WM3 Manual

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2 Index

32bit µ-Processor based power quality analyser with
modular housing for Plug and Play modules
FW rev. 12
Instruction manual: INDEX

TO BEGIN WITH ................................................................ 5

■ The main programming parameters .......................... 5
■ Front panel description ............................................. 6
■ Display adjustment .................................................... 6
DISPLAYING OF THE VARIABLES ................................... 7
■ Page “00”, starting page ........................................... 7
■ How to scroll the display pages ................................ 8
■ How the F key changes function depending on the
display page .............................................................. 8
❏ Pages from “00” to “13”: displaying of the variables ... 8
❏ Pages from “14” to “18”: displaying of the MIN
and MAX values ................................................. 8
❏ Pages from “19” to “24”: displaying of the
harmonic analysis .............................................. 9
❏ Displaying of the Energy meters ....................... 10
❏ Page “25”: displaying of the total energy meters ......... 10
❏ Page “26”: displaying of the partial energies .... 10
❏ Page “27”: displaying of the instrument’s configuration 11
❏ Displaying with access to the pass code .......... 11
❏ Pass “1000”: displaying of the recorded events 11
❏ Pass “999”: energy consumption storage ......... 12
LET’S START ................................................................. 13
■ Main menu .............................................................. 13
■ Changing the password .......................................... 14
■ Electrical system ..................................................... 14
■ CT ratio ................................................................. 15
■ VT ratio ................................................................. 16
■ Display page ........................................................... 16
How to use the symbols

Index 3
■ MIN MAX values ..................................................... 17
■ Selecting the events ................................................ 18
■ Average values calculation .................................... 19
ENERGY METERS MANAGEMENT ................................ 22
■ Access to the management menu of the energy meters .... 22
❏ Single tariff management .................................. 22
❏ Dual tariff Management: whole year ................. 22
❏ Programming of the holidays period ................. 25
❏ Multi-tariff management of the energy meters ..... 27
❏ Reset of the energy meters .............................. 28
OUTPUTS / OTHER SETTINGS ...................................... 29
■ Displaying of the harmonics .................................... 29
■ Clock setting ........................................................... 30
■ Digital outputs ......................................................... 30
❏ Pulse output ...................................................... 31
❏ Alarms ............................................................... 32
❏ Diagnostics ....................................................... 34
❏ Remote control ................................................. 34
■ Analogue outputs .................................................... 35
■ Serial outputs .......................................................... 36
■ Digital filter .............................................................. 37
■ Language ................................................................ 37
USEFUL INFORMATION .................................................. 38
■ What is ASY? .......................................................... 41
INSTALLATION ................................................................ 41
■ Preliminary operations ............................................ 43
■ Before mounting the modules ................................. 43
■ Overall dimensions and panel cutout ...................... 45
■ Mounting ................................................................. 45
■ Position of the slots and relevant modules ............. 46
■ Available modules ................................................... 46
❏ Analogue output modules ................................. 46
❏ Digital output modules ...................................... 48
❏ Other input/output modules .............................. 48
❏ Power supply modules ..................................... 49
■ Connections of optional modules ............................ 49

Displaying of the variables


2 4
4 Index
❏ V/mA single analogue outputs .......................... 49
❏ V/mA dual analogue outputs ............................. 49
❏ Relay output ..................................................... 50
❏ Open collector output ....................................... 50
❏ Digital inputs ..................................................... 50
❏ RS485 serial output .......................................... 51
ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS ............................................... 52
■ Electrical connection diagrams ............................... 52
❏ Three-phase connection, Balanced load .......... 52
❏ 4-wire three-phase connection, unbalanced load 53
❏ 3-wire, three-phase Aron connection , ..................
unbalanced load ................................................ 54
❏ Single-phase connection .................................. 55
TECHNICAL FEATURES ................................................. 56
■ General features ..................................................... 56
■ Input specifications ................................................. 56
■ Over-load protection ............................................... 58
■ Key-pad ................................................................. 58
■ Output specifications ............................................... 58
■ Software functions .................................................. 61
■ Harmonic distortion analysis ................................... 62
■ Energy Management ............................................... 63
■ Power supply specifications .................................... 64
■ General specifications ............................................. 64


Go to the page where the previous main

subject is described.

Go to the page where the next main subject

is described.

Go to the page where the subject written

on the top of the current page starts.

Front panel description


To begin with 5
▲ Go to the page where the subject written
on the bottom of the current page starts.

This symbol indicates a particularly important

subject or information.

This symbol indicates that more details are

given on the current subject.

We suggest you to keep the original pack-

ing in case it is necessary to return the
instrument to our Technical Service De-
partment. In order to achieve the best results
with your instrument, we recommend you
to read this instruction manual carefully.

■ Main programming parameters

• Programming of the password
• Selection of the electrical system
• Programming of the CT ratio (up to 30,000 A)
• Programming of the VT ratio (up to 600kV)
• Selection of the variables for the MIN / MAX detection
• Programming of the calculation of the integration time period
• Tariff management
• Harmonic analysis enabling
• Clock adjustment (if present)
• Programming of the pulse output (if present)
• Programming of the serial and analogue outputs (if present)
• Programming of the digital filter.

Index Displaying of the harmonic analysis

2 9

6 To begin with
■ Front panel description
Exit from the menu and
cancel the choice you
have made.
It allows you to access
some functions relating
to the displayed

Scroll to the
previous page.

Access to programming Scroll to the

or settings’ confirmation. next page.

Alphanumeric indication by means of a 7-segment

graphic LCD (128 x 64 dpi):
• of the programming parameters;
• of the measured variables;
• Total number of energy meters: 4 (9 digits);
partial number of energy meters: 48 (6 digits);
• time periods: 4 programmable within 24 hours
• Programmable seasons: 3 within 12 months

■ Display contrast adjustment

In order to get the best readability of the display, hold the keys
and pressed simultaneously, until the desired read-
ability is reached; the adjustment is cyclical.

The contrast can be adjusted only during the

measuring phase (from page 00 to page 27).

Scroll the display pages


Displaying of the variables 7
■ Page “00”, Starting page
When the instrument is switched on, the main page of
variable displaying is shown. This first page, called page "00",
is the only one configurable by the user who can choose the
variables to be displayed in the 4 displaying areas. In all the
other pages (up to 27 depending on the instrument configura-
tion), the type of variables displayed in the four displaying
areas is automatically selected and cannot be changed. In the
table on page 41 you can see the contents of all the pages that
can be displayed by WM3-96.

Measured variables


Number of the
displayed page

The bottom part of the display, where the status of the digital
outputs is indicated, is common to all the pages. If the outputs
are not present, only an empty black rectangular frame is
shown; if the outputs are present, the display will show a letter
followed by a number. Four different letters may appear:
"P" Indicates a pulse output.
"A" Indicates an alarm output. In this case the letter can be
white in a black background to indicate that the output is
in alarm, or black in a white background to indicate that the
output is not in alarm.
"D" Indicates a diagnostic output. This is a particular type of
alarm that is activated when the neutral wire connection is
missing. The alarm is active when the background is
black, while the alarm is not active when the background
is white.
"R" Remote control is activated (see Remote Control on page
The number that follows the letter is the progressive number
of the output (from 1 to 4).

To begin with Pass 999

5 12

8 Displaying of the variables
■ How to scroll the various pages
To scroll the various pages, use the and keys.
Pressing the key in any one of the display pages,
you access to the programming phase. The key,
on the contrary, has various functions depending on
the selected page.

■ How the F key changes function depending on

the display page
❑ Pages from "00" to "13" (04 in single phase mode)
Displaying of the variables
key enabled if the alarm latch function is activated,
access to the reset of the latch alarms.
To reset the latch alarm press the key; after that a
message will appear "WILL YOU RESET THE LATCH
ALARMS?": if you choose you will enable the reset
procedure, if you choose there won’t be any reset. The
reset of the latch alarm is only available if the alarm event
is finished.
❑ Pages from "14" to "18" (from 05 to 09 in single phase
mode). Displaying of the MIN and MAX values
The key is active, that means that you have access to the
reset function of the “MIN” and “MAX” values. To reset the
"MIN/MAX" recording, proceed as follows: enter the
function by pressing the key, after that a message will
YOU CONTINUE?" If you choose there won’t be any
reset, if you choose the reset will not be made. The
(moves from left to right) and (moves from right to left)
keys allow you to select the value that you want to reset;
to confirm the reset press the key. To exit the function
press the key again.

Index Energy meter pages

3 10

7 12
Displaying of the variables 9
❑ Pages from "19" to "24" (10 to 11 in single phase mode)
Displaying of the harmonic analysis
When the instrument is supplied, these pages are not enabled, see
page 29 to enable them.The key is active, access to the detailed
analysis of the harmonics. After pressing the key, a pointer
appears along the horizontal axis (see figures below). To display the
data relating to the single harmonics move along the histogram using
the (moves from left to right) and (moves from right to left)
keys. For each harmonic the instrument measures the % value with
reference to the fundamental and the single harmonic angle between
the "V" harmonic and the "A" harmonic of the same order.
Line phase being measured
(L1-L2-L3) and relevant
voltage or current value

Total harmonic distortion and

relevant value in percentage
Harmonic order (h1 to h50) of the
phase being measured (L1-L2-
L3) and relevant absolute current
or voltage value of the harmonic.

The pointer Harmonic order (from h1 to h50),

shows which relevant conventional sign (– or +)
harmonic is and value of the harmonic given in
being measured percentage.

Phase angle between the voltage and current harmonic of the

same order: a phase angle between 0° and 90° and between
270° and 360° corresponds to a generated harmonic; an angle
between 90° and 180° and between 180° and 270° corre-
sponds to an imported harmonic.

Page 00 Access to the main menu

7 13

7 12
10 Displaying of the variables

Harmonics: 270° 90°
This angle is displayed only if the measurements
are taken in a three-phase system with neutral.

❑ Pages relating to the energy meters

❑ Page "25" (12 in single phase mode)
Displaying of the total energy meters
key disabled.
❑ Page "26" (13 in single phase mode)
Displaying of partial energies
key is active; modification of tariff/displayed period.
By pressing the key for the first time, the range
relating to the season is highlighted. By using the and
keys, it's possible to change the season displayed in
that page. Pressing the key another time, the range
relating to the period is highlighted. Using the and
keys, it's possible to change the tariff period within the
displayed season. Pressing the key for the third time,
you go back to the measuring page. The changes of
season and tariff period only refer to the displaying of the
values stored in the corresponding season and period.

The changes carried out in this page do not have

any influence on the method of tariff management
of the instrument; they are only valid for display

To begin with Pass 999

5 12

7 12
Displaying of the variables 11
❑ Page “27” (14 in single phase mode)
Displaying of instrument configuration
key disabled. Page 27 shows the configuration of the main
input (IN) and output (OUT) modules.

Pulse outputs
Digital inputs.
The letters and numbers between parenthesis are referred to
the relevant slot, while the text on their right shows the variable
referred to the output. With reference to the digital inputs
(DIG.INP.), the ON/OFF status of each one of them is shown.

❑ Displaying with access to the Pass Code

❑ Pass "1000": displaying of recorded events
(Only if the RS232+RTC module is present)
Press the key: when the instrument asks you for the pass
code , set the value "1000"; if the RS232+RTC
module is present, the instrument shows you the page where
the events are displayed and where the instrument stores, in
a chronological order, the alarms that have occurred until that
moment. To go back to the variable page press the key.
The last event has always the number 1 while the number
corresponding to the first event varies, depending on the
number of events that have been previously stored. The figure
on the following page explains you the meaning of the dis-
played information.

Harmonic analysis CT ratio

9 15

7 12
12 Displaying of the variables
Control type: Only for alarms and diag-
alarm (e.g. A2), nostics: detection of the
diagnostics (e.g. D1), abnormal condition (ON)
maximum value (MAX), or return to the normal con-
minimum value (MIN). dition (OFF).

Variable being

Alarms: value of
the ON alarm;
Max and MIN log-
ging: maximum
and minimum
Date of the Time of the measured values.
event. event.

To reset all the events press the key, to continue the reset
procedure press the key: to exit from the reset procedure
press the key.

❑ Pass "999": energy consumption storage (Only if the

RS232+RTC module is present)
The RS232+RTC module allows also the storage of the energy
consumption of the previous two months. To enter this func-
tion, press the key: when the instrument asks for the pass
code , set the value "999": the instrument
shows you the page where all the information are stored.

Page 00 System
7 14

Let’s start 13
Use the and keys to show the partial values, to
exit press the key.

It is very important to verify that, every

time the configuration of the instrument
(modules and/or associated variables,
electrical systems, etc.) changes, the
setting of the parameters is according
to the new configuration.

■ Access to the main menu

Press the key to access to the
programming menus from the
measuring and displaying phase;
when the instrument asks for it, enter
the correct password value by means
of the and keys; then confirm
it pressing the key again. If the
password is correct (the default
password is 0) you are allowed to
1.2.. access to the main menu of the
..2.1 programming phase. To reset your
choice and go back to the measuring
mode, press .

MENU title

Scroll bar


Instrument revision Serial number

Pass 1000 Min/Max values

11 17

14 Let’s start

■ Changing the password

This function allows you to choose
the desired password value (from 0
to 500).
Press the key and when the
new password value is required,
enter the desired value by means of
the and keys.
The instrument goes back to the
main menu, as shown on the figure
on the left. To reset your choices and
go back to the main menu press .

■ System
This function allows the user to se-
lect the type of electrical system by
choosing among single phase (1-
phase), balanced three-phase plus
neutral (3+N phases bal.), unbal-
anced three-phase plus neutral
(3+N phases unbal), three-phase
balanced (3 phases bal) and three-
phase unbalanced (3 phases unbal).
Choose the SYSTEM function by
means of the and keys,
press to confirm; then select the
Measure desired system by means of the
and keys and confirm with .

Harmonic analysis VT ratio

9 16

13 21
Let’s start 15
To reset the choice and go back to
the main menu, press the key.

Changing the type of system, all the MIN/MAX

values, the events and the partial energy meters
are reset.

■ CT ratio
This function allows you to select the
value of the CT ratio. Example: if the
primary of the CT (current trans-
former) being connected is 300A and
the secondary is 5A, the CT ratio
corresponds to 60 (obtained from the
calculation: 300/5). Choose the func-
tion CT RATIO by means of the
and keys; press to confirm,
1.2.. then select the desired value by
means of the and keys
and confirm with . To reset the
choice and go back to the main
menu, press .

Note that when the CT ratio is changed all the

MIN/MAX values, the events and the partial
energy meters are reset.

Energy meters Average power calculation

10 19

13 21
16 Let’s start

■ VT ratio
This function allows the user to se-
lect the multiplier value of the VT.
Example: if the primary of the VT
(voltage transformer) being con-
nected is 20kV and the secondary
is 100V, the VT ratio will be 200
(given by 20000/100). If there is no
VT, the ratio will be “1.0”.
Choose the function VT RATIO by
..2.1 means of and ; to confirm
press ; then select the desired
value by the and keys and
confirm with . To reset your
choice and go back to the main
menu, press .

Changing the VT ratio, all the MIN/MAX values,

all events and partial energy meters are reset.

■ Display page
This function allows you to select the
variables to be displayed on page
00. Choose the DISPLAY PAGE
function by means of the and
keys; press to confirm, then
select the desired section of the dis-
play using the and keys;

Pass 1000 Event selection

11 18

13 21
Let’s start 17
Press ; select the variable to be
displayed by means of the and
keys and confirm it with .
To reset your choices and go back
to the main menu press .


This function allows the user to as-
sociate some variables to the auto-
matic recording of maximum values
(from MAX1 to MAX12) and mini-
mum values (from MIN1 to MIN8).
To use this function, proceed as fol-
lows: select the MIN MAX VALUES
function using the and keys
and confirm it with .
A new window will appear showing
you the list of available memory lo-
cations: select the locations using
the and keys, starting from
MAX1 for the maximum values and
MIN1 for the minimum values. Press
to open the secondary menu
with the list of the available variables
to be selected.

CT ratio Average power calculation

15 21

13 21
18 Let’s start
Scroll the list of the variables using
the and keys; once you
have selected the desired variable,
confirm it using . To reset your
choices and go back to the main
menu, press .
Once you have con-
firmed the selection,
the following message
will appear: “YOUR CHOICE WILL
CONTINUE? YES/NO”. Note: to en-
able the MIN/MAX recording func-
tion, read carefully the following para-

■ Selecting the events

This function allows the user to en-
able the events for data logging:
• MAX (logging of up to 12 different
variables MAX1 to MAX12), see also:
• MIN (logging of up to 8 different
variables MIN1 to MIN8), see also
• D ”diagnostics” (logging of up to 4
alarms: from D1 to D4), see also:
• R “remote control” (up to 4 remotely
controllable outputs: from R1 to R4),
• A "alarms" (logging of up to 4
alarms: from A1 to A4), see also:

CT ratio Synchronization
15 20

13 21
Let’s start 19
To use this function, select “EVENTS
SELECT.” from the main menu us-
ing the and keys and con-
firm it pressing . Use the and
keys to select where you want
to enable the event (ON) or disable
it (OFF). The function of the ON-
OFF-ON key is cyclical. To go back
to the main menu press .

■ Average power calculation

This function allows to select the cal-
culation method of the W-VA-cosϕ
average value.
To enter these functions, select “AV-
main menu by means of the and
keys and confirm the selection
pressing the key.
You can now choose the average
calculation method, that is you can
choose between FIXED and FLOAT
SELECTION using the and
keys. Confirm your choice using the
key. Then, you can set the inte-
1.2.. gration time period; again, use the
and keys to set the de-
sired value and confirm it with .
To reset your choices and go back
to the main menu, press .

Min / Max values Energy Meters Management

17 23

13 21
20 Let’s start

FIXED SELECTION: if, e.g., you set this value at

15 minutes, the instrument calculates and up-
dates the average of the variables (W-VA-PF)
every 15 minutes.
FLOAT SELECTION: if, e.g., you set this value at 15 min-
utes, the instrument at first calculates and updates the
average of the variable (W-VA-PF) after 15 minutes and then
every minute (fixed time).
See the diagram that shows the different operating methods
(FIXED and FLOAT) on the following page.


The synchronization of the FIXED or FLOAT calculation can
be carried out in three different ways:
• without the DIGITAL INPUT and RS232 + RTC modules:
the reset and the beginning of the synchronization is carried
out as soon as the instrument is powered on;
• with the installed DIGITAL INPUT module:
the synchronization begins when the digital input modules
change state (from ON to OFF or from OFF to ON). Any
following change of state will make the synchronization reset
and start all over again;
• with the RS232+RTC module:
the synchronization begins at the exact hour that follows the
switch on of the instrument (E.g.: if the instrument is switched
on at 10:25, the synchronization begins at 11:00).

In case both modules are installed (that is

digital inputs and RS232+RTC) the priority
will be given to the Digital Input modules.

CT ratio Energy Meters Management

15 22

13 21
Let’s start 21

Where: Pmax is the maximum measured power

Pc is the contractual power,
t1 is the selected average period


Average power calculation Holiday period

19 25

22 Energy Meters Management
■ Access to the Energy
Meters Management Menu
This function allows you to choose
the type of management of the en-
ergy meters. Select “ENERGY ME-
TERS” from the main menu by
means of the and keys;
confirm with to access the spe-
cific secondary menu.

❑ Single tariff
This function sets the Energy meters
according to a single tariff which is
the same for the whole year.
Select SINGLE TARIFF by means of
the and keys and confirm
your choice with .

When you change the type of management, and

after the choice is confirmed, the instrument re-
sets the meters and a buzzer sounds.

❑ Dual tariff management of the meters: whole year

This selection manages the energy meters with two different
tariffs per day and two periods per year. Select DUAL TARIFF
from the energy meters menu by means of the and
keys and confirm with . Select WHOLE YEAR and confirm
with to enter the relevant menu; now you can enter the
programming of the daily period as follows:
1- press : the first box (trf=tariff) is highlighted;
2- press again: the TARIFF box will appear on the lower
part of the display; now you can choose the tariff (from 1 to 4,
e.g.: 1) by means of the and keys;

Min/Max values Energy Meters Management

17 24

Energy Meters Management 23
3- press the key again; the “end-
tariff” hour is highlighted;
4- press the key again; the
HOURS box will appear on the lower
part of the display; now you can
choose the hours - e.g. 8 - by means
of the and keys.
5- press the key again; the “end
tariff” minutes will be highlighted;
6-press the key again: the MIN-
UTES box will appear on the lower
part of the display; now you can set
the minutes - e.g. 10 - by means of the
and and keys.
7-after the confirmation of the last set-
ting, press and you are back to the
selection of the first "trf" parameter
you have highlighted.
..2.1 The “starting hour” of the following line
becomes equal to the “end hour” you
have just selected. Only when the “trf”
..2.1 parameter is highlighted, you can scroll
the parameters and modify them:
use the key to access to the
1.2.. parameter; use the key to move
from left to right and the key to
move from right to left.
8- Press to exit the programming
of the parameters of the relevant row
(no boxes are to be highlighted);
9- press and to select one
Proceed with the same of the other programming lines; the
principle for the follow- pointer on the right shows the line
ing rows. To exit any where the user can modify the pa-
item use always . rameters (points from 1 to 7).

Diagrams Reset of the energy meters

21 28

22 28
24 Energy Meters Management
a) the day can be divided into up to 8
different periods connected to up to 4
different tariffs according to the following
working principle:
22 2
trf1 1
20 4 + kWh Imported active energy
- kWh Exported active energy
18 6
+ kvarh Imported reactive energy
16 8 - kvarh Exported reactive energy
14 10

The measured energy (partial energy) is placed in TARIFF

1 when the time period is from midnight to e.g. 8:00am, in
TARIFF 2 when the time period is from 8:00a.m. to 08:00p.m.
and again in TARIFF1 when the time period is from 08:00p.m.
to midnight. The total measured energy is the result of the
sum of all the partial measures as shown in the figure below:

+ kWh 1
- kWh
trf1 24
22 2 + kvarh
trf1 T
20 4 - kvarh + kWh
- kWh
18 6
+ kvarh
16 8 + kWh - kvarh
14 10 - kWh
12 trf2 + kvarh
- kvarh 2

b) the starting point of the first time period is always 24:00

(midnight) and cannot be changed;
c) the starting point of the following period is always the end
hour of the previous time period;
d) the daily loop is closed by setting 24:00 as last hour of
the last time period (to follow this procedure see point 4 on
the previous page), confirm the setting by pressing and
to go back to the TARIFF SELECTION menu.

Average power calculation Trf holiday period

19 26

22 28
Energy Meters Management 25
To program the HOLIDAY period,
proceed in the following way.
10- Choose HOLIDAY in the SEA-
SON menu by means of the
and keys and confirm with :
the HOLIDAY menu will be displayed
(see figure on the left);
11-press : the month correspond-
ing to the start date will be highlighted;
12-press : the box for setting the
month will be enabled;
13-use and to select the
1.2.. desired month (from 1 to 12);
14-press the key to confirm the
selection and move to the next pa-
..2.1 rameter: day setting;
15-press the key again to open
the box where the day is to be set;
..2.1 16-use the and keys to
select the desired day (from 1 to 31
depending on the previously selected
..2.1 month);
17-press the key to confirm the
On page 26 selection and move to the next pa-
To reset, press .

Dual tariff management Display of harmonics

23 29

21 28
26 Energy Meters Management
To program the “end date” follow the same procedure de-
scribed above from No. 11 to No. 16. After confirming the “end”
day by means of the key, the HOLIDAY box is highlighted
to indicate the conclusion of the HOLIDAY period program-
ming cycle. You can also use the (moves from right to left)
and (moves from left to right) keys to scroll along the
available parameters.

It’s possible to choose the tariff to be

associated to the HOLIDAY period
25 according to the following procedure:
From page 25
starting from the box on the previous
page, number 10, press the key
again: the instrument will display the
box shown on the left. Press : the
box of the “trf” value is highlighted;
press the key again: the instru-
ment will display on the lower section
1.2.. the box where the tariff is to be set.
Select the desired tariff (from 1 to 4)
by means of the and keys
and confirm it with . To reset your
choices and/or exit the menus, use
the key.

Diagrams Meters reset

21 28

22 28
Energy Meters Management 27
This function allows the management of the meters according
to many periods per day and three periods per year: WINTER,

To program the parameters relating

to the winter season, simply follow
the same procedure (holidays) de-
scribed on page 25 from No. 11 to
No. 17. The parameters of the SUM-
MER season are automatically set
by the instrument as a difference
between the previous two periods of
the Year.
To enable the setting of the daily
time periods, press when the
WINTER or SUMMER seasons are
highlighted. The following settings
are the same as the ones described
from No. 1 to No. 9 on page 22 and
23. To reset your choices and/or go
back to the previous menus, use the
key. To program the HOLIDAY
period, follow the procedure on page
25 from No. 11 to No. 17.

The periods WINTER and SUMMER are con-

ventional seasons mainly used to manage in
the best way the different energy costs during
the year. The reminds from letter a) to d) are
also valid for the MULTI TARIFF function.The
next page shows a few examples of program-
ming the various time periods.

Holiday period Pulse output

25 31

22 28
28 Energy Meters Management
DUAL TARIFF management
trf1 24
22 2
20 4
trf start end
18 6 1 OO:OO O8:OO
2 O8:OO 2O:OO
16 8 1 2O:OO OO:OO
14 10 TARIFF 1
12 trf2

As you can see on the figure above, there is a daily division

into three periods with two different tariffs.

MULTI TARIFF management

trf start end
trf1 1 OO:OO O6:OO
24 trf1 2 O6:OO O8:OO
22 2
3 O8:OO 1O:OO
trf4 20 4 TARIFF 1
18 6
trf3 16
trf2 trf start end
2 1O:OO 16:OO
14 10
12 3 16:OO 18:OO
trf2 trf3 4 18:OO 21:OO
1 21:OO OO:OO

On the picture above you can see four different tariffs which
are coupled to seven different periods of the day.

❑ Reset of the Energy meter

The “RESET” menu allows you to
reset the energy meters. Press
to enter the menu, then use and
to select the type of reset you
prefer. Confirm the selection by
means of the key: the instru-
ment displays the following message:

Dual tariff Digital outputs

23 30

Outputs / Other settings 29
To conclude the RESET procedure, press ; to go back to
the TARIFF SELECTION menu, press .

The reset procedure allows the user to choose

among the following different choices:
ALL: reset of all the energy meters (imported/
exported energies);
TOTAL + : reset of the imported energy me-
ters (+kWh, +kvarh);
TOTAL - : reset of the exported energy meters (-kWh, -kvarh);
PARTIAL + : reset of the partial imported energy meters
(+kWh, +kvarh);
PARTIAL - : reset of the partial exported energy meters
(-kWh, -kvarh).

This function enables the display of
the windows relating to the harmonic
Press to enter the menu; then,
use the and keys to select
the phase where you want to enable
the harmonic analysis. The key
allows the user to enable (ON) or
disable (OFF) the displaying (the
function is cyclical: ON-OFF-ON).
To go back to the main menu, press

Multi tariff Alarm parameters

27 33

30 Outputs / Other settings
■ Clock setting
This function enables the user to set
the data relating to date and time.
Select CLOCK from the main menu
by means of the and keys;
then press to enter the menu.
Choose the desired function by means
of the and keys; Enter the
desired secondary menu with .
Then set the desired value by means
of the and keys and confirm
the value with . To reset the
choices and go back to the main
menu, press .

The EURO/USA function allows the user to display

the date and time according to the EUROPEAN
(EURO, date: day/month/year; time: 24 hours) or
AMERICAN (USA, date: month/day/year; time: 12
hours / AM and PM) format.

■ Digital outputs
This function enables the user to
connect the type of digital output to
the slot at the beginning. The instru-
ment indicates if the module is not in
the slot with the message “NOT
AVAILABLE”; whereas if the module
is in the slot, the instrument auto-
matically goes to the digital output
menu, where the user can set four
different types of output:

Holiday period Alarms

25 32

29 37
Outputs / Other settings 31
CONTROL OUTPUT. To enter these
functions, choose DIGITAL OUTPUT
from the main menu using the and
keys, then confirm with . The
instrument shows a window where the
various slots (OUT C0, OUT C1, etc.)
and output channels (1, 2, etc.) are shown. Select the desired
slot using the and keys and confirm with to enter
the output function menu (if the module is not in the slot, the
instrument displays NOT AVAILABLE). To reset the choices and
go back to the main menu, press .
The meaning of the symbols on the display is the
OUT C0 (1): digital output, SLOT C0, channel 1
OUT C1 (2): digital output, SLOT C1, channel 2
OUT D0 (3): digital output, SLOT D0, channel 3
OUT D1 (4): digital output, SLOT D1, channel 4

❑ Pulse output
This function allows the user to set
the parameters of the pulse output.
The output can be connected to a
specific energy and this energy can
be connected to the desired tariff.
The measured energy is re-trans-
mitted by means of the pulse output
(the pulses/energy ratio of which is
programmable). Use and to
select PULSES from the list of avail-
able outputs; then confirm with
and choose from the submenu
ENERGY TYPE the energy that you
1.2.. want to be retransmitted, using
and :

Display of harmonics Analogue outputs

29 35

29 37
32 Outputs / Other settings
consumed active energy (kWh +),
generated active energy (kWh -),
consumed reactive energy (kvarh +),
generated reactive energy (kvarh -),
press the “ ” key to open the menu
of energy/pulse output management.
There are five possible selections:
TOTAL, output connected to the total
energy meter; TARIFF, output con-
nected to the desired tariff type.
Confirm with and go back to the
digital output menu. To reset the
choices and go back to the main menu,
press .

The multiplyer of the measuring unit (kW,MW)

automatically changes according to the CT or VT
ratio set by the user.

❑ Alarms
This function allows the activation of
a static or relay output when an alarm
condition is detected. Select ALARM
from the DIGITAL OUTPUT menu
by means of the and keys,
then press to enter the display
window of all the alarm parameters:

Select the desired variable by means of the and

keys, press to confirm and enter the submenus dedicated
to the various parameters:
•VARIABLE: variables to be connected to the alarm: you can
Multi-tariff Diagnostic
27 34

29 37
Outputs / Other settings 33
choose among all the available ones (see on page
43); scroll the variables by means of the and
keys and confirm the selection with . The avail-
ability (or non-availability) of the variable is clearly
indicated on the display.
•TYPE: type of alarm: up alarm (UP); down alarm (DOWN); up
alarm with latch (UP L): in this case the reset of the
output can only be manual; down alarm with latch
(D.L.): in this case the reset of the output can only be
manual; down alarm with disabling at power ON
(D.DO). Choose the desired alarm type by means of
the and keys and confirm it with .
•SET ON: ON-alarm set-point. Select the value of the variable
by means of the and keys and confirm it with
•SET OFF: OFF-alarm set-point. Select the value of the
variable by means of the and keys and
confirm it with .
•OUT: normally energized alarm (NE) or normally de-ener-
gized alarm (ND). Choose the desired function by
means of the and keys and confirm it with
•DELAY: delay on alarm activation. Select the desired delay
value in seconds by means of the and keys
and confirm it with .

Only in case of controls of the power variables,

it’s necessary to select the resolution (position of
the decimal point) of the alarm set-point’s value.

Pulse output Language

31 37

29 37
34 Outputs / Other settings
❑ Diagnostic
In a 3-phase unbalanced-load sys-
tem, this function controls the
presence of the neutral connection.
If the connection to the neutral is not
detected, the instrument activates
an alarm. Select “DIAGNOSTIC” by
means of the and keys, then
press to confirm it. To reset your
choice and go back to the main menu,
press .

❑ Remote control
This function enables the control of
the digital outputs by means of the
RS485/RS232 communication port
instead of using the instrument’s
alarm. The outputs can be activated
by a PC or PLC by sending special
commands. Select the REMOTE
CONTR. function by means of the
and keys and confirm press-
ing the key: the instrument will
go back to the digital output menu.
To reset your choice and go back to
the main menu, press .

Display of harmonics Serial output

29 36

29 37
Outputs / Other settings 35
■ Analogue outputs
Select ANALOG OUTPUTS from the
main menu by means of the and
keys; confirm it with to enter
the various parameters:

OUT A0: Analogue output, SLOT

A0, channel 1;
OUT A1: Analogue output, SLOT
A1, channel 2;
OUT B0: Analogue output, SLOT
B0, channel 3;
OUT B1: Analogue output, SLOT
B1, channel 4.
Select the desired parameter by
means of the and keys and
confirm with to enter the rel-
evant submenus:

•VARIA: variable to be connected to the output; choose among

the available ones (see on page 43) by means of the
and keys and confirm the selection with . The
availability (or non-availability) of the variable is clearly
indicated on the display.
•MIN O: value expressed as % of the “zero” of the output range
(0-20mA, 0-10V, etc.) that is generaged by the minimum
measured value (Min In). Select the desired value by
means of the and keys and confirm it with .
•MAX O: value expressed as % of the full scale of the output range
(0-20mA, 0-10V, etc.) that is generated by the measured
value (Max In). Select the desired value by means of the
and keys, and confirm it with .

Alarm parameters Useful info

33 39

29 37
36 Outputs / Other settings
•MIN IN: minimum value of the variable input range. Select the
desired value by means of the and keys and
confirm it with .
•MAX IN: maximum value of the variable input range. Select the
desired value by means of the and keys and
confirm it with . To exit from any of the menus, press
. For further information, see examples No. 1 and 2 on
page 38/39. For the resolution of the value to be
retransmitted, see the note on page 33.

Every time a new selection of the variable con-

nected to the analogue output is made, it is
important to check and if necessary program
again all the relevant parameters.

■ Serial output
This function allows the user to set
the parameters of the serial output.
Select SERIAL OUTPUT from the
main menu by means of the and
keys and confirm it with .
Select the function you want to set
from one of the submenus by means
of the and keys and confirm
it with . The configurable param-
eters are the following:
• Instrument ADDRESS: from 1 to 255.
• BAUD RATE: 1200, 2400, 4800
and 9600 bit/s.
• PARITY: no parity, even parity and
odd parity. To exit from one of the
menus or cancel a selection, press
1.2.. .

Pulse outputs Useful information

31 38

29 37
Outputs / Other settings 37
■ Digital filter
Select FILTER by means of and
and confirm with . Select the
function to be set from one of the
submenus by means of the and
keys and confirm it with .
You can choose among the follow-
ing 3 selections:
• DISPLAY: to select the display of
the measurements of the instanta-
neous variables at 4-digit (max 9999)
or 3 1/2-digit (max 1999)
• RANGE, to set the operating range
of the digital filter. The value is ex-
pressed as % of the full scale value.
• COEFFICIENT, to set the filtering
coefficient of the instantaneous meas-
urements. Increasing the value, also the stability and the
settling time of the measurements are increased. Once one of
the three parameters has been selected, set the desired value
by means of the and keys and confirm it with . To
exit the “FILTER” menu, press . For any other info, see

“Useful info, Ex. 2 on page 40).

■ Language
Select LANGUAGE from the main
menu by means of the and
keys and confirm with . Select
the language to be set from the
submenu with the and keys
and confirm the selection with .
To exit from any of the menus or
cancel a selection, press .

Analogue outputs What’s ASY

35 41

38 Useful information
The variables measured by the instrument are
correct if the inputs have been connected ac-
cording to the right polarities (see figure below).
Should the connection not be conforming to the
right polarities, measuring and retransmission errors
may occur, both due to the wrong direction of the current
flowing in the primary/secondary of the ammeter trans-
former being connected.

It is however possible to measure and retransmit currents/

powers according to the direction of their flow using correctly
the parameters "MIn U./Max U." and "Min IN/Max IN".

Example 1: it’s necessary to measure a consumed active

power up to 100kW considering that it may either be con-
sumed or generated by the system and retransmitted with a 4
to 20mA signal; the module to be used is AO1026 (2x from 0
to 20 mA) or AO1050 (1x from "MIn U./Max U." and "Min IN/
Max IN".0 to 20 mA) that is to be set as follows:
• VARIA.: WΣ (active system power)
• MIN U.: 20,0% corresponds to 4mA, the calculation formula
is: (100* min. output)/ fullscale output = 100*4mA/20mA=
• MAX U.: 100,0% corresponds to 20mA, the calculation
formula is: (100* max. output)/ fullscale output= 100*20mA/
• MIN IN: 0,0 K;the K,M and G multipliers are automatically
selected by the instrument depending on the selected VT
and CT value;
• MAX IN: 100,0 K; the K,M and G multipliers are automatically

Alarm parameters Example 4

33 40

Useful information 39
selected by the instrument depending on the selected VT
and CT value;

Example 2: it’s necessary to measure both the consumed

active power and the generated active power up to 100kW and
retransmit it with a signal from –10 to 10V; the module to be
used is AO1033 (2x ±10VCC) or AO1057 (1x ±10VCC). The
parameters may be set as follows:
• VARIA.: WΣ (active system power)
• MIN U.: 0,0% corresponds to -10V; the calculation formula
is: (100* min. output) / fullscale output = 100*0V / 20V = 0%;
in this case the whole range of the analogue output is to be
considered for the calculation, therefore -10 +10 = 20V.
• MAX U.: 100,0% corresponds to 10V, the calculation to be
carried out is: (100*maximum output)/fullscale
• MIN IN: -100K; K,M and G multipliers are automatically
selected by the instrument depending on the selected VT
and CT value;
• MAX IN: 100,0 K; the K,M and G multipliers are automatically
selected by the instrument depending on the selected VT
and CT value; Therefore, when the power is equal to
-100kW, the output will be -10V, when the power is 0, the
output will be 0V and when the power is 100kW, the output
will be +10V.

Example 3: it’s necessary to retransmit the whole range of the

values admitted for the PF with a signal from 0 to 20mA. Pay
attention to the fact that the variable PF can correspond to the
values included between C 0,00 and L 0,00 (for each phase);
once these values are retransmitted, they will change into 0
and 20mA. When the PF will correspond to a value equal to 1
being at the centre between C0,00 and L0,00, the output value
will correspond to the centre of its scale, that is 10mA. As a
consequence, the instrument is to be set as follows:
• VARIA: PF L1 (or L2 or L3);

Language Installation
37 43

38 43
40 Useful information
• MIN U.: 0,0%
• MAX U.: 100%
• MIN IN: C 0,000; the values entered with a negative sign
correspond to C, those entered with a positive sign corre-
spond to L;
• MAX IN: L 0,001; the values entered with a negative sign
correspond to C, those entered with a positive sign corre-
spond to L; we have chosen to limit “0,001” as minimum
value to be set for L , in order to avoid any undesired
oscillation of the outputs.

Example 4: it’s necessary to stabilize the value of the dis-

played variable “VL1-N”, that varies from 222.0V and 224.0V,
continuing to have an indication of 4 digits. The parameters of
the digital filter must be set as follows:
• DISPLAY: 4 digits
• RANGE: the variable may have variations within the average
amplitude value equal to ±0.4% of the full scale of the
variable (±0.4/100*250V= ±1V). The parameter “range” that
is the action range of the digital filter, will be set at a value
which is slightly higher than the percentage amplitude of the
fluctuation: e.g.: 0.5%.
• COEFFICIENT: if the new value acquired by the instrument
is within the action range of the filter, the new displayed value
is calculated by summing (algebraically) to the previous
value the variation divided by the filtering coefficient. As a
consequence, a higher value of this coefficient results in a
higher settling time, that means a higher stability. The best
result is generally obtained by setting the filtering coefficient
at a value equal to at least 10 times the value of the range
parameter. In the example: 0,5*10=5. To enhance the stabil-
ity, you may also increase the filtering coefficient (values
within 1 and 255 only).

Analogue outputs List of variables

35 42

38 43
Useful information 41
■ What is ASY
The ASY variable allows to control the symmetry of the star /
delta voltages (for systems without neutrals) and star voltages
(for systems with neutral). The variable is calculated as fol-

where the first formula is to be applied with delta systems,

while the minimum value calculated between the two is to be
used for the star systems.

It’s very important, as a general rule, to plug in

and extract the optional modules only when the
instrument is switched off.


N∞ 1st variable 2nd variable 3rd variable 4th variable

00 selectable selectable selectable selectable

01 VL1 VL2 VL3 VL-N ∑

02 VL1-2 VL2-3 VL3-1 VL-L ∑

03 AL1 AL2 AL3 An

04 WL1 WL2 WL3 W∑

05 var L1 var L2 var L3 var ∑

06 VA L1 VA L2 VA L3 VA ∑

07 PF L1 PF L2 PF L3 PF ∑

Example 2 Mounting
39 45

38 43
42 Useful information

The configuration shown in the tables above is

only valid for connections to 3-phase systems with
neutral. In case of any other system, the type and
quantity of the displayed variables will vary.

Analogue outputs Removal of the modules

37 44

38 43
Useful information 43
List of the available variables:
V L1 An VA L3 THDll V2 THD A3
VL-N∑ W L3 PF L2 THDll V3 An dmd
V L1-2 W∑ PF L3 THDl V3 VA dmd
V L2-3 var L1 PF ∑ THD A1 PF avg
V L3-1 var L2 Hz THDll A1 W dmd
V∑ var L3 THD V1 THDl A1 ASY
A L1 var ∑ THDll V1 THD A2
A L2 VA L1 THDl V1 THDll A2

The availability of the variables depends on the

type of electrical system being selected.

❑ Preliminary operations
Before switching the instrument on, make sure that the power
supply voltage corresponds to what is shown on the side label
of the relevant module. Example:
AP1020, Universal power supply
input range: 100V...240V DC/AC (50Hz -60Hz)
power consumption: 12W / 30VA 1 PHASE
serial number: S/N 002700/20345

❑ Before mounting the modules

Each module (input, output and power supply) must be
mounted in the proper slot: each module has been conceived
to be mounted in one slot only. To know in which slot every
module is to be mounted, refer to the figure on page 45.

What is ASY? Position of the modules

41 47

44 Installation
For a correct mounting of the instrument, insert the modules
in the relevant slots, then, at the end, enter the central
module, which can be a blind type module or an
RS232communication module. The central module will help
fixing also the other modules in the relevant slots. To remove
the modules use a screwdriver as shown in the picture below:

Remove the central

Gently depress the

1 two fixing tabs.

Direction 1-4.
module from its slot:
press your thumb to-
wards points 2-5.

3 Extract the
central module

Take out the other modules.

Any other slots that you

haven’t used must be filled
with the relevant blind plug
modules supplied with the

Example 2 Position of the modules

39 46

Installation 45
❑ Overall dimensions and panel cut-out

❑ Mounting
Insert the instrument (holding
its front) and fasten it (from the
back) by fixing the two lateral
brackets (1) (supplied with the
instrument) to the appropriate
location (2), using the two
screws (3) supplied with the

Installation Power supply modules

43 49

44 51
46 Installation
■ Position of the slots and relevant modules




■ Available modules
❑ Analogue output modules
AO1050 (20mADC)
AO1051 (10VDC)
AO1052 (±5mADC)
AO1053 (±10mADC)
AO1054 (±20mADC)
AO1055 (±1VDC)
AO1056 (±5VDC)
AO1057 (±10VDC)
Single output

What is ASY? Other modules

41 48

44 51
Installation 47

Single analog output ✔ ✔

Dual analog output ✔ ✔

RS485 serial output ✔

RS232 serial output ✔

Single relay output ✔ ✔

Dual relay output ✔ ✔

Single open collector

✔ ✔
Dual open collector
✔ ✔

4 open collector outputs ✔

Digital inputs ✔

Power supply ✔

Inputs ✔

AO1026 (20mADC)
AO1027 (10VDC)
AO1028 (±5mADC)
AO1029 (±10mADC)
AO1030 (±20mADC)
AO1031 (±1VDC)
AO1032 (±5VDC)
AO1033 (±10VDC)
Dual output

Mounting Serial connections

45 51

44 51
48 Installation
❑ Digital output modules

AO1058 AO1035 AO1059 AO1036

Single relay Dual relay Single open Dual open
output output collector collector
output output

❑ Other input/output modules

AO1037 AQ1038 AR1034

4 open 3 digital RS485
collector inputs Serial
outputs output

RS232 + RTC

Installation Digital input connections

43 50

44 51
Installation 49
❑ Power supply modules

AP1020 AP1021
90 - 260 VAC/DC 18 - 60 VAC/DC
power supply power supply

■ Connection of optional modules

❑ mA/V single analogue outputs

❑ mA/V dual analogue outputs

Modules Three-phase connections

47 54

44 51
50 Installation

❑ Single and double relay outputs

❑ Open collector outputs

This diagram is valid
also for the open collec-
tor modules with a lower
number of outputs. The
value of the load
resistances (Rc) must
be chosen so that the
short-circuit current is
lower than 100mA; the
VDC voltage must be
lower than or equal to

❑ Digital inputs

Mounting Three- phase connection

45 52

44 51
Installation 51
❑ RS485 Serial outputs

4-wire connection. Additional devices provided with RS485

(that is RS 1, 2,3 ...N) are connected in parallel.

2-wire connection. Additional devices provided with RS485

(that is RS 1,2,3,...N) are connected in parallel.

The termination of the serial output is carried out

only on the last instrument of the network, by means
of a jumper between (Rx+) and (T).

Power supply modules Single-phase connection

49 55

44 51
52 Electrical diagrams
■ Electrical connection diagrams
❑ Three-phase connections, Balanced load

Direct connection CT connection

(3-wire system) (3-wire system)

CT and VT connection Direct connection

(3-wire system) (4-wire connection)

Modules 3/4-wire three phase

47 54

Electrical diagrams 53
❑ Three phase, Balanced load

CT connections CT and VT connections

(4-wire system) (4-wire system)

❑ Three-phase, 4 wires - Unbalanced load

Direct connection CT connection

(4-wire system) (4-wire system)

Serial connection Additional errors

51 57

52 55
54 Electrical diagrams
❑ 3/4-wire three-phase connections, Unbalanced load

CT and VT connection CT and VT connection

(4-wire system) (3-wire system)

❑ 3-phase / 3-wires ARON connection

Unbalanced load

CT connection CT and VT connection

(3-wire system) (3-wire system)

Power supply modules Technical characteristics

49 56

52 55
Electrical diagrams 55
❑ 3-phase / 3-wires conn. ❑ Single-phase conn.

3 CT and 3 VT connection Direct connection

(3-wire system)

❑ Single-phase connection

CT connection CT and VT connections

Three-phase connections Serial output

53 59

56 Technical features
■ General features
• Modular housing for Plug and Play modules
• IP65 protection degree
• 32-bit µ-processor based indicator and controller
• TRMS measurements
• Back-lighted graphic LCD display (128 x 64 dots)
• 4 x 4 dgt read-out (instantaneous variables)
• 4 x 9 dgt read-out (total energies), 4 x 6 dgt (partial energies)
• 4 independent total energy meters (Wh, varh)
• Up to 48 independent partial energy meters (Wh,varh)
• Harmonic analysis up to the 50th harmonic with histogram
• Up to 8 simultaneous outputs: pulses, alarm, analogue
output and serial communication port
• According to: EN61010-1(safety);
accuracy: EN60688-1, EN61036, EN61268.

■ Input specifications
• Current: 6
• Voltage: 4
• Digital: 3 free of voltage contacts for synchronization of W-VA-
A measurements. Reading/voltage: <8mA/ 17.5V to 25VDC
ACCURACY (display, RS485, RS232)
Vn: 240VL-N, Uf.s. 300VL-N; In: 5A, max 6A
• Current: ±0.5% rdg (0.2 to 1.2 In) ±5mA (0.02 to 0.2 In)
• Neutral current: ±1% rdg (0.2 to 1.2 In) @40 to 100HZ
• Voltage: Range AV5: ±0.5% rdg (48 to 300 VL-N)
Range AV7: ±0.5% rdg (80 to 480 VL-N)
Included frequency, power supply and output load influ-
• Frequency: ±0.1% rdg (40 to 440 Hz).
• Active power (@25°C ±5°C, R.H. ≤60% non-condensing):
±0.5% (rdg + f.s.) (cosϕ 0.5 L/C, 0.1 to 1.2 In, range AV5)
or ±1% rdg (cosϕ 0.5 L/C, 0.1 to 1.2 In, range AV5).

Serial connection Output specifications

51 58

Technical features 57
• Reactive power (@25°C ±5°C, R.H. ≤60% non-condensing):
±0.5% (rdg + f.s.) (cosϕ 0.5 L/C, 0.1 to 1.2 In, range AV5) or
±1% rdg (cosϕ 0.5 L/C, 0.1 to 1.2 In, range AV5).
• Apparent power (@25°C ±5°C, R.H. ≤60% non-condensing):
±0.5% (rdg + f.s.) (0.1 to 1.2 In, range AV5) or
±1% rdg (0.1 to 1.2 In, range AV5).
• Energies (@25°C ±5°C, R.H. ≤60% non-condensing):
class 1 according to EN61036 and EN61268. Ib: 5A,
Imax: 6A, 0.1 Ib: 500mA; start up current: 20mA; Un: 240V
(AV5), 400V (AV7).
• Harmonic distortion (@25°C ±5°C, R.H. ≤60% non-con-
1% f.s. (f.s.:100%); phase: ±2°; Imin: 0.1Arms; Imax: 15Ap;
Vmin: 50Vrms; Cmax: 500Vp; sampling frequency 6400Hz
@ 50Hz

• Humidity: ≤0.3% rdg, 60% to 90% R.H.
• Magnetic field: ≤0.5% rdg, @ 400 A/m.
• Input frequency: ≤0.4% rdg, 62 to 400 HZ.
SAMPLING RATE: 6400Hz @ 50Hz
Graphic, back-lighted LCD, 128x64 dots.
Selectable read-out for the instantaneous variables: 4 x 4 dgts
or 4 x 31/2 dgts.
Total energies: 4 x 9 dgts; Partial energies: 4 x 6 dgts
Max. 9.999 (999.999.999), Min. -9.999 (-999.999.999)
Current, voltage, power, energy, harmonic distortion (see list
of the displayed pages/variables). TRMS measurement of a
distorted sine wave voltage/current;
Connection type: direct
Crest factor: ≤ 3 max. 15Ap/500Vp (VL-N) or 15Ap/800Vp (VL-N)

Single-phase connection Software functions

55 61

56 64
58 Technical features
• AV5:
58V/100V (>500kΩ) - 1ADC (≤0.3VA)
58V/100V (>500kΩ) - 5ADC (≤0.3VA)
240V/415V (>500kΩ) - 1ADC (≤0.3VA)
240V/415V (>500kΩ) - 5ADC (≤0.3VA)
• AV7:
100/170V (>500kΩ) - 1ADC (0.3VA)
110/170V (>500kΩ) - 5ADC (0.3VA)
400/690V (>500kΩ) - 1ADC (0.3VA)
400/690V (>500kΩ) - 5ADC (0.3VA)

■ Overload protection
• Continuous: voltage/current
AV5: 300VLN/520VLL/6A;
AV7: 480VLN/830VLL/6A
• For 1s: voltage/current
AV5: 600VLN/1040VLL/120A;
AV7: 960VLN/1660VLL/120A

■ Keypad
Four keys: to enter the programming phase and confirm
the password, “UP” and “DOWN” to program the
values / select the functions and scroll the pages, for
special functions.

■ Output specifications
ANALOGUE OUTPUTS (on request):
• Number of outputs: up to 4 (on request)
• Accuracy: ±0.2% f.s.; (@ 25°C ±5°C, R.H. ≤60% non-
• Range: 0 to 20mADC, 0 to ±20mADC,

Three-phase connections Digital outputs

53 60

56 64
Technical features 59
0 to ±10mADC, 0 to ±5mADC, 0 to 10VDC,
0 to ±10VDC, 0 to ±5VDC, 0 to ±1VDC.
• Scaling factor: programmable within the whole range of
retransmission; it allows the retransmission management of
all values from:
0 to 20mADC, 0 to ±20mADC, 0 to ±10mADC,
0 to ±5mADC, 0 to 10VDC, 0 to ±10VDC,
0 to ±5VDC, 0 to ±1VDC
• Response time: ≤200ms typical (filter excluded, FFT ex-
cluded, 31/2 dgt indication)
• Ripple: ≤1% according to IEC60688-1 and EN60688-1
• Temperature drift: 200 ppm/°C
• Load:
0 to 20mADC: ≤ 600Ω; 0 to ±20mADC: ≤ 550Ω
0 to ±10mADC: ≤ 1100Ω; 0 to ±5mADC: ≤ 2200Ω
0 to 10VDC: ≥10kΩ; 0 to ±10VDC: ≥10kΩ
0 to ±5VDC: ≥10kΩ; 0 to ±1VDC: ≥10kΩ
Insulation: by means of optocouplers, 4000 Vrms between
output and measuring inputs, 4000 Vrms between output
and power supply inputs.
RS422/RS485 SERIAL OUTPUT (on request):
• Type: bidirectional multidrop (static and dynamic variables).
• Connections: 2 or 4 wires, max. distance 1200m, termination
directly on the module.
• Addresses: from 1 to 255, key-pad programmable.
• Protocol: MODBUS/JBUS
Data (bidirectional):
Dynamic (reading only)
System variables: P,PAVG,S, Q, cosϕ, VL-L, f, THD energies,
status of digital inputs and status of the alarm output.
Single phase variables:
PL1, SL1, QL1, cosϕL1, VL1, AL1, THDL1, PL2, SL2, QL2, cosϕL2, VL2,
AL2, THDL2, PL3, SL3, QL3, cosϕL3, VL3, AL3, THDL3
Static (writing only)
All programming data, reset of energies, activation of the static
Additional errors Energy Management
57 63

56 64
60 Technical features
• Stored energy (EEPROM): max 999.999.999 kWh/kvarh
• Data format: 1 start bit, 8 data bit, no parity/even parity/odd
parity, 1 stop bit
• Baud-rate: 1200, 2400, 4800 and 9600 baud,
• Insulation: by means of optocouplers,
4000 Vrms between output and measuring inputs,
4000 Vrms between output and power supply inputs
RS232 SERIAL OUTPUT (on request):
• Type: bidirectional (static and dynamic variables).
• Connections: 3 wires, maximum distance 15m
• Data format: 1 start bit, 8 data bit, no parity,
1stop bit
• Baud-rate: 9600 bauds
• Protocol: MODBUS (JBUS)
• Other data: as per RS485/RS422

DIGITAL OUTPUTS: (on request)

The working of the outputs (pulse, alarm or both) is fully
programmable and is independent of the output module that
has been chosen.

PULSE OUTPUT: (on request)

• Number of outputs: up to 4 (on request)
• Type: 1 to 1000 programmable pulses for k-M-G Wh, k-M-G
varh, open collector (NPN transistor)
• VON 1.2VDC / max. 100mA; VOFF 30VDC max.
• Pulse duration: 220ms (ON), ≥220ms (OFF) according to
• Insulation: by means of optocouplers, 4000 Vrms output to
measuring inputs, 4000 Vrms output to power supply inputs
• Note: the outputs can be either open collector type or relay
type (for this latter one see the characteristics mentioned in
the ALARMS).

Single- phase Connection Harmonic Analysis

55 62

56 64
Technical features 61
ALARMS: (on request)
• Number of outputs: up to four, independent
• Alarm type: up alarm, down alarm, up alarm with latch, down
alarm with latch, phase asymmetry, phase loss, neutral loss.
• Set-point adjustment: 0 to 100% of the electrical scale
• Hysteresis: 0 to 100% of the electrical scale
• On time delay: 0 to 255s
• Relay status: selectable, normally close or normally open.
• Output type: relay, SPDT; AC 1-8A, 250VAC; DC 12-5A,
24VDC; AC 15-2.5A, 250VAC; DC 13-2.5A, 24VDC.
• Min. response time: ≤150ms, filter excluded, set-point on-
time delay: 0
• Insulation: 4000 Vrms output to measuring inputs,
4000 Vrms output to power supply input.
• Note: the outputs can be either relay type or open collector
type (for the latter type of output see the features mentioned
in the PULSE OUTPUT paragraph).

■ Software functions
PASSWORD: numeric code of max 3 digits;
• 2 protection levels of the programming data
• 1st level - Password "0", no protection.
• 2nd level - Password from 1 to 499, all data are protected.
MEASUREMENT SELECTION: see the relevant table.
for CT up to 30,000A; for VT up to 600kV.
Operating mode:
• Electrical scale: compression/expansion of the input scale to
be connected to up to 4 analogue outputs.
• Operating range: programmable within the whole measuring

Serial output

56 64
62 Technical features
• Operating range: 0 to 99.9% of the input scale
• Filtering coefficient: 1 to 255
• Filter action: alarms, serial and analogue outputs (fundamental
variables: V, A, W and their derived ones).
EVENT LOGGING: only with the module RS232+RTC mod-
ule. The max./min. values of the selected variables and the
alarm status are stored with reference to date (dd:mm:yy) and
time (hh:mm:ss). Max. capacity: 480 events.
VARIABLE PAGES: 4 variables per page; up to 27 pages, one
of which is completely programmable.

■ Harmonic Distortion Analysis

• Current: up to the 50th harmonic
• Voltage: up to the 50th harmonic
• THD (VL1); THD odd (VL1); THD even (VL1); the same for
the other phases: L2 and L3.
• THD (AL1); THD odd (AL1); THD even (AL1); the same for
the other phases: L2 and L3.
• The instrument measures the angle between the single
harmonics of “V” and the single harmonics of “A” expressed
as “°”, making it possible to understand if the harmonics are
generated or imported.

On three-wire systems, the angle cannot be


Additional errors General specifications

57 64

56 64
Technical features 63
For each THD page, it’s possible to see the order of the
The harmonic content is displayed as a graph showing the
whole harmonic spectrum.
The information is given also as numerical data:
THD in % / RMS value
THD odd in % / RMS value
THD even in %/ RMS value
The harmonic distortion can be measured both in 3-wire or 4-
wire systems. Tw: 0.02s

■ Energy management
Selectable: single time, dual time and multitime.
Energy meters:
total: 4 (9 digits); no partial meters
• Energy meters:
total: 4 (9 digits); partial: 8 (6 digits)
• Time periods:
2, programmable within 24 hours
• Number of energy meters:
total: 4 (9 digits); partial: 48 (6 digits)
• Time periods: 4, programmable within 24 hours
• Time seasons: 3, programmable within 12 months

Software functions

56 64
64 Technical features

■ Power supply specifications

18 - 60 VDC/AC (on request); 90 - 260 VDC/AC (standard)
≤30VA / 12W (90-260V); ≤20VA / 12W (18-60V)

■ General specifications
from 0 to +50°C (R.H. <90% non-condensing)
from -10 to +60°C (R.H.<90% non-condensing).
300 VRMS to earth
INSULATION: 4000 VRMS between inputs/outputs and earth
62 Hz
EMC: EN 50081-2, EN 50082-2
• Safety: IEC 61010-1, EN 61010-1
• Product: IEC 60688-1, EN 60688-1,
• Energy measurement: EN61036, EN61268.
• Pulse output: DIN43864
Screw-type, max 2.5 mm2 x 2 conductors
Dimensions: 96 x 96 x 140mm
Material: ABS, self-extinguishing: UL 94 V-0
WEIGHT: 600 g approx (packing included)

RS485 Serial output



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