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AY : 2021-2022
AY : 2021-2022 BATCH: 2020

Vision of the Department:

To be a centre for quality education and research in Information Science
and Engineering to create high quality professionals for catering to the
need of the society.
Mission of the Department:
1) To enable students to acquire strong fundamental concepts related to
the Information Science and Engineering through experiential
2) To educate students towards state-of-the-art-technologies and
multidisciplinary practices for a successful career by creating
learning-teaching-learning ambience.
3) To inculcate life-long learning through innovation and research
attitudes among students related to Information Science and
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):
The objectives of Information Science and Engineering degree program are
to prepare students to meet the academic excellence, professionalism, and
ability to solve a broad range of problems in rapidly changing
technological, economic and social environment.

Graduates of the program will:

1. Pursue career as software engineer, project manager, data scientist,
entrepreneur and pursue higher studies and research in
Information Science and Engineering domains.
2. Apply mathematical, scientific and Information Science and
Engineering knowledge with multidisciplinary approaches to solve
real world problems.
3. Possess professionalism, ethical and societal responsibilities and
engage in life-long learning through pursuit of skill development and
certification courses in Information Science and Engineering.

Programme Outcomes (POs):

To achieve the above objectives, Information Science and Engineering
degree programme strives to obtain the following outcomes which should
be achieved by all graduates at the time of their graduation.
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the
solution of complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and
analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated

Department of Information Science and Engg. 2

AY : 2021-2022 BATCH: 2020

conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and

engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex
engineering problems and design system components or processes that
meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public
health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based
knowledge and research methods including design of experiments,
analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to
provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and
modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and
the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the
professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts,
and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as
a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering
activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such
as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply
these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage
projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation
and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest
context of technological change.

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Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs):

1) Computing System: Demonstrate the knowledge of evolving
hardware and/or software to develop solutions to real life
computational problems with a focus on performance optimization.

2) Communication and Security: Design and develop solutions for

providing efficient transmission, storage, security and privacy of
data in diverse computing environment.

3) Information management: Apply tools and techniques for

management of information system, data analysis and knowledge
discovery in the process of decision making.

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III Semester

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Contact Hours/Week : 4 + 0 (L+T) Credits : 4.0
Total Lecture Hours : 52 CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : 00 SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : 3RMAT3C

Course objectives:
1. To introduce the concept of analytic function, transformation for
2. To introduce the concept of complex variables to evaluate the
3. To introduce the concept of partial differential equations, use
separation of variable method to solve wave, heat and Laplace
4. To develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and
interpret data and use engineering judgment to draw conclusion.
5. To introduce the basic concepts and applications of probability in

Complex Variables
Functions of complex variable, Definition of Limit, Continuity,
Differentiability. Analytic functions, Cauchy’s-Reimann equation in
Cartesian and polar forms (Statement only), Properties of analytic
functions (Statement only). Geometrical representation f(z)=w, Conformal
transformation: w=ez, w=𝑧 + , w=z2, w=cosh z. 12 Hrs.

Complex Integration
Bilinear transformation, Properties, Complex integration, Cauchy’s
theorem (statement only), Converse of Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s
integral formula (statement only), zeros & singularities of an analytic
function, residues, residues theorem, calculation of residues. 10 Hrs.

Partial differential equations (P.D.E.)
Formation of Partial Differential Equation, Solution of Langrange’s Linear
P.D.E. of the type Pp+Qq=R. Method of Separation of Variables.
Applications of P.D.E.: Classification of PDE, solution of one

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dimensional heat wave and two dimensional Laplace’s equation by the

method of separation of variables. 10 Hrs.

Introduction, Definitions, Curve Fitting, equation of Straight line,
parabola and exponential, correlation and regression, formula for
correlation coefficient, regression lines and angle between the regression
lines. 10 Hrs.

Probability Theory
Basic terminology, Definition of probability, Probability and set notations,
Addition law of probability, independent events, conditional probability,
multiplication law of probability, Baye’s theorem. 10 Hrs.

Text Book:
1. B.S.Grewal Higher Engineering Mathematics, 43rd
edition, Khanna Publications, 2015.

Reference Books:
1. Ramana .B.V Higher Engineering Mathematics, latest
edition, Tata-McGraw Hill, 2016.
2. Erwin Kreyszig Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th
edition, Wiley Publications, 2015.
3. C. Ray Wylie and Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th
Louis C. Barrett edition, Tata-McGraw Hill 2005.
4. Louis A. Pipes Applied Mathematics for Engineers and
and Lawrence R. Physicists”, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill 2014.

Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Apply basic mathematical operations on complex numbers in
Cartesian and polar forms. Determine
continuity/differentiability/analyticity of a function and find the
derivative of a function. Identify the transformation (L3,L1).
2. Evaluate a contour integral using Cauchy’s integral formula.
Compute singularities and also the residues (L3).
3. Formulate and solve partial differential equations. Use of separation
of variable method to solve wave, heat and Laplace equations (L4).
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4. Apply least square method to fit a curve for the given data and
evaluate the correlation coefficient and regression lines for the data
5. Determine the nature of the events and hence calculate the
appropriate probabilities of the events (L3).


Contact Hours/Week : 3 + 1 (L+T) Credits : 3.5
Total Lecture Hours : 39 CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : 13 SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : 3RCCI01

Course objectives:
1. To identify the domain and range of a relation and its properties, use
function notation and evaluate
2. To understand the mathematical application of symmetry to an
object to obtain knowledge of its physical properties
3. To identify and apply various properties of and relating to the
integers including the ell-ordering principle, prime, unique
factorization, the division algorithm and greatest common divisor.
4. To compute multiplication inverse, expressing the whole in parts
and test of primitive.
5. To study the theory of Boolean algebra and to representation of
switching functions using Boolean expressions and their
minimization technique.

Relations and Function
Cartesian product and Relations, Properties of Relations, function, types
of function, Computer Recognition- Zero-One Matrices and Digraphs,
Partial order relation -Poset and Hasse-Diagrams, Equivalence Relation
and Partitions, Extremal elements of a Poset, Lattice. 8 Hrs

Binary Operations and Properties, Definition of a Group, Examples and
Elementary properties, Abelian Groups, Homomorphism, Isomorphism
and Cyclic Groups, Cosets and Lagrange’s Thoerem, Normal subgroups.
8 Hrs

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Number Theory – Divisibility Theory in Integers
Introduction, The division algorithm, greatest common divisor, Euclidean
Algorithm, The Diophantine equation ax + by = c, Fundamental theorem
of arithmetic, The Goldbach conjecture. 8 Hrs

The Theory of congruences
Basic properties of congruences, Binary and decimal representation of
integers, Chinese remainder theorem, Fermat’s Theorem, Wilson
Theorem, The Fermat-Kraitchik Factorization method. 8 Hrs

Boolean Algebra and Switching Functions
Switching functions: Disjunctive and conjunctive normal forms. Structure
of Boolean Algebra. 7 Hrs

Text Books:
1. Ralph P. Grimaldi Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics,
5th Edition, Pearson Education, 2012.
2. Bernard Kolman, Discrete Mathematical Structures, 6th
Robert Busby and edition, Pearson Education, 2012.
Sharon C. Ross
3. David M Burton Elementary Number Theory, 7th Edition,
McGraw Hill Education, 2013.

Reference Books:
1. Kenneth H. Rosen Discrete Mathematical and its
Applications, Tata-McGrawHill, 7th
2. J.P.Tremblay and Discrete Mathematical Structures with
R. Manohar Applications to computer science, Tata-
McGraw Hill, 2010.
3. M. Ram Murthy Problems in Algebraic number theory,
and Jody Esmonde Springer, 2006.
4. Erwin Kreyszig Advanced Engineering Mathematics , 10th
edition, Wiley Publications, 2015.

Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

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1. Derive logical implications and equivalences using laws of logic,

describe use quantifiers and prove given statement in different ways
(L1, L2).
2. Compute zero-one matrix, composition of relations and draw Hasse
diagram (L3).
3. Explain the concept of groups, subgroup, Abelian group and derive
Lagrange’s theorem in groups (L2).
4. Determine gcd by different methods and represent gcd as a linear
combination. Euclidean algorithm and its applications(L3).
5. Perform congruence arithmetic. Compute inverse mod p using
different methods and know the existence of primitive roots (L3).

Contact Hours/Week : 3 + 0 (L+T) Credits : 3.0
Total Lecture Hours : 39 CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : 00 SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : 3RIS01

Course objectives:
This course will enable students to:
1. Understand the basics organization and architecture of computer.
2. Explore the use of different addressing modes to design programs.
3. Write control sequence required to execute instructions.
4. Design arithmetic, logic and floating-point units for different data
5. Demonstrate the working of memory hierarchy in computer.

Basic Structure of Computer: Functional Units, Basic Operational
Concepts, Bus Structures, Performance - Processor Clock, Basic
Performance Equation, Clock Rate, Performance Measurement. Machine
Instructions and Programs: Numbers, Arithmetic Operations and
Characters - Number Representation, Addition of Positive Numbers,
Addition and Subtraction of Signed Numbers, Overflow in Integer
Arithmetic, Characters, Memory Location and Addresses - Byte
Addressability, Big-endian and Little-endian Assignments, Word
Alignment, Accessing Numbers, Characters, and Character Strings,
Memory Operations, Instructions and Instruction Sequencing - Register
Transfer Notation, Assembly Language Notation, Basic Instruction Types,
Instruction Execution and Straight-Line Sequencing, Branching,
Condition Codes. 8 Hrs.
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Addressing Modes - Implementation of Variables and Constants,
Indirection and Pointers, Indexing and Arrays, Relative Addressing,
Additional Modes, Basic Input and Output Operations. Stacks and
Queues, Subroutines - Subroutine Nesting and the Processor Stack,
Parameter Passing, The Stack Frame, Basic Processing Unit: Some
Fundamental Concepts - Register Transfers, Performing an Arithmetic or
Logic operation, Fetching a Word from Memory, Storing a word in Memory.
8 Hrs.
Basic Processing Unit: Execution of a Complete Instruction - Branch
Instructions, Multiple Bus Organization, Hard wired Control - A Complete
Processor, Micro programmed Control - Microinstructions. Arithmetic:
Addition and Subtraction of Signed Numbers - Addition/Subtraction Logic
Unit, Design of Fast Adders - Carry-Lookahead Addition. 8 Hrs.

Arithmetic: Multiplication of Positive Numbers, Signed Operand
Multiplication - Booth Algorithm, Fast Multiplication - Bit-Pair Recoding
of Multipliers, Carry-Save Addition of Summands, Integer Division,
Floating-point Numbers and Operations - IEEE Standard for Floating-
Point Numbers, Arithmetic Operations on Floating-Point Numbers -
Addition and Subtraction Operations, Implementing Floating-Point
Operations. 7 Hrs.
Memory System: Some Basic Concepts, Semiconductor RAM Memories -
Internal Organization of Memory Chips, Static Memories, Asynchronous
DRAMs, Synchronous DRAMs, Structure of Larger Memories, Memory
System Considerations, Read Only Memories - ROM, PROM, EPROM,
EEPROM, Flash Memory, Speed, Size, and Cost, Cache Memories -
Mapping Functions. 8 Hrs.

1. Carl Hamacher, Computer Organization. Ed 5. TMH. 2002.
Zvonko Vranesic, Chapters: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.4, 1.6.7,
Safwat Zaky 2.1 to 2.9(except 2.6), 7.1 to 7.5.1, 6.1 to 6.7, 4.1,
4.2.1 to 4.2.5, 4.4,4.5,5.1 to 5.4, 5.5.1, 5.5.2.

1. William Stallings Computer Organization & Architecture. Ed7.
PHI. 2006.
2. Vincent P. Computer Systems Design and Architecture.
Heuring & Harry Ed2. Pearson Education. 2004.
F. Jordan
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Course Outcomes-COs
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to
1. Analyze the performance of a basic computer system.
2. Apply the knowledge of addressing modes to develop an efficient
Assembly language code for a given problem.
3. Design control sequence for the given instruction on different CPU
bus Structures.
4. Apply appropriate technique to solve arithmetic related problems
in computer.
5. Design static or dynamic memory for different data sizes.


Contact Hours/Week : 3 + 2 (L+T) Credits : 4.0
Total Lecture Hours : 39 CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : 26 SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : 3RIS02

Course objectives:
This course will enable students to:
1. Describe the efficient data storage mechanisms for easy access.
2. Describe the properties of various data structures such as stacks,
queues, lists, and trees.
3. Implement Stack and Queue data structures and their applications.
4. Design and implement various types of linked lists, trees and their
5. Apply the knowledge in selecting an appropriate data structure for
a problem to be solved.

Structures and Unions: Defining a Structure, declaring Structure
variables, accessing Structure members, Structure initialization, copying
and comparing Structure variables, operations on individual members,
array of Structures, array within Structure, Structure within Structure,
Structures and Functions, Unions, size of structures, Bit fields.
File management in C: Defining and Opening a file, Closing a file,
Input/Output operations on files - getc(), putc(), getw(), putw(), fscanf(),
fprintf(), Error handling during I/O operations - feof(), ferror(), Random
access to files - ftell(), rewind(), fseek(), Command line arguments.
(Text Book 1: 10, 12)
8 + 5 Hrs.
The Stack: Definition and Examples, representing Stacks in C, Example:
Infix, Postfix, and Prefix.
Recursion: Recursive Definition and Processes, Recursion in C, Writing
recursive programs: The Towers of Hanoi Problem, Efficiency of Recursion.
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Queues: The Queue and Its Sequential Representation: C implementation

of Queues, Insertion, Deletion and Display operations, Types of Queues
(Linear, Circular, Priority and Double Ended Queues).
(Text Book2: 2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3(only the Towers of Hanoi Problem), 3.5.
4.1(excluding Queue as an ADT)) 8+5 Hrs.

Dynamic memory allocation: malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free().
(Text Book 1: 13.1-13.6)
Linked lists: Inserting and removing nodes from a list, linked
implementation of stacks, getnode and freenode operations, linked
implementation of queues, examples of list operation, list implementation
of priority queues, header nodes.
Lists in C: allocating and freeing dynamic variables, linked lists using
dynamic variables, queues as lists in C, examples of list operations in C,
non-integer and non-homogeneous lists, Addition of two polynomials,
implementing header nodes.
(Text Book2: 4.2, 4.3(except array implementation of list, Limitations of
array implementation, comparing dynamic and array implementations of
list)) 8+5 Hrs.

Other List Structures: Circular lists, stack as a Circular list, queue as a
Circular list, primitive operations on circular lists, the Josephus problem,
header nodes, Doubly linked lists, Primitive operations on Doubly linked
(Text Book2: 4.5(except addition of long positive integers using circular
and doubly linked list)) 7+6 Hrs.

Trees: Operations on Binary Trees, Applications of Binary Trees, Binary
Tree Representations: Node representation of Binary Trees, Internal and
External Nodes, Implicit array representation of Binary Trees, Binary Tree
Traversals in C, Threaded Binary Trees - definition and types.
Trees and Their applications: C Representations of Trees, Tree Traversals,
General Expressions as Trees, Evaluating an Expression Tree,
Constructing a Tree.
(Text Book2: 5.1, 5.2, 5.5(except choosing Binary Tree Representation,
Traversal using a Father field, Heterogeneous Binary Trees))
8+5 Hrs.
1. E.Balagurusamy Programming in ANSI C, 7th Edition, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publications, 2017. (Unit I)
2. Yedidyah Langsam, Data structures using C and C++,
Moshe J. Augenstein, PHI/Pearson, 2nd Edition, 2015.
Aaron M. Tenenbaum
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1. Horowitz, Sahni Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, 2nd
and Anderson- Edition, Universities Press Pvt. Ltd., 2011
2. Jean- Paul An Introduction to Data Structures with
Tremblay Paul Applications, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill
G. Sorenson International, 2007

Course outcomes:
After the completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply advanced C programming techniques like pointers,
structures and files to develop solutions for given problems.
2. Implement different data structures like Stacks and Queues using
static memory allocation technique.
3. Implement different types of Linked Lists using dynamic memory
allocation technique.
4. Apply the knowledge of Stacks, Queues and linked lists to design
and develop solutions to given problems.
5. Implement non-linear data structures such as trees and their
applications using dynamic memory allocation technique.


Contact Hours/Week : 3 + 0 (L+T) Credits : 3
Total Lecture Hours : 39 CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : 00 SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : 3RIS03

Course Objectives:
1. Recognize the characteristics of Multi-vibrators and operational
2. Describe, Illustrate and analyse Combinational Logic circuits,
Simplification of Algebraic Equations using Karnaugh Maps
3. Describe the working and Design of Decoders, Digital multiplexers,
Adders and Subtractors, and Master-Slave Flip-Flops.
4. Design different synchronous and asynchronous sequential
circuits and their applications.
5. Analyse the working of ADC and DAC circuits and its applications.

Multi-vibrators: IC-Multi-vibrators.
Introduction to Operational Amplifier: Ideal V/s Practical Opamp,
Performance Parameters,

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Operational Amplifier Applications Circuits: Peak-Detector Circuit,

Comparator, Active Filters, Non-Linear Amplifier, Relaxation Oscillator,
Current-to-Voltage Converter, Voltage-to-Current Converter.
Text book1: Ch 13: 13.10 Ch 16: 16.3, 16.4. Ch 17: 17.12, 17.14, 17.15,
17.18, 17.19, 17.20, 17.21. 8 Hrs.

Combinational Logic Circuits:
Sum-of-Products Form, Simplifying Logic Circuits, Algebraic
Simplification, Designing Combinational Logic Circuits, Karnaugh Map
Method, Exclusive-OR and Exclusive-NOR Circuits, Parity Generator and
Checker, Enable/Disable Circuits, Basic Characteristics of Digital ICs.
Digital Arithmetic-Operations and Circuits:
Arithmetic Circuits, Parallel Binary Adder, Design of a Full Adder,
Complete Parallel Adder with Registers, Carry Propagation, Integrated-
Circuit Parallel Adder, 2's-Complement System, BCD Adder.
Text book 2: Ch 4: 4.1 to 4.8, 6.9 to 6.16 7 Hrs

MSI Logic Circuits:
Decoders: BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder/Drivers, Encoders, Multiplexers
(Data Selectors), Multiplexer Applications, Demultiplexers (Data
Distributors), Magnitude Comparator.
NAND Gate Latch, NOR Gate Latch, Clock Signals and Clocked Flip-Flops,
Clocked S-R Flip-Flop, Clocked J-K Flip-Flop, Clocked D Flip-Flop, D
Latch (Transparent Latch), Asynchronous Inputs, IEEE/ANSI Symbols,
Flip-Flop Timing Considerations, Potential Timing Problem in FF Circuits.
Text book 2: Ch 9: 9.1 to 9.8 Ch 5: 5.1 to 5.12 8 Hrs

Flip-Flops and their applications:
Master/Slave Flip-Flops, Flip-Flop Applications, Flip-Flop
Synchronization, Detecting an Input Sequence, Data Storage and
Transfer, Serial Data Transfer: Shift Registers, Frequency Division and
Counters and Registers:
Asynchronous (Ripple) Counters, Counters with MOD Numbers < 2N, IC
Synchronous Counters, Analyzing Down Counters, Propagation Delay in
Ripple Counters, Synchronous (Parallel) Counters, Synchronous Down

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and Up/Down Counters, Presettable Counters, Synchronous Counter

Text book 2: Ch 5: 5.13 to 5.19. Ch 7: 7.1 to 7.8,7.14 8 Hrs

Interfacing with the Analog World:
Review of Digital Versus Analog, Digital-to-Analog Conversion, D/A-
Converter Circuitry, DAC Specifications, An Integrated-Circuit DAC, DAC
Applications, Analog-to-Digital Conversion, Digital-Ramp ADC, Data
Acquisition, Successive-Approximation ADC, Flash ADCs, Other A/D
Conversion Methods, Sample-and-Hold Circuits, Multiplexing.
Text book 1: Ch 10.1to 10.10. 8 Hrs

1. Anil K Maini, Varsha Electronic Devices and Circuits, Wiley 2012
2. Ronald. J. Tocci, Digital Systems, Principles and Applications,
Neal S Widner, 10th Edition, Pearson Publications
Gregory L Mocs

1. David A. Bell Electronic Devices and Circuits, Fifth Edition,
2. Thomas L. Floyd Digital Fundamentals, Eleventh Edition,
PEARSON, 2015, ISBN 10: 1-292-07598-8.
3. S Salivahanan Digital Circuits and Design, Fourth Edition,
and S Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.2012.

Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Describe the working and applications of Operational Amplifiers
and multivibrators.
2. Apply Boolean algebraic rules to simplify the Boolean expressions
and Design various combinational logic circuits using MSI chips.
3. Describe the working of different Flip flops and Design the adder
circuit and subtractor circuit using multiplexers and decoders.
4. Design and Analyse various sequential logic circuits used for digital
5. Describe and compare the performance of various Analog to Digital
and Digital to Analog circuits.
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Contact Hours/Week : 4 + 0(L+T) Credits : 4.0
Total Lecture Hours : 52 CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : 00 SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : 3RIS04

Course objectives:
This course will enable students to:
1. Understand the basic structure, functions and services of operating
2. Analyze the performances of different scheduling algorithms and
compare them.
3. Describe the different processes synchronization and deadlock
handling techniques.
4. Understand the structure and organization of the file systems.
5. Describe the different approaches to main and virtual memory
INTRODUCTION: What operating systems do - User view, System view,
Defining operating systems, Operating System Structure, Operating
System Operations – Duel mode and multimode operation, Timer,
Process Management; Memory Management; Storage Management;
Protection and Security; [1.1,1.4-1.9]

SYSTEM STRUCTURES: Operating System Services; System calls; Types of

system calls; System programs; Operating System Structure –Simple
structure, Layered approach, Microkernels, Modules, Hybrid Systems – Mac
OS X, iOS, Android. [ 2.1,2.3-2.5,2.7] 12 Hrs.
PROCESS: Process concept, Process state, Process control block,
Process scheduling, Scheduling queues, Schedulers, Context switch,
Operations on processes – Process creation and termination, Inter-
process communication, Shared memory and message passing systems.
THREADS: Overview, Benefits, Multicore Programming, Types of
parallelism, Multithreading models. [ 4.1-4.3]
PROCESS MANAGEMENT: Basic concepts, CPU scheduler, Preemptive and
non-preemptive scheduling, Scheduling criteria, Scheduling algorithms –
FCFS, SJF, Priority and Round robin scheduling, Multi-level and multilevel
feedback queue scheduling. [6.1-6.3] 10 Hrs.

PROCESS SYNCHRONIZATION: Background, The Critical section
problem, Petersons solution, Synchronization hardware, Mutex locks,
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Semaphores, Classic problems of synchronization, Bounded buffer

problem, Readers writer’s problem, Dining philosopher’s problem. [ 5.1-
DEADLOCKS: System model, Deadlock characterization, Methods for
handling deadlocks, Deadlock prevention, Deadlock avoidance,
Deadlock detection and recovery from deadlock. [7.1-7.7] 10 Hrs.

MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Background, Basic hardware, Address
binding, Dynamic loading and linking, Swapping – Standard swapping,
Swapping on Mobile Systems, Contiguous memory allocation
Fragmentation, Segmentation. Paging, Structure of page table –
Hierarchical paging, Hashed paging, Inverted paging, Oracle SPARC
Solaris [8.1-8.6] 10 Hrs.
FILE SYSTEM: File concept, File operations, File types, File structure,
Access methods, Sequential access, Direct access, other access
methods. [11.1-11.2]
VIRTUAL MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Basic concepts, Demand paging, Copy-
on-write, Page replacement – FIFO, LRU, Optimal, LRU-approximation,
Counting based page replacement algorithms, Page buffering algorithms,
Applications. [ 9.1-9.4]
10 Hrs.

1. Abraham Operating System Concepts, 9th edition,
Silberschatz, Peter Wiley-India, 2012.
Baer Galvin, Greg

1. D.M Dhamdhere Operating Systems- A Concept Based
Approach, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw- Hill,
2. P.C.P. Bhatt An Introduction to Operating Systems:
Concepts and Practice- (GNU/Linux), Fourth
Edition, PHI, 2013.

Course Outcomes-COs
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to
1. Identify the services, functions and structure of different operating
2. Apply appropriate scheduling algorithm for process selection and
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3. Design a deadlock free system by applying the principles of

concurrency and deadlock related algorithms.
4. Analyze different memory allocation techniques.
5. Analyze different file management techniques and Compare different
page replacement algorithms.


(For Lateral Entry students only)
Contact Hours/Week : 3 + 0(L+T) Credits : 3.0
Total Lecture Hours : 39 CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : 00 SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : 3RMATF1

Course objectives: This course will enable students to:

1. Known the behavior of the polar curve and its application, determine
the derivatives of functions of two variables and to understand the
behavior of the infinite series
2. Learn how the vectors govern the physical models.
3. Known how the real word problems governed by the first order
differential equations.
4. Solve second and higher order differential equations.
5. Find the Laplace transform of the function f(t) and the Inverse Laplace
transform of the function F(s).

Differential Calculus
Polar curves: angle between the radius vector and tangent, angle between
the two curves.
Partial differentiation: Definition, total differentiation, Jacobians
illustrative examples and problems. Taylor’s series, Maclaurin’s series for
functions of single variable. 08 hrs
Vector Calculus
Vector Algebra: Vector addition, subtraction, multiplication (dot and
cross products), scalar triple product.
Vector Differentiation: Velocity, acceleration of a vector point function,
gradient, divergence and curl. 07 Hrs

Differential Equations-I
Solution of first order, first-degree differential equations: variable
separable method, homogeneous, Linear, Bernoulli’s and exact differential
equations. 08 Hrs
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Differential Equations-II
Differential equations of second and higher orders with constant
coefficients. Method of Variation of Parameters 07 Hrs

Laplace Transform
Definition, Laplace transform of elementary functions, properties of
Laplace transforms, multiplication by t n , division by t and derivatives.
Inverse transforms, Applications of Laplace transforms to differential
equation. 09 Hrs

Text Books:
1. B.S.Grewal “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, 43rd
edition, Khanna Publications, 2015
2. H. K. Das and Er. Higher Engineering Mathematics, 1st
Rajnish Verma edition, S. Chand Publishers, 2011

Reference Books:
1. Ramana .B.V “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, latest
edition, Tata-McGraw Hill, 2016
2. Erwin Kreyszig “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”,
10th edition, Wiley Publications, 2015.

Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Find the angle between the polar curves and represent a function as
an Infinite series. (L2)
2. Calculate the gradient of a scalar point function; divergence, curl
and Laplacian of a vector point function. (L3)
3. Solve first order and first-degree equations and solve Engineering
problems. (L3)
4. Solve the linear differential equations of second and higher order
with constant coefficients. (L3)
5. Derive Laplace transform of basic functions and evaluate inverse
Laplace transforms and also solve linear differential equations by
the method of Laplace transform. (L3)

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Contact Hours/Week : 3 Credits : 1.5
Total Lecture Hours : - CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : - SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : 3RISL01
Course Objectives:
This course enables the students to

• Develop and implement Linear data structures and their applications

such as stacks, queues using static memory allocation.
• Develop and implement Linear data structures such as linked lists
using dynamic memory allocation.
• Explore the applications of linked lists, develop and implement them.
• Develop and implement Non-Linear data structures such as trees and
their applications.

1. Write a C program to create a sequential file with at least five records,
each record having the structure shown below:


Non-Zero 25 25 Positive Positive
Positive integer Characters Characters Integer integer

Write necessary functions to perform the following operations:

a) to display all the records in the file.
b) to search for a specific record based on EMPLOYEE_ID.
2. Develop and implement a STACK of integers using array and perform
the following operations: (a) PUSH (b) POP (c) DISPLAY and (d)check
whether the contents of stack form a palindrome.
3. Write a C program to convert
(a) the given infix expression to postfix expression.
(b) the given infix expression to prefix expression.
(c) to evaluate a given prefix/postfix expression.
[NOTE: either a, b, or c must be specified in the examination].
4. Develop and implement linear QUEUE of strings using array and
perform the following operations: (a) insertion, (b) deletion and (c)
5. Develop and implement CIRCULAR QUEUE of integers using array and
perform the following operations: (a) insertion, (b) deletion and (c)
6. Develop and implement singly linked list with integer data and perform
the following operations:
a) to insert a node at the end of the list.
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b) to delete the first node in the list.

c) to insert a node at the specified position in the list (1<=pos<=n
where ‘n’ is the total number of nodes in the list & ‘pos’ is the
position where data is to be inserted).
d) to display the contents of the list.
e) to reverse a given list.
[NOTE: either of the operations a, b, d & e or operations a, b, c & d
must be specified in the examination].
7. Develop and implement two ordered singly linked lists with the
following operations:
a) insert into list1.
b) insert into list2.
c) to perform UNION of list1 and list2
d) to perform INTERSECTION of list1 and list2
e) display the contents of all three lists.
[NOTE: either of the operations a, b, c & e or operations a, b, d & e must
be specified in the examination].
8. Develop and implement a STACK of integers using singly linked list
and perform the following operations: (a) PUSH (b) POP (c) DISPLAY.
9. Develop and implement linear QUEUE of integers using singly linked
list and perform the following operations: (a) insertion, (b) deletion and
(c) display.
10. Develop and implement addition of two polynomials with two
coefficients using singly linked lists.
Develop and implement doubly linked list with header node with the
following operations: (Header node should maintain the count of
number of nodes in the list after each operation).
a) Insert a node at the end of the list.
b) Insert a new node next to a node whose information field is
c) To delete first node if pointer to the last node is given.
d) To delete a node whose information is given.
e) To display the contents of the list.
f) To swap nth and mth nodes in the list.
[NOTE: either of the operations a, b, d & e or operations a, c, e & f must
be specified in the examination]
11. Develop and implement DEQUE using doubly linked list to perform
the following operations: insertion, deletion and display.
12. Develop and implement binary search tree (BST) of integers to perform
the following operations:
a) Insert into a BST.
b) Traverse the tree in inorder/ preorder/ postorder.
c) Delete a given node from the BST.
13. Develop and implement an expression tree for a given valid postfix
expression and evaluate the expression tree.

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Course Outcomes (COs):

Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:
1. Design and develop C programs by applying C programming
techniques like pointers, structures and files to develop solutions for
particular problems.
2. Design and develop Linear data structures like Stack, Queue using
static memory allocation technique and explore their applications.
3. Design and develop Linear data structures like Linked Lists using
dynamic memory allocation technique.
4. Apply the knowledge of linked lists to design and develop solutions
to given problems.
5. Apply the knowledge of dynamic memory allocation technique to
develop and implement non-linear data structures like Trees and
their applications.


Contact Hours/Week : 2 Credits : 1.0
Total Lecture Hours : - CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : - SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : 3RISL02

Course Objectives:
The purpose of this course is to help students to gain insight of
fundamental concepts of Analog and Digital Circuits Design and serves as
a foundation to understand embedded systems. Students will learn to
design, implement, analyze and document the operation of different
analog and digital circuits.

List of Experiments:
1. Plot the transfer and drain characteristics of a JFET and calculate
its drain resistance, mutual conductance and amplification factor.
2. Design and implement a differentiator and Miller integrator circuit
using Operational Amplifier. Plot the transfer characteristic.
3. Design and implementation of Half-adder and Full adder using
minimum number of NAND gates only.
4. Design and implement the given 3 variable SOP expression using
dual 4:1 MUX IC74LS153.
5. Design and implement the Full adder and Full subtractor using only
multiplexer and other gates.
6. Design and implement the Full adder and Full subtractor using
decoder and other logic gates.
7. Implement the following using 4-bit shift register IC 74LS95.
a) Right Shift b) SISO c) PIPO d) PISO e) SIPO
f) Left Shift g) Ring Counter h) Johnson Counter
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8. Design a sequence generator to generate the given sequence using

shift Register IC and other gates.
9. Design and implement 3-stage Asynchronous (mod-8) counter using
MS J-K flip flops IC7476.
10. Implement UP-Down pre-settable counter using IC 74LS190 for the
given mod N.
11. Design and implement a 3-bit binary mod-n synchronous counter
using MS J-K FF IC74LS76.
12. Implement asynchronous mod-8 counter using decade counter
IC74LS90 and decoder IC7447 to display values from 0 to 9 using
7-segment display.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Analyze the input-output characteristics of JFET.
2. Design and analyze the operation of differentiator circuit and
Miller Integrator circuit using Operational amplifier.
3. Design and implement the Arithmetic Circuits using
combinational digital circuits.
4. Design and implement asynchronous counter for the given MOD
5. Design and implement synchronous counter for the given MOD N.

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IV Semester

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Contact Hours/Week : 4 + 0 (L+T) Credits : 4.0
Total Lecture Hours : 52 CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : 00 SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : 4RMAT4

Course objectives:
This course will enable students to:
• Obtain the foundation of probabilistic and statistical analysis mostly
used in varied applications in engineering and science like disease
modeling, climate prediction and computer networks etc.
• Understand the concept of a probability density function of continuous
random variable.
• Deal with multiple random variables and introduction of the most
important types of stochastic processes.
• Investigate the variability in sample statistics from sample to sample,
measure of central tendency & dispersion of sample statistics and
pattern of variability of sample.
• Understand the fundamentals of coding theory, concept of source
coding and channel coding theorem.

Analysis of Discrete Random Variables
Discrete random variables, probability distribution and probability mass
function, cumulative distributive functions, mean and variance of discrete
random variable, discrete uniform distribution, binomial distribution,
geometric distribution, negative binomial distribution and Poisson
distribution. 11 Hrs.
Analysis of Continuous Random Variables: Continuous random
variable, probability distribution and probability density function,
cumulative distributive functions, mean and variance of continuous
random variable, continuous uniform distribution, exponential
distribution, normal distribution, normal approximation to the Binomial
and Poisson distributions. 9 Hrs.
Joint Probability
Joint probability distribution, discrete and independent random
variables, expectation, covariance, correlation coefficient, probability
vectors, stochastic matrices, fixed point matrices, regular stochastic

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matrices, Markov chains, higher transition probabilities, stationary

distribution of regular Markov chains and absorbing states. 9 Hrs

Sampling Distribution
Introduction, Objectives, sampling distribution, testing of hypothesis,
level of significance, confidence limits, simple sampling of attributes, test
of significance of large samples, comparison of large samples, sampling of
variables, central limit theorem, confidence limits for unknown mean, test
of significance for means of two large samples, Sampling of variables –
small samples, Student’s t-distribution. 11 Hrs.

Information Theory
Introduction, Entropy, Joint Entropy and Conditional Entropy, Relative
Entropy and Mutual Information, Relationship Between Entropy and
Mutual Information, Chain Rules for Entropy, Relative Entropy and
Mutual Information, Jensen’s Inequality and Its Consequences, Log Sum
Inequality and Its Applications, Data-Processing Inequality, Sufficient
Statistics, Fano’s Inequality 12 Hrs.

1. Douglas C Applied Statistics and Probability for
Montgomery, Engineers, 5th edition, Wiley India, 2010.
George C Runger
2. B.S.Grewal Higher Engineering Mathematics, 43rd
edition, Khanna Publications, 2015.
3. Thomas M. Elements of Information Theory, 2nd edition,
Cover, Joy Wiley Publications, 2006. (Chapters 1 and 2)

1. Ramana .B.V Higher Engineering Mathematics, latest
edition, Tata-McGraw Hill, 2016.
2. Erwin Kreyszig Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th
edition, Wiley Publications, 2015.
3. C. Ray Wylie and Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th
Louis C. Barrett Edition, Tata-McGraw Hill, 2005.
4. Louis A. Pipes Applied Mathematics for Engineers and
and Lawrence R. Physicists, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2014.

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5. Richard A Probability and Statistics for Engineers, 9th

Johnson, Irwin edition, Pearson Publishers, 2011.
Miller and John
6. Robert G Gallager Information theory and Reliable
communication, 2 nd edition, Wiley
Publishers, 1968.

Course outcomes:
After the completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Identify a random variable as discrete and appropriate probability
distribution, its statistical parameters(L1).
2. Identify a random variable as continuous and appropriate
probability distribution, its statistical parameters (L1).
3. Determine the joint probability distribution, its mean, variance and
covariance and calculate the transition matrix, fixed probability vector
for a given Markov chain(L3).
4. Estimate the parameter of a population, important role of normal
distribution as a sampling distribution(L2).
5. Apply concepts of probability in information theory and coding (L3).


Contact Hours/Week : 3 + 2 (L+T) Credits : 4.0
Total Lecture Hours : 39 CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : 26 SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : 4RIS01

Course Objectives:
This course will enable the students to:

• Understand the basic principles of object-oriented programming

using C++.
• Analyze important oops concepts such as classes, overloading, data
abstraction, information hiding, encapsulation, inheritance,
polymorphism, templates.
• Discuss how Object-oriented programming is used in modular
designing and also as a reusable software system.

Principles of Object-Oriented Programming and Functions: A look at
Procedure oriented Programming, Object oriented Programming
Paradigm, basic concepts of object oriented programming, Benefits of
OOPS, Object oriented languages, Applications of OOP, Reference
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Variables, Operators in C++, Scope resolution Operator, Memory

dereferencing operators, Memory management operators, Manipulators,
Function prototyping, call by reference, return by reference, inline
functions, default arguments, const arguments, function overloading.

Classes and Objects: C structure revisited, specifying a class, Defining

member functions, A C++ program with class, Making an outside function
inline, Nesting of member functions, Private member functions, Arrays
within a class, memory allocation for objects, static data members, static
member functions, array of objects, objects as function arguments,
friendly functions, returning objects.
6+3=9 Hrs.
Constructors and Destructors: Constructors, parameterized constructors,
multiple constructors in a class, constructors with default arguments,
Dynamic initialization of objects, copy constructors, dynamic
constructors, destructors.

Operator overloading and type conversions: Introduction, defining

operator overloading, Overloading Unary and Binary operators,
overloading binary operators using friend function, Manipulation of
strings using operators, Rules for overloading operators, type conversions.
6+4=10 Hrs.
Inheritance: Introduction, Defining derived classes, Single inheritance,
making a private member inheritable, Multi-level inheritance, Multiple
inheritance, Hierarchical inheritance, Hybrid inheritance, Virtual base
classes, Abstract classes, Constructors in derived classes, Nesting of
Pointers, Virtual functions and polymorphism: Introduction, Pointers,
pointers to objects, this pointer, pointers to derived classes, Virtual
functions, pure virtual functions.
5+3=8 Hrs.
Templates: Introduction, class templates, class templates with multiple
parameters, function templates, function templates with multiple
parameters, overloading of template functions, member function
templates, non-type template arguments.
6 Hrs
Exception handling: Introduction, basics of Exception handling,
Exception handling mechanism, throwing mechanism, catching
mechanism, rethrowing an exception, specifying exceptions, exceptions in
constructors and destructors, exceptions in operator overloaded functions

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Introduction to the Standard Template Library: Introduction, components

of STL, containers, algorithms, iterators, application of container classes,
function objects. 3+3 Hrs

1. E. Balagurusamy Object Oriented Programming with C++,
6th edition, TMH, ISBN:
9781259029936, 125902993X

1. Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference C++, 5th Edition,
TMH, 2012.
2. Paul Deitel, C++ - How to Program, 8th Edition, Prentice
Harvey Deitel Hall, 2012.
3. Stephen R. C++ for Dummies, 7th Edition, John Wiley
Davis and Sons Inc, 2014.

Course outcomes:
After the completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply various C++ constructs such as classes, functions, function
overloading and dynamic memory management to develop
2. Develop programs using constructors, destructors, Operator
overloading and type conversion concept.
3. Design programs using Inheritance to achieve code reusability and
virtual functions to achieve run time polymorphism.
4. Design programs to handle Templates and Standard Template
5. Analyze different exceptions and develop programs.


Contact Hours/Week : 3 + 0 (L+T) Credits : 3.0
Total Lecture Hours : 39 CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : 00 SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : 4RIS02

Course objectives:
This course will enable students to:
1. An introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms.
2. Expose students to prove the correctness and analyze the running
time of the basic algorithms. (Analysis)

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3. To compare the running time of sorting and searching algorithms.

4. Create an awareness of applying the algorithms and design
techniques to solve problems. (application)

Introduction: Notion of algorithm, Fundamentals of Algorithmic Problem
Solving, Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency: Analysis
frame work, Asymptotic Notations and Basic Efficiency Classes,
Mathematical Analysis of Non-recursive and Recursive Algorithms.
[Chapters: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1-2.4] 08 Hrs.
Brute Force: Selection Sort and Bubble Sort, Sequential Search and
Brute-Force String Matching.
Divide and Conquer: Mergesort, Quicksort, Binary Search.
[Chapters: 3.1, 3.2, 4.1- 4.3] 07 Hrs.
Decrease and Conquer: Insertion Sort, Depth First Search, Breadth First
Search, Topological Sorting, Algorithms for Generating Combinatorial
Transform and Conquer: Presorting, Balanced Search Trees: AVL Tree,
Heaps and Heapsort. [Chapters: 5.1 – 5.4, 6.1, 6.3 (only AVL Trees),6.4]
08 Hrs.
Dynamic Programming: Computing a Binomial Coefficient, Warshall’s and
Floyd’s Algorithms, The Knapsack Problem.
Greedy Technique: Prim’s Algorithm, Kruskal’s Algorithm, Dijkstra’s
Algorithm.[Chapters:8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 9.1-9.3] 08 Hrs.

Space and Time Tradeoffs: Sorting by Counting, Input Enhancement in
String Matching : Horspool’s Algorithm.
Limitations of Algorithm Power: P, NP and NP-Complete Problems.
Coping with the Limitations of Algorithm Power: Backtracking: N-Queens,
Hamiltonian Circuit Problem, Subset-Sum Problem. [Chapters: 7.1,7.2,
10.3, 11.1] 08 Hrs.

Self-Study Component:
The following topics must be studied by the students:
1. Algorithms for Generating Combinatorial Objects.
2. Limitations of Algorithm Power: P, NP and NP-Complete Problems.

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1. Anany Levitin. Introduction to The Design & Analysis of
Algorithms. Ed2. Pearson Education. 2007.
ISBN: 81-7808-984-X

1. Ellis Horowitz, Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms,
SatrajSahni University Press Pvt. Ltd, 2nd Edition,
and 2009.

Course outcomes:
After the completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Identify the fundamental principles of algorithm analysis and
design and apply them in specific instances.
2. Apply design techniques such as brute force and divide-and-
conquer to solve a given problem.
3. Apply design techniques such as decrease and conquer, transform
and conquer to solve a given problem.
4. Apply the dynamic programming and greedy techniques to solve a
given problem.
5. Identify the fundamental principles of space-and-time tradeoffs
and apply the design techniques such as backtracking to solve a
given problem.

Contact Hours/Week : 3 + 1 (L+T) Credits : 3.5
Total Lecture Hours : 39 CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : 13 SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : 4RIS03

Course objectives:
This course will enable students to:
1. Explain the concepts of automata theory and formal languages.
2. Identify different formal language classes like regular and
context free and their relationships.
3. Design Regular expression, grammars and recognizers for
different formal languages.
4. Analyze and modify the CFGs to normal forms.
5. Describe Pushdown automata, Turing machine and its variants
and hierarchy of formal languages and automata.

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Introduction to Finite Automata: Why study automata theory? The
central concepts of Automata theory; Deterministic finite automata;
Nondeterministic finite automata; An Application: Text search; Finite
automata with Epsilon-transitions. (Text Book 1: 1.1.1, 1.5, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4,
2.5) [Theorem:2.11]
9+3 Hrs.

Regular expressions and Languages: Regular expressions, Finite
Automata and Regular Expressions- From DFA’s to Regular Expressions,
converting regular expressions to automata; Application of Regular
Expressions, Properties of Regular languages- Proving languages not
to be regular languages; Equivalence and Minimization of Automata -
Testing equivalence of states, Testing equivalence of regular languages,
Minimization of DFA’s. (Text Book 1: 3.1, 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.3, 4.1)
[Theorems: 3.4, 3.7, 4.1]
8+3 Hrs.

Context-Free Grammars and Languages: Context-free grammars; Parse
trees- Constructing Parse Trees, The yield of a parse tree; Applications
of Context Free Grammars, Ambiguity in grammars and languages-
Ambiguous grammars, Leftmost derivation as a way to express
ambiguity, Inherent ambiguity. (Text Book 1:5.1, 5.2.1, 5.2.2,5.3, 5.4.1,
5.4.3,5.4.4). Simplification of CFG’s and Normal forms (only Chomsky
Normal Form) (Text Book 2: 6.1,6.2). [Theorems: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6]
8+2 Hrs.

Pushdown Automata : Definition of the Pushdown automata; The
languages of a PDA Equivalence of PDA’s and CFG’s; Deterministic
Pushdown Automata- Definition of a DPDA. ( Text Book 1- 6.1, 6.2, 6.3,
6.4.1) [Theorems: 6.9,6.11]
7+3 Hrs.
Introduction To Turing Machine: The Turing Machine: Notation for
the TM, Instantaneous Descriptions for the TM, Transition diagrams for
the TM, The Language of a TM, TM and Halting; A hierarchy of Formal
Languages and Automata- Definitions of Recursive and Recursively
Enumerable Languages, Definition of Unrestricted Grammars, Definition
of Context Sensitive Grammars and Languages, Chomsky hierarchy.
(Text Book 1, Chapter 8- 8.2.2-8.2.6, Text Book 2, Chapter 11- 11.1,
11.2, 11.3, 11.4 only mentioned definitions of chapter 11).
7+2 Hrs.

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1 John E.. Hopcroft, Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages
Rajeev Motwani, and Computation, 3rd Edition, Pearson
Jeffrey D.Ullman education, 2007
2 Peter Linz An Introduction to Formal Languages and
Automata, 4th edition, Narosa publication

1 John C Martin John C Martin, Introduction to Languages and
Automata Theory, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill,

Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Apply the basic mathematical properties to understand
grammars, automata theory and formal languages.
CO2: Apply the automata theory to show the equivalence among
different notations of regular and context free languages.
CO3: Design the regular expressions and context free grammars for a
given languages.
CO4: Apply the properties of pumping lemma, norm forms, context free
grammars and regular grammar to prove the properties of a given
CO5: Design the finite automata, pushdown automata and Turing
machine for a given problems.


Contact Hours/Week : 3 + 1 (L+T) Credits : 3.5
Total Lecture Hours : 39 CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : 13 SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : 4RIS04

Course objectives:
This course will enable students to:
1 This course introduces the concept of architecture and
programming of advanced embedded microcontrollers i.e ARM
family of microcontrollers that are widely used in design of real
time sophisticated embedded systems like tablets, hand held
devices, automation and industrial control systems.
2 It also covers writing Embedded C programming of LPC2148
for GPIO, ADC, DAC, UART, LCD, Timers and etc.
3 It a l s o e x p l a i n s th e c o n c e p t s of e m b e d d e d system a nd
i t s components.

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ARM Embedded Systems: The RISC Design Philosophy, The ARM
Design Philosophy, Embedded System Hardware, Embedded System
ARM Processor Fundamentals:
Registers, Current Program Status Register, Pipeline, Exceptions,
Interrupts, and Vector Table, Core Extensions, Architecture Revisions,
ARM Processor Families, LPC2148 Microcontroller Architecture,
Memory Mapping, Register Description.
08 Hrs.
Introduction to the ARM Instructions Set:
Data Processing Instructions, Branch Instructions, Load-Store
Instructions, Software Interrupt Instructions, Program Status Register
Instruction, Example Programs.
07 Hrs.
Introduction to the ARM Instructions Set Cont…
Loading Constants, ARMv5E Extensions, Conditional Execution, and
Example Programs.
Efficient C Programming:
Overview of C Compilers and Optimization, Basic C Data Types, C
Structures, Register Allocation, Function Calls, Pointer Aliasing,
Structure Arrangement, Bit-fields, Unaligned Data and Endianness,
Division, Floating Point, Inline Functions and Inline Assembly.
Interfacing:Interfacing Sensors, Actuators, GPIO, LED, 7 segment
display, stepper motor, Keyboard, Push button switch, Data Conversions
(ADC, DAC), Timers.
08 Hrs.

Communication Protocols: UART, I2C (onboard) Programming using C.

Embedded System Components: Embedded v/s General computing

system, Classification of Embedded systems, Major applications and
purpose of Embedded systems. Core of an Embedded System including
all types of processor/controller, Memory.
08 Hrs.
1 Andrew N. Sloss, ARM Systems Developer's Guide Designing and
Dominic Symes, Optimizing System Software, Morgan Kaufmann
Chris Wright Publishers, E l s e v i e r Inc, 2004. (Chapters 1, 2,
3, 5)

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2 Shibu K V Introduction to Embedded Systems, Second

edition, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private
Limited, 2017. (Chapters 1 and 2 selected topics)
3 LPC214x User Manual –
(LPC2148, GPIO, Registers, Embedded components selected)

1 Steve Furber ARM System On Chip Architecture, Second
Edition, Pearson Education Limited, 2000.
2 William Hohl, ARM ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE Fundamentals and
Christopher Hinds Techniques, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 2015.
3 Gibson ARM Assembly Language An Introduction, Second
Edition, 2007.

Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Describe the ARM processor architecture and its family.
CO2: Develop assembly language programs to perform specific tasks
using ARM instructions.
CO3: Develop ARM microcontroller applications using Embedded C
CO4: Design and develop program to interface external hardware
with LPC214x microcontroller.
CO5: Describe the fundamental concept of Embedded System


Contact Hours/Week : 3+0(L+T) Credits : 3.0
Total Lecture Hours : 39 CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : 00 SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : 4RIS05

Course objectives:
This course will enable students to:
1. Describe the architecture of Unix Operating System and
demonstrate the various UNIX commands along with their
options and arguments.
2. Apply suitable commands and filters for file processing on bash
3. Solve Text processing problems using Regular Expressions
tools like Grep and Sed.
4. Develop shell scripts to automate tasks on a computer.

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5. Demonstrate and apply the syntax of AWK & PERL scripting to

solve simple problems.

The Unix Architecture and command usage: The Unix architecture,
Features of Unix, Locating Commands, Internal and External
Commands, Command Structure, Flexibility of Command Usage, Man
Browsing the manual pages online, Understanding the man
documentation-man-k, apropos and whatis.
General Purpose Utilities: cal, date, echo, printf, bc, script, mailx,
passwd, who, uname, tty, sty.
File System: File, What’s in a filename, the parent-child relationship,
the Home variable, pwd, cd, mkdir, rmdir ,absolute pathnames, relative
pathnames, ls, unix file system.
Basic file attributes: ls –l, ls-d options, File Ownership, file Permissions,
Directory Permissions, chmod, Changing file ownership.
8 Hrs.
More File Attributes: File Systems and Inodes, Hardlinks, Symbolic
Links, Directory, umask, find command usage.
Handling Ordinary Files: cat, cp, rm, mv, more, lp, file, wc, od, cmp,
comm, diff commands usage.
The Shell: The Shell’s Interpretive Cycle, Shell Offerings, Pattern
Matching-Wildcards, Escaping and Quoting, Redirection, Two Special
Files, Pipes, tee command, Command Substitution Shell Variables.
7 Hrs.
Simple Filters: The Sample database, pr, head, tail, cut, paste, sort,
uniq, tr command usage with examples.
Filters using regular expressions grep and sed: grep, BRE, ERE
expressions, sed: stream editor, Line addressing, using multiple
instructions, context addressing, writing selected lines to a file, text
editing, substitutions.
8 Hrs.
Essential SHELL Programming : Shell Scripts, read: Making script
interactive, Using Command line arguments, exit and Exit Status of
command, the logical operator && || --Conditional execution, the if
conditional, using test and [ ] to evaluate expressions, the case
Conditional, expr: Computation and String handling, $0: Calling a script
by different names, while: Looping, for: Looping with a list, set and shift:
Manipulating the positional parameters, the Here document (<<), trap:
interrupting a program, Debugging Shell scripts with set-x, Sample
Validation and Data Entry scripts.

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Advanced SHELL Programming: Shells and Sub-Shells, ( ) and { } : sub-

shell or Current Shell?, export: Exporting shell variables, Running a
script in the Current Shell: the .Command, let: Computation – A second
Look (Korn and Bash), Arrays (Korn and Bash).
8 Hrs.

Advanced SHELL Programming cont.…
String Handling (Korn and Bash), Conditional parameter substitution,
Merging Streams, Shell Functions, eval: Evaluating Twice, The exec
Perl-THE MASTER MANIPULATOR: Preliminaries, chop Function,
Variables and Operators, String Handling Functions, specifying
filenames in command line, Default Variables, Lists and Arrays, Loops,
foreach, split, join, grep, Regular expressions and Substitution.
8 Hrs.
1 Sumitabha Das. Unix- concepts and applications, Ed 4. Tata
McGraw-Hill. 2008.

1 Behrouz A Forouzan, Unix and shell programming, Thomson. 2008.
Richard F. Gilberg

2 Venkateshmurthy Unix and shell programming, Pearson

M.G Education. 2005.

Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Analyze the role of various components in the architecture of
Unix Operating System and use the various UNIX commands to
interact with the operating system.
CO2: Analyze the bash shell support to work with the Unix file
CO3: Apply suitable commands and filters for file processing on bash
CO4: Design solutions for Text processing problems using Regular
Expressions tools like Grep and Sed.
CO5: Develop shell, awk and perl scripts to automate tasks on a

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AY : 2021-2022 BATCH: 2020


Contact Hours/Week : 3 Credits : 1.5
Total Lecture Hours : - CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : - SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : 4RISL01

Course objectives
This course will enable students to
• Design and implement various algorithms based on Brute Force, Divide
& Conquer, Transform and conquer and Decrease & Conquer technique.
• Employ various design strategies like Space and time trade off, Dynamic
Programming, Greedy Technique and Backtracking for solving problems.
• Measure and compare the time complexity of different algorithms.

Implement the following using C/C++ Language.
1. Apply brute force/divide and conquer technique to recursively
implement the following concepts:
a) Linear Search and Binary Search.
b) To find the maximum and minimum in a given list of n
2. Apply divide and conquer technique to implement merge sort
algorithm to sort a given set of elements. Determine the time required
to sort the elements. Plot a graph of the time taken versus n elements.
The elements can be read from a file or can be generated using the
random number generator.
3. Apply divide and conquer technique to implement quick sort
algorithm to sort a given set of elements. Determine the time
required to sort the elements. Plot a graph of the time taken versus
n elements. The elements can be read from a file or can be
generated using the random number generator.
4. Apply decrease and conquer technique to implement
a) Topological ordering of vertices in a given digraph.
b) Insertion sort algorithm to sort a given set of elements
5. Apply decrease and conquer technique to implement the following
a) Display nodes visited in the order starting from a given node in
a graph using Depth First Search and also display push and
pop order of the nodes.
b) Print all nodes reachable from a given node in a digraph using
Breadth First Search
6. Apply transform and conquer technique to implement a program
a) Sort a given set of elements using the Heap sort and determine
the time required to sort the elements.

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b) Repeat the experiment for different values of n, the number of

elements in the list to be sorted and plot a graph of the time
taken versus n.
c) The elements can be read from a file or can be generated using
the random number generator.
7. Apply Space and Time trade off technique to implement a program
a) Perform string matching using Horspool algorithm.
b) Comparison counting sorting algorithm
8. Apply transform and conquer technique to implement a program
to construct an AVL Tree for a given set of elements and display
balance factor for each node.
9. Apply dynamic programming technique to implement
a) 0/1 Knapsack problem.
b) Compute the transitive closure of a given graph using
Warshall's algorithm.
10. Apply dynamic programming technique to implement
a) All pair shortest path problem using Floyd's algorithm.
b) Find the Binomial Coefficient.
11. Apply Greedy technique to implement a program to find shortest
paths to other vertices using Dijkstra's algorithm from a given
vertex in a weighted connected graph.
12. Apply Greedy technique to develop a program to implement Prim’s
algorithm to find minimum cost spanning tree of a given weighted
13. Apply Greedy technique to implement Kruskal's algorithm to find
minimum cost spanning tree of a given weighted graph.
14. Apply Back Tracking technique to implement a program to find a
subset of a given set
S = {s1, s2,.....,sn} of n positive integers whose sum is equal to a
given positive integer d.
For example, if S= {1, 2, 5, 6, 8} and d = 9 there are two solutions
{1,2,6} and {1,8}.
A suitable message is to be displayed if the given problem instance
doesn't have a solution.
15. Apply Back Tracking technique to implement a program on
nQueen's problem.

Program to be executed for various sizes of input. Table to be filled with
Ascending Descending Random Order
Size: n Input Time Time Time taken
Input Input
taken taken
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Course outcomes
Upon the completion of course the student will be able to:
1. Apply the knowledge of brute-force, divide & conquer and decrease
& conquer algorithm design technique to develop programs to
solve problems.
2. Design and implement algorithms using Transform and
conquer, Space and time trade off and Dynamic Programming
using high level language.
3. Design and implement algorithms using Greedy Technique and
4. Apply and implement learned algorithm design techniques and
data structures to solve real world problems.


Contact Hours/Week : 3 Credits : 1.5
Total Lecture Hours : - CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : - SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : 4RISL02

Course Objectives:
This course will enable students to:
• Explore the Keil µvision4 tool to develop embedded applications.
• Develop and test Assembly Language Program (ALP) using
ARM7TDMI/LPC2148 or simulator.
• Develop and test embedded C programs using ARM7TDMI/LPC2148.
• Conduct the experiments on an ARM7TDMI/LPC2148 evaluation
board with external/internal I/O devices.

Conduct the following experiments by writing Assembly Language
Program (ALP) using ARM7TDMI/LPC2148 using simulator.
1. Write an ALP to multiply two binary numbers.
2. Write an ALP to find factorial of a number.
3. Write an ALP to add an array of numbers and store the result in
internal RAM
4. Write an ALP to find the square of a number (1 to 10) using look-
up table.

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5. Write an ALP to find the largest/smallest number in an array of

32 numbers.
6. Write an ALP to arrange a series of 32-bit numbers in
ascending/descending order.
7. Write an ALP to count the number of ones and zeros in two
consecutive memory locations.

Conduct the following experiments on an ARM7TDMI/LPC2148
evaluation board using evaluation version of Embedded C and Keilµvision-
4 tool/compiler.
1. Display “Hello World” message using Internal UART.
2. Interface a Stepper motor and rotate it in clockwise and anti-
clockwise direction.
3. Determine Digital output for a given Analog input using Internal
ADC of ARM controller.
4. Interface a DAC and generate the following waveforms:
a. Triangular
b. Square
c. Sin wave
5. Interface a 3x8 keyboard and display the key pressed on an UART.
6. Demonstrate the use of an external interrupt to toggle an LED
7. Display any 4 or 12 character message on a 7-segment LED
interface, with an appropriate delay.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course student will be able to:
1. Develop and implement assembly level language programs for
ARM7TDMI/LPC2148 microcontroller using Keil software tool.
2. Develop and implement applications using Embedded C language
for ARM7TDMI/LPC2148 microcontroller.
3. Analyze the interface circuits and interface with microcontroller,
develop C code to use GPIOs.
4. Develop and implement C code to generate different waveforms
using DAC.

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Contact Hours/Week : 2 Credits : 0.0
Total Lecture Hours : 26 CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : - SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : HSS04

Part I: Constitution of India

Introduction to Constitution of India
Salient Features of Indian Constitution, Preamble to the Indian
Constitution, Different kinds of fundamental rights, Directive Principles
of State Policy, Categorical study of Directive Principles, Relationship
between DPSP and Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties. 06 hrs

Union and State Governments
Union and State Legislature: Composition and powers of Loksabha,
Rajyasabha, Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council. Union and
State Executive: The appointment and powers of President, Vice-
president, Prime-Minister, Union Council of Ministers, Governor of State,
Chief Minister of State and State Council of Ministers. Union and State
Judiciary: The Composition and powers of Supreme Court and High
07 hrs
Other Provisions of Constitution
Special provisions relating to SC / ST, Women and Children and other
backward classes. Electoral process related to the Election Commission of
India: Composition, functioning and removal of the Election
Human Rights: Meaning, Kinds and Safeguard of Human Rights, State
Human Rights Commission and National Human Rights Commission.
05 hrs

Part II -Professional Ethics

Professional Ethics and Human Values
Introduction, What is Ethics, Scope of Professional Ethics, Values and
Characteristics, Types of values: Negative and positive values, Ethical
values for Professional success. Case Studies: Ethical practices of the
reputed Indian Companies: TATA Group, Wipro Technologies. 04 hrs

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Professional Code of Conduct
Introduction, Professional Code, Legal System, Ethical and Unethical
practices, Making the Professional Code successful. Ethical values of Sir
M. Visvesvaraya, Mahatma Gandhi and Swami Vivekananda. 04 hrs


1. J N Pandey ‘Constitutional Law of India’, 49th Ed., 2012,

Central Law Agency Publishing, 2016 ISBN: 978-

2. S G Hunderker ‘Business Ethics and Human Values’, Excel

Books, New Delhi, 2009, ISBN-978-8174467386


1. M.V. Pylee ‘Constitution of India’, 5th Ed., Vikas Publishing

House, New Delhi.
2. D.D. Basu ‘Shorter Constitution of India’, 2e, Lexis Nexis,
2015, ISBNN: 978-9357434467.
3. D.D. Basu ‘Commentary on the Indian Constitution’ (Vol. 10),
i.e, 2016, Butter worth’s, Wadhwa Nagar, Nagpur,
2016, ISBN: 978-9350356661.
4. OC Fcrrell, John ‘Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and
Paul Fraedrich, Cases’, Biztantra, New Delhi, 2014, ISBN: 978:
Linda Ferrell 1285423715.
5. Swami “My India: The India Eternal” – Ramakrishna
Vivekananda Mission Institute of Culture, Kolkata, 1993.

Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the student

will be able:

CO1: To orient students on the salient features of the Indian Constitution

with special emphasis on fundamental rights and duties.
CO2: To provide an overview of the Union and State legislature, executive
and judiciary.
CO3: To explain the importance of electoral process and help students
appreciate the ethical practices in elections.
CO4: To facilitate the students to have a clear perspective of the Ethical
values and their relevance in the present context of globalization.
CO5: To enable the students familiarize themselves with the ethical values
proposed and practiced by the great leaders / eminent personalities with
particular reference to Sir M. Visvesvaraya.

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AY : 2021-2022 BATCH: 2020

Contact Hours/Week : 2 +0(L+T) Credits : 0.0
Total Lecture Hours : 26 CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : - SEE Marks : 50
Course Code : HSS05

Course Objectives:
This course introduces the students to the problems of depletion of
natural resources due to deforestation, agricultural practices, and adverse
environmental effects, pesticides, soil erosion, mining. Different types of
energy- renewable, non-renewable and energy conservation, impact of
environmental pollution on water quality, air quality, soil pollution and
noise pollution, solid waste management- disposal, treatment of different
types of solid waste including MSW, e-waste, biomedical waste, societal
impact of environmental issues- ozone layer depletion, GHG effects, water
conservation and harvesting and environmental protection & acts

• Components of Environment and their interactions
• Ecology, Ecosystem and types
Natural Resources:
• Forest Resources-Deforestation, Causes of deforestation,
Environmental effects of deforestation and solutions
• Water resources, World’s water reserves, Hydrological cycle
• Land resources, Land degradation. Soil erosion, Causes and
prevention, Soil conservation and its types
• Mineral resources of India, Mining & its adverse effects
• Numerical problems on rainfall & runoff 6 Hrs.
Energy and resources:
• Types of Energy-Renewable, Non-renewable & sustainable energy &
their advantages and disadvantages
• Renewable energy sources- Solar energy, Wind energy, Tidal energy,
Ocean thermal energy. Geothermal energy, Hydroelectric power,
Biomass energy, Hydrogen energy, Thermal power- environmental
• Conservation of energy
• Numerical problems on Solar energy, Wind power 5 Hrs.

Environmental pollution:
• Sources of pollution- Natural sources, & Anthropogenic
• Pollutants- Classification & their effects on environment

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• Air pollution-Composition of clean air, Sources of air pollution & Air

pollutants, Effect of air pollution on humans, animals and plants &
• Water quality–Potable water, Wholesome water, Sources of water
pollution Polluted water & Contaminated water,
• Common impurities in water (physical, chemical and bacteriological),
Effects of impurities on humans & industrial use
• Soil Pollution-Sources, Effects & its control
• Noise pollution- Sources of noise, Effects on human health & its
• Numerical problems on pH, hardness of water, noise pollution 5 Hrs.

Solid Waste Management
• Refuse, Garbage, Rubbish, Ash, types of solid waste
• Necessity of safe disposal, Impacts on human health and
• Classification of solid wastes- Quantity and composition of MSW,
Collection of solid waste- methods
• Disposal of solid waste-Sanitary land-fill
• E-waste- Problems and solutions
• Biomedical waste-Impacts on human health, storage, treatment
methods and disposal
• Numerical problems on moisture content, density & area land fill
5 Hrs.
• Sustainable development:
• Issues on energy utilization, water conservation, concept of 3 Rs, Rain
water harvesting- methods
• Global environmental issues: Population growth, Urbanization,
Global warming, Acid rains, Ozone layer depletion & controlling
• Environmental acts, Regulations, Role of state & central
• Introduction to GIS & Remote sensing, their applications in
environmental engineering practices
Numerical problem on carbon foot print & rainwater harvesting 5 Hrs.

Text Books:
1 Benny Joseph Environmental Studies, 2005 The
McGraw-Hill companies.
2 Santhosh Kumar Garg, Ecological and Environmental Studies,
Rajeshwari Garg and edition 3rd 2010 Khanna Publishers.
Dr Ranjani Garg

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Reference Books:
1 Erach Bharucha Environmental studies for Undergraduate
Courses, edition 1st 2013 University Press.

Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of the course, the student will be able:
1. Describe the importance of forestation, effects of deforestation, land
degradation, adverse effects of mining on environment, using the
principles of natural sciences compute the runoff from rainfall &
estimates the conservation of water for beneficial use of humans
2. Describe the Renewable sources of energy and formulate, review
literature, calculate power potential of solar & wind energy by using
the principles of natural sciences.
3. Describe the effects of pollution on air, water, soil & noise on
humans and environment, identify & analyze the pollution problems
related to air, water, soil & noise and quantify pollution levels &
draw valid inferences using engineering sciences.
4. Describe Impact of solid waste on human health and environment,
its safe disposal. Use population data & compute percapita solid
waste generation, land area requirement for sanitary landfill
5. Describe the sustainable development, its importance, current
global environmental issues, Present state & central governments
protection acts, compute carbon foot print using
data(vehicles/industries) & asses its impact on environment

Department of Information Science and Engg. 49

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