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ACL Injury Mechanisms and the Kinetic Chain Linkage: The Effect of Proximal Joint

Stiffness on Distal Knee Control during Bilateral Landings

Jordan Cannon *✝, MSc, Edward DJ Cambridge✝, BKin, PhD(c), and Stuart M McGill ✝, PhD

* Current: Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Research Laboratory, Division of Biokinesiology and

Physical Therapy, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, US

✝ Worked performed at: Spine Biomechanics Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology,

University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Support: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

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Review Board: University of Waterloo Office of Research Ethics

Corresponding Author:
Jordan Cannon
Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Research Laboratory,
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy,

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, US
22 ACL Injury Mechanisms and the Kinetic Chain Linkage: The Effect of Proximal Joint

23 Stiffness on Distal Knee Control During Bilateral Landings

24 Abstract

25 Study Design: Cross-sectional

26 Objective: To investigate the influence of lumbar spine joint rotational stiffness (JRS), and

27 gluteal musculature contribution to hip JRS, on dynamic knee valgus.

28 Background: Neuromuscular deficits at the trunk and hip may contribute to dynamic knee

29 valgus and ACL injury mechanisms. However, comprehensive examination of neuromuscular

30 patterns and their mechanical influence are lacking.

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31 Methods: Eighteen university-aged women completed a drop vertical jump while we measured

32 kinematics, kinetics, and twenty-four channels of electromyography spanning the trunk and hip

33 musculature. We classified each limb as high or low valgus based on frontal plane knee

34 displacement magnitude. We used anatomically-detailed EMG-driven biomechanical models to

35 quantify lumbar spine JRS and muscle contributions to hip JRS.

36 Results: Low valgus limbs generated greater gluteus medius frontal JRS (p=0.002, ES=1.3) and
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

37 gluteus maximus transverse JRS (p=0.003, ES=1.2) compared to high valgus limbs. Participants

38 with bilateral high valgus collapse had substantially reduced lumbar spine sagittal JRS compared

39 to the group with low valgus on both limbs (p=0.05, ES=5.1). Those who displayed low valgus

40 on both limbs also displayed a peak lumbar spine flexion angle of 24 ± 4o compared to the

41 bilateral high valgus group’s angle of 38 ± 10o (p=0.09, ES=1.8).

42 Conclusion: This is the first work of its kind to specifically characterize lumbar spine and hip

43 neuromuscular mechanisms that may be responsible for dynamic valgus in a drop vertical jump,

44 beyond EMG analysis of limited muscles. Participants who avoided high medial knee

45 displacement utilized greater proximal JRS.

Key Words: lumbar spine, hip, biomechanics, musculoskeletal modelling, dynamic valgus

46 Introduction

47 Neuromuscular deficits of the trunk and hip musculature may contribute to non-contact

48 anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury mechanisms such as dynamic knee valgus. However,

49 comprehensive examination and characterization of such deficits are incomplete in the literature.
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50 Dynamic (knee) valgus is characterized by hip adduction and knee abduction when the knee has

51 collapsed medially and joint structures experience excessively high loads, though multi-planar

52 kinematics at the lower extremity joints can also contribute to dynamic valgus.21,50,57 Recent

53 evidence implicating aberrant trunk and hip kinematics in dynamic valgus behavior provides a

54 rationale for the mechanism being a proximal-to-distal process. 5,20,23,51

55 The likelihood of dynamic valgus inducing harmful ACL forces and strains have been

56 documented previously in the literature.18,25,33,36,59 Thus, evaluation of dynamic valgus as a

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

57 measure of ACL injury risk is well established.17,20–22,31,42,43,47,56 Given its utility in screening for

58 injury risk, the drop vertical jump (DVJ) is a common task employed in research and the clinic to

59 evaluate dynamic valgus.22,28,42,44,47,48 However, beyond kinematic and kinetic characterization,

60 and limited EMG analyses, insufficient work has been conducted to understand the mechanism

61 of dynamic valgus. This deficit motivated the current investigation of muscle activation patterns

62 and proximal joint stiffness.

63 A growing body of literature suggests that many traumatic knee injuries are due to

64 aberrant hip kinematics.50 In the sagittal plane a trade-off exists between the hips and knees upon

65 bilateral landing. In general, landing with an anterior lean of the trunk has been associated with

66 decreased knee-extensor moments and increased hip-extensor moments; conversely landing with

67 an erect trunk has been associated with the reverse.50,51 Additionally, anterior-posterior trunk

68 lean serves to modulate the strain and forces experienced by the ACL.4,29,50 In the frontal and

69 transverse planes, of particular importance is the role of hip adduction and internal rotation as

70 primary contributors to medial knee displacement (MKD) and creating a valgus posture.47,53,58

71 During hip adduction, the knee joint moves medially, allowing dynamic valgus and large knee

72 abduction moments to occur.20,58 Powers (2010)50 noted that females who relied predominantly
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73 on the hip musculature to absorb impact forces during landing had reduced knee valgus angles,

74 abduction moments, and energy absorption at the knee. Several studies have noted weakness in

75 hip extension, external rotation, and abduction in those who display valgus during dynamic tasks,

76 or go on to suffer knee injuries.1,14,57 However, it has been demonstrated that dynamic valgus and

77 the associated mechanics can be reduced immediately following feedback and technique

78 coaching, indicating that landing biomechanics were independent of muscle strength. 19,31,41

79 Hip abduction and external rotation are predominantly achieved by gluteus medius and
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

80 gluteus maximus, respectively. 27,45,60 As such, these are muscles of interest when considering the

81 mechanism of dynamic valgus. To date, muscles of the gluteal complex have been evaluated

82 only for their activation amplitude, onset/offset timing, duration of activity and their link to

83 aberrant hip kinematics.1,57,63 While such analyses are insightful, they cannot provide direct

84 evidence regarding the mechanical contribution of the muscle’s ability to resist kinematics

85 contributing to dynamic valgus.

86 Considering the importance of controlling trunk and hip kinematics, it has been

87 postulated that neuromuscular factors are the primary mechanism of dynamic valgus. Prospective

88 studies have successfully predicted knee injury (inclusive of ligamentous and meniscus) and

89 ACL injury in females with high sensitivity (ranging between 84-91%) when considering

90 neuromuscular factors related to core stability in their predictive models.61,62 Furthermore,

91 purposeful core (trunk) muscular engagement has been shown to decrease frontal plane hip

92 displacement and increase knee flexion angle.55 Core stability has been defined as the ability to

93 dynamically control the trunk over the pelvis in order to allow optimal production, transfer and

94 control of forces and motion to distal segments of the kinetic chain.26,61 Thus, the dynamic

95 control of the knee is dependent on all contributing segments to the movement, starting
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96 proximally with the trunk and radiating distally through the hips.

97 The role of trunk musculature to provide stiffness and stability to the spine is well

98 documented.3,7–9,12,49,52 The mechanical stability of a joint is dependent on the active, passive,

99 and control system’s ability to contribute stiffness to the joint. The control system includes the

100 CNS, which modulates joint stiffness via surrounding muscular contributions (active system).46

101 Muscle stiffness is the elastic energy stored upon deformation, and is dependent on activation,

102 force, and length.8,13,30 Joint rotational stiffness is the elastic resistance to rotational joint motion,
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

103 that is dependent on muscle stiffness and the geometric orientation (muscle attachment

104 coordinates, length, moment arm) of musculature about the joint.10–12 Muscle stiffness and its

105 contribution to joint rotational stiffness, is a function of neural drive in response to

106 proprioceptive feedback and the instantaneous task demand constraints.8,10,12,30,38 In the absence

107 of sufficient stiffness joint integrity is compromised, whereby instability and aberrant joint

108 micromovements can occur and/or structures may be unable to resist perturbations and excessive

109 motion.12,37 Joint rotational stiffness (JRS) analyses provide a unique method for which to

110 encapsulate the effect of musculature around a joint of interest, by incorporating the effect of

111 active muscle stiffness and their geometric orientation given segment kinematics. Quantification

112 of JRS facilitates analysis beyond muscle activation in isolation and provides insight into the

113 mechanical ability of musculature to resist rotational perturbations.

114 The evidence linking kinematic and neuromuscular involvement of the trunk and hip in

115 dynamic valgus, suggests that a biologically robust method of investigating proximal JRS in their

116 ability to prevent dynamic valgus is justifiable. Muscle activation patterns integration with safe

117 or aberrant kinematics have never been documented before for the musculature of the trunk

118 during a DVJ, yet such an analysis is critical in the formation of evidence-based prevention
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119 strategies. Lumbar spine mechanics were of particular interest given the hypothesis that the

120 mechanism is a proximal-to-distal process, and that lumbar spine motion influences trunk

121 position, pelvic orientation, hip kinematics, and knee control. Given the frontal and transverse

122 plane hip kinematics that create dynamic valgus, of specific interest at the hip were the

123 contributions of gluteus medius and gluteus maximus to JRS in the frontal and transverse planes,

124 respectively. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to conduct a mechanistic investigation

125 aimed at elucidating and characterizing proximal neuromuscular mechanisms contributing to

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

126 dynamic valgus.

127 We hypothesized that greater lumbar spine flexion angles and reduced sagittal plane

128 lumbar spine JRS would be observed in participants who displayed bilateral valgus compared to

129 those who displayed no valgus on either limb. Additionally, we hypothesized that limbs

130 characterized as low valgus would display greater gluteus medius JRS in the frontal plane and

131 greater gluteus maximus JRS in the transverse plane, compared to high valgus limbs. This work

132 aims to provide insight into the motor control component of avoiding dynamic valgus, by linking

133 proximal JRS to the frontal plane control of the knee joint. Insight into the mechanisms

134 influencing valgus obtained here may assist in enhancing efforts to reduce future risk of non-

135 contact ACL injury. Insight from the results of this study may inform evidence-based

136 interventions aimed at reducing dynamic valgus, and ultimately, an individual’s risk of non-

137 contact ACL injury.

138 Methods

139 Eighteen female participants (age: 20.7±1.3 years, height: 1.64±0.05 m, mass: 65.2±11.0

140 kg) volunteered from a university population for this cross-sectional study. Participants self-

141 reported no current or significant previous injury to, and no chronic or recurrent pain of, the low
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142 back or lower extremities. Female participants inclusive of varsity and recreational athletes from

143 a variety of sports (soccer, basketball, volleyball, rugby, martial arts) were appropriate since they

144 are a subset of the population at particularly high risk for ACL injury. Before testing, each

145 participant read and signed written informed consent forms approved by the university research

146 ethics board.

147 Data Collection

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

148 Drop Vertical Jump Task

149 The DVJ involves the participant dropping both feet off a box (31cm in height, 10cm

150 from the force plates) landing each foot on a force plate before performing a maximal vertical

151 jump (Figure 1). The DVJ was described and demonstrated by a research assistant, participants

152 were asked to land with each foot on a force plate simultaneously and jump as high as they could

153 before landing back on the force plates. A trial was considered successful when both feet hit the

154 force plates simultaneously and the participant reported performing a maximal vertical jump.
155 Additionally, raw EMG signals were checked in real time for quality and veracity. Any trials

156 with obvious non-physiological spikes due to mechanical collision or motion of hardware were

157 not considered successful. Three successful trials of every task were performed.

158 Kinematics and Kinetics

159 VICON NexusTM (Los Angeles, CA, USA) motion capture tracked the three-dimensional

160 coordinates of reflective markers, sampled at a rate of 60 Hz. Reflective markers adhered over

161 the following landmarks bilaterally allowed for segment definition: 1st and 5th metatarsal heads,

162 posterior and inferior base of calcaneus, medial and lateral malleoli, medial and lateral femoral

163 condyles, greater trochanters, iliac crests, acromia, sternum, and C7. Rigid body plates

164 containing a minimum of 4 reflective markers, to track segment movement during tasks, were
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165 adhered over the following segments: feet, legs, thighs, sacrum, and T12. Ground reaction forces

166 and moments were recorded from two in-ground force plates (AMTI, Watertown, Mass, USA)

167 oriented adjacent to one another sampled at a rate of 2160 Hz.

168 Electromyography (EMG)

169 Twenty-four channels of EMG were collected bilaterally over the following muscles:

170 rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, latissimus dorsi, upper (thoracic) erector
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

171 spinae, lower (lumbar) erector spinae, tensor facsia latae, gluteus medius, gluteus maximus,

172 rectus femoris, biceps femoris, and adductor longus. Ag-AgCl surface electrode pairs were

173 positioned with an inter-electrode distance of approximately 2.5 cm and oriented in series,

174 parallel to the direction of the muscle fibers.

175 Each participant performed a maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVC) of each

176 muscle for normalization. The EMG signals were amplified and analog-to-digital converted with

177 a 16-bit converter at a sample rate of 2160 Hz using the VICON NexusTM (Los Angeles, CA,

178 USA) system software.

179 Reference Voluntary Contraction (RVC)

180 A reference voluntary contraction (RVC) was collected as a calibration procedure to tune

181 the EMG-driven musculoskeletal models to each participant. The RVC for the lumbar spine

182 involved the participant standing upright holding a 9.07 kg plate directly in front of their body in

183 both hands with full elbow extension and shoulders flexed to approximately 90o. For the hips a

184 similar RVC was used while the participants were in a semi-squat position.

185 Data Processing

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186 Kinematics

187 Visual 3D software (C-Motion, Rockville, MD) was used to calculate functional joint

188 centers of the hip and knee.2,54 Three-dimensional joint kinematics were calculated in Visual 3D

189 using rigid body segment clusters for the lumbar spine (sacrum and T12), hips (pelvis and

190 femur), and knees (femur and shank) and known anatomical landmarks to form orthopedic

191 angles from Euler rotation sequences of the following order: (i) flexion/extension, (ii) lateral

192 bend of the spine, abduction/adduction of hip and knee, and (iii) axial rotation of the spine,
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

193 internal/external rotation of hip and knee. Kinematic data were low-pass second-order

194 Butterworth filtered (dual pass) to produce a final cut-off frequency of 6 Hz (effectively creating

195 a fourth-order zero lag filter).

196 A body-fixed hip-ankle plane was created using the hip joint center, ankle joint center,

197 and a virtual marker (anterior to the ankle joint center) in Visual 3D to calculate frontal plane

198 knee displacement throughout the duration of the task. Frontal plane knee displacement was

199 calculated as the perpendicular distance between the functional knee joint center and the hip-

200 ankle plane. MKD represents a valgus posture of the lower extremity. The peak MKD of all trials

201 of the DVJ task were recorded before calculating the median value. An exclusion range of ± 20%

202 around the median was defined and provided the thresholds to determine high or low

203 valgus status for the given limb, such that high valgus were those greater than the median + 20%.

204 Each limb's valgus status was independently defined, this split the groups into ‘High Valgus’ and

205 ‘Low Valgus’ for the analysis of gluteal contributions to hip JRS. For the analysis of lumbar

206 spine variables, the participants were split into three groups: ‘Bilateral Valgus’ in which both

207 limbs were classified as high valgus, ‘Unilateral Valgus’ when either limb was high valgus, or

208 ‘No Valgus’ when both limbs were low valgus.

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209 Electromyography

210 EMG data were digitally bandpass filtered between 30 and 500 Hz using second-order

211 zero phase lag (dual pass) Butterworth filters.15 Steps in digitally processing the raw EMG

212 included: removing the DC bias, full wave rectification, and linear envelope using a low-pass

213 Butterworth filter with a cut-off frequency of 2.5 Hz.6 The filtered LE signal were then

214 normalized to the maximum muscle activation elicited during the MVC for the given muscle.

215 EMG data were then down-sampled to be time synchronized with kinematic data sampled at 60
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

216 Hz.

217 EMG-driven modelling for the estimation of Joint Rotational Stiffness (JRS)

218 Details of the EMG-driven modelling processes (Figure 2) and methods to estimate JRS

219 at the lumbar spine and hips can be found in detail in the Supplementary Material. Briefly,

220 anatomically detailed EMG-driven biomechanical models of the lumbar spine and hips were

221 used (comprising 228 muscle fascicles in total) that are sensitive to individual movement and

222 motor control strategies. Lumbar spine JRS was calculated using a stability analysis that

223 evaluates the potential energy of the system.12,24,35,39 In order to calculate gluteus medius and

224 gluteus maximus contributions to hip JRS, equations developed by Potvin and Brown (2005)49

225 were used in conjunction with anatomical data of the Twente Lower Limb Model.27


227 Statistical Analysis

228 Peak variables of interest were averaged from three successful trials of a participant.

229 Lumbar spine flexion and lumbar spine sagittal JRS were primary variables of interest for

230 comparison between the three groups defined by both limbs valgus status (Bilateral Valgus,
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231 Unilateral Valgus, No Valgus). A one-way ANOVA was conducted to compare the groups.

232 Additionally, the summation of each limb’s peak MKD allowed for a continuous variable to be

233 used in simple linear regression with each lumbar spine measure. Hip variables of interest were

234 peak gluteus medius frontal JRS and gluteus maximus transverse hip JRS. Since hip kinematics

235 are inherently considered within the JRS analysis and directly contribute to the frontal plane

236 displacement of the knee, they are not included in our statistical analyses as separate variables.

237 Each limb's valgus status was independently defined; therefore, groups of high and low valgus
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

238 were composed of the limbs defined as such. Comparison between high and low valgus groups

239 for gluteal JRS variables were done using t-tests, correcting for multiple comparisons using the

240 Bonferroni method. To test the association between gluteal JRS measures and MKD, multiple

241 linear regression was performed. Statistical significance was set at the p< 0.05 level for all tests.

242 All statistical analyses were performed in R.

243 Results

244 The mean peak MKD was 1.7 ± 0.8cm, the median value was 1.8cm while the thresholds

245 for determining high and low valgus were 2.1cm and 1.4cm, respectively. The mean, standard

246 deviation, and 90% confidence intervals are presented for lumbar variables (Table 1) and gluteal

247 JRS variables (Table 2). P-values and Hedges’ g effect sizes (ES) are presented in the tables for

248 group comparisons.

249 The no valgus group displayed a peak lumbar spine flexion angle of 24 ± 4o compared to

250 the bilateral valgus group’s angle of 38 ± 10o (p=0.09, ES=1.8) (Table 1). The peak lumbar spine

251 sagittal JRS between no valgus (1099 ± 114 Nm/rad) and bilateral valgus groups (646 ± 52

252 Nm/rad) had a very large effect size (ES=5.1, p=0.05) (Table 1). Simple linear regression for
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253 lumbar spine flexion (Figure 3A) and sagittal JRS (Figure 3B) show little variance is accounted

254 for when using data from all valgus groups (7% and 23%), but a moderate amount of the

255 variance is explained when considering the data of only the bilateral and no valgus groups (56%

256 and 61%). Average time-series data of lumbar variables during the contact phase of the DVJ are

257 displayed in Figure 4 for each group.

258 Peak gluteus medius frontal JRS (p=0.002, ES=1.3) and gluteus maximus transverse JRS
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

259 (p=0.003, ES=1.2) were significantly greater in the low valgus compared to high valgus group

260 (Table 2). When entered into the multiple linear regression model (p=0.0003) gluteal JRS

261 contributions could account for 39% of the variance in MKD, indicating that a 1000 Nm/rad

262 increase in either of the gluteal JRS measures would result in a 1cm decrease in medial knee

263 displacement (Table 3). Figure 5 graphically displays the summation of peak gluteus medius and

264 gluteus maximus JRS in the frontal and transverse planes as a function of MKD.

265 Discussion

266 The primary results of this study indicate that those who avoided high MKD utilized

267 greater proximal JRS. Specifically, low valgus limbs generated greater gluteal JRS compared to

268 high valgus limbs. Remarkably, even with only 4 participants in each group, large effect sizes

269 indicate that participants displaying bilateral valgus also collapsed into lumbar spine flexion and

270 displayed substantially reduced lumbar spine sagittal JRS compared to the no valgus group. The

271 data collection and post-processing required to estimate JRS is extensive and limits the number

272 of cases that can be reasonably examined. Looking at the extremes of behavior and response

273 enhances the biological significance since the purpose of this work was to explore why some

274 people display valgus, while others do not. This was not an investigation of the behavior of the
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275 group about a mean, rather it was to observe the features of those who are at the extremes – that

276 is where the signal of interest is. Stiffness is the variable the motor control system uses to control

277 motion throughout the linkage, and these results suggests a key role for proximal stiffness in

278 preventing dynamic valgus.

279 We hypothesized that greater lumbar spine flexion angles and reduced sagittal plane

280 lumbar spine JRS would be observed in participants who displayed bilateral valgus compared to

281 those who displayed no valgus. Such small sample sizes do not allow for sufficient statistical
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

282 power, and as such conventional significance parameters were not likely to be reached. Despite

283 this limitation the groups were remarkably different in their peak lumbar spine flexion and

284 lumbar spine sagittal JRS (Table 1, Figure 4), as evidenced by very large effect sizes. Therefore,

285 it is suggested that these results hold biological significance of considerable weight, particularly

286 since this is the first study of its kind to comprehensively evaluate trunk musculature in its

287 relation to dynamic valgus during a DVJ. In regard to the hip, we hypothesized that limbs

288 classified as low valgus would display greater gluteus medius JRS in the frontal plane and

289 greater gluteus maximus JRS in the transverse plane, compared to high valgus. Large effect sizes

290 between groups were observed in addition to statistical significance, thus highlighting the

291 importance of gluteus medius and maximus mechanical contributions to the prevention of

292 dynamic valgus.

293 Landing tasks are complex in that they involve multi-joint control and segment

294 coordination, while necessarily meeting the mechanical demands imposed by impact forces at

295 both the individual joints and the kinetic chain as a whole.40 As such, a variety of muscle

296 activation patterns and coordination strategies may be utilized to achieve the goals of the task

297 and support moment demands at various joints and in multiple planes of motion. The finding that
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298 gluteal JRS contributions were significantly different between high and low valgus limbs, while

299 explaining a moderate amount of variance (39%), indicate that they are factors contributing

300 substantially to the control of the lower extremity during landing - but not the only factors.

301 Importantly though, the statistical power of the regression analysis suffers due to a small number

302 of data points in our sample.

303 The mechanical function of the gluteus medius and maximus substantiates their role in
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

304 JRS production in those who avoided dynamic valgus, since their frontal and transverse plane

305 moment arms make them ideal stiffeners in combination with muscle activation. Since MKD is

306 primarily a frontal plane motion, it is unsurprising that the largest magnitude of difference

307 between high and low valgus were found in gluteus medius’ frontal JRS contribution. The

308 reported threshold values for MKD used in this work correspond reasonably well with values by

309 a prospective study that reported a 1.2cm increase in MKD increased one’s risk of ACL injury

310 by 40%.28 Considering their risk assessment and the results of this work (Table 3), a 1000

311 Nm/rad decrease in either of the gluteal JRS measures would increase one’s risk of ACL injury

312 by 33%.

313 Hip flexion magnitudes between bilateral and no valgus groups differed less than 5o. This

314 suggests that the no valgus group avoided landing erect but did not collapse at the lumbar spine,

315 thus achieving an anterior trunk lean using a hip strategy to appropriately control the COM. This

316 highlights the need to quantify and understand how the anterior trunk lean is achieved (via

317 contributions from lumbar spine and/or hip flexion) and the differences in mechanics that

318 accompany such strategies during dynamic tasks.

319 Several works have linked a “stiffening strategy” (less trunk, hip, and knee flexion upon

landing) to increased ACL injury risk, given the increased loading at the knee joint. 4,31,32,50 A
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321 few studies have evaluated ‘stiffness’ in varying forms including an average leg stiffness (peak

322 vGRF/body COM displacement) 34 and hip joint stiffness (moment/angle)16 that have conflicting

323 conclusions regarding differences in ‘stiffness’ between males and females and the relation to

324 ACL injury risk. However, such methods of calculating stiffness did not utilize measures of the

325 direct contribution of active musculature – this is the strength of our investigation. No previous

326 works, that the authors are aware of, have investigated JRS at the lumbar spine or hip
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

327 musculature as it relates to the mechanism of dynamic valgus or ACL injury. Nor have any

328 works investigated the role of the trunk and hip musculature to the extent of this work.

329 The major limitation of this work is the small sample size rendering statistical models

330 lacking in sufficient power for some variables. Eighteen university aged female recreational or

331 university level athletes comprised the sample. The use of thresholds to define valgus groups

332 further reduced the sample size for group comparisons and only provided relatively high or low

333 valgus based on the sample population, while it also included both limbs from some participants

334 and only single limbs from others. Given the cross-sectional study design, small sample size, and

335 large variability in variables of interest, inferences for the risk of injury as it relates to reduced

336 proximal JRS while promising, require further investigation. Inherent assumptions and

337 limitations exist in the use of generic EMG-driven biomechanical models. However, tuning of

338 the model with a participant specific gain factor, and the between group comparison rendering

339 any error systematic in nature, attempts to address these limitations. This mechanistic study was

340 designed to understand potential contributing factors to, and mechanisms of, dynamic valgus.

341 For participants in which a limb had conflicting valgus classification across trials, the kinematic

342 and JRS variables of each trial often varied in magnitude; averaging these trials occasionally

343 resulted in washing out differences between trials. Important mechanistic information might exist
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344 in this variability that may be insightful for inferring injury risk.


346 Conclusion

347 This is the first work of its kind to specifically characterize lumbar spine and hip

348 neuromuscular mechanisms that may be responsible for dynamic valgus in the DVJ task, beyond

349 EMG analysis of limited muscles. Increased JRS at the lumbar spine and greater JRS
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

350 contributions from the gluteal musculature are linked with preventing high MKD. Increased

351 stiffness is not always prophylactic, as extremely high magnitudes may act to impose rigidity

352 within a system and prevent motion that may be necessary to dissipate forces and transfer energy

353 in a manner that reduces injury risk. However, in this work increased stiffness was deemed to be

354 appropriate and sufficient, as it was regularly a pre-condition to prevent high MKD. Stiffness is a

355 variable that is tuned by the motor control system with tradeoffs between motion, stress

356 distribution and migration, injury resilience, and performance. This advance provides a

357 springboard for future work that should aim to develop training interventions for increasing an

358 individual’s proximal JRS to avoid dynamic valgus during controlled and uncontrolled tasks.

359 Key Points

360 Findings: The data suggests that neuromuscular factors at the trunk and hip may be responsible

361 for dynamic valgus occurrence during a landing task. Specifically, an inability to generate

362 sufficient proximal JRS allows for high medial knee displacement.

363 Implications: This work suggests that prevention programs aimed at addressing neuromuscular

364 mechanisms related to non-contact ACL injury must do so with consideration of trunk and

365 gluteal musculature, and their coordinated activity to appropriately control the linkage.
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366 Furthermore, the JRS approach facilitates analysis beyond muscle activation in isolation, and in

367 doing so advances understanding of the links inherent to cause and effect.

368 Caution: The JRS described in this work is not equivalent to ‘clinical stiffness’. When muscles

369 contract they create both force and stiffness that work together to control posture and dynamic

370 movement. Additionally, one must train sufficient stiffness in individuals with appropriate and

371 coordinated muscle activation patterns in combination with suitable movement patterns. The

372 optimal value of stiffness that is both appropriate and sufficient is unknown.
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther


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J Orthop Sports Phys Ther


Figure 1: The stages of a standard DVJ from a 31 cm box onto two adjacent force plates. The
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participant begins feet shoulder width apart with the toes at the edge of the box (A). The

participant initiates movement by ‘dropping’ both feet off the box (B), landing each foot on a

separate force plate (C), before performing a maximal vertical jump (D), and landing back on the

force plates (E).

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther
Anthropometric External Force
Kinematic Data EMG
Data (Force Plate Data)

Link Segment
Downloaded from by La Trobe University on 07/21/19. For personal use only.

3D Reaction 3D Joint
Force and Angles

Muscle Model
Individual Muscle (Lumbar: DM)
Joint Model Length, Velocity, (Hip: Hill-Type)

Individual Muscle
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

Individual Muscle
Force and
Least Squares Stiffness

Joint Forces and

Common Gain

Joint Rotational
Stiffness Analysis
Figure 2: An overview of the EMG-driven modelling processes used for the lumbar spine and

hip are presented to demonstrate the inputs, processing, and outputs of each subcomponent as

well as the interactions between them to comprise the complete model.

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J Orthop Sports Phys Ther
Summed Medial Knee Displacement (cm)
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther
Downloaded from by La

R = 0.23

R = 0.56

- - = All Groups

Summed Medial Knee Displacement (cm)

= Bilateral & No Valgus Groups

R = 0.61
R = 0.07
Figure 3: Scatter plots of A) lumbar spine flexion angle and B) lumbar spine sagittal Joint

Rotational Stiffness (JRS) versus summed medial knee displacement during the drop vertical

jump task. Grey dashed lines are the regression fit considering all groups’ data, black solid lines

are the regression fit on only the bilateral and no valgus data. Note the clustering of no valgus

and bilateral valgus groups at either end of the spectrum. High summed medial knee

displacement values in the unilateral valgus group may be driven primarily from one limb.
Downloaded from by La Trobe University on 07/21/19. For personal use only.
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther
Bilateral Valgus Unilateral Valgus No Valgus

Angle (deg)

20 A

JRS (Nm/rad)


0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
Time (normalized)
Figure 4: Average time-series data of lumbar spine flexion angle (A); and sagittal plane lumbar

spine Joint Rotational Stiffness (JRS) (B) during the stance phase of the drop vertical jump task

for each group.

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J Orthop Sports Phys Ther
J Orthop Sports Phy
Downloaded from w
Figure 5: Scatter plot displays gluteal musculature’s combined contribution to hip Joint

Rotational Stiffness (JRS) in the frontal and transverse planes versus peak medial knee

displacement during the drop vertical jump task.

Downloaded from by La Trobe University on 07/21/19. For personal use only.
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther
Table 1: Comparison of peak lumbar spine flexion and sagittal joint rotational stiffness (JRS) between valgus
groups (BV: Bilateral Valgus, UV: Unilateral Valgus, NV: No Valgus). Mean ± Standard Deviation and 90%
confidence intervals are presented for each group. (ES = Hedges’ g effect size)


(n = 4) (n = 10) (n = 4)

Spine 38 26 24 ES = 1.4 ES = 1.8 ES = 0.3
Flexion ± 10 ±8 ±4
Angle (o) (29, 46) (9, 44) (5, 43) ANOVA: p = 0.09

Spine 646 833 1099 ES = 0.8 ES = 5.1 ES = 1.1
Sagittal JRS ± 52 ± 278 ± 114
(Nm/rad) (418, 873) (339, 1327) (571, 1627) ANOVA: p = 0.05
Downloaded from by La Trobe University on 07/21/19. For personal use only.
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther
Table 2: Comparison of peak gluteus medius frontal plane joint rotational stiffness (JRS) and gluteus maximus
transverse plane JRS between high and low valgus groups. Mean ± Standard Deviation and 90% confidence
intervals are presented for each group. (ES = Hedges’ g effect size)

High Valgus Low Valgus High Valgus – Low Valgus

(n = 11) (n = 13)

Gluteus Medius 1076 2708 p = 0.002 *

Frontal ± 708 ± 1505 ES = 1.3
JRS (Nm/rad) (550, 1603) (1450, 3965)

Gluteus Maximus 290 698 p = 0.003 *

Transverse JRS ± 194 ± 431 ES = 1.2
(Nm/rad) (145, 434) (353, 1043)
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* = Indicates statistically significant p-value after correcting for multiple comparisons.

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther
Table 3: Results of the multiple linear regression model using the gluteal musculature JRS
variables as predictors of medial knee displacement, indicate a significant model (p<0.01) as
denoted by the F Statistic. The coefficients indicate that a 1000 Nm/rad increase in either gluteal
JRS measure would result in a 1cm decrease in medial knee displacement.

Response variable:
Medial Knee Displacement
G.Med Frontal JRS -0.001*
G. Max Transverse JRS -0.001
Constant 2.537***
Observations 36
R2 0.392
Downloaded from by La Trobe University on 07/21/19. For personal use only.

Adjusted R2 0.355
Residual Std. Error 0.863 (df = 33)
F Statistic 10.641*** (df = 2; 33)
Note: p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther
ACL Injury Mechanisms and the Kinetic Chain Linkage Cannon et al 2019

Supplementary Material


Lumbar Spine Model

Lumbar spine joint rotational stiffness (JRS) was quantified using a three-dimensional

anatomically detailed lumbar spine model (Figure 2 of manuscript) (including 98 laminae of

muscle and a passive lumped parameter stiffness element) that is sensitive to individual

movement and motor control strategies.4 Briefly, normalized EMG data and lumbar spine

generalized coordinates are input to the model. A distribution-moment model (DM model) is

utilized to process the EMG and output muscle force and stiffness profiles with consideration of
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length and velocity.4,9 The stability analysis calculates the potential energy of the system

utilizing the elastic energy of linear and torsional springs (Figure A.1). The resulting 18 degree-

of-freedom (DoF) lumbar spine model produces an 18x18 symmetric square Hessian matrix of

the second order partial derivatives of the potential energy function with respect to general

displacements along each DoF.3,4,7 The potential energy function is a summation of the

contributions from the muscle fascicles (linear springs), passive tissues (torsional springs), and

that from any externally applied loads. Each diagonal element of the Hessian matrix represents
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

the joint rotational stiffness about a particular axis of a joint in the lumbar spine, of interest in

this work were the three axes about L4/L5 since this is where the most anatomical detail is

contained in the model. For the purposes of this work, the analysis stops here so that the

continuous measure of JRS can be examined with respect to medial knee displacement.
ACL Injury Mechanisms and the Kinetic Chain Linkage Cannon et al 2019
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Figure A.1: An overview of the Stability Analysis run following the Lumbar Spine Model. Note: for this work the
values of interest were the JRS values of L4/L5 contained in the Hessian Matrix (H). Thus, the diagonalization of H
to obtain stability was not necessary.
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther
ACL Injury Mechanisms and the Kinetic Chain Linkage Cannon et al 2019

Hip Model

In order to calculate hip joint rotational stiffness (JRS), equations developed by Potvin

and Brown (2005)12 were used in conjunction with anatomical data reported by Klein Horsman

et al. (2007)8. An overview of the modelling processes that provide the variables necessary for

the hip JRS analysis can be seen in Figure 2 of manuscript. Use of the JRS equation (Equation 1)

requires input of: 1) Origin and insertion coordinates of muscles relative to the hip joint center;

2) Muscle force; and 3) Muscle stiffness.

𝐴𝑌 𝐵𝑌 + 𝐴𝑍 𝐵𝑍 − 𝑟𝑥2 𝑞𝑟𝑥2
𝐽𝑅𝑆𝑥 = 𝐹𝑚 [ + ] (1)
𝑙 𝐿
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𝐽𝑅𝑆𝑥 = the rotational stiffness contribution of a muscle about the x-axis of the hip joint
𝐹 = force of a particular muscle ‘m’
𝑙 = 3D length of the muscle vector that crosses the hip joint
𝐿 = full 3D length of the muscle
𝑟 = 3D muscle moment arm
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

𝐴𝑋 , 𝐴𝑌 , 𝐴𝑍 = origin coordinates with respect to hip joint center at (0,0,0)

𝐵𝑋 , 𝐵𝑌 , 𝐵𝑍 = insertion (or initial node) coordinates with respect to hip joint center at (0,0,0)
𝑞 = muscle stiffness coefficient relating muscle force and length

1) Origin and Insertion Coordinates

Origin and insertion coordinates of all relevant hip musculature (65 muscle fascicles per

hip), were taken from the ‘Twente Lower Limb Model’.8 Muscles were split into anatomically
ACL Injury Mechanisms and the Kinetic Chain Linkage Cannon et al 2019

and functionally relevant muscle parts, where a number of elements are used to model the muscle

geometry most accurately.

2) Muscle Force

Instantaneous muscle force were calculated using a Hill-type muscle model. Normalized

EMG corrected for length, velocity, and passive tissue contributions were calculated (Equation

2).11 Muscle characteristics (PCSA, Lo, pennation angle) required in the hip muscle force

calculations were taken from the Twente Lower Limb Model.8

Fm = G [(EMG ) (𝑃𝐶𝑆A)(𝜎𝑚𝑎𝑥 )(Ω)(δ) + FPEC ] (2)
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Fm = Muscle force (N)

G = Participant specific gain
= Normalised EMG amplitude

PCSA = Physiological Cross-Sectional Area

𝜎𝑚𝑎𝑥 = Maximum muscle stress
𝛺 = Coefficient for force-velocity correction
δ = Coefficient for force-length correction
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

FPEC = Force due to the passive elastic component

Differences in hip musculature’s mechanistic capability were preserved, however some

deep muscle activation were implied from surface EMG sites.6 This method is sufficiently valid

in providing insight for biomechanical analyses.2,6,10 Since muscles were evaluated for their

contribution to JRS and compared between groups, any error is systematic in nature.
ACL Injury Mechanisms and the Kinetic Chain Linkage Cannon et al 2019

3) Muscle Stiffness

Muscle stiffness estimates were calculated via the method introduced by Bergmark (1989)

𝑞𝐹 (3)

𝑘 = muscle stiffness
𝐹 = muscle force
𝐿 = total muscle length from origin to insertion
𝑞 = muscle stiffness coefficient relating muscle force and length

Reference Voluntary Contraction (RVC)

A reference voluntary contraction (RVC) was collected for the lumbar spine, and each
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hip, in order to account for discrepancies in model prediction of the joint moment. The procedure

used in this work minimizes the total sum of squared differences between the joint moment

calculated using the linked-segment model (MLSM) and that of the anatomically detailed EMG-

driven model (MEMG) (Figure 2 of manuscript) using a least squares difference approach

(Equation 4). Specifically, a common gain factor (G) was calculated for each joint of interest of

a given participant, to be applied to estimates of muscle force and stiffness. In this way the
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

model was adjusted to fit each participant in order to account for between-participant differences

in factors that influence the EMG-to-force transformations, such as muscle morphology.5

𝑓=1 (𝑀𝐿𝑆𝑀 − 𝐺 · 𝑀𝐸𝑀𝐺 )2 = 𝑚𝑖𝑛 (4)
ACL Injury Mechanisms and the Kinetic Chain Linkage Cannon et al 2019


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J Orthop Sports Phys Ther

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