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American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C (Seminars in Medical Genetics) 145C:346– 356 (2007)


Monosomy 1p36 Deletion Syndrome


Monosomy 1p36 results from a heterozygous deletion of the most distal chromosomal band on the short arm of
chromosome 1. Occurring in 1 in 5,000 live births, monosomy 1p36 is the most common terminal deletion
observed in humans. Monosomy 1p36 is associated with mental retardation, developmental delay, hearing
impairment, seizures, growth impairment, hypotonia, and heart defects. The syndrome is also characterized by
several distinct dysmorphic features, including large anterior fontanels, microcephaly, brachycephaly, deep-set
eyes, flat nose and nasal bridge, and pointed chin. Several genes have been proposed as causative for individual
features of the phenotype. In addition, based upon molecular characterization of subjects with monosomy 1p36,
several mechanisms for the generation and stabilization of terminal deletions have been proposed.
ß 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

KEY WORDS: monosomy; 1p36; deletion; telomere

How to cite this article: Gajecka M, Mackay KL, Shaffer LG. 2007. Monosomy 1p36 deletion syndrome.
Am J Med Genet Part C Semin Med Genet 145C:346–356.

HISTORICAL OVERVIEW (excluding those reported only in patients with unbalanced translocations,
abstract form) was reported by Biegel Shapira et al. [1997] delineated the
Yunis et al. [1981] published a case et al. [1993] in a child with neuro- phenotype of the chromosome 1p36
report of a 4-year-old female with blastoma and congenital anomalies deletion syndrome. Clinical examina-
severe mental retardation and congenital including hypertelorism, a depressed tion of the patients revealed that the most
anomalies including wide fontanels, nasal bridge, high-arched palate and common features of this syndrome were
generalized hypotonia and a grade III/ neurological manifestations including mental retardation, large anterior fonta-
IV systolic murmur. Although banding head lag and hypotonia. Although some nel, motor delay/hypotonia, vision and
analysis showed her karyotype to be a of the patient’s features were consistent hearing problems, seizures, and growth
balanced 45,XX,ter rea(1;21)(p36;p13), with those of the patient described by delay. Patients also had characteristic
the authors suggested that a submicro- Yunis et al. [1981], the authors were not facial features including flat nasal bridge,
scopic deletion of 1p might account for able to define a specific phenotype low-set ears with thickened helices, and
the patient’s clinical features. The first associated with deletion of 1p36. deep-set eyes. The authors also con-
true deletion of chromosome 1p36 In a review of the first 13 patients cluded that, although the facial features
reported with small terminal dele- proposed by Keppler-Noreuil et al.
tions involving chromosome 1p36.22, [1995] as representative of two distinct
Keppler-Noreuil et al. [1995] proposed phenotypes did, in fact, each appear in a
Marzena Gajecka, Ph.D., is an Assistant two distinct phenotypes differentiated proportion of the patients, these facial
Research Professor in the Department
of Health Research and Education at
by growth failure versus macrosomia. features did not separate the patients
Washington State University in Spokane. The authors speculated that the different into two discrete groups. In addi-
Her research focuses on the mechanisms subgroups might be a consequence of tion, fluorescence in situ hybridization
involved in chromosomal rearrangements.
Katherine L. Mackay is a Master’s degree
parental origin or differences in dele- (FISH) and DNA polymorphism analy-
student in Health Policy and Administration tion size. However, this cohort was not sis showed that the deletion sizes among
at Washington State University in Spokane. confined to patients with pure 1p36 patients were variable with a com-
Lisa G. Shaffer is a co-founder and
scientific director at Signature Genomic
deletions; most of the patients had mon minimum region of overlap and
Laboratories, LLC, in Spokane, WA. She is double segmental imbalances owing to that the variability of deletion sizes
also a professor at Washington State Uni- unbalanced translocations. Thus, the might explain the phenotypic variability
versity. Dr. Shaffer received her PhD from the
Medical College of Virginia.
clinical characteristics resulting from among patients with 1p36 deletions.
*Correspondence to: Lisa G. Shaffer, deletion of 1p36 could not be distin- Furthermore, based upon population
Ph.D., Health Research and Education Cen- guished from those caused by imbalance studies of patients ascertained with
ter, Washington State University, Box 1495,
Spokane, WA 99210-1495.
of the other chromosome. deletion of 1p36 among live births
E-mail: By examining 13 patients with iso- in the same geographical area, the
DOI 10.1002/ajmg.c.30154 lated deletions of 1p36 and excluding authors suggested that the incidence of

ß 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


monosomy 1p36 appeared to be 1/ on the maternally derived chromosome and amplifications [reviewed in Shaffer
10,000 [Shapira et al., 1997]. and 40% occur on the paternally derived and Bejjani, 2006]. The primary advant-
In a study of the largest cohort of chromosome [Heilstedt et al., 2003b]. In age of array CGH, compared with
subjects with monosomy 1p36 ascer- a summary of all published studies using FISH, is that the array is capable of
tained to date, Heilstedt et al. [2003b] subtelomeric FISH probes, monosomy simultaneously detecting DNA copy
characterized the deletion sizes in 61 1p36 was the most commonly identified changes at multiple loci over the whole
subjects using a contig of overlapping terminal deletion among the patients genome [Bejjani and Shaffer, 2006]. In
bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) studied [Heilstedt et al., 2003b]. essence, array CGH is a concurrent
clones mapping to the most distal In the past, unfamiliarity with the FISH experiment over hundreds or
10.5 Mb of 1p36. The authors found clinical phenotype of monosomy 1p36 thousands of loci [Bejjani and Shaffer,
pure terminal deletions, interstitial de- may have contributed to a low ascertain- 2006].
letions, derivative chromosomes, and ment rate of patients [Zenker et al., Recently, 1p36 deletions were
more complex rearrangements, with 2002]. Although the majority of identified in a large number of patients
no common breakpoint. The authors reported cases of monosomy 1p36 have through the screening of individuals
been identified through cytogenetic with mental retardation and develop-
analyses, the deletion is difficult to mental disabilities by array CGH
In a study of the largest cohort visualize by routine chromosome [Shaffer et al., 2006]. In this study,
of subjects with monosomy analysis at the 400- to 550-band reso- 1,500 cases were screened using a micro-
lution. Often, it is not possible to detect array designed specifically to identify
1p36 ascertained to date, these deletions with banded karyotypes chromosome abnormalities. In those
characterized the deletion sizes [Riegel et al., 1999; Shaffer, 2005]. 1,500 cases, 84 were chromosomally
Because subtelomere FISH analysis has abnormal and 8 of these (10%) were
in 61 subjects using a contig of increasingly been used in addition to rearrangements of 1p36. More recently,
overlapping BAC clones routine cytogenetic analysis in children
mapping to the most distal with mental retardation [Ravnan et al.,
2006], many more terminal deletions of Recently, 1p36 deletions were
10.5 Mb of 1p36. The authors 1p36 are currently being identified.
identified in a large number of
found pure terminal deletions, However, in cases with interstitial dele-
tions and complex rearrangements, a patients through the screening
interstitial deletions, derivative targeted FISH approach may be neces- of individuals with mental
chromosomes, and more sary [Heilstedt et al., 2003b]. This is
because some subtelomeric probes do retardation and developmental
complex rearrangements, with
not cover regions proximal to the disabilities by array CGH. In
no common breakpoint. subtelomere which are deleted in inter-
stitial deletion cases. For these cases, it is
this study, 1,500 cases were
helpful to perform metaphase FISH with screened using a microarray
also suggested that, because half of their additional probes corresponding to the
patients had had at least one chromo- designed specifically to identify
proximal sequence. In complex rear-
some analysis interpreted as normal rangements, interphase FISH may help chromosome abnormalities.
prior to ascertainment, it was likely that to delineate the complexity of the
monosomy 1p36 was twice as prevalent
In those 1,500 cases, 84 were
rearrangement [Gajecka et al., 2005].
in the general population as previously However, for most cases, array-based chromosomally abnormal
estimated [Heilstedt et al., 2003a]. Their comparative genomic hybridization and 8 of these (10%) were
estimate of the incidence of monosomy (CGH) can be used to define the type
1p36 as 1 in 5,000 live births makes it rearrangements of 1p36.
of rearrangement and the extent of the
the most common terminal deletion imbalances (Fig. 1) [Yu et al., 2003].
observed in humans. Array CGH is a diagnostic tool a study of 8,789 patients studied by array
that merges molecular diagnostics and CGH showed that 1p36 abnormalities
traditional chromosome analysis [Bejjani are one of the most common, with 45 of
Rearrangements of 1p36 resulting in and Shaffer, 2006; Shaffer and Bejjani, 604 abnormal cases involving this region
deletion are observed in 1 in 5,000 2006]. Array CGH detects abnormal- [Shaffer et al., this issue].
live births [Shaffer and Lupski, 2000; ities by comparing DNA content from
Heilstedt et al., 2003a]. Deletions occur two differently labeled genomes [Bejjani
equally in both males and females and and Shaffer, 2006]. It has the ability to
across all ethnicities. Of the 95% of detect any genomic imbalance includ- Monosomy 1p36 is associated with
deletions that are de novo, 60% occur ing deletions, duplications, aneuploidies, mental retardation, developmental delay,

Common craniofacial features include

microcephaly, brachycephaly, deep-set
eyes, flat nose and nasal bridge, and
pointed chin [Shapira et al., 1997;
Slavotinek et al., 1999; Battaglia, 2005].
Among our subjects, for which the
specific features were examined, we
found that large anterior fontanel,
microcephaly, brachycephaly, thickened
ear helices, deep-set eyes, midface hypo-
plasia, flat nasal bridge, pointed chin, and
clinodactyly occurred in over 50% of

Mental retardation of variable degree,
mostly moderate to severe, is present in
all individuals with monosomy 1p36
[Shapira et al., 1997]. Language skills are
commonly delayed in patients with
monosomy 1p36. Although expressive

All subjects have mental

retardation of varying degrees,
mostly moderate to severe, as
assessed with a number
of neuropsychiatric tests
depending on the age of the
Figure 1. Array CGH plots for chromosome 1 from the SignatureChip1 micro-
array analysis showing chromosome abnormalities found in patients with 1p36 deletions. subject. Language skills are
Array CGH data for all of the chromosome 1 BAC clones represented on the microarray
are displayed with the most distal p-arm clone on the left and the most distal q-arm clone commonly delayed in patients
on the right. The blue line is a plot of the data from the first array CGH experiment
(reference Cy5/patient Cy3). The pink line is a plot of the data from the second array with monosomy 1p36.
CGH experiment in which the dyes have been reversed (patient Cy5/reference Cy3).
A: A normal array CGH plot for chromosome 1. B: Chromosome 1 plot from a case
showing a terminal deletion of 1p36 that is 3.4 Mb in size. C: Chromosome 1 plot from language skills are affected in most
a case showing an interstitial deletion of 1p36. The deletion begins about 1.9 Mb from the
telomere and extends approximately 6.3 Mb toward the centromere. [Color figure can be individuals, patients with small deletions
viewed in the online issue, which is available at] and relatively complex speech abilities
have been reported [Battaglia, 2005].
Speech delays were reported in 98% of
our subjects. In addition, 79% of subjects
had seizures; many of these patients were
reported previously and details of their
hearing impairment, seizures, growth physician questionnaire, we have fur- seizure history given [Heilstedt et al.,
impairment, hypotonia, heart defects, ther characterized this syndrome and 2001]. Over 50% of subjects showed
and distinct dysmorphic features (Fig. 2). summarize the clinical findings in hypotonia, feeding difficulties, and oro-
Our laboratory has ascertained 134 Table I. pharyngeal dysphasia. Finally, 55% of
subjects with monosomy 1p36. The subjects had self-abusive behaviors.
clinical characterization of the first Abnormalities found by MRI included
Dysmorphic Features
60 subjects has been previously pub- polymicrogyria, leukoencephalopathy,
lished [Heilstedt et al., 2003b]. Through Monosomy 1p36 is recognized by generalized atrophy, and prominent
the review of medical records and a distinct facial characteristics (Fig. 2). ventricles (Table I).

an abnormality. Cardiomyopathy was

found in 18 subjects, and 44 had a
structural heart defect. Table I lists the

Of the 134 subjects, 59 had

reported cardiac evaluations
that revealed an abnormality.
Cardiomyopathy was found in
18 subjects, and 44 had a
structural heart defect.

type of defect and their relative


Other Features
Features reported in only one published
case include redundant skin on the nape
of the neck [Wang and Chen, 2004],
intestinal malrotation and annular pan-
creas [Minami et al., 2005], congenital
spinal stenosis [Reish et al., 1995],
Figure 2. Facial features of four subjects with deletions of 1p36. Note the mid-face telangiectatic skin lesion and hyper-
hypoplasia, flat nasal bridge, pointed chin, hypertelorism and deep-set eyes. Two different pigmented macules [Keppler-Noreuil
female subjects are shown at age 13 years, 7 months (A) and age 6 years, 5 months (B). The et al., 1995], and polydactyly [Keppler-
same male subject is shown at ages 9 (C) and 15 (D). [Color figure can be viewed in the
online issue, which is available at] Noreuil et al., 1995]. We have found
a substantial number of cases with
gastrointestinal complaints including
constipation, reflux, and general GI
discomfort (Table I).

Auditory and Ophthalmologic Endocrinologic Correlation of the Phenotype

Systems With Deletion Sizes
Two of six individuals examined in our
Complete auditory evaluations, which original cohort of 60 subjects had hypo- It was originally believed that there were
included testing at high frequencies thyroidism and were on thyroid sup- two separate phenotypes, both charac-
(6–8 kHz), were obtained on 52 sub- plementation [Heilstedt et al., 2003b]. teristic of a 1p36 deletion and sharing
jects. Testing was done by auditory Baseline thyroid studies on the remain- some dysmorphic features [Keppler-
brainstem evoked response (ABER) ing subjects showed that four others Noreuil et al., 1995]. The first was
or sound field evaluation. Of these had elevated TSH (thyroid stimulating characterized by impairment of growth
52 subjects, 77% showed hearing defi- hormone) levels with corresponding and heart failure, the second associated
cits, either conductive, sensorineural, or low T4 levels. Although this in- with obesity and physical characteristics
both. formation was not obtained in subjects similar to patients with Prader-Willi
Strabismus was the most common 61–134, perhaps as many as 20% syndrome. Although a single character-
ophthalmologic finding reported in of subjects have hypothyroidism, and istic phenotype of monosomy 1p36 has
our subjects with hypermetropia and thyroid function studies should be a part since been established, it may be possible
myopia occurring in about 40% of of the clinical workup of patients with that different phenotypic subgroups
subjects examined. Visual inattentive- monosomy 1p36. exist relating to the size of the deletion
ness, defined as absence of attentive and location of the deletion breakpoint
visual behavior with fixation and fol- [Keppler-Noreuil et al., 1995]. For
lowing movements, also occurred in Of the 134 subjects, 59 had report- example, a correlation between the
about 40% of subjects. ed cardiac evaluations that revealed severity of the neurological deficit and

TABLE I. Clinical Features Found in Subjects With 1p36 Terminal or Interstitial Deletions

Feature (total subjects examined) Percentage
Dysmorphic features
Large anterior fontanelle 34 (46) 74
Microcephaly 28 (46) 61
Brachycephaly 25 (46) 54
Low hairline 20 (42) 48
Small ears 21 (44) 48
Low-set ears 23 (47) 49
Ear asymmetry 18 (45) 40
Thickened ear helices 26 (45) 58
Synophrys 6 (28) 21
Deep-set eyes 36 (49) 73
Hypertelorism 15 (40) 38
Small palpebral fissures 10 (37) 27
Upslanting palpebral fissures 12 (44) 27
Downslanting palpebral fissures 11 (43) 26
Midface hypoplasia 21 (41) 51
Flat nasal bridge 40 (54) 74
Pointed chin 29 (46) 63
Clinodactyly 27 (45) 60
Mental retardation 39 (41) 95
Developmental delay 67 (67) 100
Speech delay 56 (57) 98
Seizures 44 (56) 79
Epileptic encephalopathy 10 (32) 31
Hypotonia 59 (64) 92
Feeding difficulties 36 (47) 77
Oropharyngeal dysphasia 17 (35) 49
Self-abusive behavior 21 (38) 55
Opthalmologic and audiologic
Hypermetropia 13 (32) 41
Myopia 12 (30) 40
Strabismus 28 (42) 67
Visual inattentiveness 12 (27) 44
Hearing problems 40 (52) 77
Conductive hearing loss 16 (35) 46
Sensorineural hearing loss 19 (33) 58
Constipation 28 (43) 65
Reflux 23 (41) 56
Ulcer 1 (26) 4
Hiatal hernia 2 (26) 8
Discomfort 4 (23) 17
Affected Percentage of subjects with a particular
Feature (total subjects with heart defects) heart defect

Cardiomyopathy 18 (59) 31
Structural congenital heart defects 44 (59) 75
(Continued )

TABLE I. (Continued)

Affected Percentage of subjects with a

Feature (total subjects with heart defects) particular heart defect
Patent foramen ovale 14 (59) 24
Patent ductus arteriosus 16 (59) 27
Ventricular septal defects 17 (59) 29
Atrial septal defect 5 (59) 8
Ebstein anomaly 2 (59) 3
Bicommissural aortic valve 2 (59) 3

Affected Percentage of subjects showing a

Feature (total subjects who had an MRI) particular feature after MRI
MRI abnormalities
Polymicrogyria 10 (50) 20
Leukoencephalopathy 14 (50) 28
Generalized atrophy 9 (50) 18
Prominent ventricles 13 (50) 26

the size of the terminal deletion has been tion size and the number of observed similar clinical findings but had non-
previously proposed [Kurosawa et al., clinical features. Even subjects with overlapping deletions.
In an attempt to demonstrate that CANDIDATE GENES
monosomy 1p36 is consistent with a FOR FEATURES OF
contiguous gene deletion syndrome, we
We found no correlation
performed an analysis of the relationship between the deletion size
between the deletion size and the The distal end of the short arm of
and the number of observed chromosome 1 is very gene rich. Thus,
number of observed clinical features.
clinical features. the number of genes found in this region
make identification of specific genes
In an attempt to demonstrate involved in particular features difficult.
relatively small deletions (<3 Mb) can Even so, a few genes have been impli-
that monosomy 1p36 is present with most of the features asso- cated as potential candidates for some
consistent with a contiguous ciated with monosomy 1p36 (Fig. 3). of the features in patients with 1p36
This finding may support that most deletion.
gene deletion syndrome, we genes associated with the phenotype of
performed an analysis of the monosomy 1p36 are at the distal end of
SKI and Its Candidacy for
relationship between the the chromosome that is deleted for most
Facial Clefting Anomalies
patients [Zenker et al., 2002]. However,
deletion size and the number for certain features (e.g., hearing loss Colmenares et al. [2002] identified the
of observed clinical features. and seizures, Shaffer, LG, unpublished SKI proto-oncogene as likely causing
work), a larger deletion seems to cause the cleft lip/palate seen in 17%
more severe presentations, suggesting of patients with monosomy 1p36
Eight commonly observed clinical fea- that the deletion of additional genes [Heilstedt et al., 2003b]. The SKI gene
tures were chosen: large anterior fonta- located more proximal to the telomere is located in the distal portion of
nel, hearing problems, structural heart may be causative or modifiers of these the monosomy 1p36 critical region.
defects, seizures, hypotonia, feeding features. In contrast, Redon et al. [2005] Although 85% of Ski/ mice had
difficulties, speech delay, and strabismus. suggested that the phenotype associated exencephaly and 15% had midline facial
Mental retardation and developmental with monosomy 1p36 may be caused by clefting abnormalities instead of exen-
delay were excluded because they are a position effect rather than a contiguous cephaly, an enrichment of the facial
present in nearly 100% of cases. We gene deletion syndrome because they clefting phenotype could be obtain-
found no correlation between the dele- reported two cases that exhibited very ed when either 129P2 or Swiss black

Figure 3. The correlation between the deletion size and the number of observed clinical features. A: This theoretical model represents
the correlation between the deletion size and the number of observed clinical features. The assumption is that the larger the deletion, the
more clinical features a patient will have. B: Findings in our study. There is no correlation between the deletion size and the number of
observed clinical features. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

Ski/ mice were backcrossed to 2001]. Clinical information regarding 1p36. Two subjects had craniosynostosis
C57BL/6J mice. After six generations seizures was collected on 24 subjects and the remaining four had large, late-
of backcrossing with C57BL/6J, 78% of with 1p36 deletions; nine subjects with closing anterior fontanels. Comparing
Ski/ mice had facial clefting. The epilepsy were deleted for this gene, and the regions of deletion, duplication, and
clefting phenotype remained variable 13 subjects without epilepsy were not triplication revealed a 1.1 Mb region
ranging from a complete midline cleft deleted for this gene. However, two of triplication overlap in the sub-
face, with or without cleft palate, to subjects who were not deleted for this jects with craniosynostosis. Within this
a relatively mild cleft lip. Thus, gene had at least one seizure episode. region is the matrix metalloproteinase
Colmenares et al. [2002] proposed that Thus, if KCNAB2 is a gene causing 23 gene (MMP23). We demonstrated
a modifier gene(s) is likely influencing epilepsy, it is not the sole determinant of that MMP23 has expression at the
the type of craniofacial abnormality in epilepsy in this syndrome. It is possible cranial sutures, and, because MMP23 is
Ski/ mice. All subjects that show that KCNAB2 serves as a genetic likely involved in bone remodeling, we
cleft lip and/or cleft palate are deleted for modifier to some other gene in the proposed that MMP23 plays a role in
the SKI gene. Because SKI is located in deletion region. It may also be possible regulating closure of the fontanels.
the most distal 2 Mb of 1p, most subjects that KCNAB2 is the primary gene with
are deleted for this gene, but only 17% other genes modifying its contribution Other Genes Implicated in the
show clefting abnormalities. to the occurrence of seizures. Monosomy 1p36 Phenotype
Windpassinger et al. [2002] mapped the
The KCNAB2 Candidate Gene MMP23 and Cranial Suture human gamma-aminobutyric acid A
for Seizures in Monosomy 1p36 Closure in Monosomy 1p36 receptor delta-subunit gene (GABRD)
Mutations in Drosophila genes that Recently, Gajecka et al. [2005] identi- to 1p36.33. Because it encodes a
encode either a potassium channel beta fied two subjects with small terminal gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
or alpha subunit genes cause epilepsy- deletions associated with large duplica- channel, the major inhibitory neuro-
like phenotypes [Stern and Ganetzky, tions and triplications of 1p36. Both transmitter in the mammalian brain, the
1989; Yao and Wu, 1999]. In humans, subjects had craniosynostosis; one with authors suggested GABRD as a candi-
mutations in potassium channel pore- metopic and one with sagittal/coronal date for the neuropsychiatric and neuro-
forming alpha subunits are associated craniosynostosis. Because subjects with developmental abnormalities present in
with inherited epilepsy syndromes, par- deletion of 1p36 have large, late-closing the monosomy 1p36 phenotype.
ticularly benign familial neonatal con- anterior fontanels, and some subjects
vulsions [Zuberi et al., 1999; Eunson with duplication/triplication have cra-
et al., 2000]. Given this evidence, the niosynostosis, we proposed that a gene
potassium channel beta subunit gene, regulating closure of the cranial sutures is Four classes of rearrangements have
KCNAB2, appears to be a possible located in 1p36. We compared the been identified in monosomy 1p36:
candidate for the epilepsy in monosomy regions of deletion, duplication, and/or (1) derivative, unbalanced transloca-
1p36. Mapping of this gene placed it triplication between six patients that had tions, (2) interstitial deletions, (3) appa-
within distal 1p36 [Heilstedt et al., duplications and/or triplications in rently simple terminal truncations, and

(4) complex rearrangements. Derivative, maternal in origin, 41.5% are paternal,

chromosome with normal
unbalanced translocations result in a and 12.2% have an unknown origin. In
chromosome 1 with a deleted segment intervening sequence. contrast, 83.3% of interstitial deletions
of 1p36 (partial monosomy) and a region are maternal in origin. Most maternally
of another chromosome attached to the derived deletions are less than 5 Mb in
distal end of 1p (partial trisomy). Inter- monosomy 1p36 subjects characteriz- size, whereas most paternally derived
stitial deletions are rearrangements that ed by our laboratory, 13 (9.7%) have deletions are larger than 5 Mb (Fig. 4).
result after two breaks occur proximal to pure interstitial deletions; 22 (16.4%)
the telomere, resulting in the retention have unbalanced translocations (deriva-
of 1p36 telomere and the deletion of tive chromosomes); 9 (6.7%) have com-
material proximal to this region. Appa- plex rearrangements including more
rently simple terminal truncations are than one interstitial deletion, duplica-
the least complex of the rearrangements, tions and/or triplications; and 90
in which a portion of 1p36 is lost along (67.2%) have apparently terminal dele-
with the telomere. However, the break- tions. However, an unbiased assessment To date, 15 rearrangements have been
points of many of the apparently simple of 1p36 rearrangements ascertained in a characterized at the DNA sequence level
truncation chromosomes have not been clinical diagnostic setting reveals 7% of in our laboratory [Ballif et al., 2003,
fully characterized and it is expected, rearrangements are unbalanced trans- 2004a,b; Gajecka et al., 2005, 2006a,b].
based on the breakpoints cloned thus far, locations, 29% are interstitial deletions, We identified the precise breakpoint
that many of these simple truncations are 52% are apparently pure terminal dele- junctions in three subjects with appa-
more complex at the sequence level. tions, and 12% are complex rearrange- rently pure terminal deletions of 1p36
Complex rearrangements include dele- ments [Shaffer et al., 2006; Ballif et al., ranging from 2.5–4.25 Mb. Sequencing
tions with duplications, triplications, 2007]. of the breakpoint junctions revealed one
inversions, and/or insertions. There is no common breakpoint deletion to have a simple truncation with
Only 67% of de novo rearrange- location or deletion size in monosomy de novo addition of telomeric repeats
ments are apparently simple terminal 1p36. Although 1p36 breakpoint(s) have (termed telomere healing). Two subjects
truncations at the DNA sequence been found between 0.5 and >10.5 Mb had terminal deletions associated with
level. The remaining 33% of rearrange- from the telomere, we have found at cryptic interrupted inverted duplica-
ments are complex structures including least one cluster of breakpoints for all tions at the ends of the chromosomes.
deletions with interrupted inverted four classes of rearrangements located The major mechanism stabilizing
duplications, large duplications and trip- 4–5 Mb from the 1p telomere. terminal deletions of 1p36 appears to be
lications with small terminal deletions, Of the terminal deletions ascer- breakage-fusion-bridge (BFB) cycles and
or more than one interstitial deletion tained by our laboratory, 46.3% are may result in these terminal deletions
on a single chromosome with normal
intervening sequence. Of the 134

Only 67% of de novo

rearrangements are apparently
simple terminal truncations at
the DNA sequence level.
The remaining 33% of
rearrangements are complex
structures including deletions
with interrupted inverted
duplications, large duplications
and triplications with small Figure 4. Maternal and paternal distributions among cases of 1p36 deletion and
correlation with deletion size. Purple and blue bars show the deletion sizes for maternally
terminal deletions, or and paternally derived deletions, respectively. Purple and blue lines present the trend lines
more than one interstitial for maternally and paternally derived deletions. Note that more paternally derived
deletions are among the largest deletions.
deletion on a single

with inverted interrupted duplications at [Ballif et al., 2004b]. We propose a pre- with duplications and insertions at the
the breakpoints [Ballif et al., 2003]. meiotic model for the formation of these junctions [Gajecka et al., 2006a,b].
Over 60 years ago McClintock deletions in which a terminally deleted The finding of duplications and
chromosome is generated in the germ insertions at the translocation break-
line and passes through at least one BFB points, and no sequence homology,
cycle to produce gametes with terminal supports nonhomologous end joining
The major mechanism deletions associated with interrupted (NHEJ) as a possible mechanism for
stabilizing terminal deletions of inverted duplications prior to break- translocation formation in these cases. In
1p36 appears to be BFB cycles induced replication that result in the NHEJ, two double-strand breaks (DSBs)
acquired telomere. These data also sug- on apparently random chromosome
and may result in these terminal gest that, on a molecular level, seemingly ends can simply ligate together to form
deletions with inverted pure terminal deletions visualized cyto- balanced or unbalanced translocations.
genetically may be more complex than However, because NHEJ often involves
interrupted duplications suspected based on the appearance under the insertion of nucleotide bases at the
at the breakpoints. the light microscope. breakpoint junctions, we have proposed
We recently cloned the breakpoints a mechanism for reciprocal transloca-
in three subjects with unrelated tion formation that is analogous to
[1939, 1941] first demonstrated in maize der(1)t(1;9)(p36;q34) [Gajecka et al., the bacterial model for transposition
that chromosomes that have lost their 2006a,b]. These derivative chromo- [Shapiro, 1979]. In this model, DSBs
telomeres form end-to-end fusions that somes were each inherited from a occur near or at the sites that ultimately
are subsequently broken by passage of balanced translocation carrier parent. become the junctions joining the non-
the newly formed dicentric chromo- We characterized each derivative chro- homologous ends from two chromo-
some through mitosis. The complex mosome 1 at the DNA sequence level somes. The DSBs produce staggered
chromosome structure is derived from and identified the junctions between nicks, each breakpoint separated by the
repeated BFB cycles during each cell 1p36 and 9q34. Using cell lines from nucleotide bases that will be duplicated
division until a stable telomeric cap is the carrier parents of the subjects, the in the rearrangement stabilization/
acquired. junctions at the derivative chromosomes formation. The translin motifs at the
In addition, we found a number of 9 were also analyzed. At the trans- breakpoints promote the end joining of
breakpoints in repetitive DNA [Ballif location junctions we found a number the broken chromosomes. Following
et al., 2004a]. We analyzed the 1p36 of DNA motifs that have been impli- ligation of the broken strands, the
deletion breakpoints at the DNA- cated in DNA breakage and rearrange- unpaired sequences generated by the
sequence level in four subjects with ment. Among these sequences, the staggered nicks are filled in, resulting in
variable-sized deletions of 1p36. All four DNA sequence motif recognized by duplicated sequences at the breakpoint
breakpoints fell within repetitive DNA- translin was found at 4 of 6 breakpoints. junctions [Gajecka et al., 2006b]. Thus, a
sequence elements (LINEs, SINEs, etc). Translin binding sites have been found in variety of mechanisms may be involved
This suggests that repetitive DNA- disproportionately high concentrations in the generation and/or stabilization
sequence elements may play an impor- in or around translocation and dele- of 1p rearrangements; it remains to be
tant role in generating and/or stabilizing tion breakpoint sequences [Abeysinghe determined if the results obtained from
terminal deletions of 1p36. Mechanisms et al., 2003]. Translin has been suggested the research on 1p36 can serve as a model
by which repetitive elements may be to be a binding protein that specifically for other terminal deletions.
involved in the process of terminal targets consensus sequences found at the
deletion formation and stabilization breakpoint junctions of many trans-
include aberrant homologous recombi- locations [Kasai et al., 1997]. We also ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
nation between similar repetitive DNA- found that the breakpoints occurred
sequence elements [Flint et al., 1996; in the high GC-content DNA on We thank Aaron Theisen for his critical
Horsley et al., 2001] and illegitimate both participating chromosomes, cor- editing of the manuscript and Kyle
recombination between repetitive relating with early replication and Sundin for his help with Figure 1
sequences [Katz et al., 1999]. high gene density in the breakpoint (Signature Genomic Laboratories, Spo-
The acquisition of a telomere from regions in these three cases. The break- kane, WA).
another chromosome can occur through point regions were unique in all indi-
a variety of mechanisms (collectively viduals and remarkably, interrupted
termed ‘‘telomere capture’’) [Ballif et al., genes at all six breakpoint sites including
2004b]. Through sequence analysis at three known genes (BACH, SARDH,
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