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Important Principles of life in the light of Surah Qaaf (50)

Submitted By: Usama Ehsan Butt Roll No:22-11226 Section: M

Submitted To: Ms Zaneera Azam Course: ISLM 101 Date: 11/04/2022
1. Introduction:
Quran is revealed upon mankind as a source of guidance. The Holy Quran presents mankind with
comprehensive injunctions to live one’s life in a balanced way. These injunctions range from
matters of daily conduct to matters of the spirit and the hereafter. These Surahs are primarily
divided in Makki and Madni Surahs. Surah Qaaf is a Makki Surah which deals with the matters
of resurrection and the hereafter. It is comprised of 45 verses which are divded into three Rukus.
The Surah is believed by the scholars to be revealed between 613 – 615 AD in Makkah.

2. Major Theme(s):
The dominant theme of the Surah is the Day of Judgment. It extrapolates on this theme through
the motif of resurrection throughout the Surah. It is explained how the disbelievers questioned
the logic of resurrection and how the Surah was revealed to address their disbelief. The Surah
furnishes its arguments by mentioning the destruction of the people of the previous prophets due
their doubt in the Day of Judgment. It is stated that mankind is not left to roam the Earth without
any accountability; and that there will be accountability on the day when every soul is
resurrected to answer for its deeds. The Surah warns the disbelievers that Allah is closer than
their jugular vein and the Angels are transcribing their every single deed to hold the mankind

3. Three Important Principles of Life in Surah Qaaf:

The Surah is a reminder to the mankind to be vigilant of their deeds as they will be held
accountable to their actions ultimately. Furthermore, mankind is reminded of the proximity of
Allah and His angels to their souls and actions so they may fear the consequences. Among the
multitude of life lessons presented by the Surah I have chosen the following three for the essay:

Openness towards change:

The Surah is a prime example of how bigotry and non-acceptance of change can lead to decay of
social values and the stagnation of cultural evolution. Thereby, when a prophet was chosen for
the people of Makkah to educate them about the consequences of their actions, he was derided
and treated with disbelief and disrespect. This attitude was chastised in this Surah. Therefore, one
must open one’s heart towards positive change no matter where it comes from within the society.
Rejecting a change because it is proposed by someone younger, or lower class individual or
someone an individual does not agree with is not acceptable. This is derived from the following

“But they wonder that there has come to them a warner from among themselves,
and the disbelievers say, This is an amazing thing.” (50:02)
The Surah reminds the mankind that they will be held accountable for every single action when
they will be resurrected from their graves on the day of the judgment. This is an important life
lesson as we are often more worried about the consequences of our action in this world as
compared to the actions in the hereafter, when it should be the other way round. Since, life in this
world is temporary one’s focus must be on the balance of deed that one takes with oneself in the
hereafter. Thereby, the realization that we will be held accountable for all our actions can help us
lead a more virtuous life. Verse # 03 of this Surah reads thus:

“When we have died and have become dust, [we will return to life]? That is a distant
return.” (50:03)

Allah’s proximity:
One of the most beautiful and empowering lessons that one may take from this Surah is the close
proximity that a person shares with Allah without ones realization. Once this realization is made,
one may lead a life that is honorable. Since, one starts to disdain the wrong doings, when one
realizes that he is in the noble company of Allah himself:

“And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We
are closer to him than [his] jugular vein” (50:16)

4. Conclusion:
The Surah is a strong reminder to be watchful of one’s deeds since any of their doings will not
go to waste as all mankind will be measured ultimately against their deeds in this world on the
Day of Judgment. This empowers the individual to be control of one’s life and perform as many
virtuous deeds as possible to ensure a good place in the eternal life in the hereafter.

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