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Received May 28, 2020, accepted June 29, 2020, date of publication July 8, 2020, date of current version

July 21, 2020.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3007874

Conceptual Framework for Auditing

Agile Projects
Department of Applied Information Systems, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg 2092, South Africa
Corresponding author: Elizabeth Mkoba (
This work was supported in part by the National Research Foundation, South Africa.

ABSTRACT Most organizations use IT projects as vehicles to implement the IT strategy which contributes
to achieving organizational strategic objectives and goals. Agile project management has been a potential
solution to deliver successful IT projects instead of the traditional waterfall approach. This potential has
resulted in organizations adopting agile project management to deliver IT projects on time and realise bene-
fits. However, auditors especially those whose experience lies with more traditional and system development
life cycle controls are struggling with how to audit agile projects. The problem addressed in this article is lack
of an audit framework for auditing agile projects to ensure IT project success. The purpose of this article
is to present the proposed conceptual framework for auditing agile projects that are implemented using
Scrum methodology. The framework introduces audit processes in each process of the Scrum methodology.
The quantitative research method used online survey questionnaire to validate the conceptual framework
amongst IT professionals in South Africa. The data were analyzed using SPSS 26.0. The research revealed
that there was a significant correlation between the identified audit processes and agile project success. This
research emphasizes on the need to take into account auditing agile project from its initiation to closure. This
article contributes to the body of knowledge with regard to project auditing. Auditors can use the proposed
framework to audit agile projects which are implemented using Scrum methodology to ensure successful
completion of IT projects.

INDEX TERMS Agile project, agile methods, project audit, project success, software quality assurance,
information technology.

I. INTRODUCTION management has resulted in organizations increasing their

Information technology (IT) projects are vehicles that orga- productivity, improving efficiency and delivering projects on
nizations use to implement the IT strategy, which contributes time [50], [51].
to achieving organizational strategic objectives and goals. However, auditors, especially those whose experience lies
In monetary value, from 2014 to 2020, US$24 751 billion was with more traditional and system development life cycle con-
spent on IT projects worldwide; of this US$17 820 billion was trols, are struggling with how to audit agile projects [49].
wasted on failed IT projects [30]. In the period 2015 to 2020, Project auditing throughout the project life cycle helps
South Africa spent R417.2 billion on IT projects, R221.1 bil- to identify project risks earlier, trigger timely corrective
lion of which was wasted on failed IT projects [30]. These actions and improve project performance, which increases
statistics indicate that IT projects are still failing and not the chances of delivering a successful project [32]. There
delivering the strategic organizational goals and objectives. are limited research studies on how to audit agile projects,
Agile project management has been a potential solution to meaning that auditing agile projects is still a new area in
deliver successful IT projects instead of the traditional water- research. Literature reveals that there is a lack of an audit
fall approach [4], [7], [30]. 71% of organizations worldwide framework for auditing agile projects [14], [41], [49].
are adopting agile project management to improve the suc- In this study a conceptual framework for auditing agile
cess rates of IT projects [40]. The adoption of agile project projects was developed and validated among 77 IT profes-
sionals in South Africa. The main objective of this article is
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and to present the proposed conceptual framework for auditing
approving it for publication was Jenny Mahoney. agile projects. The framework has audit processes which can

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
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E. Mkoba, C. Marnewick: Conceptual Framework for Auditing Agile Projects

be used by auditors to audit agile projects to ensure the used to design and deliver software that has the greatest
successful delivery of these projects. value to the customer [9]. There are various definitions of
The article is organized as follows: Section 2 pro- agile project management. According to Wideman [52], agile
vides a literature review on the agile concept, agile meth- project management is ‘‘a conceptual project management
ods, software quality assurance and agile project auditing. framework for undertaking software development projects in
Section 3 presents a discussion of a conceptual framework which the emphasis is moved from planning to execution’’.
for auditing agile projects. The research methodology is dealt Lemétayer and Sheffield [28] define agile project manage-
with in Section 4. Results are discussed in Section 5 and the ment as ‘‘an iterative lifecycle designed based on short deliv-
findings are presented in Section 6. Finally, conclusions and ery cycles to deal with uncertainty in scope and rapid change
recommendations for future research are made in Section 7. in requirements’’. Furthermore, they [28] argue that agile
project management is value driven rather than plan driven.
II. LITERATURE REVIEW Agile project management is guided by the Agile Mani-
A. DEVELOPMENT, VALIDATION AND VERIFICATION festo, which consists of four values and twelve principles to
The term ‘development’ has various meanings to different improve software development processes [5]. The four values
people and can be explained in different contexts. Devel- are: (i) Individuals and interactions over processes and tools;
opment is defined as ‘‘transformation from current states to (ii) Working software over comprehensive documentation;
desired one’’ [39]. Reference [54] defined validation as ‘‘a (iii) Customer collaboration over contract negotiation; and
global term encompassing both verification and evaluation’’. (iv) Responding to change over following a plan. The Agile
Verification is about examining the system against its spec- Manifesto is the baseline for researchers and practitioners to
ifications [54]. Validation is concern with examining either introduce a variety of agile methods that all comply with the
a particular design meets its intended purpose [54]. In this spirit of agile.
study, validation means verifying and evaluating the concep-
tual framework to meet a research objective. Development D. AGILE METHODS
means a process of creating something new that adds value The philosophy of the agile method is designed around a
and solve a certain problem. set of core concepts, including agile practices, measurement
metrics and decision making [24]. The core characteristics of
B. CONCEPTUALIZATION OF INFORMATION agile are self-organizing teams, fast execution, value driven
TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS and business oriented. Agile practice is basically promoting
Information Technology projects are organizational invest- the concept of self-organizing (self-directed) teams that are
ments that require money, time, people, technology, facilities, empowered to organize their work on their own [8], [22].
equipment, and processes [42]. Information technology (IT) Each of the agile methods shares the values described in the
projects are implemented in organizations to provide bene- Agile Manifesto.
fits such as to create strategic business value in return for Agile encompasses various methods, including Adaptive
IT investment, to achieve greater efficiency and to improve Software Development (ASD), Agile Unified Process (AUP),
service delivery to customers [32]. Crystal Methods, Dynamic System Development Methodol-
However, there are some of the challenges facing IT ogy (DSDM), eXtreme Programming (XP), Feature Driven
projects include unclear requirements, requirements gap in Development (FDD), Lean Software Development (LSD),
the final product, project scope creep, poor communication Kanban, Scrum and Scrum ban [7], [8], [22]. Cao et al. [8]
between project team members, project infrastructure deliv- explain that all the agile methods share the same practice and
ery delay, undefined project dependencies, poor stakeholders have a common approach, but each method has its unique
management, inadequate support from the top management, strategy and characteristics.
lack of project management methodology, lack of project The survey by PMI Pulse of the Profession [40], [51]
audit processes throughout the project life cycle, project go- reveals that Scrum is the most widely used agile method,
live failure, lack of post-project support and maintenance as shown in table 1. Therefore, this study focused on Scrum
plan, lack of project management best practices, poor risk to develop a framework for auditing agile projects.
assessment and management, cost overruns, IT project man-
agers do not assign Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to
project benefits [32], [40].
IT projects differ from other projects because they involve
using hardware, software, and networks to create a final TABLE 1. Agile methods most used in organizations.
product, service or result [42].

The agile concept was introduced by a group of developers
in 2001. Agile project management is an approach that is

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E. Mkoba, C. Marnewick: Conceptual Framework for Auditing Agile Projects

E. SCRUM OVERVIEW Agile methods rely on agile values and guiding principles
Scrum is a project management framework that is applica- to deliver high-quality software [5]. This claim has increased
ble to any type of project in any industry including IT [9]. the usage of agile in the software and IT industries [4], [7],
In Scrum, projects are managed with small teams in a series [31]. Agile methods for software development have been
of iterations called sprints. The primary focus is on deliv- adopted by many organizations to improve the quality of
ering products that satisfy customer requirements in small software products. The quality in agile projects influences
iterative shippable increments. There are three core roles in project success [1], [2]. SQA in agile involves quality in the
scrum that ensure the project objectives are met. The core software development process and quality of the product [47].
roles are the product owner, scrum master and scrum team. The quality assurance activities in software development are
On scrum, the roles of the project manager are distributed the backbone of the project. The SQA practices are different
which entails that project management functions are shared in each agile method [29], [48].
between scrum team, scrum master and product owner. The In scrum methodology, the most commonly used SQA
emphasis in scrum is on self-organization and self-motivation practices are code reviews, test driven development (TDD)
where the team assumes greater responsibility in making a and close collaboration [17], [31], [43], [49]. Code reviews
project successful. According to [9] and [21] Scrum frame- help to improve quality and knowledge sharing among
work comprises of the following processes: scrum project developers. Test driven development Close
collaboration is the process where customers and the scrum
• Product Vision: The statement describing the vision development team meet together on a daily basis to gain
for the product which is aligned with the organization’s understanding on what is being developed by the developers.
business needs. This practice of SQA ensures that requirements are correctly
• Release Planning: The purpose of a release planning understood by stakeholders and that the final product meets
is to establish the schedule for the product releases. the customer business needs.
The meeting is conducted to determine the length of
the iterations and sprint meetings. This includes release G. AGILE PROJECT SUCCESS
plans for multiple sprints. Project success has different perceptions since its evolution to
• Product Backlog: The list of the product requirements present [32]. Project success includes project success criteria
(user stories) are included in the product backlog. The which are the measures for determining whether a project
user stories are selected for development based on the is successful or not. In the traditional view the measures of
priority levels assigned by the customer. Items listed in project success are scope, time, cost, quality, resources, cus-
the product backlog support the delivery of the product tomer satisfaction, stakeholder satisfaction, realised benefits
vision. [32]. These success measures are referred in project audits or
• Sprint Backlog: Sprint backlog includes the list of post-project reviews.
requirements selected from the product backlog that are According to [51] the measures of agile project suc-
included in a particular sprint. Sprint backlog has sprint cess are customer satisfaction, business value delivered,
(iteration) which comprises of sprint planning meeting, velocity, budget against actual cost, planned against actual
daily scrum meeting, sprint review meeting and sprint stories per iteration, planned against actual stories release
retrospectives. The duration of sprint iteration is two dates, iteration burndown, defects in to production, burn-up
weeks to one month which are used to build a potentially chart, defects overtime, cycle time, release burndown, Work-
shippable product increment to a customer. in-process (WIP), defects resolution, customer retention,
• Shippable Product (Product Deliverable): At the end estimation accuracy, earned value, test pass/fail overtime, rev-
of each sprint, the product deliverable that met accep- enue/sales impact, cumulative flowchart, product utilization,
tance criteria is shipped to the customer. individual hours per iteration and scope change in a release.
In this study the agile project success measures were
designed using the VersionOne [51] agile project success cri-
F. SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE ON AGILE PROJECTS teria because they have been used in measuring agile project
Software quality assurance (SQA) is defined as ‘‘a planned success.
and systematic approach to the evaluation of the quality
of and adherence to software product standards, processes, H. AGILE PROJECT AUDITING
and procedures’’ [17]. SQA is vital during all the phases Most organizations are adopting agile project management
of the software development process to achieve the required to improve the success rates of IT projects. This adoption
and higher level of quality in terms of product and process. of agile requires organization changes in culture, mindset,
The software product quality attributes, such as functional behaviors and structure [19]. One of these organizational
suitability, performance, efficiency, compatibility, usability, changes is how agile projects are audited. Auditing agile
reliability, security, maintainability and portability [37], are projects is necessary to increase the chances of delivering
analyzed to achieve SQA [43]. SQA is the key to successful successful IT projects in the organization [36], [41]. Project
IT projects. auditing is currently undergoing a fundamental change due

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E. Mkoba, C. Marnewick: Conceptual Framework for Auditing Agile Projects

to emerging technologies associated with the Fourth Indus- However, the framework does not provide audit processes for
trial Revolution. This implies that the methods for auditing auditing agile projects. Agile audit frameworks found in the
agile projects require a different audit process [3]. Audi- literature review are compared in Fig. 1.
tors should be involved in the entire software development
Various studies have been done on agile project auditing.
[35] proposed an auditing model for ISO 9001 traceability
requirements that is applicable in the agile (XP) environ-
ment. The model is based on evaluation theory and includes
the use of several auditing ‘‘yardsticks’’ derived from the
principles of engineering design. Their model consists of
two major categories of auditing criteria, namely engineer-
ing criteria (coverage and design of the traceability method)
and management criteria (monitoring and identification of
the traceability method). Each auditing criterion consists of
several auditing yardsticks, which focus on the evidence that
can be extracted to demonstrate process conformity to the
ISO 9001 traceability requirements. The auditing model for
ISO 9001 traceability requirements does not provide audit
processes for auditing agile projects.
Reference [25] proposed an agile methodology audit
model which comprises basic audit checkpoints at applica-
tion system level. These checkpoints include requirement
definition, release plan, sprint launch, analysis/design, devel-
opment, test and sprint termination. Reference [34] studied
agility in auditing and investigated whether Scrum could
improve the audit process. They proposed a Scrum frame-
work which includes the Scrum culture, mindset or val-
FIGURE 1. Comparison of agile audit frameworks.
ues, skills, processes and structure. They found that the use
of Scrum for auditing teams offers a new paradigm that
moves from more rigid and reactive planned auditing to a The comparison of agile audit frameworks reveals that
new emphasis on iterative identification of auditing tasks in there are no overlapping audit items between the frame-
response to changing conditions. They argue that one way to work. The existing frameworks are not applicable for audit-
introduce agility in a project-based organization is to adopt ing Scrum IT project because they have not proposed audit
Scrum to allow organizational teams to review, reflect, learn processes for auditing agile project management which
and adapt. However, the framework does not provide audit is implemented using Scrum methodology. It is needed
processes for auditing agile projects. to have a new framework for auditing Scrum IT project
According to Deloitte [14], auditing agile projects can because there is a lack of the framework specific for Scrum
include documentation of user stories, sprints, meeting min- methodology.
utes, checkboxes or notes on the story, defined acceptance cri- There are limited studies on auditing agile projects. This
teria, an indication of when the solution is ready for deploy- means that auditing of agile projects is still a new area of
ment, business requirements and changes made to the require- research. The related studies do not propose a framework
ments throughout the project, sign-offs, controls designed and which can be used to audit agile projects that are implemented
built into the system, risks and applicable controls related using Scrum methodology.
to that functionality of the product and knowledge of agile The research question was whether agile projects can con-
among the agile team. Agile projects should be audited at the tinuously be audited to improve their success rates in the
beginning of the project rather than at the end. Auditing agile organizations. There was therefore a need for a framework
projects throughout the development process helps to detect for auditing agile projects that can be used by project practi-
and prevent anomalies earlier, mitigate risks and add value. tioners to successfully deliver agile projects in their organi-
Another study related to auditing agile projects was done zations. The framework can be used by auditors to audit agile
by Gibbons et al. [20], who created a framework to audit the projects.
agile teams focused on the XP environment. The framework
monitors agile teams on adherence to agile practices during I. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENT
solution development and backlog delivery. The framework The procedure of conceptual framework analysis [45] was
measures the number of stories and iterations delivered by used to develop the conceptual framework. The procedure
the agile team as well as frequency of practice adherence. composed of the following phases:

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E. Mkoba, C. Marnewick: Conceptual Framework for Auditing Agile Projects

1) PHASE 1: MAPPING THE SELECTED DATA SOURCES TABLE 2. Categories of the selected data.

The search for related publications was guided by keywords

such as ‘agile project management’, ‘agile methods’, ‘agile
project audit’, ‘agile project success’, ‘software quality assur-
ance in agile project’, ‘project governance’, ‘‘agile soft-
ware development’. Major databases were used to search for
related articles, such as those provided by major publishers:
• Scopus (,
• Elsevier (,
• Emerald (,
• Springer (,
• Wiley (
The keyword ‘auditing agile project’’ was searched
from websites such as PWC (, Deloitte
( The books on agile project management
were also selected. A total of 47 data sources focused on the
research keywords were identified.

2) PHASE 2: EXTENSIVE READING AND CATEGORIZING OF Concept 5: Agile project audit

THE SELECTED DATA Concept 6: Software quality assurance in agile project
This phase aimed at reading each article and categorizing the Concept 7: Agile project success
selected data. Descriptive dimensions were used to classify
the papers. The content of the paper was further accessed 4) PHASE 4: DECONSTRUCTING AND CATEGORIZING
by means of descriptive analysis: (i) how is the distribution CONCEPTS
of publications of articles related to auditing agile project The aim of this phase was to deconstruct each concept to:
across time period, (ii) what research methodological are (i) identify its main attributes, characteristics, assumptions
applied? (iii) which dimensions of auditing agile project are and role; (ii) organize and categorize the concepts accord-
addressed? ing to their features, and ontological, epistemological and
Descriptive Analysis: The distribution of publications methodological. The results of deconstructing and categoriz-
across the time period was assessed. The body of literature ing concepts are as shown in table 3.
identified 47 papers which were published in the period
(1998-2019). The assessment of specific papers on auditing 5) PHASE 5: INTEGRATING CONCEPTS
agile project found that the first published papers were in year This phase aimed at integrating and grouping together con-
2013 [25], [35]. Other publications found in year 2018 [34] cepts that have similarities to a new concept. This phase
and 2019 [3], [14], [20], [36], [41]. A total of eight papers reduced the number of concepts and allowed to have rea-
were published on auditing agile projects from 2013 to 2019. sonable number of concepts. The integrated concepts are as
None of these eight papers have come with the framework for shown in Fig. 2.
auditing agile projects. Research methodologies applied were
differentiated as: (i) surveys, (ii) case studies, (iii) theoretical
and conceptual papers, (iv) literature reviews, and (v) mod-
elling papers. In the 47 identified papers, survey account for
26 of the papers, while 3 modelling papers, nine literature
reviews, three theoretical and conceptual papers, and case
studies account for 6 of the papers. The dimensions addressed
on auditing agile project are as shown in the table 2.


This phase involved reading and reread the selected data and
discover concepts from literature. The seven concepts were
identified after analysing the dimensions found in phase 2.
The identified concepts were:
Concept 1: Agile values and guiding principles
Concept 2: Agile project management
Concept 3: Agile methods
Concept 4: Project governance FIGURE 2. Integration of concepts.

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E. Mkoba, C. Marnewick: Conceptual Framework for Auditing Agile Projects

TABLE 3. Results of deconstructing and categorizing concepts. Systems reviewed the framework and provided feedback.
The comments were used to improve the framework. The
experts also reviewed the questionnaire items to ensure its
content validity. The experts provided useful reviews which
were incorporated into the final survey questionnaire before
administering it to a larger sample size.
The conceptual framework for auditing agile projects is
discussed in the next section.


This section presents a conceptual framework for auditing
agile projects (Fig. 3), which was developed and validated
among IT professionals in South Africa.

FIGURE 3. Conceptual framework for auditing agile projects.

MAKE SENSE The conceptual framework for auditing agile projects can
This phase aimed at synthesizing the identified concepts and assist project auditors in auditing agile projects. The frame-
drawing conclusion. Agile project management has to be work may improve the success rates of IT projects in the
adhered to agile values and guiding principles [19], [20]. organization.
Project governance monitors agile project progress through- Agile encompasses various methodologies, but most of
out its implementation and provides a framework for deci- the organizations use scrum methodology [50], [51]. This
sion making. Agile project audit provides assurance and research reviews scrum methodology to come up with the
enables the sponsor to have confidence that the project audit processes. Scrum has five processes such as product
governance is working, the project is being managed as vision, product backlog, release planning, spring backlog
intended and be successfully completed as well as examine and potentially shippable product to customer. Each process
compliance, risk management and internal controls. There are has number of activities which are implemented in iteration
various agile methods such as scrum, eXtreme programming, manner. These processes were also used to identify compo-
Kanban. Auditing agile project has to focus in a nents of the framework and audit process items. The con-
particular agile method because each agile method has dif- ceptual framework in Fig. 3 comprises with the following
ferent processes. This study focused on scrum methodol- components:
ogy which is the commonly used method in agile project • Product vision audit: Audit processes which can be
management [50], [51]. used to audit agile projects are examine the created
product vision [9], establish a steering committee, iden-
7) PHASE 7: VALIDATING THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK tify stakeholders, develop epics (user stories) and user
Validating the conceptual framework used subject matter story acceptance criteria and train the Scrum team and
experts. Agile project management experts from the Univer- stakeholders on agile values and guiding principles [6],
sity of Johannesburg’s Department of Applied Information [14], [18], [20], [25], [33].

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E. Mkoba, C. Marnewick: Conceptual Framework for Auditing Agile Projects

• Product backlog audit: The audit processes examine answering the research questions in relation to auditing agile
developed product requirements, minutes of the meet- projects in the organization. The survey instrument was pre-
ing where product requirements were reviewed and tested to assess content validity, the results were reviewed,
approved and train the Scrum master, Scrum team and and changes were incorporated into the final questionnaire.
stakeholders on product requirements [9], [14], [20], The online survey questionnaire was distributed using conve-
[25], [34]. nience sampling. Only 77 samples were valid and completed
• Release backlog audit: The audit processes examine by IT professionals from South Africa who were involved in
the plan and schedule for multiple sprints and the min- managing and implementing agile projects in the organiza-
utes of the meeting where the length of the iterations tion.
was determined and release plans that were reviewed and
approved [9], [25]. B. RELIABILITY TESTS
• Sprint backlog audit: The audit processes are examine Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to test the reliability
developed sprint requirements, examine minutes of the of the questionnaire and was calculated for the five audit
meeting where sprint requirements were reviewed and processes. The results in table 4 indicate that Cronbach’s
approved, sprint objectives were defined, sprint tasks alpha coefficient was above 0.7, which means that there was
were outlined and estimates were calculated, hold daily internal consistency and good reliability [13].
standups, develop a Scrum team task schedule plan,
change requests for sprint tasks, Scrum board to monitor TABLE 4. Cronbach’s alpha reliability test results.
progress, and examine sprint progress reports, sprint
retrospective reports, product acceptance criteria, burn-
down chart and effective use of the product [9], [34],
• Product audit: The audit processes examine product
deliverables acceptance report, formal working deliv-
erables agreement, project retrospective, project closed
contract and product support and maintenance agree-
ment [9], [14], [25].
• Steering committee: The steering committee is a
project governance mechanism which oversees agile
project progress, provides project support and guidance, V. RESULTS
monitors project performance, controls project imple- The survey results are presented in descriptive analysis and
mentation activities and provides a framework for deci- correlation analysis.
sion making throughout the implementation of the agile
project [6], [18], [32], [33]. A. DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS
• Adherence to agile values and guiding principles: The A total of 77 complete responses were received from IT
Agile Manifesto consists of two components, namely professionals in South Africa, as shown in table 5. A profile
values and guiding principles [5]. In managing and of the respondents indicated that 37.7% were project man-
implementing agile projects, project stakeholders should agers, 15.6% were Scrum developers and 13% were business
adhere to agile values and guiding principles [20]. analysts.

TABLE 5. Respondent profile.

In the literature there are various validation techniques
applied to qualitative and quantitative research methods.
Validation techniques used in qualitative research include
case studies, ethnography, focus groups and interviews.
While quantitative research applied survey questionnaires,
experiments, observations, content analysis. This research
adopted questionnaire as a validation technique because large
amounts of information can be collected from a larger sample
size at a relative low cost. Questionnaire also provides the
same questions to respondents and maintains standardization
in gathering information [15]. The research used a quanti-
tative research method and data were collected through a As illustrated in table 6, most of the respondents had
structured survey questionnaire. The questionnaire aimed at been using an agile approach in managing and implementing

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E. Mkoba, C. Marnewick: Conceptual Framework for Auditing Agile Projects

projects for between 3 and 6 years. Most of the project TABLE 8. Average duration of scrum sprints against average number of
sprints in a release.
managers were involved in managing agile projects in their

TABLE 6. Agile approach in managing and implementing projects.

There are various agile methods used in managing projects.

Scrum (75%) was the most common agile method used by
organizations in South Africa, as shown in Fig. 4. According
to VersionOne [51], 54% of their respondents used Scrum
as a method of managing projects. These results mean that
most organizations worldwide, including South Africa, use
Scrum in managing and implementing projects. However,
more South African organizations (75%) use Scrum as a
method compared to the rest of the world [51].

Table 7 presents the size of the Scrum team against the

average number of sprints in a release. The results indicate
that most of the Scrum teams had between 5 and 10 members.
Scrum teams with between 5 and 10 members could also have
between 5 and 10 sprints in a release.

TABLE 7. Size of scrum team against average number of sprints in a


FIGURE 4. Agile methods used in managing projects.

As illustrated in Fig. 5, most respondents indicated that the

reasons for adopting agile were accelerated software delivery
in their organization (67%), enhanced delivery predictability
(59%) and enhanced ability to manage changing abilities
(54%). On the other hand, reasons for adopting agile were
less about improving engineering discipline (6%), managing
a distributed team (11%) and increasing software maintain-
ability (25%). The reasons for adopting agile for South Africa
The results in table 8 indicate that the average duration of differ from those of the global survey [51], but both surveys
a Scrum sprint was between 8 and 12 weeks. The average have identified reasons for adopting agile.
number of sprints in a release was between 5 and 10 sprints. As shown in Fig. 6, most respondents indicated that the
This means that when the average duration of Scrum sprints benefits of adopting agile were delivery speed/time to market
was between 8 and 12 weeks, the average number of sprints (69%), ability to manage changing priorities (66%), project
in a release was between 5 and 10 sprints. visibility (54%) and business/IT alignment (50%). The results

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E. Mkoba, C. Marnewick: Conceptual Framework for Auditing Agile Projects

FIGURE 5. Reasons for adopting agile.

FIGURE 7. Agile techniques employed.

FIGURE 6. Benefits of adopting agile.

also indicate that the benefits of adopting agile were less

about engineering discipline (7%), managing distributed
teams (9%), reducing project cost (14%) and software quality
(14%). These results show that benefits of adopting agile in
South Africa differ from those of the global survey [51].
As shown in Fig. 7, the common agile techniques employed
in the organizations in South Africa were daily startup
(68%), sprint/iteration planning (67%), retrospectives (61%),
sprint/iteration review (59%) and short iterations (40%).
These results indicate that the agile techniques most
employed in the global and South African organizations
are daily startup, sprint/iteration planning, retrospectives,
sprint/iteration review and short iterations.
The measures in Fig. 8 were used as success criteria to mea-
sure agile project success. The results in Fig. 8 on how organi-
zations measure success of agile projects, respondents indi-
cated that customer/user satisfaction (77%), business value FIGURE 8. Agile project success criteria.

delivered (74%), velocity (68%), planned vs. actual story

release dates (66%) and planned vs. actual stories per iteration These results mean that the most common criteria used to
(66%) were the most measures of agile project success in measure agile project success in South Africa and the rest of
South Africa. the world [51] are customer/user satisfaction, business value

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E. Mkoba, C. Marnewick: Conceptual Framework for Auditing Agile Projects

delivered, velocity, planned vs. actual story release dates and study, measures were designed from the literature review on
planned vs. actual stories per iteration. agile project management and scrum methodology processes.
Agile project success was measured using the weights A 5-point Likert scale ranging from ‘‘Strongly disagree’’ to
in percentage (%) for 22 success criteria against audit pro- ‘‘Strongly agree’’ was used to measure the 46 items. In the
cesses as shown in table 9. These weights (%) were obtained correlation analysis project success was measured using the
from respondents’ perceptions on relationship between agile extent to which the audit processes were implemented better
project success criteria and audit processes (46 items). in managing agile projects. The respondents were asked to
Table 9 results indicated that Customer/ User satisfaction use the most recent agile project that they were involved
(72%) had the highest weight (%) between agile project suc- in. The respondents used the Likert scale to rank the audit
cess criteria and audit processes followed by Revenue/ Sales processes that can be used to audit agile projects. The ranking
impact (49%), Budget Vs. Actual cost (39%), and Individual was done according to the importance of the audit process.
hours per iteration/week (39%). Correlation analysis results are discussed in the following
TABLE 9. Analysis results for agile project success criteria and audit
Table 10 presents the results of the correlation analysis
between product vision audit processes and agile project

TABLE 10. Correlation analysis results for the product vision audit

A Pearson correlation analysis test was performed to deter-
mine whether there was any significant relationship between
the audit processes and agile project success. Cohen [11] sug-
gests guidelines to interpret the relationship values between
0 and 1. According to Pallant [38], these guidelines apply
whether or not the r value is positive or negative. r = 0.100 to
0.290 indicates a small or weak relationship, r = 0.300
to 0.490 indicates a medium or moderate relationship and
r = 0.500 to 1.000 indicates a large or strong relationship.
A correlation analysis test was then performed between the
proposed audit processes and extent to which agile projects
implemented are successful in the organization. These audit
processes were for the product vision, product backlog,
release backlog, sprint backlog and product deliverables of
the scrum methodology. The analysis aimed at determining
whether there was a relationship between agile project suc-
cess and those audit processes. The results for Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) as
The items in each audit process were derived from the shown in table 10 indicated, there was a statistically
literature reviews and scrum methodology processes. In this weak positive relationship between extent to which agile

VOLUME 8, 2020 126469

E. Mkoba, C. Marnewick: Conceptual Framework for Auditing Agile Projects

projects implemented were successful in the organization appropriate epics has a significant role in influencing agile
and the establishment of a steering committee (r = 0.262, project success.
N = 74, p < .05). This finding seems to suggest that the estab- There was no correlation between agile project success and
lishment of a steering committee (as a project governance) audit process for PV1, PV3, PV6 and PV12.
has some positive role in influencing project success. The
finding is in line with findings from a study by [6], [8], [32], 2) PRODUCT BACKLOG AUDIT PROCESSES
[33] which showed that project governance monitor project Table 11 presents the results of the correlation analysis
progress, provided guidance and decision making throughout between product backlog audit processes and agile project
the project. success.
A moderate significant correlation was indicated between
extent to which agile projects implemented were successful TABLE 11. Correlation analysis results for product backlog audit
in the organization and the identification of a Scrum team
(r = 0.315, N = 74, p < .01). This result implies that Scrum
team develops the product and ensures that it is successful
delivered to customer. This finding is consistent with findings
from a study by [14], [20], [25] which indicated that identi-
fication of Scrum team is important in the development of
product. Thus, identification of Scrum team in the product
vision of the scrum methodology influences agile project
There was a statistically moderate positive correlation
between extent to which agile projects implemented were
successful in the organization and conducted training for the
Scrum team and stakeholders on agile values (r = 0.326,
N = 74, p < .01), as well as extent to which agile projects
implemented were successful in the organization and con-
ducted training for the Scrum team and stakeholders on agile
guiding principles (r = 0.385, N = 74, p < 0.1). These
findings align with findings from [14], [20], [34] which
indicated that training scrum team and stakeholders on agile
values and guiding principles is important in agile project
management. These results indicate that emphasis on training
and continuous learning to Scrum team and stakeholders
during the agile project influence project success. The results
of Pearson’s correlation coefficient test on extent to which
agile projects implemented are successful in the organization
and development of epics showed a moderate correlation
(r = 0.319, N = 74, p < .01). This result implies that in the
development of product backlog requirements are gathered
using user stories. These requirements are updated through-
out the product development and are communicated to project
team and stakeholders which have a positive role to play As shown in table 11 there was statistically weak pos-
in influencing project success [2], [9]. A moderate signifi- itive relationship between extent to which agile projects
cant correlation was indicated between extent to which agile implemented were successful in the organization and created
projects implemented are successful in the organization and a product backlog change request (r = 0.271, N = 73,
created user story acceptance criteria (r = 0.478, N = 74, p < .05). This result indicates that creating a product backlog
p < .01). The results show that creation of user story accep- change request is somewhat important in influencing agile
tance criteria have important role to play in influencing agile project success. A weak significant correlation was indi-
project success. cated between extent to which agile projects implemented
There was a statistically significant strong positive rela- were successful in the organization and the establishment
tionship between extent to which agile projects implemented of a product backlog approval document (r = 0.249, N =
were successful in the organization and holding user group 73, p < .05). The product backlog (requirements) are used
meetings to discuss appropriate epics (r = 0.596, N = 74, to develop the product and related deliverables. This find-
p < .01). This result had the highest correlation coeffi- ing aligns with findings from [9], [14], [25] which showed
cient, implying that holding user group meetings to discuss that product backlog requirements are used to develop the

126470 VOLUME 8, 2020

E. Mkoba, C. Marnewick: Conceptual Framework for Auditing Agile Projects

potentially shippable product to customers. These require- There was a weak positive relationship between extent
ments are updated throughout the project requiring to be to which agile projects implemented are successful in the
approved [9]. The findings indicate that the establishment of organization and existence of minutes of the meeting that
a product backlog approval document influence agile project determined the length of the iterations and sprint meetings
success. (r = 0.243, N = 73, p < .01), as well as between extent
There was a weak positive correlations between extent to which agile projects implemented are successful in the
to which agile projects implemented were successful organization and existence of minutes of the meeting that
in the organization and conducted training to a Scrum reviewed and approved the release plan (r = 0.288, N = 73,
master on product requirements (r = 0.271, N = 73, p < .01). This finding was also argued by [9], [25]. These
p < .05), as well as between extent to which agile projects results suggest that existence of minutes of the meeting that
implemented were successful in the organization and con- determined the length of the iterations and sprint meetings,
ducted training to a Scrum team on product requirements as well as existence of minutes of the meeting that reviewed
(r = 0.241, N = 73, p < .05). The results indicate that training and approved the release plan play a positive role in influenc-
a Scrum master and Scrum team on product requirements are ing agile project success.
somewhat important in influencing agile project success. There was no correlation between agile project success and
There was no correlation between agile project success and audit process RP2.
audit process PB1, PB2, PB3, PB6 and PB9.
3) RELEASE BACKLOG AUDIT PROCESSES Table 13 shows that most of the audit processes in the sprint
Table 12 presents the results of the correlation analysis backlog had moderate correlations.
between backlog audit processes and agile project success. Moderate significant correlations were found between
extent to which agile projects implemented are successful
in the organization and agile project success and the devel-
TABLE 12. Correlation analysis results for release backlog audit
opment of sprint requirements documents which are aligned
with the product backlog requirements (r = 0.456, N = 73,
p < .01), existence of minutes of the meeting that reviewed
and approved sprint requirements documents (r = 0.424,
N = 73, p < .01), existence of change requests for sprint tasks
(r = 0.311, N = 73, p < .01), the updating and maintenance
of the product backlog (r = 0.436, N = 73, p < .01), exis-
tence of the minutes of daily standup meetings (r = 0.442,
N = 73, p < .01), a sprint blocks list (r = 0.343,
N = 73, p < .01), existence of a sprint burndown chart to
monitor the progress of the Scrum team (r = 0.446, N = 73,
p < .01) and existence of a sprint retrospective report
(r = 0.459, N = 73, p < .01). This finding is in line
with findings from [9], [25] which indicated that minutes
of daily standup meetings should be documented, to have
sprint blocks list, using a sprint burndown chart to monitor
the progress of the Scrum team. These results indicate that
these audit processes play an important role in influencing
agile project success.
On the other hand, there was a significant weak cor-
relation between extent to which agile projects imple-
mented are successful in the organization and existence of
a signed agreement by the Scrum team to show their com-
Table 12 shows that a moderate significant correlation was mitment to deliver the product requirements to all the sprints
indicated between extent to which agile projects implemented (r = 0.284, N = 73, p < .05). This result implies that the
are successful in the organization and the development of the signed agreement by the Scrum team to show their commit-
release backlog which is aligned with the product backlog ment to deliver the product requirements to all the sprints
(r = 0.382, N = 73, p < .01). This finding is in line with [9] plays a positive role in influencing agile project success.
which indicated that the release planning should be aligned A strong significant correlation was indicated between
with a product backlog. This result implies that the develop- extent to which agile projects implemented are success-
ment of the release backlog which is aligned with the product ful in the organization and existence of minutes of the
backlog has an important role to play in influencing agile sprint planning meeting that defined sprint objectives, out-
project success. lined sprint tasks and calculated estimates (r = 0.524,

VOLUME 8, 2020 126471

E. Mkoba, C. Marnewick: Conceptual Framework for Auditing Agile Projects

TABLE 13. Correlation analysis results for sprint backlog audit processes. N = 73, p < .01). These findings align with the findings
from [9] which indicated that it is important to have min-
utes of the meeting for sprint planning. This result means
that existence of minutes of the sprint planning meeting that
defined sprint objectives, outlined sprint tasks and calculated
estimates has a significant role in influencing agile project
There was no correlation between agile project success and
audit process SB3, SB8.b, SB8.e, SB9, SB11.a and SB11.b.


Table 14 presents correlation results for the product deliver-
ables audit processes.

TABLE 14. Correlation analysis results for product deliverables audit


Table 14 shows that there was a statistically significant

moderate positive relationship between extent to which agile
projects implemented were successful in the organization
and the establishment of a project retrospective (r = 0.454,
N = 73, p < .01), as well as between extent to which agile
projects implemented were successful in the organization and
closed a contract (r = 0.449, N = 73, p < .01). This finding
is in line with the findings from [9], [25] which showed that
contract should be closed at the closure of agile project. These
results indicate that the establishment of a project retrospec-
tive and closed a contract are important in influencing agile
project success and cannot be overlooked.
There was no correlation between agile project success
and audit process PR1, PR2 and PR5. The list of all audit
processes are as shown in Appendix.
Correlation analysis results were then grouped into weak,
moderate and strong relationships, as shown in table 15.
Table 15 presents the top audit processes which can be used
in auditing Scrum agile projects.

126472 VOLUME 8, 2020

E. Mkoba, C. Marnewick: Conceptual Framework for Auditing Agile Projects

TABLE 15. Correlation groups of audit processes. sprint planning meeting that defined sprint objectives, out-
lined sprint tasks and calculated estimates are important audit
processes that influence agile project success. These findings
corroborate those from the studies conducted by Deloitte [14]
and Agnew [3] on auditing agile projects.
The research found that identifying a Scrum master and
stakeholders and training Scrum teams and stakeholders on
agile values and guiding principles are important audit pro-
cesses that influence agile project success. The same find-
ings were highlighted from the studies by Deloitte [14] and
Guerrero et al. [20] which indicated that knowledge of agile
values and guiding principles allows Scrum teams and stake-
holders to have adherence practice throughout agile project
The other key finding is that developed epics (users’
stories), user acceptance criteria and a release backlog
which is aligned with the product backlog are the impor-
tant audit processes in achieving a successful agile project
outcome. These findings corroborate those from studies by
Deloitte [14] and Kim et al. [25] which indicate that devel-
oping user stories and acceptance criteria are the audit
The research also found that the developed sprint require-
ments document, minutes of the meeting that reviewed
and approved the sprint requirements document, change
requests for the sprint tasks and minutes of daily standups
are important audit processes in implementing a success-
ful agile project. These findings were highlighted in the
studies of Deloitte [14], Qasaimeh and Abran [35] and
Newmark et al. [34].
Other research findings are that the sprint blocks list,
burndown chart to monitor the progress of the Scrum team,
the sprint retrospective and the project retrospective are also
important audit processes in achieving a successful agile
project outcome [20], [25], [34].
The research found that the establishment of a steering com-
mittee to oversee the implementation of the project activ-
ities and provide a decision-making framework throughout
the project life cycle is a success factor for the delivery of
projects [6], [18], [33].
VI. DISCUSSION The key research findings are that training for the Scrum
Auditing an IT project identifies project risks earlier, triggers master and Scrum team on product requirements is an impor-
timely corrective actions, improves project performance and tant audit process that influences agile project success. The
increases the chances of delivering a successful IT project product backlog approval document is an important audit
in the organization [23], [32]. The research identified audit process in achieving agile project success. These findings
processes for auditing agile projects which are grouped were highlighted in the study by Deloitte [14] on auditing
into strong, moderate and weak audit processes, as shown agile projects.
in table 15. The research findings are discussed in the The research found that training the Scrum master and
following section. Scrum team on product requirements is an important audit
process in delivering a successful agile project. These find-
A. STRONG AGILE AUDIT PROCESSES ings support those from studies by Guerrero et al. [20] and
The key findings of the research are that user group meet- Newmark et al. [34]. Ensuring that there are minutes of the
ings held to discuss appropriate epics and minutes of the meetings that determined the length of the iterations and

VOLUME 8, 2020 126473

E. Mkoba, C. Marnewick: Conceptual Framework for Auditing Agile Projects

TABLE 16. List of all audit processes for auditing agile project.

FIGURE 9. Audit processes contribute to agile project success.

sprint meetings, and minutes of the meetings that reviewed

and approved the release plan is an important audit process
in achieving a successful agile project outcome. The research
also found that a signed agreement by the Scrum team to
show their commitment to deliver the product requirements
to all the sprints was one of the important audit processes
in agile project success. These findings corroborate those of
Deloitte [14]. The overall audit processes that contribute to
agile project success are as shown in figure 9.
Based on the above findings, the audit processes in the
strong group are very important in achieving a successful
agile project outcome. The audit processes in the moderate
group are important and those in the weak group are some-
what important in agile project success.

The theoretical contribution of this study is firstly that it
provides a conceptual framework for auditing agile projects.
The framework introduces audit processes which have not
been used in auditing agile projects. Secondly, there are lim-
ited studies on how to audit agile projects and auditing agile
projects is a new area of research. Thirdly, none of the project
management best practices and standards has provided guid-
ance on agile project auditing. This study contributes to the
body of knowledge on agile project auditing.
The practical contribution of this study firstly, it provides
a tool on how to audit agile projects using scrum methodol-
ogy. The project management practitioners from both public
and private sector including auditors can use the framework
to audit agile projects to improve success rates of agile
projects. Secondly, this study contributes knowledge to the
agile project management curriculum of the education and
training institutions. These institutions can incorporate the
concept of auditing agile projects in their project management
curriculum to create competent agile project auditors in the IT


This study was limited because of the small sample size (77)
drawn from South Africa. Further research is needed to
collected data globally in a larger sample size. Secondly, various agile methods, and further studies may devise audit
this study focused on the Scrum agile method because it processes for different agile methods. A quantitative method
is the method commonly used in South Africa. There are using a survey questionnaire was used for data collection.

126474 VOLUME 8, 2020

E. Mkoba, C. Marnewick: Conceptual Framework for Auditing Agile Projects

TABLE 16. (Continued.) List of all audit processes for auditing agile framework for auditing agile projects in more countries
worldwide. Further research is also needed to compare the
proposed work and justify performance and needs of work
with recent studies and methods.

See Table 16.

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and Deliver Value to Your Business. Accessed: Dec. 3, 2019. interest of the strategic alignment of IT projects
[Online]. Available: with the vision of the organization. A natural out-
flow of the research is the realization of benefits to the organization through
[42] K. Schwalbe, Information Technology Project Management, 8th ed.
the implementation of IT/IS systems. His research to date has identified
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[43] M. Sagheer, T. Zafar, and M. Sirshar, ‘‘A framework for software quality impediments in the realization of benefits, which is part of a complex system.
assurance using agile methodology,’’ Int. J. Sci. Technol. Res., vol. 4, no. 2, He is also the Head of the Information Technology Project Management
pp. 44–50, 2015. Knowledge and Wisdom Research Cluster. This research cluster focuses on
[44] C. Scharff, ‘‘Guiding global software development projects using scrum research in IT project management and includes governance, auditing and
and agile with quality assurance,’’ in Proc. 24th IEEE-CS Conf. Softw. Eng. assurance, complexity, IT project success, benefits management, sustainabil-
Educ. Training (CSEE&T), Waikiki, HI, USA, May 2011, pp. 274–283, ity, and agile project management.
doi: 10.1109/CSEET.2011.5876097.

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