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A Senior Systems Project

Presented to the Faculty of the

College of Computer Studies

Carlos Hilado Memorial State University

Alijis Campus, Bacolod City

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


Amarila Jr., Oscar A.

Santillan, Carlo John D.

Valderrama, Joshua M.
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus

To be a leading GREEN institution of higher learning in the global community by 2030

(Good governance, Research-oriented, Extension-driven, Education for Sustainable Development & Nation-building)

College of Computer Studies (63-34) 434-8148

January 2023


This System Project entitled


Prepared and submitted by Norlyn Rose S. Bermejo, Cristian

L. Dañoso, and Ricky D. Delos Santos in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in
Information Technology who are hereby recommended for Oral

Engr. Ronn Elly G. Pedregosa, PhD-EdM


Approved and accepted by the Committee on Oral Examination

with a rating of PASSED on April 5, 2022.

Wayne Custer G. Alegata, PhD-DvM


Mark Jarus T. Talanquines, MIT Jean Michael E. Castor, MIT

Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

Marites D. Manganti, PhD–EdM Engr. Joe Marie D. Dormido, DIT

System Project Professor Dean, CCS


The accomplishment of this endeavor would not have been

possible without the guidance and support of the following:
The Almighty God Who gave the proponents the knowledge
and wisdom in developing the project and Who guided them to
overcome all the hardships that came their way in the
performance of challenging tasks;
Their Parents who continuously provided them with
financial, moral, and spiritual support, trust and
Their thesis adviser, Engr. Ronn Elly Pedregosa, who
imparted his knowledge and patience in checking the paper
and gave the proponents hope and encouragement all
throughout the project study;
Their thesis instructor and Chairperson of the
Department of Information Technology, Mrs. Marites Manganti,
who patiently supervised the development of the project and
for the keen interest at every stage of our capstone, the
prompt inspirations, unconditional catering to their
queries, the encouragement and moral support;
Their fellow Proponents, classmates and friends who
supported them in good times and bad times.
The Proponents


Managing and monitoring the attendance, such as recognizing

the faces of the attendees.
As we adapt to technological changes, we should now do so vi
rtually. Thus, the Facial Recognition Application was
designed and developed to help those companies who hold
training, seminars, and workshops for attendance monitoring
and management to meet their equivalent requirements for the
We added features that are unique to be more distinctive to
others, as it guarantees a good user-friendly environment as
we optimize performance to process the management of
monitoring the attendance of the attendees in every company
that the program will be used in.
As the program can manage and monitor as well as hold the
information of the attendees, we value the security of that
data that has been added to the system. We ensure that the
data is not going to leak and be monopolized by others.
We strongly believe that our system is significant to
today's technology, specifically to organizations that
conduct seminars, training, and workshops, for work for the
coordinators of the seminars' efficiency and user
information accuracy.

Keywords: Facial Recognition, Attendance Management System,

Monitoring, Training, Seminars, Workshops, Efficiency


TITLE PAGE............................................. i
APPROVAL SHEET......................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT........................................ iii
ABSTRACT............................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................... v
LIST OF TABLES......................................... vii
LIST OF FIGURES........................................viii
Objectives of the Study........................... 3
Significance of the Study......................... 4
Scope and Limitation.............................. 6
Definition of Terms............................... 7
Foreign Literature................................ 12
Local Literature.................................. 14
Foreign Studies................................... 17
Local Studies..................................... 19
Synthesis......................................... 22
System Development Life Cycle..................... 25
Operational Framework.............................30
Context Data Flow Diagram.........................32
Data Flow Diagram (Level 1).......................33
Entity Relationship Diagram.......................34
Use Case Diagram..................................35
Data Dictionary...................................37
Hardware Requirements.............................50
Software Requirements.............................51
Time Table (Gantt Chart) .........................51
System Usability and Reliability..................53
Results and Discussion............................55
Summary of Findings................................82
REFERENCES............................................. 87
Appendix A – Transmittal Letter................... 91
Appendix B – Survey Form.......................... 99
Appendix C – User’s Manual ….................... 104
Appendix D – Grammarian Certificate...............126
Appendix E – Curriculum Vitae.....................127


Table Page
1.Users............................................ 38
2.Designation...................................... 39
3.User Designation................................. 39
4.Department....................................... 39
5.User Department.................................. 40
6.Announcements.................................... 40
7.Task List........................................ 41
8.Tasks list files................................. 41
9.Task Assign...................................... 42
10.Task Notifications.............................. 42
11.Task notification users......................... 43
12.Task Submission................................. 43
13.Task files...................................... 44
14.Task Submission Notification.................... 44
15.Task feedback................................... 45
16.Task activity logs.............................. 45
17.QOM Month....................................... 46
18.QOM year........................................ 46
19.QOM submission.................................. 46
20.QOM submission notification..................... 47
21.QOAP submission................................. 47
22.QOAP Support Document........................... 48

( Add more tables here, you can use a table to align the


Figure Page
1. Iterative Model................................26
2. Operational Framework..........................32
3. Context Data Flow Diagram......................33
4. Data Flow Diagram (Level 1)....................34
5. Entity Relationship Diagram....................35

( Add more figures here, you can use a table to align the

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Creating and developing a computational prototype of

face identification is quite challenging because faces are

complicated, multidimensional, and meaningful graphical

stimuli (Lawrance, 2001). Faces are also a natural class of

object with distinct characteristics from sine-wave vents.

Face recognition is a reasonably high task for which

computational methodologies are needed, unlike other early

visual tasks for which we can generate comprehensive

instances of retinal activity. At the moment, face

recognition systems can imply wide restrictions on brain

function. Furthermore, machine learning is a high-tech task

that can be performed on any high-performance computer. As a

result, face recognition systems are thought seen as a

machine learning tool for identifying and learning about

people's particular faces belong to who.

The present facial recognition trend has shown a

solution to the global pandemic threat of the Coronavirus.

Many countries, notably China, have deployed facial

recognition technologies to identify COVID-19-infected

people. The facial recognition software has the capability

of detecting the body temperature of people on the street

and determining whether or not they are infected with the

virus based on their facial expression and body temperature.

In conclusion, face recognition has a variety of uses

around the world. The program is designed to recognize faces

and determine who is standing in front of the face

recognition device. There are also recent trends in the use

of facial recognition, such as the detection of people's

temperature in China. Furthermore, the authors of this study

present an online application for detecting and identifying

faces in a systematic way without the necessity for entire

three-dimensional sides of any faces.

Objectives of the study

This system allows the users to mark their attendance

and displays their school/employee information just by

facing the camera. This system is trained by: First taking a

photo of a person and then encoding the person’s ID, and

after training the system if the system recognizes the face,

then Id and Name of person are shown on Image.

The main goal of this study is develop and design the

system that will manage and monitor the attendance of the

attendees in training, seminars, and workshops. A Facial

Recognition app can do such things as:

1. Creating a database for a company/school/Institution

where all of their students/employees are registered.

2. A system that constantly learns by storing additional

data in the database.

3. Allows the system to sort the attendance by date and


4. To make attendance easier to track

5. Administrator are able to add or edit out information

in the database.

Significance of the Study

- This Study Benefits these users

Company administrators - This is advantageous to

company administrators such as facilitators and the HR

Department because it reduces the cost and time of their


School administrators -This is a program beneficial for

a workshop leader is defined as someone who plans and leads 

a seminar, tutorial, or workshop. This will make him/her

more efficient since it's going to be easy for him/her to

track the attendance of each student that will attend those


Students -This can be beneficial for the students if

they have clubs that have many members or to give

registration for them to apply to a club, since it's going

to be easy to manage those data by the admins of the club.

Researchers - This study will benefit the researchers

in comparing the methodologies for their research and system

and determining where they can develop new unique features

for the system.

Future Researchers - This will be beneficial to the

future IT students who will create a facial recognition

system, since they can base it on this study.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This section explains the nature, coverage, and time

frame of the study. It presents in brief the subject area of

investigation, the place, the time period, or school year

covered. It discusses the variables included in the study

and the exclusion of other variables which are expected to

be included. It indicates the extent of capability of

results arising from the sampling population. Software

systems includes the operational scope and the mechanics of

the system.

Definition of Terms

Facial-recognition - is a way of identifying or

confirming an individual’s identity using their face.It also
refers to the technology that makes it possible for a
computer to recognize a digital image of someone's face.
(, 2022) - In this study, this term
refers to the technology and the main function of the
application this is being developed.

Attendance - the persons or number of persons attending

something, also refers to the number of times a person
attends. (Merriam Webster Dictionary, 2022) - In this study,
this refers to the number of times a student/user has
participated or attended in a class/seminar/training.

Facial-recognition - is a way of identifying or confirming

an individual’s identity using their face.It also refers to
the technology that makes it possible for a computer to
recognize a digital image of someone's face.
(, 2022) - In this study, this term
refers to the technology and the main function of the
application this is being developed.

Institution - a facility or establishment in which people

(such as the sick or needy) live and receive care typically
in a confined setting and often without individual consent,
it also means an established organization or corporation
especially of a public character. (Merriam Webster
Dictionary, 2022) - In this study, this term refers to the
target audience or target users of the application that is
being developed.

Monopolized/Monopolize - "from the root Monopoly" is an

exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of
supply, or concerted action, also refers; to assume complete
possession or control of.(Merriam Webster Dictionary, 2022)
- In this study, it is used to described a scenario where an
information is leaked and is stolen by other people.

Prototype - a first full-scale and usually functional form
of a new type or design of a construction.(Merriam Webster
Dictionary, 2022) - This term is used in the study
explaining that the system is the first form of complicated
set of functions. Stimuli - an agent (such as an
environmental change) that directly influences the activity
of a living organism or one of its parts. (Merriam Webster
Dictionary, 2022) - In this study. this term is used to
describe the challenges in developing a facial recognition
based program.

Sine-wave - a waveform that represents periodic oscillations

in which the amplitude of displacement at each point is
proportional to the sine of the phase angle of the
displacement and that is visualized as a sine curve.
(Merriam Webster Dictionary, 2022) - In this study. this
term is used to describe that the face is also a natural
class of object that can be used by a computer to identify a

Chapter 2


Foreign Literatures

Facial recognition technology in schools: critical

questions and concerns

Based on the study of Andrejevic, M., & Selwyn, N.

(2020). Facial recognition technology is now being

introduced across various aspects of public life. This

includes the burgeoning integration of facial recognition

and facial detection into compulsory schooling to address

issues such as campus security, automated registration and

student emotion detection. So far, these technologies have

largely been seen as routine additions to school systems

with already extensive cultures of monitoring and

surveillance. While critical commentators are beginning to

question the pedagogical limitations of facially driven

learning, other this article contends that school-based

facial recognition presents a number of other social

challenges and concerns that merit specific attention. This

includes the likelihood of facial recognition technology

altering the nature of schools and schooling along divisive,

authoritarian and oppressive lines.

Face Detection and Recognition Using OpenCV

According to the research of Khan, M., Chakraborty, S.,

Astya, R., & Khepra, S. (2019, October). Face detection and

picture or video recognition is a popular subject of

research on biometrics. Face recognition in a real-time

setting has an exciting area and a rapidly growing

challenge. Framework for the use of face recognition

application authentication. This proposes the PCA (Principal

Component Analysis) facial recognition system. The key

component analysis (PCA) is a statistical method under the

broad heading of factor analysis. The aim of the PCA is to

reduce the large amount of data storage to the size of the

feature space that is required to represent the data

economically. The wide 1-D pixel vector made of the 2-D face

picture in compact main elements of the space function is

designed for facial recognition by the PCA. This is called a

projection of self-space. The proper space is determined

with the identification of the covariance matrix's own

vectors, which are centered on a collection of fingerprint


A Comprehensive Review on Face Recognition Methods
and Factors Affecting Facial Recognition Accuracy

And based on the study of Anwarul, S., & Dahiya, S.

(2020), the need for biometric security framework is

elevated for giving safety and security against frauds,

theft, and so on. Face recognition has gained a significant

position among all biometric-based systems. It can be used

for authentication and surveillance to prove the identity of

a person and detect individuals, respectively. In this

paper, a point-by-point outline of some imperative existing

strategies which are accustomed to managing the issues of

face recognition has been introduced along with their face

recognition accuracy and the factors responsible to degrade

the performance of the study. In the first section of this

paper, different factors that degrade the facial recognition

accuracy have been investigated like aging, pose variation,

partial occlusion, illumination, facial expressions, and so


Local Literatures

Deep hypersphere embedding for real-time face


According to the research of Alimuin, R., Dadios, E.,

Dayao, J., & Arenas, S. (2020), with the advancement of

human-computer interaction capabilities of robots, computer

vision surveillance systems involving security yields a

large impact in the research industry by helping in

digitalization of certain security processes. Recognizing a

face in the computer vision involves identification and

classification of which faces belongs to the same person by

means of comparing face embedding vectors. In an

organization that has a large and diverse labelled dataset

on a large number of epoch, oftentimes, creates a training

difficulties involving incompatibility in different versions

of face embedding that leads to poor face recognition

accuracy. In this paper, we will design and implement

robotic vision security surveillance system incorporating

hybrid combination of MTCNN for face detection, and FaceNet

as the unified embedding for face recognition and


A Review on Facial Recognition for Online Learning

As the study of Valera, J., Valera, J., & Gelogo, Y.

(2015, November) states, nowadays, there is a vast

proliferation of online learning which provides innovative

methods for educating people and other online users. Online

learning provides a diversity of effective and efficient

benefits compared to traditional education. In addition,

facial biometrics contributes competitive authentication

methods and advances while ensuring reliability and

effectiveness to e-learning systems. To make sure that the

user is authentic, the facial biometrics is recommended.

This will provide the effective authentication method for

learners and reduce probability of cheating and other user

authentication anomalies.

Understanding the Acceptance of a Face Recognition-

Based Identity Verification System: An Input to its
Design and Development in the Philippines

Based on the study of Virata, A. J. A., & Festijo, E.

D. (2019, February). Face recognition as a way to verify the

identity of a person is a distinctive and inherently

reliable identification method. This technique has been

applied in various fields and has been increasingly a focus

of research. In the Philippines, the adaption of this

technology to advocate safe community is still in its

infancy period. Understanding the needs and acceptance of

individual to adopt such technology would be very vital as

an input for the design and development of such system.

Hence, this paper presents an explorative study on user's

point of view with regards to their intention to accept and

adopt a face recognition-based identity verification system

embedded on a mobile device as a tool that aids in achieving

safer community.

Foreign Studies

Facial Recognition System for Suspect

Identification Using a Surveillance Camera

According to the research of Kumar, V. D., Kumar, V.

D., Malathi, S., Vengatesan, K., & Ramakrishnan, M. (2018).

Nowadays, finding and Tracking a person in the world of

technology is becoming a necessary task for various security

purposes. Since the advent of technology, the development in

the field of Facial Recognition plays an important role and

has been exponentially increasing in today’s world. In this,

a model is proposed for facial recognition to identify and

alert the system when a person in search has been found at a

specific location under the surveillance of a CCTV camera.

The CCTV cameras are connected to a centralized server to

which the live streaming feed is uploaded by cameras at each

location. The server contains a database of all persons to

be found. Based on the video feed from each camera, if a

particular person in search is found in a certain feed, then

the location of that person will be tracked and also a

signal is passed to the system responsible. This model is

based on image processing concepts to match live images with

the existing trained images of the person in search.

Face Recognition Method for Online Exams

Based on the study of Sukmandhani, A. A., & Sutedja, I.

(2019, August). In the development of this technology,

biometric systems are highly developed for use in various

applications. Biometric systems are usually used to identify

and analyze the characteristics of the human body such as

fingerprints, retina, sound patterns, facial patterns and

other body structures that can be used for system

authentication. As well as facial recognition technology

more and more used and developed for various applications

including security systems, attendance systems or other

things. As well as attendance system that is a recurring

transaction because it is associated with controlling the

presence of a person in activity. in the field of education,

the attendance system is very important because the presence

of students is part of a good assessment for teaching and


Face Recognition Security System

According to the study of Owayjan, M., Dergham, A.,

Haber, G., Fakih, N., Hamoush, A., & Abdo, E. (2015).

Today’s institutions are facing major security issues;

consequently, they need several specially trained personnel

to attain the desired security. These personnel, as human

beings, make mistakes that might affect the level of

security. A proposed solution to the aforementioned matter

is a Face Recognition Security System, which can detect

intruders to restricted or high-security areas, and help in

minimizing human error. This system is composed of two

parts: hardware part and software part. The hardware part

consists of a camera, while the software part consists of

face-detection and face-recognition algorithms software.

When a person enters to the zone in question, a series of

snapshots are taken by the camera and sent to the software

to be analyzed and compared with an existing database of

trusted people. An alarm goes off if the user is not


Local Studies

CCTV-Based Surveillance
System with Face Recognition Feature

According to the research of Lumaban, M. B. P., &

Battung, G. T. (2020). Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) is a

device generally used for security, and it is widely

installed and utilized in shopping malls, grocery stores,

offices, industries, housing, factories, transportation

units, and other public places. CCTV can be further

optimized to integrate facial recognition so as not only to

utilize it to document crimes but to detect criminals at

large and alert law enforcers via text message on their

presence. This research used descriptive and system

development methods and employed RAD methodology in

developing a CCTV-Based Surveillance System with a face

recognition feature. The study explored the application of

the thee face recognition algorithms, namely Local Binary

Pattern Histogram, Eigenface, and Fisherface. The LBPH

algorithm was determined to have the highest face

recognition rate, with a 95.92% accuracy rate. The developed

system adopted the LBPH algorithm. The validation process

was performed to assess compliance with ISO 25010-2015

Software Quality Requirements for the established framework.

Ilagan City 's staff and IT experts from the Philippine

National Police ( PNP) gave an overall weighted mean of 4.82

with a qualitative definition of Very High Enforcement.

Student Monitoring System Of Our Lady Of Fatima

University Using Face Recognition

Based on the research of Alolor, C. J., El Cid John

Legaspi, P. L., II, J. L. P., Reyes, A., Santiano, A.,

Apsay, M. R. B., & Camata, F. S. Face recognition is a very

challenging problem and up to date and a bunch of papers

have been published to overcome difference factors (such as

illumination, expressions, etc.) and achieve better

recognition rate, while there is still no robust technique

against uncontrolled practical cases which may involve kinds

of factors simultaneously including all situations and

different applications that face recognition may encounter.

Furthermore, the human face is not a unique, rigid object.

Indeed, there are numerous factors that cause the appearance

of the face to vary. Automatic recognition of people is a

challenging problem which has received much attention during

the recent years due to its many applications in different

fields such as law enforcement, security applications or

video indexing.

Web and mobile based facial recognition security

system using Eigenfaces algorithm
As we have studied on the research of Rodavia, M. R.

D., Bernaldez, O., & Ballita, M. (2016, December). The study

was done in accordance with the deviation from the tradition

to modernization of human identification with the purpose of

both human convenience and technology maximization. The

study aimed to proposed a facial recognition security

system, as the main access level for private establishments

in order to prevent unauthorized entry of an individual.

Facial Recognition delivers convenience, for it is a

concrete identification that an individual can have without

the need of badges and many other identification cards. It

administers efficiency on both the organization and its

people. Problems related to stolen, borrowed and lost IDs,

are eliminated; thus reducing the cost for password

administration or renewal.

Andrejevic, M., & Selwyn, N. (2020). Facial recognition technology
in schools: critical questions and concerns. Learning, Media and
Technology, 45(2), 115-128.

Khan, M., Chakraborty, S., Astya, R., & Khepra, S. (2019,

October). Face detection and recognition using OpenCV. In 2019
International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent
Systems (ICCCIS) (pp. 116-119). IEEE.

Anwarul, S., & Dahiya, S. (2020). A comprehensive review on face

recognition methods and factors affecting facial recognition
accuracy. Proceedings of ICRIC 2019, 495-514.

Alimuin, R., Dadios, E., Dayao, J., & Arenas, S. (2020). Deep
hypersphere embedding for real-time face recognition. TELKOMNIKA
(Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 18(3), 1671-1677.

Valera, J., Valera, J., & Gelogo, Y. (2015, November). A review on

facial recognition for online learning authentication. In 2015 8th
International Conference on Bio-Science and Bio-Technology (BSBT) (pp.
16-19). IEEE.

Alolor, C. J., El Cid John Legaspi, P. L., II, J. L. P., Reyes,

A., Santiano, A., Apsay, M. R. B., ... & Camata, F. S. Student
Monitoring System Of Our Lady Of Fatima University Using Face

Kumar, V. D., Kumar, V. D., Malathi, S., Vengatesan, K., &

Ramakrishnan, M. (2018). Facial recognition system for suspect
identification using a surveillance camera. Pattern Recognition and
Image Analysis, 28(3), 410-420.

Sukmandhani, A. A., & Sutedja, I. (2019, August). Face recognition

method for online exams. In 2019 International Conference on
Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech) (Vol. 1, pp. 175-179).

Owayjan, M., Dergham, A., Haber, G., Fakih, N., Hamoush, A., &
Abdo, E. (2015). Face recognition security system. In New trends in
networking, computing, E-learning, systems sciences, and
engineering (pp. 343-348). Springer, Cham.

Lumaban, M. B. P., & Battung, G. T. (2020). CCTV-Based

Surveillance System with Face Recognition Feature. International
Journal, 9(1.3).

Virata, A. J. A., & Festijo, E. D. (2019, February). Understanding

the acceptance of a face recognition-based identity verification system:
an input to its design and development in the Philippines. In 2019 IEEE
4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems
(ICCCS) (pp. 218-222). IEEE.

Rodavia, M. R. D., Bernaldez, O., & Ballita, M. (2016, December).
Web and mobile based facial recognition security system using Eigenfaces
algorithm. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Teaching,
Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE) (pp. 86-92). IEEE.


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