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Train The Trainer workshop

Shashank M Vaidya

The Objectives
To give an overview of the complete training process. To enable you to carry out effective training designs. To understand the requirements of an effective presentation To understand the need of evaluating effectiveness of training. To discuss the method of evaluating training effectiveness.

Benefits to You
Personal growth and development, both in technical and soft skill domain Greater success in your role as a trainer for spreading the Goal setting culture in Toyo

Like many skills, training is both a science and an art Warning--It is possible that I may not follow all that I may tell blame it to experience!

Why Training?
Training is required if and only if the following conditions are met
People need to perform a task. They do not have the knowledge, skill or the attitude to perform the task.

The aim of any training is to fill this gap.

Can you think of any other cause for training?

Over view of the training process

Training need identification Training design Preparation for training Administrative arrangements for training Training delivery Assessing effectiveness

Training need
We should know what job an individual or a group need to perform (Job description) We should know how the individual or the group are currently performing the job(Assessment) We need to identify the gap in performance We should ensure that the gap is not due to factors other than lack of knowledge, skill or attitude!

Training need
Design training intervention if these conditions are met With this approach, the training design and delivery shall be focused on the correct issue and expectations! Often, as in the present case, the training need is obvious and/or expressed by the managers What other causes could exist for under performance?

Other causes
Training is not the only solution to a performance problem. Can you think of other alternatives?
Information Authority

Motivation Job aids

Role clarity


Why Design?
Imagine what will happen without training design? Waste of time , effort and money Success will be only by chance. Even if the training is successful, there will be no objective evidence. There will be no record for further improvement.
If you do not know where you are going, the direction does not matter!

How to Design.
Begin with the end in mind. First lay down the objectives of the training program. Break down the objective in three aspects of competence-- Knowledge, Skill and Attitude. Review if similar training has been designed in the past.

The Three aspects

Knowledge what the trainees will know at the end of the program. Skills. What the trainees will be able to do. Attitude. What attitude the trainees will exhibit at the end of the program.

K, S & A
Which of the three elements has the greatest impact on performance? Which of these elements is the easiest to improve? and the most difficult? Rank the three elements in order of priority for the role of manager!

For satisfying the training need on each aspect, different methods are found appropriate & useful. What would be the preferred methods for each of the elements? Knowledge? Skills? Attitude?


It is important to know the way human beings and Specially adults learn.

How We Retain Information?

According to research, on an average we retain: 10% of what we read. 20% of what we hear. 30% of what we see. 50% of what we hear & see. 70% of what we say. 90% of what we say as we do.

How will you use this information in designing Training programmes?

How Adults Learn?

Receive information. Try to place (associate) the information received in the context of their existing knowledge / information, experience or beliefs. Accept what matches with current perception. Reject what contradicts. Unless the new information is supplemented by a new experience, strong enough to over write the belief held by them Case studies, group discussions and interactive training are therefore more effective with adult learners.

Other Elements
Faculty. Participant profile/ requirements. Timeline. Venue Making effective presentation Handouts / reading material. Method of assessing effectiveness.

The single most important element. In the present context it is YOU! Must have: Knowledge of subject Communication skills Attitude of training / teaching Focus on objectives Ability to overcome failures

Participant Profile
It is desirable to have uniform entry level Must be given a clear idea of the learning objectives Learning objectives should be clarified and where possible mutually agreed It is an advantage if the trainer gets to know as much about the participants as possible How will you ensure that entry level is uniform? What will you do if entry level is not uniform?

The venue should be such that there are no distractions and inconveniences. Ensure that the seating arrangement is appropriate for the group size and the nature of presentation To enable the trainer to reach out to each participant, a U shaped seating is recommended Check the equipment well in advance

Setting the rules

About adhering to time / punctuality Preventing / minimizing disruptions [cell phones] About asking questions About hand outs and making notes About pre & post tests and assignments

Conducting the session

Ensure that the subjects are covered in a logical sequence. As far as possible put attitude moulding subjects ahead of others. Carefully assess the time required for each subject / session It is advisable to mix subjects with rigid and flexible time requirements Do not impose longer sessions and same faculty on the audience

How to make it interactive?

Introduction and ice breakers Give opportunity to participants to express their expectations Techniques of questioning Ask open ended question Ask overhead question first before directing it to an individual

Role plays

Tips for effective presentation

There is no substitute to thorough preparation. Typically the preparation to presentation time ratio is 10:1 Beginners MUST rehearse and must know the slide sequence Do not read the slides Do not speak to the slides, look at the audience. Maintain eye contact Move around in a relaxed manner , do not stay rooted to one place

Effective presentation
Tell them what you will tell them, then tell them what you want to tell them and end it be telling them what you have told them! Let the participants know upfront what is in it for them? Make use of the following to make it interesting
Examples Quotes Case study Graphics Survey / research findings

How to handle questions?

These are signs of participation hence welcome Acknowledge a good question Trainer has the following option Answer immediately Hold for a moment until you complete the current point Defer the question to the appropriate section of the presentation, remember to address it as promised! Refuse only if in irrelevant or digressing

What if you dont know?

No trainer knows everything, dont get nervous about a tough question If the question is a matter of opinion, express your opinion If it is a matter of fact, admit your inability to answer and promise to revert by a specific time After this, may divert the question to others for a possible opinion It is also acceptable if instead of the facts , reference to the source of the fact / answer is given!

To train for skills

What we need to do is learnt best by doing! The following supporting activities are required for learning skills:
Case study followed by discussion Demonstration by the trainer Assignment [during or after the session] Role play Practice Management games [most relevant for attitude]

To mould attitudes
Our attitudes are the result of our unique past experience Change in attitude can come about by
new/different AND powerful experience, followed by internalizing learning from the same Correcting false thinking about past experiences

Some props for changing attitude

Powerful examples Role modeling Powerful and appealing argument Day to day experience is much more powerful in moulding attitudes than one off training program

These are useful for reinforcing the input Generally for a later reading and reference Copy of the PowerPoint presentation could be useful Different trainers prefer to provide handout before, during or after the presentation. Each has pros and cons. What are these? Copy of slides with adjacent space for taking notes is found useful by many

Assessing Effectiveness
Kirkpatrick's four level assessment model.
Level 1: trainee satisfaction Level 2: trainees learning Level 3: transfer of learning Level 4: organizational benefits

Level1: Feedback
Aspects to include:
Meeting expectations Change in Knowledge / Skill/Attitude About the faculty Recommendation About logistics

Use a mix of numerical rating and open ended questions

Higher level feedback

Pre and post training quiz Assignments Demonstration of skill acquired Feedback from participants and their manager after some time Special effectiveness study / surveys Calculating ROI = [quantified benefits / total cost]

Competence of a trainer
Of the subject matter Of a wide ranging peripheral subjects [well read]

Verbal Communication [command over language] Logical sequencing of thoughts and ideas Engaging audience Handling questions

Respect for individuals Belief in impact of training Self discipline

Begin with the science, practice, practice again and again till you graduate to the art!

let us discuss!

Using the given template, create a training design for:
This train the trainer program Proposed KRA workshop by the champions

Prepare a feedback form for obtaining Level 1 feedback for a typical training program in Toyo Work in 4 group. Each group to make a presentation on their work

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