Zaki Narayan Satria - 1209619049 - Research Component

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Group 2:

1. Raihan Triwafi Purwantori (1209619013)

2. Winda Sukma Ardhianti (1209619040)
3. Yusuf Andika (1209619034)
4. Zaki Narayan Satria (1209619049)

Research Component
“The Symbolic Representation of Hijab in Indonesia:
A Critical Discourse Analysis”
Chapter 1

Background of Study
The author conveys about the definition of the concept which is hijab which she
quoted from several people. In the Muslim belief system, the word hijab originally comes
from Arabic and means obstruction to cover their head over their chests with a piece of cloth
that is seen as a symbol of Muslim women`s compliance with Islamic religious orders.
After conveying the definition of the concept, the author presents the previous
research that is relevant with the study. Here, the writer takes the previous research of Who
wears the Hijab? Predictors of Veiling in Greater Jakarta by Ariane Utomo, Anna
Reimondos, Peter McDonald, Iwu Utomo and Terence Hull that examined a representative
sample of 1,443 Muslim women between the ages of 20 to 34 in Greater Jakarta in 2010 with
approximately 26% of women surveyed wore headscarves. Then, the other research that used
is Hijabers: How young urban Muslim women redefine themselves in Indonesia by Annisa R.
Beta from National University of Singapore.
Next, the corpus justification of this study examines the construction of the voice of
authors of scientific articles in internationally renowned journals in order to redefine the
Indonesian headscarf that focuses on languages in use through two different author's
perspectives. Last but not least, the theories that the author uses for this study are Halliday’s
Transitivity System and Martin and White’s Appraisal analysis.
Research Question

1. How does Who wears the Hijab? Predictors of Veiling in Greater Jakarta (2018) by
Ariane Utomo, Anna Reimondos, Peter McDonald, Iwu Utomon and Terence Hull
represent hijab in Indonesia?
2. How does the Hijabers: How young urban Muslim women redefine themselves in
Indonesia (2014) by Annisa R. Beta represent hijab in Indonesia?
3. How do the students of universities in Jakarta (Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Universitas
Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Trisakti)
respond to the symbolic representation of hijab in Indonesia?

Purpose of The Study

The study author states that there are 3 purposes that this study serves, they are:
1. The author’s representation of hijab in each of their article.
The author of the study used two different journal articles to be analyzed, in the first
purpose of study the author aims to acknowledge and analyze the representation that both
articles writer define towards the hijab, providing the most basic background information for
the readers before reading even further into the study.
2. The stance of the author of each article about the shifted definition of hijab in
In the second purpose of study, the stance of each writer of the articles is explored,
given the vast opposing view towards the hijab, it is important to acknowledge which side the
author is taking to avoid bias.
3. To evaluate the students’ responds on hijab in Indonesia whether they are in the form
of Dominant-Hegemonic, Negotiated or Oppositional.
This last purpose of study aims to evaluate students’ response on hijab in Indonesia,
the study author also defined three different kinds of view on hijab, making it easier to group
the different response.

Scope of The Study

The study is focused on the two journals mentioned beforehand, Who wears the
Hijab? Predictors of Veiling in Greater Jakarta by Ariane Utomo, Anna Reimondos, Peter
McDonald, Iwu Utomon and Terence Hull (2018) and Hijabers: How young urban Muslim
women redefine themselves in Indonesia Annisa R. Beta (2014). The author of the study used
these two journal articles to enrich the study by showing a different perspective towards
hijab. It is specifically chosen because it is published by a reputable international journal,
making the study more of a valid one. The author also believed that the two articles are
different in their own way, one limit its study to hijab representatives to only Jakarta and its
greater area while the other one include the whole nation, but limit its research to only the
hijabers community, these differences are believed to enhance the quality of the study.

Limitation of The Study

This study focuses on the community's perspective on Hijab in Indonesia. The researcher is
also honest with his limitations in writing his research study.

Significances of The Study

The author of this study hopes that his study can be a reference for studies on hijab in
Indonesia. And in this study, it is hoped that it can increase readers' awareness if academic
texts are not neutral.

Strength and Weakness

Strength :
- The Researcher uses various research data to support every explanation in this
- The uses of verbs in the questions are not ambiguous and it relates to the study
- The researcher show the specific issue that will be elaborated further in the paper
- At the significances of the studies, the author can elaborated on why this paper is
important to them who reads the paper.

Weakness :
- There are some grammatical errors in the writing and some ambiguous words that can
be replace with the better word
- there are some inconsistency in the writing, such as writing the name of university.
sometimes the researchers use Indonesian name, and sometimes she use english name
of it.

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