visualisation of the applicator
cal cancer has shown significant development in the field of is more challenging. The source channel cannot be discrim-
3D image based treatment planning [1–3], and the first clin- inated from the applicator material since both structures
ical evidence strongly indicates that the new approach has appear dark in the images. Insertion of dummy catheters
potential to increase local control without increasing mor- containing fluid contrast material (for instance water, oil,
bidity [4]. Recommendations for 3D image based brachy- gadolinium or copper sulphate) into the source channels is
therapy in cervical cancer have been worked out by the complicated by the fact that the diameter at the entrance
GEC-ESTRO working group with emphasis on target defini- of the source channel is only around 2 mm in diameter for
tion [5] and on use of dose volume histogram (DVH) param- most kinds of commercial intracavitary applicators for cer-
eters [6]. MRI is advocated as the preferred image modality vical cancer [9]. The low signal intensity emitted from this
[7,8]. small volume complicates a precise definition of the entire
One of the main steps in the 3D image based procedure is source path. Furthermore, MR compatible titanium applica-
applicator reconstruction, which denotes the procedure of tors may induce geometric distortions in the region around
defining the applicator source channels in the images. This the titanium material [10].
step is crucial since the dose calculation is based on the Applicator reconstruction for MRI based brachytherapy
geometry of source positions. When using CT for imaging, can either be performed directly in the image series used
the source channels are readily visualised either by using for contouring and dose planning (at the moment mainly
X-ray markers or by exploiting the contrast between the T2 weighted MRI), or it can be based on reconstruction in
air in the source channels and the applicator material. images with better visualisation of the source channels

0167-8140/$ - see front matter c 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.radonc.2008.06.010
K. Tanderup et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 89 (2008) 156–163 157

(e.g. radiographs, CT, 3D MRI or T1 weighted MRI) followed and for the bladder, rectum, sigmoid, the D0.1cc, D2cc,
by fusion to the contouring/dose planning series (T2 according to the guidelines of the GEC-ESTRO working group
weighted MR images). [6]. Dose plans were analysed in BrachyVision (ver. 7.1.35,
Reconstruction uncertainties can be divided into two Varian).
categories: systematic and random uncertainties. System- For the 10 cases with intracavitary applicators with no
atic uncertainties are the ones that have the same influ- interstitial component, translational reconstruction uncer-
ence in all brachytherapy fractions. Examples are MR tainties were simulated by maintaining the dwell times,
distortions and incorrect reconstruction procedures. Ran- and translating the whole applicator (and dose distribution)
dom uncertainties are the ones that differ between brach- by ±3 mm in 3 spatial perpendicular directions: longitudinal
ytherapy sessions. They are related to the visibility of the (along tandem axis), transversal, and anterior–posterior
applicator in the images and to the accuracy of image fu- (ant–post) (Fig. 1). Additionally, applicator translation of
sion if this is applied during applicator reconstruction. MR ±5 mm was performed in the longitudinal direction. Finally,
distortions can also add to random uncertainties when re- ±15° rotation of the ring was applied in the transversal plane
lated to patient specific interaction with the magnetic – corresponding to a shift of ±4 mm for dwell positions in-
field. Reconstruction uncertainties are generally most pro- side a ring with a source channel diameter of 30 mm. DVH
nounced in the direction perpendicular to slice orientation parameters were read out for each translation/rotation.
(longitudinal direction) due to the large pixel size in this For the 10 combined interstitial–intracavitary cases, only
direction. The limited resolution reduces the visibility of shifts in longitudinal direction were performed.
the applicator, and uncertainties of image fusion will also Linear relation between applicator shift and DVH param-
be most pronounced in this direction. This direction is eter shift was evaluated graphically for all displacements
along the uterine axis for para-transversal imaging (images and all patients.
oriented according to the orientation of the applicator
[7]), and along the longitudinal axis of the patient in case
of transversal imaging.
Reconstruction uncertainties result in uncertainties on
DVH parameters. DVH parameters for tumour and organs
at risk (OAR) are essential throughout the 3D image based
procedure as they are used for target dose prescription,
during 3D dose plan optimisation, and to evaluate and re-
port dose distributions. The purpose of this study was to
evaluate the impact of random and systematic reconstruc-
tion uncertainties on DVH parameters.

Materials and methods

Impact of reconstruction uncertainties on DVH
Twenty patients (treated at General Hospital of Vienna)
with locally advanced cervical cancer were analysed in or-
der to evaluate the impact of reconstruction uncertainties
on DVH parameters. Radiotherapy was administered as a
combination of external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) (45 Gy
at 1.8 Gy per fraction) and 4 sessions of HDR brachytherapy
(7 Gy each session, prescribed to HR-CTV). Two different
applicators were used: (1) standard MRI compatible tandem
ring applicator (Nucletron, Veenendaal) made of carbon fi-
ber (10 patients), (2) combined interstitial and intracavitary
tandem ring applicator consisting of a modified ring applica-
tor and needles inserted directly into the tumour through
peripheral holes drilled in the ring [1,7] (10 patients). All
patients were scanned using MR (T2 weighted) with the
brachytherapy applicator in situ. Gross Tumour Volume
(GTV), High-Risk Clinical Target Volume (HR-CTV), bladder,
rectum and sigmoid were contoured in transversal slices
according to the guidelines of the GEC-ESTRO working group
[5]. Manual 3D dose planning was performed to optimise
dose coverage of the target and to spare OAR’s. The follow-
Fig. 1. (A) Translations of ring applicator in longitudinal (±3 mm,
ing DVH parameters were used in the quantification: for the
±5 mm), lateral (±3 mm), anterior/posterior (±3 mm) directions. (B)
targets, the D100 and D90 for both the HR-CTV and the GTV; Rotation in ring plane (±15°).
158 Random and systematic uncertainties in brachytherapy

Simulation of DVH parameters in a patient simulations were undertaken to assess the distribution of
population DDq/Dq. In house developed software written in R (ver
A model for the variation of a specific DVH parameter for 2.5.0, http://www.r-project.org/) was used for numerical
a selected organ over a sequence of fractions is described simulations.
now. The distribution of the DVH parameters depends on four
The change of the DVH parameter in the brachytherapy parameters in each direction i: lx,i, rx,i, lb,i, rb,i. The
fraction k when the applicator is displaced by Dxi (i = 1, 2, choice of parameters will be discussed below under the
3, 4 for longitudinal, lateral, ant–post, rotation) is denoted heading ‘‘Input parameters for the model’’. First, we will
by DDqi, k where Dq denotes D100, D90, D0.1cc or D2cc. explain how we summarize the result of a simulation. For
When the DVH parameter shift is proportional to applica- each DVH parameter and a choice of parameters 10.000 sim-
tor displacement, the relative change of Dqi, k can be ex- ulation were run – representing 10.000 patients in a patient
pressed as (the coefficient b depends on the organ): population. The result of the simulation is a whole distribu-
tion of relative DVH parameter shifts which quantify how
DDqi;k much the delivered dose deviates from the expected dose.
¼ bi Dx i;k ð1Þ
Dqk In order to summarize this distribution into a single number
For some organs and directions of applicator displace- we have chosen to focus on the 90 % of the patient popula-
ment the linear relationship of Eq. (1) cannot describe the tion with least unfavourable deviations. This is similar to the
DVH parameter shift. For instance a symmetrical HR-CTV approach used by van Herk et al. [11]. For target structures
(with regard to tandem) will show decrease in D100 and under-dosage should be avoided and we calculate the mini-
D90 for both left/right and ant/post applicator shifts. In mum relative Dq for 90% of the patient population. In this
such cases the DVH parameter shift will be proportional to case, our summary of the target DVH distribution could be
the norm of the displacement: for instance that ‘‘D100 (or D90) will be at least 94% of ex-
pected dose for 90% of the patients’’. For OAR over-dosage
DDqi;k must be avoided, and we calculate the maximum relative Dq
¼ bi jDx i;k j ð2Þ
Dqi;k for 90% of the patient population – for instance ‘‘D0.1cc (or
D2cc) will not exceed 107% of expected dose for 90% of the
The proportion of patients with linear (Eq. (1)) and non-
patients’’. Brachytherapy schedules of 1 and 4 fractions
linear (Eq. (2)) relationship, respectively, was determined
were simulated.
for all DVH parameters and all directions.
Dqk is the planned value of the DVH parameter for brachy-
therapy fraction k and is assumed to be Dq/n, where Dq is the Input parameters for the model
planned value for the whole treatment, and n is the number of The linear coefficients, b, were estimated from the re-
fractions. Thus the relative change of the DVH parameter for sults by linear regression for those parameters depending
the displacement in the ith direction in the kth brachytherapy linearly on applicator displacement (Eq. (1)). For the pa-
fraction to the total planned value of the DVH parameter is: tients showing decreasing DVH parameter for applicator dis-
placements in both positive and negative directions (Eq.
DDqi;k 1 DDqi;k 1 (2)), the b was estimated as the mean decrease per mm.
¼ bi Dx i;k or ¼ bi jDx i;k j ð3Þ
Dq n Dq n lb, i and rb, i were estimated from the distribution of b’s.
Summed over all fractions and directions the total rela- Random uncertainties depend on the reconstruction and
tive change of DVH parameters is (in case of linear relation- imaging procedure. Random uncertainties corresponding
ship for all directions): to ring rotation and lateral/ant–post displacements have
been evaluated for the applicator reconstruction method
DDq X n X 4
1 used at Aarhus University Hospital. Reconstruction was per-
¼ bi Dxi;k ð4Þ
Dq k¼1 i¼1
n formed in 10 patients by two independent observers in T2
images with 5 mm slice thickness (aided by fusion with T1
In case there are non-linear components this is incorpo- images (3 mm slice thickness)). The difference between
rated in Eq. (4) according to the proportion of patients. the applicator position for the two observers was assessed
Reconstruction uncertainties were assumed to be distrib- for the 10 patients resulting in a standard deviation of
uted according to a normal distribution with the mean equal 0.5 mm in both lateral and ant–post direction and 7° (corre-
to the systematic reconstruction error and the variance cor- sponding to 1.8 mm) for the rotation. Simulations were per-
responding to the random reconstruction uncertainty: formed using these values for random uncertainties. In
Dx i  Nðlx;i ; r2x;i Þ ð5Þ order to investigate whether DVH parameter shifts would in-
crease drastically with increased random uncertainties in
Across the patient population, the coefficients corre- lateral and ant–post directions, simulations were repeated
sponding to each organ were assumed to be distributed with 0.8 mm SD in these directions. With 0.8 mm SD more
according to a normal distribution: than 1/3 of the reconstructions would be wrong by more
bi  Nðlb;i ; r2b;i Þ ð6Þ than 1 mm in lateral or ant–post directions. Systematic
uncertainties of both 0 mm and 2 mm were simulated for
The distribution of DDq/Dq is a sum of products of two lateral and ant–post directions.
normal distributions according to Eq. (4). Since this distribu- Reconstruction uncertainties in the longitudinal direction
tion cannot be described in a simple analytic way, numerical depend on slice thickness. The impact of reconstruction
K. Tanderup et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 89 (2008) 156–163 159

uncertainties in the longitudinal direction was investigated shifts depended linearly on applicator translation and rota-
in more detail by performing a series of simulations where tion in the majority of the patients. Good linear relation was
systematic and random uncertainties were varied in the seen in more than 90% of the cases for both GTV and OAR’s.
ranges: [  5 mm, 5 mm] (l) and [0.5 mm, 3 mm] (r) in For HR-CTV there was a non-linear relationship for displace-
steps of 1 and 0.5 mm, respectively. ments in lateral and in ant–post directions for about half of
In this study, we considered 10% to be an acceptable limit the patients, as can be seen in Fig. 2. In these cases the DVH
for deviation of DVH parameters from expected value. This parameters decreased whichever direction the applicator is
means that the delivered dose should be at least 90% of ex- moved into, and the dependence on applicator displace-
pected dose for target structures, and should not exceed ment could be well described according to Eq. (2).
110% of expected dose in OAR. Reconstruction uncertainties Absolute mean DVH shifts (%) per mm applicator dis-
giving rise to at least 90% of the patients satisfying the limit placement are shown in Fig. 3 for intracavitary applicators.
of 10% were considered as acceptable reconstruction The largest shifts of DVH parameters appeared for bladder
uncertainties. and rectum when the applicator was displaced in ant–post
direction, with a mean change of 5% and 6% per mm for
D2cc and D0.1cc, respectively. For all other parameters and
directions the mean shift was below 4% pr. mm. It was a
Results general trend that the influence of applicator shifts was lar-
Impact of reconstruction uncertainties on DVH ger for D100 and D0.1cc parameters as compared to D90 and
parameters D2cc, respectively. Rotation in transversal plane had limited
There was no significant statistical difference between impact for all target and OAR DVH parameters.
the effect of longitudinal applicator displacement for intra-
cavitary and intracavitary–interstitial applicators (t-test: Modelling of DVH parameters in a patient
p > 0.05) except for D0.1cc for the sigmoid (t-test: p = population
0.012). In this case, the intracavitary–interstitial implants Actual DVH parameters relative to expected values are
showed a larger impact of longitudinal applicator displace- shown in Table 1 for the following random uncertainties
ment with 2.9% pr mm as compared to 1.9% per mm. This (SD): 0.5 mm (lateral), 0.5 mm (ant–post), 1.25 mm (longi-
is explained by the fact that the tips of interstitial needles tudinal), and 7° (rotational). The minimum dose for 90% of
are located closer to the sigmoid than the intracavitary the patients is shown for target DVH parameters, and the
applicator. All further data presented belongs to the 10 maximum dose for 90% of the patients is shown for OAR
intracavitary cases and these were also used for the model- DVH parameters. When systematic reconstruction uncer-
ling of DVH parameters in a patient population. tainties are absent, 90% of the patients will receive at least
Fig. 2 shows examples of the percentage change of DVH 92–98% of expected dose (D100 and D90) to the GTV and
parameters as a function of intracavitary applicator dis- HR-CTV, and the dose to OAR (D0.1cc and D2cc) will not ex-
placement for D90 of HR-CTV, and D2cc of rectum. DVH ceed 102–109% of expected dose for 90% of the patients.

Fig. 2. Relative DVH shift (%) as a function of applicator displacement for D90 in HR-CTV and for D2cc in rectum. Positive direction of x-axis
corresponds to: applicator displacement in cranial, posterior and dexterior directions, respectively.
160 Random and systematic uncertainties in brachytherapy

errors (<10% deviation for at least 90% of the patients).

Examples are shown for HR-CTV (D90) and rectum (D2cc)
for both 1 and 4 fractions of brachytherapy. Tolerances on
reconstruction uncertainties are tighter for rectum than
for GTV, HR-CTV, bladder and sigmoid, and also tighter
for 1 fraction as compared to multiple fraction schedules.

In this study it was shown that target and OAR DVH
parameters for 90% of the patients deviate with less than
Fig. 3. DVH shift (%) per mm of applicator displacement (absolute 10% when systematic reconstruction uncertainties are
mean and standard deviation) for GTV, HR-CTV: D90, and for avoided. However, if present, systematic errors have signif-
rectum, bladder, sigmoid: D2cc.
icant impact on DVH parameters, with errors in ant–post
direction being particularly critical. Errors in this direction
Lateral shifts and partly longitudinal shifts of 2 mm can be may occur if wrong applicator dimensions are used when
tolerable whereas systematic shifts in ant–post direction defining the source channels and dwell positions related to
lead to significant changes. D100 is more vulnerable to the outer applicator surface. Another source of systematic
reconstruction uncertainties than D90 for both GTV and errors in this direction could be geometric distortions in
HR-CTV, and D0.1cc is more vulnerable than D2cc for all MR with the use of titanium applicators. Such distortions
OAR’s. Increasing random uncertainties from 0.5 to have been described in detail for prostate seeds [10], and
0.8 mm (SD) in lateral and ant–post directions (data not for intracavitary applicators [9].
shown) caused an increase/decrease of less than 1 percent- Systematic errors can – to a large extend – be avoided
age point for all parameters, except for bladder and rectum by quality control. Hellebust et al. [12] pointed out that ac-
D0.1cc, where there was an increase of almost 2 percentage tual source positions may systematically deviate by up to
points. Impact of reconstruction uncertainties on DVH 2.5 mm from the indications of commercial X-ray marker
parameters is larger for 1 fraction than for 4 fraction wires in the ring. Source positioning in the applicator should
schedules. be assessed by autoradiography [12,13], and this informa-
In Fig. 4, the delivered dose (relative to expected values) tion should be implemented into the reconstruction proce-
for 90% of the patients is shown as a function of longitudinal dures. The geometry of the applicator should be assessed
systematic and longitudinal random reconstruction uncer- by 3D phantom scans to verify the relation between the out-
tainties. Reconstruction uncertainties in the red areas will er surface of applicator and the source channels. Image dis-
lead to significant deviations (>10%) of DVH parameters for tortions with titanium applicators in MR should be
a significant fraction of the patients (>10%), whereas the investigated by fusion of CT and MR phantom scans. Finally,
green areas indicate a ‘‘safe’’ region for reconstruction the procedures in the dose planning systems should be well

Table 1
Minimum dose for 90% of the patients is shown for target DVH parameters, and maximum dose for 90% of the patients is shown for OAR DVH
parameters, relative to expected values
1 Fraction 4 Fractions
Systematic uncertainty (mm) Lateral 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0
Ant–post 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0
Long. 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
GTV D100 92% 87% 88% 90% 96% 90% 90% 92%
D90 96% 92% 90% 95% 98% 93% 91% 96%
HR-CTV D100 94% 88% 86% 88% 97% 90% 88% 91%
D90 95% 89% 91% 89% 97% 91% 93% 92%
Rectum D0.1cc 109% 111% 123% 118% 105% 107% 119% 114%
D2cc 107% 108% 118% 115% 104% 105% 114% 111%
Bladder D0.1cc 106% 109% 120% 110% 103% 106% 117% 108%
D2cc 105% 106% 116% 109% 102% 104% 115% 107%
Sigmoid D0.1cc 106% 108% 113% 110% 103% 106% 112% 108%
D2cc 105% 106% 111% 109% 102% 105% 110% 107%
Parameters are listed for 1 and 4 fraction schedules, and for systematic uncertainties of 0 and 2 mm in different directions. The following
random uncertainties (SD) were used: 0.5 mm (lateral); 0.5 mm (ant–post); 1.25 mm (longitudinal); 7° (rotational). For instance 90% of the
patients are ensured at least 89% of planned D90 to HR-CTV with a systematic uncertainty of 2 mm in longitudinal direction for a 1 fraction
K. Tanderup et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 89 (2008) 156–163 161

Fig. 4. The curves show the percentage dose (relative to expected values) that 90% of patients will receive as a function of random and
systematic longitudinal reconstruction uncertainties. (A and B), 1 fraction schedule; (C and D), 4 fraction schedule. Reconstruction errors in
the red area should be avoided (>10% dose deviation for at least 10% of the patients). The green area indicates a ‘‘safe’’ region of longitudinal
reconstruction errors (<10% dose deviation for at least 90% of patients).

tested. Correct geometry of library applicators is especially A limitation of this study is that DVH parameters were
important. simulated with the use of random reconstruction uncertain-
Random errors can be reduced by optimising the imaging ties specific for our department. However, a moderate in-
procedure, as improved visibility of the applicator evidently crease of random uncertainties in lateral and ant–post
reduces random reconstruction errors. Slice thickness should directions had relatively limited impact on the accuracy of
be as small as possible without compromising the MR acquisi- most DVH parameters (less than 1 percentage point). On
tion time since this would increase the risk of patient move- the other hand, it should be emphasised that for reconstruc-
ment during the image acquisition. In case image fusion is tion procedures associated with much larger random uncer-
used during reconstruction, it should be taken into account tainties, the accuracy of DVH parameters evaluated in this
that fusion uncertainties also adds to the random errors. study will no longer be valid.
Fractionated brachytherapy is less vulnerable to recon-
struction uncertainties since random uncertainties tend to le- Applicability of results with CT imaging and with
vel out over several fractions. This means that tolerances on other applicators
reconstruction uncertainties are tighter for brachytherapy This study addresses the ring applicator used with MR
schedules with few fractions. However, even for one fraction imaging, but the results are also relevant for CT imaging
schedules DVH parameters can be considered as stable. and partly also for other applicators. The impact of recon-
The impact of longitudinal reconstruction uncertainties struction uncertainties on DVH parameters does not depend
on DVH parameters for the combined interstitial–intracavi- on image modality, and would be the same for CT. However,
tary applicator was very similar to the standard tandem-ring reconstruction uncertainties are smaller for CT which gen-
applicator. Only slightly larger impact was seen for D0.1cc for erally leads to more stable DVH parameters for CT based
the sigmoid, because dose gradients are steeper in the dose planning. Hellebust et al. [12] evaluated dose in points
vicinity of needles. Lateral, ant–post displacements and close to target (point A), bladder and rectum. They found
rotations were not simulated for this applicator. However, little variability of point doses for different reconstruction
reconstruction uncertainties in these directions are ex- methods and applicator orientations. This confirms that
pected to be smaller with this applicator, because the signal reconstruction uncertainties are small with CT. However,
(or rather: lack of signal) from the needles helps to guide it should be kept in mind that CT is inferior to MR with re-
the positioning of the applicator. gard to target delineation [8].
162 Random and systematic uncertainties in brachytherapy

The impact of applicator displacement on DVH parame- In EBRT, van Herk’s margin recipe [11] can be applied to
ters is determined by the dose gradients in the periphery ensure that the minimum target dose is at least 95% for at
of the target and adjacent to OAR’s. The pear shaped iso- least 90% of the patients. However, in clinical practice,
dose curves and the dose gradients are in general quite margins are often smaller in the direction of OAR’s – for in-
similar for different kinds of applicators. This would mean stance towards the rectum in prostate EBRT – and this will
that the impact of reconstruction uncertainties derived in lead to larger uncertainties in target dose [14]. This study
this paper is expected to apply to other kinds of applica- showed that for target dose (D100 and D90) in brachyther-
tors such as mould, and tandem-ovoid applicators. How- apy at least 92–98% of expected dose can be obtained for
ever, if the geometry is generally very different from 90% of the patients when systematic reconstruction errors
that in our patient population (packing, bladder filling are controlled. However, contouring uncertainties were
etc.), then the linear coefficients, b, may be different. not included in this analysis, and the impact of these may
This can only be tested by repeating the same kind of be larger in brachytherapy than in EBRT due to the steep
investigation in another patient population. Furthermore, dose gradients of brachytherapy.
the configuration of source positions differs between appli- Whereas EBRT positioning uncertainties and target DVH
cators, and the pattern of reconstruction uncertainties can parameters has been the subject of many investigations the
differ. The results of this study are only applicable if same aspect has not been comprehensively investigated for
reconstruction uncertainties are similar to those simulated OAR’s. The uncertainty of DVH parameters for OAR’s in EBRT
in this study. is complicated since it depends on both the topography and on
the dose distribution [15,16]. In future work, it would be
interesting to evaluate the impact of EBRT planning and
Comparison with EBRT and relevance of margins in
set-up uncertainties on the dose distribution in pelvic OAR
and to compare this with the accuracy of brachytherapy.
Applicator reconstruction defines the relation between
applicator and target/OAR’s. Reconstruction uncertainties
in brachytherapy are of the same type as the uncertainties
in EBRT which are related to positioning the target/OAR’s Conclusion
correctly with respect to the isocenter of the accelerator. Comprehensive quality control of applicators and imag-
Uncertainties in EBRT can also be divided into random and ing procedures should be used to prevent systematic
systematic uncertainties as discussed by Van Herk et al. uncertainties in applicator reconstruction. Systematic
[11]. In conventional EBRT, these uncertainties are compen- reconstruction uncertainties can lead to significant uncer-
sated for by adding a margin to the CTV. The size of the pre- tainties on DVH parameters. Furthermore, random errors
scription dose plateau is thereby increased, and the dose should be minimised by using small slice thickness
delivered to the CTV will be unaffected by geometric errors (65 mm) and by having clear and reproducible guidelines
which are smaller than the size of the margins. In brachy- for reconstruction. With careful applicator reconstruction
therapy it is not possible to create a dose plateau in lateral procedures, the related uncertainty on DVH parameters
and ant–post directions, since the dose gradients cannot be for both target structures and OAR’s can be kept below
manipulated to become less steep. Application of margins in 5–10% for schedules of 1 brachytherapy fraction and 2–
lateral and ant–post directions will be equivalent to a dose 5% for 4 fraction schedules.
escalation, and the uncertainty of DVH parameters will re-
main the same since relative dose gradients are not changed
with dose escalation. The use of margins in brachytherapy
can not be based on a simple translation of concepts from Acknowledgements
Asena Kuzucan, Vienna Medical University, is acknowledged for
EBRT, and the concept of creating a PTV around the CTV
her comprehensive work at the dose planning system. Varian has
by applying a margin is therefore not appropriate in kindly supported Vienna Medical University with free software.
brachytherapy. Funding was received from Danish Cancer Society, Agnes Nie-
In specific situations, where the applicator geometry al- buhr Andersson Cancer Research Foundation, Irma and Kaj Morten-
lows the use of additional dwell positions above the target, sens Memorial Foundation, DAFKO (Danish Graduate School in
a homogenous dose plateau can partly be obtained in longi- Clinical Oncology).
tudinal direction. This creates a robustness of the dose plan * Corresponding author. Christian Kirisits, Department of Radio-
in the longitudinal direction where the reconstruction therapy, Medical University of Vienna, Währinger Gürtel 18-20, A –
uncertainties are largest. At the moment it might be appro- 1090 Vienna, Austria. E-mail address: Christian.Kirisits@meduniwie-
priate to use standard loadings in intracavitary brachyther- n.ac.at
apy to start dose shaping [1]. These standard loadings with
dwell positions in the vaginal applicators and up to the tip of Received 25 October 2007; received in revised form 16 June 2008;
the tandem lead to the typical pear shaped isodose. This accepted 19 June 2008; Available online 7 August 2008
dose distribution might over-treat parts of the uterus cra-
nial to the CTV, but it is more stable related to longitudinal References
movements. It seems reasonable to keep the dose distribu- [1] Kirisits C, Pötter R, Lang S, Dimopoulos J, Wachter-Gerstner N,
tion from the standard loading and change it only at regions Georg D. Dose and volume parameters for MRI-based treat-
where dose constraints have to be fulfilled. Conformity ment planning in intracavitary brachytherapy for cervical
might be less important than a good coverage. cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2005;62:901–11.
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