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1. Which communication style do you usually manifest?

Among the four communication styles, I believe that the Systematic

Communication Style fits me the most. According to the matrix made by Dr.
Eileen M. Russo, this particular category imposes a low level of both
assertiveness and expressiveness. I know for a fact that I am often timid and
emotionless. Ever since I was a child, I am not really into dramas or anything
that show strong feelings and emotions. I also remember that the last time I
cried was in my 3rd Grade in elementary.
Moreover, I can describe myself as passive and often lack initiative.
However, I am a great follower as long as it is within my capabilities. As part
of being systematic, I highly value facts and details over personal opinions. I
do consider emotions as a hindrance in decision-making. For me, there is this
tendency for someone to be subjective if they will follow their heart instead
of the mind.
Second, to this communication style, I deem to be spirited at times.
Contradicting right? Well, there are instances where my mind can see the
bigger picture of a plan. Therefore, I tend to generate a lot of ideas that I
think will help the group.
Finally, whatever communication style I manifest, it always depends on my
mood and situation. But I still keep in mind my purpose and motive.
2. Which style do you think is preferred by most people?
In my opinion, people's most preferred communication style is the one with
low assertiveness but high expressiveness. And that is no other than the
Considerate Communication Style. Why? Because many people want the
type of interaction with the most care and concern. Receiving this can
sometimes make them special or important in one way or another.
People with this kind of communication style possess the most concern when
relating with other people. They know how to please or make someone
comfortable with their words. Also, they tend to help others as much as they
Without a doubt, this type of style will be favored by many individuals. In this
world of everyday chaos, everyone will look for someone kind enough to
understand their feelings. Lastly, this style is also the one that I want to
achieve right now.

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