Be Going To For Future Intentions Predictions Grammar Drills Information Gap Activities 88001

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1. Investiga sobre el sigiente tema: “BE GOING TO” – FUTURE. Escribe una explicación
del tema con ejemplos.
2. Resuelve el siguiente ejercicio

PREDICTIONS: What is going to happen? INTENTIONS: What are they going to do?

Complete the gaps with the “be going to” future. Write (P) for predictions or (I) for intentions in the circles.

1. She is going to go 2. I _____________ 3. He ____________ 4. We____________ 5. She___________

to the beach. ________________ ________________ _____________our ________________a
a delicious cake. and spill the coffee. holidays in Spain. car accident.

6. He____________ 7. I _____________ 8. It _____________ 9. She ___________ 10. He ___________

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________
for work again. now. cats and dogs. her friend Nancy. himself again.



11. He ___________ 12. They__________ 13. I _____________ 14. We___________ 15. The dog _______
________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ___________ some
when he sees you. a house for us. this delicious meal. lots of presents. more bones here.

16. I _____________ 17. He ___________ 18. She __________ 19. He ___________ 20. We___________
________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________
my piggy bank. all his stuff. a few pills. his ex-girlfriend. this race.
3. Investiga y escribe sobre el siguiente tema: Future simple – WILL
4. Resuelve el siguiente ejercicio.

What will happen in the future ?

Three English teenagers share their thoughts on what they think will happen in the future.

Hi, my name is Steve, I’m Hi, I’m Mike, I’m 14

15 years old and I live in years old and I live in
London. I think that great Manchester, in the U.K.
things will happen in the I think the world will
future. It will be like a look very different in
science-fiction film but the future. I think that
only better because it will we will improve space
be real! travel and we will discover a lot of new
I think we will invent flying cars, so there planets. I also think that we will build many
won’t be long traffic jams any more. We will spaceships and maybe even low-cost
also have different types of flying cars, some companies like Ryanair will run a space shuttle
will fly from country to country and some will service to the moon! I mean, if Richard
take us to visit other planets! So instead of Branson and Virgin Airlines can offer space
going for a Sunday drive with my parents in travel for the wealthy and famous then why
the countryside, we’ll go for a drive to the not Ryanair offering cheap flights to Mars?
We’ll also invent time-machines, so we will Of course, with all these space travels, I
travel back and forward through time. think we will meet extra-terrestrials and they
Hello, my name is Lisa, I’m will come and live on our planet. Who knows,
14 years old and I live in maybe in 50 years some of my neighbours will
Newcastle, in the north of come from another planet.
England. I think the future
will bring lots of I also think that we will go and live on other
technological advances. I planets. When there are no more natural
think we will all have our resources left on Earth, it will be necessary
own personal robots at home so we won’t have to look for them on other planets.
to do the washing up, the ironing and all the
other household chores.
I think there will be special robots to go to
the supermarket to buy all the groceries and
transport them home, where of course they
will also do all the cooking!
We will speak at least five different
languages and we won’t learn them, we’ll be
born that way! School exams will never be the
same; we will have clones to send in to do our
exams while we stay at home in bed!
I also think we will see great improvements in
medicine. We will find a cure for cancer and
for all other illnesses and we will all live 150
What will happen in the future ?

A) Read the text and fill in the following table (Lee el texto y llena la siguiente
table en inglés):

People Ideas for the future

B) What do you think? Are these things possible? Talk! (Escribe lo que
piensas que pasará en el future sobre los siguientes temas)

Flying cars Time-machines To live on other planets

Personal robots Clones To live 150 years

Cheap space travels to other planets To meet aliens

5. Lee enseguida sobre MODAL VERBS y resuelve el ejerciccio.

6. to Modal Verbs

7. Verbs are auxiliary verbs. They are used with other verbs to express ability,
permission, obligation, possibility, giving advice, offering, inviting … (Los verbos modales son
verbos auxiliaries para expresar habilidad, permiso, obligación, dar consejos, ofrecer, inviter,

Complete the sentences with the correct modal:
CAN used to express ability. 1. Before you step into the street, you ____ look right and
left for traffic.
can swim very well.
I can’t play this game. It’s too complicated. a. can c would
14. b. must d shouldn’t
2. You _____ ride your bike on the pavement.
15. a. can’t c. wouldn’t
and May are used to ask for or give b. can d. may
permission. May is also used to express 3. You ______ be listening to music while you’re pedalling.
17. . a. can c. must
b. shouldn’t d. may
18.I leave earlier today? 4. You _____ keep your ears open for cars.
No, you may not leave earlier today. a. should c. wouldn’t
You can’t drive my car because you’re 16.
19. b. must d. may
I may go away for a few weeks.
MUST 5.………………. you ride a bike safely? I’m not sure.
a. Can c. Must
Must is used to express obligation,
b. Shouldn’t d. May
You21. ride
must stop when the lights are red.
6.If you ride safely, I ____ let you ride your bike by also used to express prohibition,
Must yourself.
You mustn’t cross the road now. a. would c. shouldn’t
23. b. may d. should
SHOULD – SHOULDN’T 7. When you ride a bike, you ____ signal before
24. turns and lane changes.
Should is used to give advice or to tell people a.shouldn’t c. must
something is/ isn’t a good thing to do b. would d. mustn’t
26. 8. You ______ forget to put on a helmet.
You’re coughing a lot. You should stop a. mustn’t b. should
27. b. wouldn’t c. can
You shouldn’t ride your bicycle at night
9. ______ you use the front and rear brakes well?
without lights. It’s dangerous.
28. a. Should c. Can
WOULD b. Must d. Would
29. is used to offer something or invite,
Would 10. ________you like to ride my bike now?
Would you like a cup of coffee? a. Can c. Should
b. Would d. May
Would is also used in conditional sentences.
11. I I were you, I _____ buy a new bicycle. Yours is too old!
If I had enough time, I would do that. a. would c. wouldn’t
b. should d. must

12. Carol ____ win the first prize. She’s been training a lot!
a. shouldn’t c. may
b. would d. can’t


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