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Post Module Reflection

Write a reflective paragraph of how this course has benefited you in your knowledge area or
current or future job.

Professions such as social work, nursing, medicine, education, and others face myriad
challenges as society continues into the twenty-first century. The complexity of social problems
encountered by professionals demands the evaluation of information from multiple sources as
well as the ability to translate knowledge into action. Pedagogical content knowledge plays an
important role in the teaching and learning process because it involves teacher’s competences in
delivering the conceptual approach, relational understanding and adaptive reasoning of the
subject matter. The benefits I got from this subject, pedagogy teach me as a PK student to gain a
deeper understanding of subject matter and also, it’s can help me to apply the learning process to
my own personal experiences as a future educator. Other than that, pedagogy subjects teach me
to think back on and learn from my past experiences, constructing new knowledge to new
experiences on how to teach a student or young children in a better way.

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