Bill and Melinda Gates

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Miss Farha

Muhammad Hassan Alvi



G. T. Road, Staff Houses Engineering
University Lahore, Lahore, Punjab 39161
1. What do you think Bill and Melinda Gates’s personality traits are for each of
the Big Five dimensions? Compare the two.

Bills Gates Personality Traits

The Bill Gates personality dimension includes dominance, extraversion and high energy with
determination because he is demanding boss to want more creativity and logical solutions. He
even interrupts the team in presentation to ask Questions. After Microsoft he work too much
for humanity that’s show his high energy.

Adjustment personality dimension

 Traits of emotional stability and self-confidence was in Bill gates because its impossible
to mange such a big business without being emotional stable and from early age he
started work in this field so he has lot of confidence on his leadership and decisions.

Conscientiousness personality dimension

The traits of dependability and integrity was in bill gates he except his team to give them
logical answers and in case study we see the idea must be provided in gates meeting.

Melinda Gates Personality Traits

Agreeableness personality dimension

The traits of sociability and emotional intelligence was too much in Melinda gates. As in case
study she spends her 95% of wealth on other in lifestyle. She was kind and compassionate as
she wants other to take part in decision making. Her foremost decision was to live kids lives as
easy as possible so she left job after first kid.

Openness-to-experience personality dimension

The traits of flexibility and intelligence is also in Melinda gates as she is from middle class
family and reached at the level that many people dream about it. Her intelligence made him
that powerful that 300 people are working under her in Microsoft. She is leader in inside and
outside the home. She is business advisor of bill gates and also a great social worker.

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2. Which of the nine traits of effective leaders would you say has had the greatest
impact on Bill and Melinda Gates’s success? Compare the two.


For Bill it is certainly Intelligence because at the age of 13 he was very intelligent. He started
programming for mainframe computers. While attending Harvard University, Gates developed
a version of the programming language basic for the first microcomputer.


For Melinda it is her sensitivity to others as she has always worked at Microsoft thinking about
the user experience, the human experience. While also being very intelligent it is her empathy
and perspective as a mother which make her a valuable advisor for Bill when he makes
decisions for the foundation.

3. Which motivation would McClelland say was the major need driving Bill and
Melinda Gates to continue to work so hard despite being worth many billions
of dollars?

The major need that drives Bill and Melinda Gates throughout the success is the ‘need for

 They had never been stopped from setting his targets or goals and walking proactively
toward achieving it. About internal locus on control, Bill and Melinda Gates would not
be turned down easily with failure but they tend to keep focused on their wish to
achieve what they wanted.

 Bill Gates had self-confidence in presenting his product. Even when he was 20’s, he did
manage to present his Microsoft Operating System to giant IBM and was accepted as
well. Although Microsoft had come across many lawsuit against the firm, he still
confident that he is doing the right decision for himself and the firm.

 On the other hand, Bill and Melinda Gates are vision and goals oriented. Their goals
are realistic and within the margin of achievement. This continuous need for
achievement drives them through all their days. Even from the text, we can conclude
that both Bill and Melinda did not stop setting their goals

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4. Do Bill and Melinda Gates have an LMP? Compare the two.

Firstly, LMP stands for Leader Motive Profile. In my opinion, Bill gates don’t have LMP. - Gates don’t have a
high need on power, because Gates gave his CEO position to Steve Ballmer. And bill gates still runs Microsoft
with his current title of chairman and chief software architect. Gates still provides strong leadership but now
focuses more on software development, with Ballmer focusing on managing Microsoft. If Bill Gated is a LMP,
for sure he wants the power more than everything and he won’t give his CEO title to anyone

Melinda has an LMP. She has a high need for power and achievement and is higher need for affiliation than Bill.
She held AIDS babies with dirty pants and comforted patients when she visited Mother Teresa’s Home for the
Dying in India. She has more influence than Bill when it comes to investing their assets in philanthropic projects.

5. What type of self-concept do Bill and Melinda Gates have, and how does it
affect their success?

Bill Gates:

 High self-esteem:
 Started his career in his early age of 13.
 High self-confidence: believes in having the ability to success in
 Discipline: wants employees to be on time to his “Bill Meetings”.
 Willing to patiently adopt + learn new things + make it into
 Set and achieve goals; acts as a role model for the family and
 Gates self-concept makes him a world’s wealthiest person and a
great leader as well.

Melinda Gates:

 Has business mindset and confidence from the young

 Believes in herself and leadership skill.
 Has well-rounded knowledge, be compassionate to
achieve success
 Be persistent, determined to conquer goals.

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6. Is Bill Gates ethical in business at Microsoft? Which level of moral
development is he on?

In Bill Gates life, He is much more ethical in term of handling employees. He gives them what they
needs and he gives them their part as well. Bill Gates gives a small part of his shares in tends of bonus
to his employees, so that they will work more hard to increase the share price which will help them to
increase their income too. In such ways Bill Gates can be said is an ethical person. Bill Gates is an
undisputed leader and pioneer of the "information age"
A lot of people say that Bill Gates is wrong in his ways of getting rich with a monopoly. He sells large
quantities of products cheaply so that everyone is “hooked” and then raises the prices. If a competitor
comes along, he just lowers them until they are gone. He has always been smarter than his
competition. When Microsoft was created, his dream was “to have a computer on every desk and
home, all running windows and Microsoft software.” He is very close to reaching that goal. It was
ruled that Microsoft was a monopoly and was supposed to divide into two companies. Nothing ever
happened, though, and no restrictions were set. Really, he is not doing anything illegal, but his way of
business is seeming to be slightly unethical when the question of “is monopoly right?” arises among
the players in the industry as well as the Department of Justice.

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