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Name’s: _____________________________________________________________

Grammar focus

Present perfect

5. Read these sentences from the text. Who said theme?

 I’ve made a speech at school. _________________

 I haven’t made any speeches. _________________

6. Read Grammar2know. Does the present perfect describe the present or the past?

Grammar 2 know
Use the present perfect to talk about past experiences.
We do not say when they happened.
I/You/We / They’ve (have) voted
He / She / It’s (has) seen him on TV.
I / You / We / They haven’t voted in an election.
He / She / It hasn’t seen him on TV
Yes. I / You / We /They
Have I / You / We / They
(ever) voted in an election?
? No, I /You / We / They
Has he/she/it (ever) voted in Yes, he / she / it has.
an election? No, he / she / it hasn’t

Regular past participles: __voted__, _______________, _______________

Irregular past participles: _made_, __________, ___________, __________, ___________

 We often use ever in questions: Have you ever met Nelson Mandela?
 We often use never in negative statements: I’ve never met Nelson Mandela?

Notice: We use has/have been to ask about places: Have you ever been to China? NOT
Have you ever gone to China?

7. Read the article again. Find the past participles of these verbs. Add them to the lists is
Vote ____voted________ Think ______________

Protest _______________ Talk _______________

Speak ________________ See ________________

Meet ________________ Make ____made______

8. Complete the sentences with the correct present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Alex __has won__ a prize. (win)

2. I ___________ the new Batman film. (not see)
3. I ___________ you ____________ any books about politics? (read)
4. ____________ Peter ever _____________ a car? (drive)
5. Kate ______________ to her boyfriend today. (not talk)
6. They ______________ in the school election. (vote)

9. Match the verbs and past participles below.

[be wear eat drink send write run fly swim find ride sleep]

[written eaten flown sent slept been swum run found worn drunk ridden]

10. Write questions 1 -12 and answer them.

Have you ever ridden a camel? Yes, I have.

Have you ever been to London? No, I haven’t

1. ride/a camel

2. bee/London

3. fly/in a helicopter
4. write/a poem

5. vote/in a school election

6. run/a kilometer

7. make/ a speech

8. find/money in the street

9. meet/ a famous person

10. act/in a play

11. wear/a cycle helmet

12. sleep/in a tent

11. In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Then tell the class about your partner.

“Maria has been to London. She’s never slept in a tent.”

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