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Warren Rance
PO Box 655
Teak in Tanzania
Olivier Monteuuis I. Overview of the context
TA 10/C
Campus international de Baillarguet
34398 Montpellier Cedex 5

This paper reports on

the main teak stands currently
existing in Tanzania, based on
information obtained directly on
the sites visited throughout the
country and also gathered from
published accounts. The private
Kilombero Valley Teak Co. Ltd.
(KVTC) teak planting project, due
to its particular characteristics, is
discussed more extensively in a
second (following) paper (Bekker
et al., 2003).

Photo 1:
A 37-year-old Plus Tree in the Longuza provenance trial.
Photo O. Monteuuis.

Warren Rance,
Olivier Monteuuis



Le teck (Tectona grandis) a été initia- Teak (Tectona grandis) was first intro- La teca (Tectona grandis) la introduje-
lement introduit en Tanzanie à la fin duced into Tanzania by the Germans ron los alemanes por primera vez en
du XIX e siècle, par les Allemands, in the late 19th century through seeds Tanzania a finales del s. XIX, en forma
sous forme de graines provenant de originating from the Calcutta region de semillas procedentes de la región
la région de Calcutta, en Inde. Jusqu’à of India. This first introduction was de Calcuta (India). Hasta la primera
la première guerre mondiale, d’autres completed by other provenances guerra mundial, la base genética ini-
provenances de graines du Sud de from South India until the First World cial se fue enriqueciendo con otras
l’Inde ont enrichi la base génétique War. Unfortunately, no further intro- procedencias de semillas del sur de la
originelle. Il a ensuite fallu attendre ductions and only little planting took India. Posteriormente, hubo que
1965, avec la mise en place du fameux place subsequently until the estab- esperar hasta 1965, con la implanta-
test de provenances de Longuza, lishment in 1965 of the internationally ción del famoso test de procedencias
connu sur le plan international, pour renowned Longuza provenance trial, de Longuza, conocido internacional-
l’introduction de nouvelles origines. which has been noticeably depleted mente, para que se introdujeran nue-
Plusieurs origines ont disparu à ce since then. This paper reviews the vos orígenes. Actualmente, algunos
jour. Cet article renseigne sur la situa- status of the existing teak stands orígenes ya han desaparecido. Este
tion des parcelles de tecks existant mainly monitored by the Tanzanian artículo informa sobre la situación de
actuellement en Tanzanie. Celles-ci National Tree Seed Programme, which las parcelas de tecas que existen en
sont principalement gérées par le set up the Kiroka teak clonal seed la actualidad en Tanzania. Dichas par-
programme national tanzanien de orchard in the rural district of Moro- celas están gestionadas principal-
graines d’arbres forestiers, qui a mis goro in 1996. Most of the teak stands mente por el programa nacional tan-
en place en 1996 le verger à graines in Tanzania are found in the foothills zano de semillas de árboles
clonal de teck de Kiroka, dans le dis- of the eastern mountain ranges and forestales, que estableció en 1996 la
trict de Morogoro. La plupart des in well drained low-lying areas of suf- huerta de semillas clonales de teca
plantations de tecks en Tanzanie se ficient rainfall inland where the condi- de Kiroka, en el distrito de Morogoro.
trouvent au pied des collines de la tions are suitable for teak. The private La mayoría de las plantaciones de
chaîne montagneuse de l’est du pays Kilombero Valley teak planting proj- teca en Tanzania se encuentran al pie
ainsi que dans les plaines bien drai- ect, due to its particular characteris- de las colinas de la cadena monta-
nées de l’intérieur qui ont une pluvio- tics, constitutes the topic of a special ñosa del este del país y en las llanu-
sité suffisante, où les conditions envi- joint paper. ras bien drenadas del interior con
ronnementales conviennent au teck. suficiente pluviosidad, en las que las
Du fait de ses particularités, le projet Keywords: teak, adaptability, origin, condiciones medioambientales son
privé de plantations de tecks de la planting, stand, Tanzania. favorables para la teca. Debido a sus
vallée du Kilombero (Kilombero Valley peculiaridades, el proyecto privado
Teak Co. Ltd ou KVTC, en abrégé) a de plantaciones de tecas del valle del
fait l’objet d’un article spécial. Kilombero (Kilombero Valley Teak Co.
Ltd o KVTC, en siglas) fue objeto de
Mots-clés : teck, adaptabilité, ori- un artículo especial.
gine, plantation, parcelle, Tanzanie.
Palabras clave: teca, adaptabilidad,
origen, plantación, parcela, Tanzania.


Teak (Tectona grandis) is cur-

rently the most prized high-value tim-
ber due to its technological characte-
ristics as well as the durability and the
aesthetic value of its wood. This attrac-
tiveness accounted for teak plantation
establishment, which started some
150 or even 400-600 years ago (intro-
duction into Java) outside of its native
countries, which are limited to Laos,
Thailand, Myanmar (ex Burma) and
India (White, 1991).
Teak was first introduced into
Tanzania by the Germans in the late
19th century, more precisely in the Dar
Es Salaam and Mhoro sites in 1898
(Malende, Temu, 1990), through
seeds originating from the Calcutta
region of India (Madoffe, Maghembe,
1988; Mtika, 1996). This first intro-
duction was completed by other
provenances from South India 1
(Travancore, Kerala State) and
Myanmar (Burma at that time) until
the First World War (Wood, 1967). 2
Unfortunately, no further introduc-
tions and only little planting took
place subsequently until 1950-1960.
Sites suitable for teak in
Tanzania are found in the foothills of
the eastern mountain ranges and in
well drained low-lying areas of high
rainfall inland. KVTC
Although Wood’s inventory
(1967) made in the mid 1960’s indi-
cated four main seed stands in
Kihuhwi, Bigwa (“Holy ghost Mission
plantation”), Mtibwa and the Rau
Forest Reserve, the National Tree Seed
Programme seems to concentrate its
activities on teak genetic resources on
the following sites: Kihuhwi, Longuza
(provenance trial), Mtibwa (stand),
Kiroka, Longuza Forest Reserve and
Mtibwa Forest Reserve.

Figure 1.
Physical map of Tanzania showing the approximate location of Kihuhwi, the
Longuza stands (1), the Mtibwa stand and the Kiroka clonal seed orchard (2), the
Nambiga teak trial plot and the KVTC project (KVTC).

Kihuhwi stand: latitude 5°12’ S;
longitude 38°39’ E; altitude: 257 m;
annual rainfall: 1 307 mm; date of
establishment: 1906-1910; seed ori-
gin: South Myanmar (Tennasserim),
South India (Travancore, Kerala State)
and possibly others.
19.4 ha of the initial area of
26.3 ha have been converted into
seed stands with a current density of
200 trees/ha, under the management
of the National Tree Seed Project.
Seeds are currently collected in bulk
and all progenies are mixed from the
ground. Superior trees, unevenly dis-
tributed, can be used as Candidate Plus
trees for clonal plantations, or indivi-
dual seed collection, provided that the Photo 2:
poorest ones are culled in order to The Longuza provenance trial.
reduce contamination by pollen from Photo O. Monteuuis.
trees of inferior genetic quality.

Longuza Since that time, the plots have gain from superior individuals,
been intensively thinned. According unevenly distributed. The latter could
Longuza provenance trial (pho- to Mr Singo, Head of the Morogoro also be used as Candidate Plus Trees
tos 1 and 2): latitude 4°55’ S; longi- Zonal Tree Seed Centre, who accom- for clonal plantations.
tude 38°40’ E; altitude: 180 m; annual panied us during the visit, most of the
rainfall: 1 500 mm. remaining trees are from Coimbatore
The Longuza provenance trial, provenance – which no longer exists.
established in 1965, has gained an Some of these trees displayed supe- Kiroka
international reputation due to the rior features that may warrant their
scientific paper published by selection as Candidate Plus trees for The Kiroka clonal seed orchard
Madoffe and Maghembe (1988), who clonal propagation (some showed (photo 3) was established in 1996 in
observed after 17 years that: epicormic shoots which may help for the rural district of Morogoro: latitude
▪ “All provenances grew remarkably this purpose) or as seed producers, 6°44’S, longitude 37° 45’E, altitude
well and gave yields comparable to provided that relevant measures such 300 m, annual rainfall: 872 mm. 32 of
site quality I and II reported in the as roguing can be taken. the best trees of the Coimbatore prove-
literature for India, Central America nance set up in the Longuza prove-
and the Caribbean” – the situation nance were selected then clonally
has changed since then, especially in Mtibwa propagated by grafting to be planted
Costa Rica where intensive teak according to a suitable layout at a
culture systems have developed Mtibwa stand: latitude 6°00’S; spacing of 7 x 7 m (200-210 trees/ha)
lately, resulting in high growth rates, longitude 37°40’E; altitude: 457 m; on 10 ha. The aim is to produce large
at least in the first stages. annual rainfall: 1 205 mm; date of quantities of genetically improved
▪ “Both stem straightness and self establishment: 1961 from local seed seeds with the additional option of
pruning were satisfactory for all sources, Bigwa and possibly others producing clones through cuttings for
provenances”. according to Wood (1967). clonal plantations (Mtika, 1996). Some
▪ “Buttressing, forking and fluting The current density of this 80 ha of the 6-year-old grafts were already
were rare to non-existent”. seed stand is 266 trees/ha. More flowering and bearing fruits.
▪ The local seed sources (currently intensive thinning should reduce con- According to Malende and Temu
used by the Kilombero Valley planting tamination by pollen from undesi- (1990) the largest teak plantation areas
project) scored on average the best rable trees of inferior quality in order in Tanzania some 15 years ago were the
results and had the best rankings. to give more space and maximize the Longuza and Mtibwa forest reserves.

Photo 3:
Kiroka clonal seed orchard.
Photo O. Monteuuis.

Mtibwa Forest
Reser ve Additional stand
Longuza Forest
Reser ve Mtibwa Forest Reserve: latitude In addition, the Nambiga teak
6°8’S; longitude 37°39’E; altitude: plot (photo 4) planted in 1962 further
460m; annual rainfall: 1 166 mm. southwest than the above-mentioned
Longuza Forest Reserve: lati- Plantation by age classes started in teak locations, although less docu-
tude 5°02 to 5°10’S; longitude 38°40’ 1961 and is documented until 1967 mented, is worth mentioning as it
to 38°43’E; altitude: 150 m; annual (Wood, 1967). At that time the total may be a good reference for the pri-
rainfall: 1 770 mm. The plantations area amounted to 430 ha, with an vate KVTC planting project located
were set up by age classes, using annual planting target of 80 ha to nearby, whose particular characte-
mostly Kihuhwi seed source, begin- reach around 1 240 ha in 1987 ristics constitute the topic of a special
ning in 1958 (Wood, 1967) and con- (Malende, Temu, 1990). The plantation joint paper. It derived most likely from
tinuing until 1992 (Moshi, 2000) was established mainly with seeds the same local Tanzanian seed source
when planting was stopped due to from Mtibwa, Bigwa and Trinidad, pre- which gave rise to healthy and good-
insufficient funding. The annual plant- sumed to be of Tennasserim (South performing trees overall, especially in
ing target was 120 ha in 1968, with a Myanmar) provenance (Wood, 1967) terms of height and diameter. This
total area amounting to 240 ha at origins. Predictions (Malende, Temu, small stand, no larger than 1 to 2 ha
that time. Today the plantation area 1990) established that given these con- at most, appears quite uniform over-
covers 1 709 ha. The mean annual ditions, a rotation age of 60 years is all, although some individuals look
increment (MAI) is estimated to be adequate with a maximum MAI of superior in particular with respect to
10 m3/ha/year and the total standing about 14 m3/ha/year, and will yield clear bole length and straightness in
volume is estimated to be 417 m3 with approximately 600 m3 of wood/ha, of the absence of flutes at the base.
a density of 300 trees/ha to be ulti- which 400 m 3 should be millable Flute formation, which can already be
mately lowered to 250 trees/ha. (veneer logs and sawlogs). reliably assessed at this age, was

observed to be much less pro- BEKKER C., RANCE W., MONTEUUIS MOSHI E. Z., 2000. Longuza Forest
nounced than in teak stands visited in O., 2003. Teak in Tanzania: the Kilom- Management briefing note. National
other countries. Surprisingly, at this bero Valley Teak Co. Ltd. Project. Bois Tree Seed Programme of Tanzania,
age, branching did not seem to be a et Forêts des Tropiques, 279 : 11-21. 6 p.
noticeable handicap. Self pruning MADOFFE S. S., MAGHEMBE J. A., WHITE K. J., 1991. Teak: some aspects
seemed to work well (it is highly 1988. Performance of teak (Tectona of research and development. FAO
unlikely that the branches had been grandis L. f.) provenances seventeen Regional Office for Asia and the
removed artificially) giving rise to tall, years after planting at Longuza, Tan- Pacific (RAPA), publication 1991/17,
branchless, clear boles. Even in the zania. Silv. Genet. 37, 5-6, 175-178. 53 p.
crown, branch diameter appeared to
be quite acceptable for teak. MALENDE Y. H., TEMU A. B., 1990. WOOD P. J., 1967. Teak planting in
Site-index curves and volume growth Tanzania. In: Proceedings of the
of teak (Tectona grandis) at Mtibwa, “World symposium on man-made
Tanzania. Forest Ecology Manage- forests and their industrial impor-
Acknowledgements ment 31, 91-99. tance”, Canberra, Australia, 14-25
Our sincere thanks go to Mr Kombo MTIKA J., 1996. Teak (Tectona gran- April 1967. FAO Section II silviculture,
Singo and Mr John Mtika from the dis) clonal seed orchard in Kiroka, 1 631-1 643.
National Tree Seed Programme of Morogoro district. Field Establish-
Tanzania for the time they spent with ment Report 18, National Tree Seed
us and for the quality of the informa- Programme of Tanzania, 7 p.
tion kindly provided.

Photo 4:
Nambiga teak plot.
Photo O. Monteuuis.

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