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Journal of English as a Foreign Language Education Vol. 2, No.

2 2021
(JEFLE) E-ISSN 2775-3883


SMP Negeri 17 Pontianak

This research aims to know the process of the project-based learning (PjBL)
model in increasing students’ creativity in making English greeting cards
and) to understand the changes in students' behavior/attitudes after learning
through the PjBL model. The research method used is action research, and
the research participants were 11 students of class VIIIF SMP Negeri 17
Pontianak. The data were collected using observation sheets and tests. The
obtained data are analyzed using a normality test (Kolmogorov Smirnov),
homogeneity test (Levene test), and one sample T-Test. The results indicate
several points. First, the process of increasing creativity using the PjBL
model in making English greeting cards includes six steps; (a) Determining
basic questions, (b) Designing project plans, (c) Preparing schedules, (d)
Monitoring students and the project progress, (e) Testing results, (f)
Evaluating students’ experiences. Second, the calculation results show that
0.200 is greater than the significance value of 0.05, which means that the
data is normally distributed with the significance value is 0.209, which is
greater than the 0.05 significance. This value shows that the variance of
each sample is homogeneous with a significant value of 0.030, which is
smaller than 0.05. Third, there were changes in the students’ behavior in
which students who were originally quite active became active. The average
assessment of the Pancasila student profile on the creative dimensions
integrated into the project of creating greeting cards on the content/text
aspect is 3.27, and design is 3.09, the picture is 2.91, and goals is 2.82.

Keywords: PjBL, Greeting, Canva application.

The ability to write a greeting card writing is an essential skill nowadays.
Students need to use both verbal and non-verbal communication to communicate.
Writing activities can provide a relatively permanent record of delivering
information, expressing opinions, beliefs, feelings, arguments, explanations, and
theories. Greeting card writing skills greatly determine student achievement in
learning English which can be measured from productive abilities and as an
indicator that can be used to measure students' English skills.
Writing greeting cards for class VIII students of SMP Negeri 17 Pontianak
is still low. Students learn English as a foreign language, and many difficulties
can be identified in the learning and teaching process, especially writing English
greeting cards. Lack of student motivation and lack of vocabulary mastery makes
it challenging to compose good and correct sentences and use grammar. Students
often feel bored when learning to write greeting cards. Students are passive in

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Journal of English as a Foreign Language Education Vol. 2, No. 2 2021
(JEFLE) E-ISSN 2775-3883

writing greeting cards and do not have ideas to write. One factor is that the
learning model presented is unattractive and seems monotonous.
The researcher provided a solution by using project-based learning in
teaching and learning activities in the classroom to solve the problem. PjBL is a
learning model that actively builds student understanding by using materials and
projects. Learners can apply creative thinking skills to make something new by
designing new products. Referring to the objectives of the 2013 curriculum,
teachers need to involve students in doing actions, and that PjBL is a suitable
method to teach English. This curriculum emphasizes preparing Indonesian
people to have the ability to live as individuals and citizens who are faithful,
productive, creative, innovative, and practical, and able to contribute to the life of
society, nation, state, and world civilization (Permendikbud, 2013). Based on the
situation above, this research was aimed at increasing students’ creativity,
especially card writing skills, by applying project-based learning. The resulting
project is a greeting card using the Canva application.
Writing greeting cards requires writing and creative skills. This activity
becomes a fun activity for students in designing cards to look beautiful, and the
results are fascinating. This can foster learning motivation for students. However,
there are still many students who think that this activity is just completing
assignments to be submitted to the teacher for assessment.
In addition to implementing PjBL, the researcher chose Canva as a
medium for students to make digital greeting cards. Canva has a comprehensive
but straightforward interface. Students can study the samples of greeting cards
available in Canva. Students can enrich their knowledge in the form of
vocabulary, terms, or expressions related to greeting cards. Learners drag and
drop (drag and drop), which has provided various templates and fonts that are
ready to use. The templates can make students' writing results better, and the level
of interest in completing projects increases.
Canva provides advantages such as the results of student greeting cards
can be downloaded directly in various formats, namely JPG, PNG, and PDF, or
saved directly on the Canva web and can be shared instantly through social media.
One of the advantages of Canva is that students can submit their assignments
directly to the teacher. Visual media, according to Smaldino et al. (2014), Canva
provides many advantages such as making abstract ideas become real, motivating,
giving direct attention, repeating information, recalling previous knowledge, and
simplifying the learning process.
The urgency of this research is to provide direct experience to the students
to make greeting cards using the Canva application. Students can express ideas for
writing greeting cards based on the selected Canva templates. Many excellent and
attractive templates are available in Canva. Students can download greeting cards
created in PNG, JPG, or PDF format or save the greeting cards inside Canva's
Applying the PjBL model can give a profound impression and increase
students' motivation to learn English. PjBL offers a series of activities that
motivate, challenge, encourage students to be enthusiastic, critical, and creative
towards the teaching and learning process (Larasati, 2015). The application of
PjBL in teaching greeting cards makes it easier for students to express their

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Journal of English as a Foreign Language Education Vol. 2, No. 2 2021
(JEFLE) E-ISSN 2775-3883

expressions and feelings in the form of greeting cards. Project-based learning

effectively builds ideas when writing (Putri, 2018).
The idea proposed is that with project-based learning, students are
expected to get hands-on experience creating greeting cards with Canva. In
addition to greeting cards, students can develop other projects on Canva
applications such as videos, presentations, posters, Instagram, logos, flyers,
resumes, infographics, invitations, brochures, and certificates. Students can
practice and develop skills according to what Canva offers so that skills improve.
The formulation of the problem in this study is as follows. (1) How does
the PjBL model increase students’ creativity in making English greeting cards?
(2) What is the students' change in behavior/attitude after learning using the PjBL
model? The research objectives are as follows. (1) To know how the PjBL model
process increases students’ creativity in creating English greeting cards. (2) To
know the changes in students’ behavior/attitudes after learning through the PjBL

The PjBL model is applied in the teaching and learning process in
classroom action research. The research also applies One-Group Pretest-Posttest
Design. The data used are the pretest and posttest results on greeting card
materials through PjBL. One-Group Pretest-Posttest design can be described as
Table 1. Research Method
Pretest Treatment Posttest
O1 x O2
(Sugiyono, 2016) (5)
Subjek penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas VIIIF SMP Negeri 17
Pontianak semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2021/2022 yang berjumlah 11 orang.
Prosedur penelitian meliputi perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi.
Berikut prosedur penelitian secara rinci.


▪ Planning lessons that will be applied in PBM.

▪ Determining the subject matter.
▪ Developing learning scenarios.
▪ Preparing lesson plans

(Implementing actions based on the scenarios and lesson plans)

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Journal of English as a Foreign Language Education Vol. 2, No. 2 2021
(JEFLE) E-ISSN 2775-3883


Making Assessing the

observations using results of actions
the observation using the lesson
format. plan format.

▪ Evaluating the activities that have been carried out, especially
reflecting on the implementation of the scenario, student
activities, and their responses.
Figure 1. Research Procedure
▪ Fixing things needed for the next meeting.
The data for this study was collected through field notes, observation
sheets accompanied by rubrics, and tests. Data analysis covers normality test
(Kolmogorov Smirnov), homogeneity test (Levene test), and one sample T-Test.


There are several types of data in this study. The first one is the prerequisite data,
which is used to analyze normality and homogeneity. The following data is for the
one-sample T-test, and the other type of data is gathered from observations to
know the creativity of students. The calculation of quantitative data uses SPSS
20.0 for Windows.
Data normality test
The normality test of the data was done through the Kolmogorov Smirnov
test (K-S). The criteria for testing the data come from a population that is
normally distributed if the significance value of the calculation results p of the
significance value = 0.05. The data is not normally distributed if the significance
value of the calculation result is p < from the significance value = 0.05. The
calculation results obtained a summary of the statistical values of K-S and p for
each group studied is presented in table 2 below.
Tabel 2. Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Suwanto / JEFLE Vol.2 No.2 (2021) 26-37 29

Journal of English as a Foreign Language Education Vol. 2, No. 2 2021
(JEFLE) E-ISSN 2775-3883

Pretest .171 11 .200* .940 11 .519

Postest .160 11 .200* .945 11 .579
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
The significance value of the calculated p for each pretest and posttest data is
greater than the significance value of 0.05 (α 0.05). Then, it can be concluded that
the data is normal.
Homogeneity test
This homogeneity test uses the F test or Levene test with the help of SPSS
version 20.0. The variance is said to be homogeneous if the sig value. > 0.05. The
results of the calculation of Levene's Test and p values for each group studied are
presented in table 3 below.
Table 3. Test of Homogeneity of Variance
Levene df1 df2 Sig.
Based on Mean 1.688 1 20 .209
Based on Median 1.667 1 20 .211
Based on Median and
us 1.667 1 19.982 .211
with adjusted df
Based on trimmed mean 1.738 1 20 .202

Based on the table of significance values obtained > α, the variance of each
sample is the same (homogeneous).
One-Sample T-Test
The result of one sample T-Test can be seen in the table 4.
Table 4. One-Sample Test
Test Value = 50
t df Sig. (2- Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the
tailed) Difference Difference
Lower Upper
Preposttest 2.328 21 .030 8.864 .95 16.78

Based on the results of data analysis using the one-sample T-Test, it can be
concluded that there are differences in initial and final abilities after students take
part in learning with the PjBL model which is shown with sig. (0,030) < α = 0,05.
Tabel 5. Descriptive Statistics
N Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Variance
Pretes 11 55 20 75 50.45 18.228 332.273
Postes 11 45 40 85 67.27 13.484 181.818
Valid N (listwise) 11

This is also supported by students who participated in learning with the PjBL
model, which has an average posttest score of 67.27 and when compared to the
average pretest score of students before participating in learning with the PjBL
model, it is 50.45.
Students participations
Students’ participation in the PjBL process can be seen in Table 6 below.

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Journal of English as a Foreign Language Education Vol. 2, No. 2 2021
(JEFLE) E-ISSN 2775-3883

Tabel 6. Students’ participation before the action

Insufficient Sufficient Active Very active
Number of Students 5 3 3 -
Score 5 6 9 -
Average 5
Percentage 45%
The average score = total score/4 = 20/4 = 5 and the percentage = total
score/(number of students x 4)= 20/(11x4)=45%. Based on table 6, students’
participation before the action was 45%.
Table 7. Students’ participation after the action
Insufficient Sufficient Active Very active
Number of Students 1 2 7 1
Score 1 4 21 4
Average 7,5
Percentage 68,18%
Mean = total score/4 = 30/4 = 7.5 and percentage = total score/(number of
students x 4)= 30/(11x4)=68.18%. Based on table 7, the activeness of students
after the action was 68.18%. This has increased by 23.18%. The percentage
achieved has not yet reached 100% because the first time students use the Canva
application to make greeting cards, especially when logging in, are confused
about how to click on the desired template and are not used to holding the mouse.
Creativity dimensions based on Pancasila Values
The following is the average score of creative dimensions based on
Pancasila values on project results in the form of greeting cards, which can be
seen in figure 2.

Figure 2. Pancasila Student Profile Assessment Chart

There are four aspects of the Pancasila student profile assessment.
The first aspect is the content/text, short, concise, and clear, with an average of
3.27. The content/text written by students already contains sentences such as
happy birthday for birthday greetings. The second aspect is the design which

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Journal of English as a Foreign Language Education Vol. 2, No. 2 2021
(JEFLE) E-ISSN 2775-3883

includes colors, elements, and messages obtained an average of 3.09. Most of the
designs made by students are good. Students have chosen the appropriate
template. For example, a greeting card pops up with a balloon. The third aspect is
the image which includes interesting, meaningful, and original images. The
average is 2.91. Students type in the template using their own words, but some
students need help/concern from the teacher in choosing the right words. The
aspects of the four objectives include the objectives conveyed easy, sufficient,
challenging to obtain an average of 2.82. Aspects of goals experienced a decrease
from aspects of content, design, and images caused by the written goals that were
not written correctly. Many unimportant words were written on greeting cards.
The enhanced Pancasila student profile is the creative dimension of the
elements of producing original words and actions.

Figure 3. Creative Dimensions

The product of the project, which is in the form of greeting cards, encourages
students’ interest in something, their feelings, and their emotions. Greeting cards
encourage students' interest in creating products based on their wishes and needs,
such as using expressions of a happy birthday, thank you, congratulations on
achievements, condolences/condolences, congratulations on getting a new baby,
and wishing others a speedy recovery. Students need to practice writing these
greeting cards. The emotions of the students looked happy and happy to be seen
from the radiant faces after completing and downloading the greeting cards.
Students get hands-on experience making greeting cards. The impact on the
surrounding environment is that students' efforts to create and say happy birthday
to colleagues are positive things that need development.
In using the Canva application, students look very enthusiastic and
interested. This can be seen in the cheerful faces, lots of questions as the students
did not know how to use and choose the desired Canva template and how to
download the templates. The deficiencies that occurred during the implementation
of PjBL were that the teacher was lack of control over each learning activity. The
teacher could not be sure whether the students had understood the material well or
not. Unpredictable timing was another challenge, especially when students asked
questions and the teacher explained. This took time to help and resolve the
students' problems. However, in general, it can be concluded that PjBL can
improve students' writing skills, especially making greeting cards. JPL provides

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Journal of English as a Foreign Language Education Vol. 2, No. 2 2021
(JEFLE) E-ISSN 2775-3883

opportunities for students to understand the material well, plan the material and
prepare the project to be worked on. The Canva application helps students enrich
their understanding of the materials. The PjBL process includes six steps which
can be described in table 8.
Table 8. Prosess of PjBL
PjBL Teachers’ activities Students’ activities
1. Determining The teacher conveys the topic of Students listen to the
Basic questions learning, which is greeting cards. teacher's explanation.
2. Designing a The teacher explains the procedure Students pay attention to
Project Plan for making greeting cards with the explanations using the
Canva application. Canva application.
3. Arranging The teacher makes a deal to make Students agree on a time of
Schedule greeting cards in 40 minutes. 40 minutes.
4. Monitoring The teacher goes around monitoring Some students ask Canva
Student the making of greeting cards. application.
participation and
Progress of the
5. Testing Results The teacher monitors the results of Students present the results
making greeting cards. of greeting cards.
6. Evaluating The teacher and the students reflect Students enjoy learning
student learning on the learning. with the Canva application.
Based on the results of the data that has been obtained through tests and
observations, it shows that the implementation of PjBL has proven to be
successful in improving students' greeting card writing skills. The pretest results
were not good, but the posttest had increased. During the teaching and learning
process, students looked more active. This shows that PjBL focuses on students to
become engaged students. Students are allowed to find solutions in designing
projects using their skills and knowledge (Solomon, 2003).
The students’ participation is seen when students started working on
making greeting cards with the Canva application. Project-based learning
illustrates significant benefits for students who work collaboratively in learning
activities compared to students who work alone (Bell, 2010). Students can
produce the final product, and students feel a real achievement because they have
something that can be shown to indicate the progress that has been achieved
(Philips, 1999).
Students look very enthusiastic about participating in learning. Students
can participate in class by using the PJBL model very well. All observations prove
that the way the teacher guides and assists students is done very well, making the
interests and attitudes of students towards the steps of this learning method
excellent (Shanti, Syahrial & Koto, 2016) (9). Another finding is that the
application of PjBL can improve the value and skills of writing greeting cards.
Students managed to make a considerable improvement. The results of making
greeting cards can be seen in table 9.

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Journal of English as a Foreign Language Education Vol. 2, No. 2 2021
(JEFLE) E-ISSN 2775-3883

Table 9. The result of the project

The result of the
NO Name Planning Action project
Title/Theme Preparation Process Project Presentation
1 PD_1 3 3 3 2
2 PD_2 3 2 3 3
3 PD _3 2 2 2 2
4 PD _4 2 3 2 2
5 PD _5 3 2 2 3
6 PD _6 3 3 2 2
7 PD _7 3 3 3 2
8 PD _8 2 2 2 2
9 PD _9 2 2 2 2
10 PD _10 2 3 2 2
11 PD _11 3 2 2 2
Total 28 27 25 24
Mean 2,55 2,45 2,27 2,18

Based on table 9 above, the average project results can be illustrated by the graph
as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Graph of Average Project Results

The students did the pretest through the google form with the link: and the posttest with the link: The results of student completion can be
seen in Figure 4.

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Journal of English as a Foreign Language Education Vol. 2, No. 2 2021
(JEFLE) E-ISSN 2775-3883

Figure 5. The completion of students’ work

Based on Figure 4, it can be concluded that at the pretest, three students had
completed and eight students had not completed, and during the posttest, six
students were completed, and five students were incomplete.
Based on the results of data analysis using the one-sample T-Test, it was
concluded that there were differences in the initial and final abilities after students
took part in learning with the PjBL model at a significance of (0.030) < = 0.05.
The data from the analysis of the one-sample T-Test proves that the PjBL method
in writing greeting cards can improve students' writing skills.
The results of this study are similar to previous studies. Learning to write
by making greeting cards has proven successful, and the PjBL model can increase
the average value of students' knowledge in writing greeting cards (Wibowo &
Aji, 2017) (10). Research conducted on students of class VIIA at SMP Khadijah 2
Surabaya showed that most of the scores of students' work were above the
minimum standard. Most of the students have succeeded in achieving the
objectives of the learning process (Setyorini, 2018). There is an increase in
students' writing skills before and after implementing the research. The value
obtained is tangible evidence that shows that students' writing skills have
significantly improved. Materials and teaching aids that equip students with
various activities, assignments, and exercises are also supporting factors that help
students better understand the meaning and construction of language (Nurcahya &
Sugesti, 2020). The use of Canva in PjBL can improve students' writing skills and
motivation. The average value for the level of motivation of students in
preliminary research, cycles I and II, was 59.9, 74.1, and 84.9. The average weight
of students' writing in preliminary research, cycles I and II, was 56.7, 69.3 and
79.6, (Sriwanjaya, 2021).
Learners have different backgrounds, especially learning styles. Some of
them are visual, and some others are audiovisual and kinesthetic. Learning
provides opportunities for students to explore content using various ways that are
meaningful to themselves and to learn collaboratively. Learning is an in-depth
investigation of a real-world topic. This will be valuable for the attention and
effort of students (Gultom, 2014).
The PjBL model is a learning model that can apply existing knowledge
and train various thinking skills, attitudes, and concrete skills. Complex problems
require learning through investigation, collaboration, and experimentation in a
project and integrating different subjects (materials) in learning (Muhammad,
2017). The application of PjBL can improve the writing class in a better

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Journal of English as a Foreign Language Education Vol. 2, No. 2 2021
(JEFLE) E-ISSN 2775-3883

atmosphere so that the classroom atmosphere becomes more lively with a variety
of exciting activities (Sholihah, 2017). Furthermore, project-based writing
instructions encourage students' perspectives when facing problems, and this
shows learning to write project-based not only to improve writing skills
theoretically (Hasani, Hendrayana & Senjaya, 2017).


Based on the result of the data analysis, several points can be concluded.
First, the process to increase creativity using the PjBL model in making English
greeting cards includes six steps; (a) determining basic questions (the teacher
delivers greeting cards with the help of PowerPoint slides), (b) designing project
plans (students design projects using the Canva application), (c) compiling a
schedule (schedule of making greeting cards within 40 minutes), (d) monitoring of
students and project progress (teachers go around monitoring students in making
greeting cards), (e) testing results (students present greeting cards in turn), (f)
evaluation of experience (students get direct experience of making cards with the
Canva application).
Second, the prerequisite data analysis results of the normality test,
homogeneity test, and one-sample T-test obtained the following results. The
results of the calculation of p (0.200) for each pretest and posttest data are greater
than the significance value of 0.05 (α 0.05) the data is normally distributed, the
significance value of p (0.209) is obtained >, the variance of each sample is the
same (homogeneous) ), there are differences in initial and final abilities after
students take part in learning with the PjBL model at sig. (0.030) < = 0.05. Third,
changes in the behavior/attitudes of students who were originally quite active
(45%) after learning with the PjBL model became active (68.18%). The average
assessment of the Pancasila Student Profile for the creative dimension integrated
into the project of making greeting cards in the content/text aspect is 3.27, the
design aspect is 3.09, the image aspect is 2.91, and the objective aspect is 2.82.


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Suwanto / JEFLE Vol.2 No.2 (2021) 26-37 37

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